Next, my homebrew stuff. First, the Insanity Domain, for clerics that worship either the concept of Insanity or one of its gods. Next, an alternative kind of Phoenix, intended for lower level parties. I also have a homebrew spell called Claws of Horror, intended to be found with the artifact, Book of Vile Darkness.
Also, a Mermaid Player Race.
The results of a forgotten god's deal with a dying civilization, they have come up from the sea to take up arms against their mysterious master's ancient enemies.
Aquatic Adaptation
With skin ranging from blue-green to almost black, and webbed hands, gills, and a webbed tail, Aberixian merfolk are clearly made for the water. On land, they coil up their tails and slither, moving slowly and awkwardly, but glide gracefully and outstrip any and all humans underwater. They have no hair to speak of, but males have short beard-like tentacles on their chins that they care for with pride.
Curious and Proud
Aberixian Merfolk have a comparatively short lifespan and resolve to use their time finding out as much as they can. They ask questions readily about things that are unfamiliar to them, and once they learn something, they commit it to memory so that no one will get the impression that they are slow or ignorant. They are proud and do not take kindly to insult, which they might see in little, accidental slights. However, they forgive readily enough if they can be persuaded that no harm was meant. As creatures of the sea, they do not usually build structures for the ages, but when they do commit to building something, it will stand for centuries. Their religion is the same way, most of it constantly changing, with a few underlining tenets that have been around since the world was young.
Creatures of Legend
Until recently, the different tribes of Aberixian Merfolk were inhabiting the underwater City of Atlantis. However, one hundred years ago, in an event known as The Rising, Atlantis came back out of the water, putting it in plain sight of all seafaring humans. Previously, humans had only known of the Aberixian Merfolk in fragments of legend and myth, but they now became all too real. However, life went on, and Aberixian Merfolk are now an accepted part of Aberixia.
Servants of Halkana
The original inhabitants of Atlantis were once regular humans, but after fighting a brutal ten-year battle with demons, decided to sink beneath the waves and manage their affairs separately from other humans. To do this, the ruler of the island, an old and powerful warlock, made a deal with his ancient patron, an old and forgotten god named Halkana. The patron agreed to transfigure the people of Atlantis into merfolk, but said that eventually, the demons would strike back against him. When that happened, be it a year from then or a lifetime, Atlantis would rise from the waves and the merfolk would help him destroy his foe.
Aberixian Merfolk Names
Merfolk names are not showy or elaborate, with long flowing syllables, but are not short and ugly-sounding, either. Aberixian Merfolk are given their name at birth, and upon coming of age, (typically twenty-five) receive a name indicating their social class.
Male Birth Names: Adoran, Adramov, Alakos, Daimos, Hadrion, Hastarios, Magandar
Social Class Names: Highest Class(Knights and Nobility): Halkani
Middle Class(Scribes and Researchers): Fayralen
Lower Class(Everyone else): Fega
For instance, a princess would be called Abria Halkani.
Their ever-changing religion ensures that the Aberixian Merfolk tend towards the chaotic alignments, but due to their human origins, it is difficult to make predictions any further.
Aberixian Merfolk are descended from humans, and they are of the same general size. In the water, Aberixian Merfolk's tails extend behind them, giving them a total length of about six and a half feet. On the ground, they coil their tails beneath them, making their height closer to five feet. Your size is Medium.
They are descended from humans, but their change also unlocked reserves of life force, slightly bolstering their lifespan. They live slightly longer than one century, usually about 110 years. They mature at the same age as humans but do not show any signs of getting older until around 70 or 80. However, once they do start aging, they do it at a faster rate.
Aberixian Merfolk are very graceful and streamlined in the water, shooting along quickly. However, they are not built for land travel, and can only slither along slowly while out of the water. Your base walking speed is 10 feet. You also have a swimming speed of 40 feet
Aberixian Merfolk Traits
Aberixian Merfolk have been granted small increases in natural power by the deity they serve.
Ability Score Increase
Aberixian Merfolk are naturally inquisitive, and have a very good memory. They are nimble and can move quickly underwater. Your Intelligence Score increases by 1, and your Dexterity Score increases by 2.
You can speak, read, and write Common. You can speak Aquan.
You can breathe air and water
Merfolk Weapon Training
You have proficiency with the net and trident, the chosen weapons of the merfolk people.
Elemental Magic
Their patron, Halkana, granted them part of his elemental power as part of their deal with him.
You know the shape water cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the armor of agathys spell once per day as a 2nd level spell. Once you reach 5th level, you can also cast the wall of water spell once per day. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Bestow Water Breathing
You can bestow a small portion of your abilities upon non-merfolk. You can cast water breathing as a ritual on non-merfolk targets.
The Deceased: Elya Nemonis - Water Genasi Barbarian, Killed by Strahd Silvian Love - Tiefling Bardlock, Killed by Self Erriviel Torel - Drow Warlock, Killed by Skeleton
The Living: Derrikoth Toknal - Dragonborn Cavalier Fighter, Daddy (and Giant) Issues Tanakir Dreiden - Fire Genasi Paladin of Belial, Warlock of Helm Estellen Undellion - Obnoxious High Elf Wizard Talaak - Human Barbarian, Lover of Kool-aid Varus Filius - Half-Elf Barbarian, Never Call Me a Lyre Althus Pelivar - Simic Hybrid Paladin, Helm, Love, and Vampires
The Victorious: Doremor Vesci - Tiefling Rogue, Killed Strahd to Become a Vampire
Luna Zega, Human Wizard 5 (Order of Scribes), Literal Tech Whiz, BEN 10, (Now streaming 2nd Saturdays of the month on The Plastered Dragon!) GM, Star Wars: Edge of the Empire, A Bunch of Misfits Running From the Empire and Docking Fees (now streaming 3rd Saturdays of the month on The Plastered Dragon!) Kiara De Na Taibhsí, Protector Aasimar Runescriber 9, Hunting, Q'iarra and the Forbidden Isles Inez, Dispater Tiefling Warlock 6 (Great Old One), Just Wants to Learn Geology, Oz's Wonderful World Veztaash, Khesh'dar Goblin Rogue 13 (Mastermind), Gathering Information and Cooking, Morgrave Adventurer's Club Asta, Seeker Aasimar Sorcerer 4 (Shadow), Serving Her Community, Convergence Manifesto DM, Project Point: Team Shortsword, AKA Team Bad Decisions
Stella Diamant, Human Rogue 17 (Swashbuckler), Alone But Some Misfits and a Cat, Exploits of Misfit Company Kat, Medtech, Ex-Ripperdoc, Cyberpunk: Red Shi, Changeling Bard 4 (College of Spirits), Speaker of the Dead, Tyrant's Grasp Dani, Variant Human Artificer 9 (Armorer), Runaway Pirate, Skulls and Starships DM, Project Point Team Longsword, AKA Team Everything Else Eberron Team Scimitar, AKA Team Dragon
Zara, Reborn Warlock 4 (Celestial), Caring for a Blink Puppy Because of a Ki-Rin, Apocalypse Riptide, Water Genasi Paladin 3 (Oath of the Open Sea), Soon to be Lhazaar Prince, Exploring Eberron Ward, Warforged Artificer 5 (Artillerist), Trying to Detective, Curse of the Thornwood Sierra, Silver Star and Grey Blade, Bones and Shadow DM, The Flickering of Lanterns, One Spy Playing A Lot of Sides Co-DM with Astromancer, Infinite Odysseys, Just How Much Can You Tick Off the Infinite Staircase? DM, War of the Burning Sky, A War of Mythic Proportions DM, Project Point: Team Dagger, AKA Team Goth
Co-DM with Jacwalke/Magykbook, The Broken Wand, A Medley of Morgrave Delight Taraki (Tara), Variant Human Cleric 3 (Knowledge Domain), Dragon Sage And Ward, Fortune's Founders Aria d'Vadalis, Mark of Handling Human Ranger 4 (Beast Master), A Little Too Loyal to Her Country, The Last War: Battle for the Reaches Samacia De Na Taibhsí, Protector Aasimar Druid 4 (Circle of Shepherds), Ghost of Ellinmyll, Pirates of Pleasure Island
Dead or Retired:
Sita Lapaten, Half High Elf Warlock 3 (Undying), Servant of Fire (aka the efreet Asha), Face Off Enthyra, Firbolg Cleric 2 (Nature Domain), Basically a Druid, Spectacular Travels in the Craven Hollows Kit, Changeling Rogue 7 (Thief), Nightmare of Duke Belt, The Order of the Stars Laia Karanel, Eladrin Monk 6 (Way of Shadow), Visiter of the Inner Planes, Unfinished Business Adeya, Githzerai Wizard 3 (Natural Philosopher), Professor of Astrophysics, Science Squad Ellana Miirondael, Eladrin Warlock 3 (Fiend), Flirty Harper, The Threnody of Neverwinter: Harpers Tenna Letton, Human Druid 3 (Circle of the Land), Guardian of Campers and the Places they Visit, Kingdoms of Magic: Tinsel Town Amara, High Elf Warlock 6 (Celestial), Tool of Umbra and Eyes of Sarastriel, Out of the Abyss Li'riya, Valenar Wood Elf Ranger 14 (Hunter), Unwilling Dragon Hunter, Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat Sana, Changeling Paladin 11 (Oath of the Crown), Luckbringer of Tymora, Ghosts of Saltmarsh Katerina, Gnome Monk 2/Bard 2, Tinkerer, Dumat's Institute of Higher Magic Ria Saraas, Human Rogue 2, Accidentally Magical, Maalim: A Land Awakened Alexia Clair, Half-Elf Warlock 3 (Archfey), Ape Whisperer, Tales of Sol'Foranna Sybil, Aasimar Warlock 6 (Celestial), Prophet, Slim Chances of Profit and High Risk of Death Allynna Hhune Varen, Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock 7 (Fiend), Accidental Servant of an Ex-Archdevil, Descent Into Avernus Faerynna, Eladrin Monk 7 (Sun Soul)/Cleric 2 (Light Domain), User of the Power of Positive Thinking, Curse of Strahd Nik Nak, Goblin Cleric 9 (Arcana Domain), Sister of Nok Nok, Descent Into Avernus Athela Nawyrn, Half-Orc Druid 1, Ex-Princess, Forgotten Relics Kit, Changeling Rogue 3 (Mastermind), On a Quest, Dzenda: The Cracks Risha Othonik, Mark of Finding Half-Orc Rogue 6 (Inquisitive), Troubleshooter-Literally, The Left Hand Takata Oharu, Changeling Warlock 3 (Archfey), Possessed by a Kitsune, University of Mystery Skye Nopenstallen, Human Druid 3 (Circle of Dreams), Secret Earth Mage, Dead Gods of Naerym 2 Taya, Spirit Touched Blood Hunter 1, Died Once Already, Mournland Mourning (Ask Jacwalke/Magykbook about the name ;D) Alia Daltos, Variant Human Storm Sorcerer 3, Half-Changeling, Keep on the Shadowfell Elwynx Whifflewhirl Sivelle Indigo Bonebreaker-Nackle, Changeling Rogue 4 (Arcane Trickster), Fond of Blowing Stuff Up, Road Trip Lyra Virshin, Variant Human Sorcerer 1 (Shadow), Vollstrecker, Critical Role Diavola, Succubus Warlock 18 (Fiend), The New Herald of Umbra, Grim Hollow Captain Sana, Changeling Paladin 11 (Oath of the Crown), Space Captain, SPELLJAMMER Grandma Sana, Changeling Paladin 16 (Oath of the Crown), One Last Hurrah (And Now an Angel), Dissolution of Eternity Brave-12/Thistle, Android (Kalashtar) Fighter 5 (Gunslinger), WATCHER protocol, Sonnie's Edge ALEX, Warforged Envoy Bard 4, Allied Luxury EXtrovert, Realm of Aevioth Ellana Miirondael, Changeling Bard 2, Dancer, Dark Days of Song Kit, Changeling Rogue 14 (Mastermind), Friends and Family: Take Three, Dead in Thay Alta, Scourge Aasimar Barbarian 5 (Zealot), Infernal Machine Rebuild Heishe, Dragonborn Sorcerer 2 (Draconic Bloodline), Aiming for Greatness, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Vi, Half-Elf Wizard 8, A Raven Who Fights Like a Leopard, Dragon of Icespire Peak Samacia De Na Taibhsí, Protector Aasimar Druid 5 (Circle of the Shepherd), Carries the Ghosts of a People, Storm King's Thunder Shiara, Variant Human Wizard 6 (School of Necromancy), Mistress of Death and Disease, Curse of Strahd Vetis, Levistus Tiefling Cleric 1 (Death), Getting Her Powers from the Enemy, Rime of the Frostmaiden Seraphina, Human Blood Hunter 16 (Ghost Slayer), Winter Witch, Reign of Winter 5e Hari Shaarat, Hobgoblin Bard 4, Dirgesinger of the Kech Shaarat, Fiendfall Scouting Skaya, Variant Human Warlock 6 (Undying), Avenging Devil, Curse of Strahd Kira, Forest Gnome Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster), Friend of the Jungle, Tomb of Annihilation Taraki (Tara), Variant Human Cleric 2 (Knowledge Domain), Keeps Sticking Her Nose Where She Shouldn't, Madclergy's Eberron Game Sita Lapaten, Half-Elf Warlock 3 (Undying), Born of Flames, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Sirocco/Calais/Dana/Kiya/Tanari/Lucinda, Changeling Rogue 3 (Soulknife), A Very Special Kind of DID, The Leviathan Vijaya, Wood Elf Artificer 7 (Alchemist), Blood Writer in Lightning, Dragon of Icespire Peak Aletha Sunshadow, Leonin Paladin 3, Unwilling Champion, World of Theros Ebony, Variant Human Wizard 7 (School of Conjuration)/Druid 5 (Circle of Shepherds), Interplanar Traveler, Against the Giants Lori Ailani Keola, Ghostwise Halfling Monk 8 (Way of the Open Hand), Loyal Spy, World of Esnos Mir Firuzeh Pour Darius, Human Paladin 3 (Oath of the Crown)/Cleric 1 (Light Domain), Niece of King Darius the Great, Timey Wimey Sierra Khogaya, High Elf Wizard 3, Spellscarred and Lover of Dragons, Forest of the Damned Linnae, Changeling Monk 3 (Way of the Living Weapon), Hothead, Lost Souls of Luxryn Shield Daya, Half-Elf Paladin 9 (Oath of the Ancients), Angharradh's Shield, Before the Stroke of Midnight Savashana, Kalashtar Warlock 6 (Celestial), Shadow Watcher, Exploring Eberron
Completed Campaigns
Welcome to Sharn, Taking Down Daask...After Taking Their Bribes Edgewalkers, Hunters of Evil and Haters of Ducks The Dragonmarked Peace Initiative, Where Authority Exists to Be Flipped Off and Politics Suck Until You Need Them
Coming Soon:
Squirt, Kobold Barbarian of Unknown Level, Guardian of Mittenfuzz the Bunny Wizard Dakhad, Kalashtar Rogue 1, Heir to a Lost Throne Lydia Hawkwinter, Variant Human Rogue 1, Fleeing Guilt Katerina, Bard 4 (College of Creation)/Artificer 6 (Battle Smith), Trying to Improve Her Band, No Holds Bard Melaine, High Elf Wizard 3 (Chronomancy), On a Mission, Adventures in Exandria Project Butterfly: A tour through layers of Eberron's planes...and a little adventure to give you a proper introduction! Next Release: Project Cloudless Sulphur, A Look Into the Featherfalls of Fernia
My characters... Misty Weldon (Human Hexblade Abjurer) - Gallia Meepo (Kobold Necromancer) - TBD Leon (Githyanki Fighter Warmage) - Tales from the Yawning Portal Brocc Badger Nackle (Gnome Battlesmith) - Allansia Wildlands Gotch the Learned (Goblin conjuration wizard) - Valley of Ends Lia Gemflower (Half-elf Enchanter) - Another Dragon at Icespire Peak Lia Gemflower (Half-elf Sorcerer) - Dreams into Journeys Taman Landon (Human Knowledge cleric / Diviner) - Tales from the Yawning Portal Raven Blackblade (Wood elf ultimate assassin) - Talaveroth: The Westwoods Dain Ironfist (Mark of Warding Artificer/Abjurer) - Road to Phandalin Dain Ironfist (Mark of Warding Artificer/Abjurer) - Shadows of the Last War Rubin (Human underdark slayer) - Shadowthorn's Princes of the Apocalypse Jhazaal (goblin shepherd druid) - Shadowthorn's Out of the Abyss Nolla Black (Human jack-of-all-trades) - group 2 Leann Storm (Yuan-Ti Hexblade Paladin) - Lost Laboratory of Kwalish Austin Ashton (Human repelling tank) - The Lost Continent of Theviranne Nadarr Daardendrian (Dragonborn Chronomancer) - Rime of the Frostmaiden Nolla Black (Human jack-of-all-trades) - Alycron Cade Thornbriar (Ghostwise Moon Druid) - A Quiet Life No More Leann Silverstorm (Yuan-Ti Hexblade Paladin) - Dimir's Curse of Strahd Elsa, The Frozen™ Queen (Human sorcerer) - Disney Island Helena Graymantle (Human Scribes Wizard) - Ruins of Castle Greyhawk Kathrine Westridge (Human Peace cleric) - Lost Mines of Phandelver Kathrine Westridge (Human Peace cleric) - Eberron to Spelljammer Leshanna Nightbreeze (Eladrin Conjuration wizard) - Plane Hopping Leshanna Nightbreeze (Eladrin Conjuration wizard) - Herculean Feats Lia 'Sparks' Diamondew (Half-elf Rogue/Illusionist) - Giant Slayers Leshanna Nightbreeze (Eladrin Conjuration wizard) - Descent into Avernus Nasaar (Hobgoblin Artillerist) - Monster Misfits Morgan Amcathra (Human noble Barbarian Echo Knight) - The Tyranny of Dragons Gin (Changeling Rogue/Bard) - Revenge Heist Ethan Storm (Human Paladin/Wild magic Sorcerer) - Oops All Chaos Nerra Stormborn (Human Genie Warlock) - Shadow Vipers Nerra Stormborn (Human Genie Warlock) - Varisian 6: Rise of the Runelords
My Campaigns... Company of the Dragon Group 1 - Phandalin Franchise, currently running through Dragon of Icespire Peak Company of the Dragon Group 2 - Waterdeep Franchise , currently on the second level of Mad Mage Theros - Island hopping around the Siren Sea The Tyranny of Dragons DragonDenn's Dragonlords
My quote: I dont let the haters break me down to dust. Neither should you. I know we have a place in this world. We should love and not hate. Be strong, be you and most importantly be AMAZING!
Decided to throw this here so I can keep my characters organized, especially the ones that have been killed or discontinued and no longer have sheets. Here's to praying character sheet folders will be introduced sometime.
Active Forums Characters Sylivar - Wood Elf / Drunken Master Monk 3 - Crispy's Dragon Heist. Considers himself to walk between the lines of daring and foolish. Ecko - Kenku / Artificer 1 / War Wizard 4 - Crispy's Candlekeep Mysteries. Formerly in Hupperdook, eclectic and energetic. Danse - Half-Elf / Figher 1 / Wizard 1 - Zoldier's Curse of the Crimson Throne. Slightly insane street-performer-turned-vigilante. Ka'Burra - Aarakocra / Trickery Domain Cleric 2 - Loaniss's Tyranny of Dragons. Claustrophobic beyond reason. Zhisshikassa - Yuan-Ti Pureblood / Divination Wizard 4 - Crispy's Rise of the Drow. Considers himself the only thinking member of his entire party. Lyre - Kenku / Rogue 2 - Razor's Lost Mines of Phandelver. Will kill anyone who looks at his sack of valuables the wrong way. Ylnira - Changeling / Mercy Monk 5 - Raiketsu's Princes of Apocalypse / Never-Ending Journey.
Other Forums Characters Zmeya - Yuan-Ti Pureblood / Mercy Monk - Crispy's Ghosts of Saltmarsh. Survived and found a better home within the Lizardfolk. Chronolo - Warforged / Hexblade Warlock 2 / Clockwork Soul Sorcerer 11 - Crispy's Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Expert at toasting pop-tarts. Mica - Kenku / Warlock of the Fiend 5 - Killed in Crispy's Rime of the Frostmaiden. Those pesky Duergar...
Nikoli Goodfellow, self proclaimed king of random, extended signature.
There is so much I want to say, and it won't fit in the danged signature!
Grey| Tales Of Adventurer's Tavern |An Immortal Human, created at the dawn of time. Has a mug that fills with any drink ( Unless I abuse its magical properties. ) | Alive
Mist| Tales Of Adventurer's Tavern | A Female Tiefling with a pretty happy Backstory ( Surprisingly ) | Alive
Arwen | Tales Of Adventurer's Tavern | Elf, Surprisingly helpful once you get to know them | Alive
Deryk Humbleflaw| IRL Campaign | Human Cleric, the most Impulsive Cleric you could ever hope to meet. Already a Wanted Criminal and we barely started. | Alive ( For Now )
Yaros CopperKettle | Dungeon Crawl | Halfling Wizard, has amnesia, really likes fire | Alive
Mislaia | Inactive as of now | Human Bard ( Not much else to say ) | Alive
Sparrow and Swallow | Lv 20 Battlefield | My two current fighters. I have given up on win-streaks and instead now have a losing streak of 9 and a win/loss ratio of 5/21 :p | Doesn't matter
Dadd Snow | Irl Campaign that has long since been ended | Half-Elf Fighter, kindly man who will buy drinks for the entire bar... Even if it's only water. | Happily Living
Gobbes The Goblin Cleric | My newest creation | A Goblin (Jocat Goblin Style) Cleric that worships a god of Pranks (Name undecided yet) who decided it would be fun to have Gobbes as a Cleric. Along with his followers Hobbes, Nobbes, and Charlie (Homebrewed goblin stats with some changes. Knight background so it makes sense why they're there.) they go off on grand adventures helping the weak and being everything Goblins aren't supposed to be. | Alive
Top Three : Last Comment Wins, Tales Of Adventures Tavern, Fanatics fight Here
Proud creator of the first club on Adohand's kitchen ( Yep to NI club )
Part of most Cults.
I Rarely go off onto other places and mostly stay on Off-Topic
Become a Knight of Random!
I'm a king without a kingdom... Just add Knight of Random after your username or in your sig. If it won't fit use KoR
And you should probably PM after you do so because I won't notice otherwise maybe.
(\__/) I make bad characters (\__/) (•ㅅ•) And bad books (•凸•) / づ (\__/) |> <|
In addition to that, I'm only good at making Bunny Text art And in addition to that, I'm too lazy to link stuff And in addition to that... Well, you get the picture
And always remember, you can be multiple choice on a true or false test.Unless it's an actual test, then don't.
Questions for me? Need my help with dumb Homebrew? Ideas for more stuff for Daryll's Magic Shoppe? ( This is a rare thing but if it happens ) PM me.
Characters Xhandras(retired) | Human Wizard | Tales of Adventurer's Tavern | An immortal archmage and the king of Galoron Calius, the Dark Angel (No character sheet) | Fallen Angel | Tales of Adventurer's Tavern | A fallen angel who rebels against the monotony of light and order Konyan of the Dancing Blade | High Elf Bladesinger | Tales of Adventurer's Tavern | A high elf warrior who hates war, but is thrust into it nonetheless Kralog Skyblazer | Goliath Dragon Sorcerer | Rise of the Necromancer | A powerful goliath who was outcast from his tribe and hates dragons Astara| Human | Tales of Adventurer's Tavern | A broken and depressed deva whose god faded during a demonic incursion Mithris| Half-Elf Champion Fighter | Tales of Adventurer's Tavern | A kind half-elf woman with green hair and eyes who loves puzzles Hyacinth | Eladrin Fey Wanderer Ranger | Raven Ravine | An eladrin who's duty is to hunt down rogue fey, they're never one to shy away from a mystery
All stars fade. Some stars forever fall. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Homebrew:Magic Items,Monsters,Spells,Subclasses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If there was no light, people wouldn't fear the dark.
Resisting is simply standing in front of the tide and pushing at it. Even if you endure at first, you will eventually break down. Adapting, by contrast, is turning into a fish.
Proud Initiate of the Cult of Grammar. Use cultist statistics.
It can never be not allowed. Unless someone doesn’t allow it.
-also me
Extended Signature: You’re already seeing it.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
All hail the great and mighty platypus.
Resisting is simply standing in front of the tide and pushing at it. Even if you endure at first, you will eventually break down. Adapting, by contrast, is turning into a fish.
Rangers are not underpowered. They’re just exploration-oriented.
Resisting is simply standing in front of the tide and pushing at it. Even if you endure at first, you will eventually break down. Adapting, by contrast, is turning into a fish.
Proud Initiate of the Cult of Grammar. Use cultist statistics.
It can never be not allowed. Unless someone doesn’t allow it.
”In the Beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth.” Genesis 1;1, God, NIV Bible, Holy Word.
This signature’s recently been emptied. I’m back in black, baby.
Extended Signature! Yay!
Haven’t used this account in forever. Still a big fan of crawling claws.
I can see 29 minutes into the future!
DM - PbP - Parth's Adventurer Camp - What better training than a party wipe on the first encounter <EG> J/K lol.... maybeDM - PbP - Blobbins Adventurer Camp - I had gotten more requests from new players so I started another one.Player - Veryes - Waterdeep - The disappearance of Anna KelverDM - IRL - The Evil You Know - Hosting my 12 year old son and his friends - bringing up a new gen of D&D fanatics :)DM - PbP - Fast Paced, High Lvl Game - All That GlittersDM - PbP - Mature - Sex, Drugs and Bardic?RollDM - PbP - RipplesPlayer - Truk Denshield - The Prophecy of NazhuatlDM - IRL - Curse of the Crown DM - PbP - Curse of the Crown DM - PbP - Like the FrostDM - PbP - Thieves ForestPlayer - Van Gogh - Trinity FortunePlayer - Zed Burkernorck - The Reptilian ConflictPlayer - Veryes Flaxenfell - Halflings of WynbrookPlaying Super Yahtzee - Come on I need this! I'm living in a van down by the river! Give me Something!
If you haven't been banned yet. Come get yer head kicked in :)
That's what happens when you wear a helmet your whole life!
My house rules
First off, my guide to Dexterity-based Barbarians, titled, You'll Never Hit Me!
Next, my homebrew stuff. First, the Insanity Domain, for clerics that worship either the concept of Insanity or one of its gods. Next, an alternative kind of Phoenix, intended for lower level parties. I also have a homebrew spell called Claws of Horror, intended to be found with the artifact, Book of Vile Darkness.
Also, a Mermaid Player Race.
The results of a forgotten god's deal with a dying civilization, they have come up from the sea to take up arms against their mysterious master's ancient enemies.
Aquatic Adaptation
With skin ranging from blue-green to almost black, and webbed hands, gills, and a webbed tail, Aberixian merfolk are clearly made for the water. On land, they coil up their tails and slither, moving slowly and awkwardly, but glide gracefully and outstrip any and all humans underwater. They have no hair to speak of, but males have short beard-like tentacles on their chins that they care for with pride.
Curious and Proud
Aberixian Merfolk have a comparatively short lifespan and resolve to use their time finding out as much as they can. They ask questions readily about things that are unfamiliar to them, and once they learn something, they commit it to memory so that no one will get the impression that they are slow or ignorant. They are proud and do not take kindly to insult, which they might see in little, accidental slights. However, they forgive readily enough if they can be persuaded that no harm was meant. As creatures of the sea, they do not usually build structures for the ages, but when they do commit to building something, it will stand for centuries. Their religion is the same way, most of it constantly changing, with a few underlining tenets that have been around since the world was young.
Creatures of Legend
Until recently, the different tribes of Aberixian Merfolk were inhabiting the underwater City of Atlantis. However, one hundred years ago, in an event known as The Rising, Atlantis came back out of the water, putting it in plain sight of all seafaring humans. Previously, humans had only known of the Aberixian Merfolk in fragments of legend and myth, but they now became all too real. However, life went on, and Aberixian Merfolk are now an accepted part of Aberixia.
Servants of Halkana
The original inhabitants of Atlantis were once regular humans, but after fighting a brutal ten-year battle with demons, decided to sink beneath the waves and manage their affairs separately from other humans. To do this, the ruler of the island, an old and powerful warlock, made a deal with his ancient patron, an old and forgotten god named Halkana. The patron agreed to transfigure the people of Atlantis into merfolk, but said that eventually, the demons would strike back against him. When that happened, be it a year from then or a lifetime, Atlantis would rise from the waves and the merfolk would help him destroy his foe.
Aberixian Merfolk Names
Merfolk names are not showy or elaborate, with long flowing syllables, but are not short and ugly-sounding, either. Aberixian Merfolk are given their name at birth, and upon coming of age, (typically twenty-five) receive a name indicating their social class.
Male Birth Names: Adoran, Adramov, Alakos, Daimos, Hadrion, Hastarios, Magandar
Female Birth Names: Abria, Altani, Ceonna, Gilada, Jasmere, Maiana, Ravienne
Social Class Names: Highest Class(Knights and Nobility): Halkani
Middle Class(Scribes and Researchers): Fayralen
Lower Class(Everyone else): Fega
For instance, a princess would be called Abria Halkani.
Their ever-changing religion ensures that the Aberixian Merfolk tend towards the chaotic alignments, but due to their human origins, it is difficult to make predictions any further.
Aberixian Merfolk are descended from humans, and they are of the same general size. In the water, Aberixian Merfolk's tails extend behind them, giving them a total length of about six and a half feet. On the ground, they coil their tails beneath them, making their height closer to five feet. Your size is Medium.
They are descended from humans, but their change also unlocked reserves of life force, slightly bolstering their lifespan. They live slightly longer than one century, usually about 110 years. They mature at the same age as humans but do not show any signs of getting older until around 70 or 80. However, once they do start aging, they do it at a faster rate.
Aberixian Merfolk are very graceful and streamlined in the water, shooting along quickly. However, they are not built for land travel, and can only slither along slowly while out of the water. Your base walking speed is 10 feet. You also have a swimming speed of 40 feet
Aberixian Merfolk Traits
Aberixian Merfolk have been granted small increases in natural power by the deity they serve.Ability Score Increase
Aberixian Merfolk are naturally inquisitive, and have a very good memory. They are nimble and can move quickly underwater. Your Intelligence Score increases by 1, and your Dexterity Score increases by 2.
You can speak, read, and write Common. You can speak Aquan.
You can breathe air and water
Merfolk Weapon Training
You have proficiency with the net and trident, the chosen weapons of the merfolk people.
Elemental Magic
Their patron, Halkana, granted them part of his elemental power as part of their deal with him.
You know the shape water cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the armor of agathys spell once per day as a 2nd level spell. Once you reach 5th level, you can also cast the wall of water spell once per day. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Bestow Water Breathing
You can bestow a small portion of your abilities upon non-merfolk. You can cast water breathing as a ritual on non-merfolk targets.
"Halt your wagging and wag your halters, for I am mastercryomancer!"
Check out my Expanded Signature
Current Characters:
Dornik Keenwarrior/Half Orc/Rogue 1/(Random) Dangerous Designs
Characters that survived to retirement:
Tupoc Itzcoatl/Couatl Hybrid (Homebrew by Lerus17)/Way of Long Death Monk 20/Welcome to the Trials
Officially Joined the Expanded Signature Club
Will be on Hiatus: Currently Clear
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
The Deceased:
Elya Nemonis - Water Genasi Barbarian, Killed by Strahd
Silvian Love - Tiefling Bardlock, Killed by Self
Erriviel Torel - Drow Warlock, Killed by Skeleton
The Living:
Derrikoth Toknal - Dragonborn Cavalier Fighter, Daddy (and Giant) Issues
Tanakir Dreiden - Fire Genasi Paladin of Belial, Warlock of Helm
Estellen Undellion - Obnoxious High Elf Wizard
Talaak - Human Barbarian, Lover of Kool-aid
Varus Filius - Half-Elf Barbarian, Never Call Me a Lyre
Althus Pelivar - Simic Hybrid Paladin, Helm, Love, and Vampires
The Victorious:
Doremor Vesci - Tiefling Rogue, Killed Strahd to Become a Vampire
Luna Zega, Human Wizard 5 (Order of Scribes), Literal Tech Whiz, BEN 10, (Now streaming 2nd Saturdays of the month on The Plastered Dragon!)
GM, Star Wars: Edge of the Empire, A Bunch of Misfits Running From the Empire and Docking Fees (now streaming 3rd Saturdays of the month on The Plastered Dragon!)
Kiara De Na Taibhsí, Protector Aasimar Runescriber 9, Hunting, Q'iarra and the Forbidden Isles
Inez, Dispater Tiefling Warlock 6 (Great Old One), Just Wants to Learn Geology, Oz's Wonderful World
Veztaash, Khesh'dar Goblin Rogue 13 (Mastermind), Gathering Information and Cooking, Morgrave Adventurer's Club
Asta, Seeker Aasimar Sorcerer 4 (Shadow), Serving Her Community, Convergence Manifesto
DM, Project Point: Team Shortsword, AKA Team Bad Decisions
Stella Diamant, Human Rogue 17 (Swashbuckler), Alone But Some Misfits and a Cat, Exploits of Misfit Company
Kat, Medtech, Ex-Ripperdoc, Cyberpunk: Red
Shi, Changeling Bard 4 (College of Spirits), Speaker of the Dead, Tyrant's Grasp
Dani, Variant Human Artificer 9 (Armorer), Runaway Pirate, Skulls and Starships
DM, Project Point
Team Longsword, AKA Team Everything Else Eberron
Team Scimitar, AKA Team Dragon
Zara, Reborn Warlock 4 (Celestial), Caring for a Blink Puppy Because of a Ki-Rin, Apocalypse
Riptide, Water Genasi Paladin 3 (Oath of the Open Sea), Soon to be Lhazaar Prince, Exploring Eberron
Ward, Warforged Artificer 5 (Artillerist), Trying to Detective, Curse of the Thornwood
Sierra, Silver Star and Grey Blade, Bones and Shadow
DM, The Flickering of Lanterns, One Spy Playing A Lot of Sides
Co-DM with Astromancer, Infinite Odysseys, Just How Much Can You Tick Off the Infinite Staircase?
DM, War of the Burning Sky, A War of Mythic Proportions
DM, Project Point: Team Dagger, AKA Team Goth
Co-DM with Jacwalke/Magykbook, The Broken Wand, A Medley of Morgrave Delight
Taraki (Tara), Variant Human Cleric 3 (Knowledge Domain), Dragon Sage And Ward, Fortune's Founders
Aria d'Vadalis, Mark of Handling Human Ranger 4 (Beast Master), A Little Too Loyal to Her Country, The Last War: Battle for the Reaches
Samacia De Na Taibhsí, Protector Aasimar Druid 4 (Circle of Shepherds), Ghost of Ellinmyll, Pirates of Pleasure Island
Dead or Retired:
Sita Lapaten, Half High Elf Warlock 3 (Undying), Servant of Fire (aka the efreet Asha), Face Off
Enthyra, Firbolg Cleric 2 (Nature Domain), Basically a Druid, Spectacular Travels in the Craven Hollows
Kit, Changeling Rogue 7 (Thief), Nightmare of Duke Belt, The Order of the Stars
Laia Karanel, Eladrin Monk 6 (Way of Shadow), Visiter of the Inner Planes, Unfinished Business
Adeya, Githzerai Wizard 3 (Natural Philosopher), Professor of Astrophysics, Science Squad
Ellana Miirondael, Eladrin Warlock 3 (Fiend), Flirty Harper, The Threnody of Neverwinter: Harpers
Tenna Letton, Human Druid 3 (Circle of the Land), Guardian of Campers and the Places they Visit, Kingdoms of Magic: Tinsel Town
Amara, High Elf Warlock 6 (Celestial), Tool of Umbra and Eyes of Sarastriel, Out of the Abyss
Li'riya, Valenar Wood Elf Ranger 14 (Hunter), Unwilling Dragon Hunter, Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat
Sana, Changeling Paladin 11 (Oath of the Crown), Luckbringer of Tymora, Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Katerina, Gnome Monk 2/Bard 2, Tinkerer, Dumat's Institute of Higher Magic
Ria Saraas, Human Rogue 2, Accidentally Magical, Maalim: A Land Awakened
Alexia Clair, Half-Elf Warlock 3 (Archfey), Ape Whisperer, Tales of Sol'Foranna
Sybil, Aasimar Warlock 6 (Celestial), Prophet, Slim Chances of Profit and High Risk of Death
Allynna Hhune Varen, Mark of Shadow Elf Warlock 7 (Fiend), Accidental Servant of an Ex-Archdevil, Descent Into Avernus
Faerynna, Eladrin Monk 7 (Sun Soul)/Cleric 2 (Light Domain), User of the Power of Positive Thinking, Curse of Strahd
Nik Nak, Goblin Cleric 9 (Arcana Domain), Sister of Nok Nok, Descent Into Avernus
Athela Nawyrn, Half-Orc Druid 1, Ex-Princess, Forgotten Relics
Kit, Changeling Rogue 3 (Mastermind), On a Quest, Dzenda: The Cracks
Risha Othonik, Mark of Finding Half-Orc Rogue 6 (Inquisitive), Troubleshooter-Literally, The Left Hand
Takata Oharu, Changeling Warlock 3 (Archfey), Possessed by a Kitsune, University of Mystery
Skye Nopenstallen, Human Druid 3 (Circle of Dreams), Secret Earth Mage, Dead Gods of Naerym 2
Taya, Spirit Touched Blood Hunter 1, Died Once Already, Mournland Mourning (Ask Jacwalke/Magykbook about the name ;D)
Alia Daltos, Variant Human Storm Sorcerer 3, Half-Changeling, Keep on the Shadowfell
Elwynx Whifflewhirl Sivelle Indigo Bonebreaker-Nackle, Changeling Rogue 4 (Arcane Trickster), Fond of Blowing Stuff Up, Road Trip
Lyra Virshin, Variant Human Sorcerer 1 (Shadow), Vollstrecker, Critical Role
Diavola, Succubus Warlock 18 (Fiend), The New Herald of Umbra, Grim Hollow
Captain Sana, Changeling Paladin 11 (Oath of the Crown), Space Captain, SPELLJAMMER
Grandma Sana, Changeling Paladin 16 (Oath of the Crown), One Last Hurrah (And Now an Angel), Dissolution of Eternity
Brave-12/Thistle, Android (Kalashtar) Fighter 5 (Gunslinger), WATCHER protocol, Sonnie's Edge
ALEX, Warforged Envoy Bard 4, Allied Luxury EXtrovert, Realm of Aevioth
Ellana Miirondael, Changeling Bard 2, Dancer, Dark Days of Song
Kit, Changeling Rogue 14 (Mastermind), Friends and Family: Take Three, Dead in Thay
Alta, Scourge Aasimar Barbarian 5 (Zealot), Infernal Machine Rebuild
Heishe, Dragonborn Sorcerer 2 (Draconic Bloodline), Aiming for Greatness, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
Vi, Half-Elf Wizard 8, A Raven Who Fights Like a Leopard, Dragon of Icespire Peak
Samacia De Na Taibhsí, Protector Aasimar Druid 5 (Circle of the Shepherd), Carries the Ghosts of a People, Storm King's Thunder
Shiara, Variant Human Wizard 6 (School of Necromancy), Mistress of Death and Disease, Curse of Strahd
Vetis, Levistus Tiefling Cleric 1 (Death), Getting Her Powers from the Enemy, Rime of the Frostmaiden
Seraphina, Human Blood Hunter 16 (Ghost Slayer), Winter Witch, Reign of Winter 5e
Hari Shaarat, Hobgoblin Bard 4, Dirgesinger of the Kech Shaarat, Fiendfall Scouting
Skaya, Variant Human Warlock 6 (Undying), Avenging Devil, Curse of Strahd
Kira, Forest Gnome Rogue 8 (Arcane Trickster), Friend of the Jungle, Tomb of Annihilation
Taraki (Tara), Variant Human Cleric 2 (Knowledge Domain), Keeps Sticking Her Nose Where She Shouldn't, Madclergy's Eberron Game
Sita Lapaten, Half-Elf Warlock 3 (Undying), Born of Flames, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
Sirocco/Calais/Dana/Kiya/Tanari/Lucinda, Changeling Rogue 3 (Soulknife), A Very Special Kind of DID, The Leviathan
Vijaya, Wood Elf Artificer 7 (Alchemist), Blood Writer in Lightning, Dragon of Icespire Peak
Aletha Sunshadow, Leonin Paladin 3, Unwilling Champion, World of Theros
Ebony, Variant Human Wizard 7 (School of Conjuration)/Druid 5 (Circle of Shepherds), Interplanar Traveler, Against the Giants
Lori Ailani Keola, Ghostwise Halfling Monk 8 (Way of the Open Hand), Loyal Spy, World of Esnos
Mir Firuzeh Pour Darius, Human Paladin 3 (Oath of the Crown)/Cleric 1 (Light Domain), Niece of King Darius the Great, Timey Wimey
Sierra Khogaya, High Elf Wizard 3, Spellscarred and Lover of Dragons, Forest of the Damned
Linnae, Changeling Monk 3 (Way of the Living Weapon), Hothead, Lost Souls of Luxryn
Shield Daya, Half-Elf Paladin 9 (Oath of the Ancients), Angharradh's Shield, Before the Stroke of Midnight
Savashana, Kalashtar Warlock 6 (Celestial), Shadow Watcher, Exploring Eberron
Completed Campaigns
Welcome to Sharn, Taking Down Daask...After Taking Their Bribes
Edgewalkers, Hunters of Evil and Haters of Ducks
The Dragonmarked Peace Initiative, Where Authority Exists to Be Flipped Off and Politics Suck Until You Need Them
Coming Soon:
Squirt, Kobold Barbarian of Unknown Level, Guardian of Mittenfuzz the Bunny Wizard
Dakhad, Kalashtar Rogue 1, Heir to a Lost Throne
Lydia Hawkwinter, Variant Human Rogue 1, Fleeing Guilt
Katerina, Bard 4 (College of Creation)/Artificer 6 (Battle Smith), Trying to Improve Her Band, No Holds Bard
Melaine, High Elf Wizard 3 (Chronomancy), On a Mission, Adventures in Exandria
Project Butterfly: A tour through layers of Eberron's planes...and a little adventure to give you a proper introduction!
Next Release: Project Cloudless Sulphur, A Look Into the Featherfalls of Fernia
Stella Diamant, Human Rogue 17 (Swashbuckler), The Exploits of Misfit Company
Kat, Medtech, Cyberpunk: Red
Shi, Changeling Bard 4 (College of Spirits), Tyrant's Grasp
Dani, Human Artificer 9 (Armorer), Skulls and Starships
DM, Project Point (Teams Scimitar and Longsword)
Everything Else!
Currently Playing:
Finished Campaigns
Will One Day Play
Xenophon: Topaz Dragonborn Fighter (ixi's Dragon of Icespire Peak)
Active characters:
Finan Caible, Human Bard 3 - The Joys of Balance
Yroc Grumbak, Orc Fighter 1/Warlock 2 - Pizazz's ToA
Lynn-Marie Verine-Wintercleaver, Human Bloodhunter 4 - Adventures in Esyldien
Arell Peroan, Half-Elf Warlock 2/Monk 2 - Scattered Gods
On hiatus:
Triscyne of the Sundance, Eladrin Rogue 2 - The Wild and the Worm
Wandering and lost:
Mateja Embereye, Human Barbarian 4 - The Burial of Arnek Mar
Durmatl Throateater, Lizardfolk Cleric 2 - The Darkness Comes
Nqobani "Gwazi" Mnqobi, Human Ranger 3 - The Valley of Ends
Xyrfaen Redspire, Aarakocra Rogue 2 - Above & Below
Jilrana Sunmeadow, Halfling Sorcerer 1 - A Quest of Wyrms
Peran Windwood, Aquatic Half-Elf Fighter 1/Sorcerer 2 - Children of Hadal (private thread)
Lynn-Marie Verine-Wintercleaver, Human Bloodhunter - Adventures in Esyldien
Finan Caible, Human Bard - Joys of Balance
Yroc Grumbak, Orc Fighlock - Pizazz's ToA
Arell Peroan, Half-Elf Warlonk - Scattered Gods
ESC! | 10|33|5~
My characters...
Misty Weldon (Human Hexblade Abjurer) - Gallia
Meepo (Kobold Necromancer) - TBD
Leon (Githyanki Fighter Warmage) - Tales from the Yawning Portal
Brocc Badger Nackle (Gnome Battlesmith) - Allansia Wildlands
Gotch the Learned (Goblin conjuration wizard) - Valley of Ends
Lia Gemflower (Half-elf Enchanter) - Another Dragon at Icespire Peak
Lia Gemflower (Half-elf Sorcerer) - Dreams into Journeys
Taman Landon (Human Knowledge cleric / Diviner) - Tales from the Yawning Portal
Raven Blackblade (Wood elf ultimate assassin) - Talaveroth: The Westwoods
Dain Ironfist (Mark of Warding Artificer/Abjurer) - Road to Phandalin
Dain Ironfist (Mark of Warding Artificer/Abjurer) - Shadows of the Last War
Rubin (Human underdark slayer) - Shadowthorn's Princes of the Apocalypse
Jhazaal (goblin shepherd druid) - Shadowthorn's Out of the Abyss
Nolla Black (Human jack-of-all-trades) - group 2
Leann Storm (Yuan-Ti Hexblade Paladin) - Lost Laboratory of Kwalish
Austin Ashton (Human repelling tank) - The Lost Continent of Theviranne
Nadarr Daardendrian (Dragonborn Chronomancer) - Rime of the Frostmaiden
Nolla Black (Human jack-of-all-trades) - Alycron
Cade Thornbriar (Ghostwise Moon Druid) - A Quiet Life No More
Leann Silverstorm (Yuan-Ti Hexblade Paladin) - Dimir's Curse of Strahd
Elsa, The Frozen™ Queen (Human sorcerer) - Disney Island
Helena Graymantle (Human Scribes Wizard) - Ruins of Castle Greyhawk
Kathrine Westridge (Human Peace cleric) - Lost Mines of Phandelver
Kathrine Westridge (Human Peace cleric) - Eberron to Spelljammer
Leshanna Nightbreeze (Eladrin Conjuration wizard) - Plane Hopping
Leshanna Nightbreeze (Eladrin Conjuration wizard) - Herculean Feats
Lia 'Sparks' Diamondew (Half-elf Rogue/Illusionist) - Giant Slayers
Leshanna Nightbreeze (Eladrin Conjuration wizard) - Descent into Avernus
Nasaar (Hobgoblin Artillerist) - Monster Misfits
Morgan Amcathra (Human noble Barbarian Echo Knight) - The Tyranny of Dragons
Gin (Changeling Rogue/Bard) - Revenge Heist
Ethan Storm (Human Paladin/Wild magic Sorcerer) - Oops All Chaos
Nerra Stormborn (Human Genie Warlock) - Shadow Vipers
Nerra Stormborn (Human Genie Warlock) - Varisian 6: Rise of the Runelords
My Campaigns...
Company of the Dragon Group 1 - Phandalin Franchise, currently running through Dragon of Icespire Peak
Company of the Dragon Group 2 - Waterdeep Franchise , currently on the second level of Mad Mage
Theros - Island hopping around the Siren Sea
The Tyranny of Dragons
DragonDenn's Dragonlords
Aragorn Desmond: Level 17 Human Fighter (Retired)
Vondal Ironfist: Level 17 Dwarf Cleric (Retired/Rise Of Tiamat)
Althea Corlinn: Level 17 Human Fighter (Retired)
Adran Silverfrond: Level 17 Elf Wizard (Retired)
Cade: Level 17 Halfling Rogue (Retired)
Jaegger Baron: Level 4 Human Fighter (Ghosts of Saltmarsh)
Connar Swanland: Level 4 Human Rogue
Jagger: Level 2 Human Ranger (Decent into Avernus)
Connar Ravanan: Level 1 Human Rogue (Allansia Wildlands Homebrew Campaign)
Galin Firegard: Level 5 Dragonborn Paladin (DragonDenn's Arena)
Valar Jarnis: Level 1 Human Fighter (Lunargrimme Open World Homebrew Campaign)
Rolim Valren: Level 5 Elf Wizard (Force Grey: Grey Hunters Homebrew Campaign)
Valar Nightsorrow: Level 1 Elf Sorcerer
Elindal Silverfrond: Level 4 Elf Fighter
Gimli Swifthammer: Level 4 Dwarf Fighter
Ghosts of Saltmarsh (Current)
Lost Mine of Phandelver (Finished)
Lost Mine of Phandelver (Current)
Lost Mine of Phandelver (Current/For Family)
Rise of Tiamat (Current)
Rise of Tiamat (Finished)
Iweron and the Three Kingdoms (Homebrew/Current)
Aragorn's Tomb of Annihilation (Current)
The Land of Haewyth (Homebrew/Finished)
The Lost City of Halmaner (Homebrew/Finished)
Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.
An intelligent man believes only half of what he hears, a wise man knows which half. (Even Esar)
Don't wait for the perfect moment to strike, strike in the current moment and make it perfect. (William Yeats)
STATUS: Personal Problems, will not be active for a few days.
Extended Signature
I guess there's a missing part in that phrase. I think I heared it some decades ago. It was something like :
There are no accidents, only ignorants committing ERRORS.
My Ready-to-rock&roll chars:
Dertinus Tristany // Amilcar Barca // Vicenç Sacrarius // Oriol Deulofeu // Grovtuk
I Like Wof
I like female super heroes(although Im a boy in reality)
666, 69, 13, 21, 6, 9, 101
"A Jack Of All Trades is a master of none"
'That's why I hate Bards' AldrekStormcloak said this & i agree(Natasha_Romonova was deleted)
check this: #29513
15 <---random die rolls--->17
Super Yahtzee Thread: Highest:32 Lowest: 18
My quote: I dont let the haters break me down to dust. Neither should you. I know we have a place in this world. We should love and not hate. Be strong, be you and most importantly be AMAZING!
My Extended signature will post when I can.
Find me as TheDragonLordOfPunz here(click will go off DND Beyond so right click and open this in new tab)
status:offline a big quote chain why not
I have other accounts on other sites under TheDragonLordOfPunz
Active Campaigns: N/A - I'm moving on from play-by-post for now. I am trying to find a good live campaign, and also focusing more on college.
Retired Campaigns:
Lost Mines of Phandelver - DM
Among the Beasts (jabritton82) - Korvash Yuuvekiil - Level 2 Dragonborn Monk
Wildemount: Dark Star (potatocrown) - Felix Stormwind - Level 7 Ravenite Dragonborn Fighter (Echo Knight)
DizzyBuriito's Campaign - Haldos "Honest" - Level 1 Tiefling Fighter
Lost in Time: An Interdimensional Escapade (PlumPie) - Oran Moonshadow - Level 2 Wood Elf Rogue
Good vs. Evil [Good campaign] (WarlockThatSlaysDragons) - Derric "Fenric" Silvertail - Level 3 Half-elf Blood Hunter (Lycan)
City of Ekuepool (Hriste) - Tarek Johanssen - Level 1 Human Paladin
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist (Killilli) - Dneevar Hakannthielion - Level 1 Dragonborn Barbarian
Alycron West Marches (RazorDawn89, Spiderwrangler, JumpierPoet) - Sirq Donavant - Level 3 Human Bard (Lore)
Deep Space and Dragons (CodesterV8) - Fallin Manfrwen - Level 3 Eladrin Monk (Ascendant Dragon)
The Black Sun (LeenaAo) - Tristan Silvermare - Level 4 Half-Elf Cleric (Tempest Domain)
I am a proud member of the Cult of Grammar. Beware to those of you who fail to use proper grammar in my presence.
May the dice be ever in your favor.
Decided to throw this here so I can keep my characters organized, especially the ones that have been killed or discontinued and no longer have sheets. Here's to praying character sheet folders will be introduced sometime.
Active Forums Characters
Sylivar - Wood Elf / Drunken Master Monk 3 - Crispy's Dragon Heist. Considers himself to walk between the lines of daring and foolish.
Ecko - Kenku / Artificer 1 / War Wizard 4 - Crispy's Candlekeep Mysteries. Formerly in Hupperdook, eclectic and energetic.
Danse - Half-Elf / Figher 1 / Wizard 1 - Zoldier's Curse of the Crimson Throne. Slightly insane street-performer-turned-vigilante.
Ka'Burra - Aarakocra / Trickery Domain Cleric 2 - Loaniss's Tyranny of Dragons. Claustrophobic beyond reason.
Zhisshikassa - Yuan-Ti Pureblood / Divination Wizard 4 - Crispy's Rise of the Drow. Considers himself the only thinking member of his entire party.
Lyre - Kenku / Rogue 2 - Razor's Lost Mines of Phandelver. Will kill anyone who looks at his sack of valuables the wrong way.
Ylnira - Changeling / Mercy Monk 5 - Raiketsu's Princes of Apocalypse / Never-Ending Journey.
Other Forums Characters
Zmeya - Yuan-Ti Pureblood / Mercy Monk - Crispy's Ghosts of Saltmarsh. Survived and found a better home within the Lizardfolk.
Chronolo - Warforged / Hexblade Warlock 2 / Clockwork Soul Sorcerer 11 - Crispy's Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Expert at toasting pop-tarts.
Mica - Kenku / Warlock of the Fiend 5 - Killed in Crispy's Rime of the Frostmaiden. Those pesky Duergar...
Plum's Tale of Mercenaries.
Nikoli Goodfellow, self proclaimed king of random, extended signature.
There is so much I want to say, and it won't fit in the danged signature!
Grey | Tales Of Adventurer's Tavern | An Immortal Human, created at the dawn of time. Has a mug that fills with any drink ( Unless I abuse its magical properties. ) | Alive
Mist | Tales Of Adventurer's Tavern | A Female Tiefling with a pretty happy Backstory ( Surprisingly ) | Alive
Arwen | Tales Of Adventurer's Tavern | Elf, Surprisingly helpful once you get to know them | Alive
Deryk Humbleflaw | IRL Campaign | Human Cleric, the most Impulsive Cleric you could ever hope to meet. Already a Wanted Criminal and we barely started. | Alive ( For Now )
Yaros CopperKettle | Dungeon Crawl | Halfling Wizard, has amnesia, really likes fire | Alive
Mislaia | Inactive as of now | Human Bard ( Not much else to say ) | Alive
Sparrow and Swallow | Lv 20 Battlefield | My two current fighters. I have given up on win-streaks and instead now have a losing streak of 9 and a win/loss ratio of 5/21 :p | Doesn't matter
Dadd Snow | Irl Campaign that has long since been ended | Half-Elf Fighter, kindly man who will buy drinks for the entire bar... Even if it's only water. | Happily Living
Gobbes The Goblin Cleric | My newest creation | A Goblin (Jocat Goblin Style) Cleric that worships a god of Pranks (Name undecided yet) who decided it would be fun to have Gobbes as a Cleric. Along with his followers Hobbes, Nobbes, and Charlie (Homebrewed goblin stats with some changes. Knight background so it makes sense why they're there.) they go off on grand adventures helping the weak and being everything Goblins aren't supposed to be. | Alive
Top Three : Last Comment Wins, Tales Of Adventures Tavern, Fanatics fight Here
Proud creator of the first club on Adohand's kitchen ( Yep to NI club )
Part of most Cults.
I Rarely go off onto other places and mostly stay on Off-Topic
Become a Knight of Random!
I'm a king without a kingdom... Just add Knight of Random after your username or in your sig. If it won't fit use KoR
And you should probably PM after you do so because I won't notice otherwise maybe.
Homebrew Thread
Magic Cup, Magic Plate
Other Stuff
(\__/) I make bad characters (\__/)
(•ㅅ•) And bad books (•凸•)
/ づ (\__/) |> <|
In addition to that, I'm only good at making Bunny Text art
And in addition to that, I'm too lazy to link stuff
And in addition to that... Well, you get the picture
And always remember, you can be multiple choice on a true or false test. Unless it's an actual test, then don't.
Questions for me? Need my help with dumb Homebrew? Ideas for more stuff for Daryll's Magic Shoppe? ( This is a rare thing but if it happens ) PM me.
: Systems Online : Nikoli_Goodfellow Homebrew : My WIP Homebrew Class :
( u u)
o/ \🥛🍪 Hey, take care of yourself alright?
I don't have much to add to my signature, but there are a few characters and quotes I'd like to put in.
The Cult of Grammar - Chief of Prose
The Cult of the Rings - Elf/Dwarf/Istari/Maia
The Cult of Bullethawk
D&D 5e Roleplaying Thread - Tales of Adventurer's Tavern
D&D 5e Roleplaying Thread - Cunning Mindflayer Tavern
My Homebrew World - Wanderer's Guide to Borrelia
Featured Homebrew for Feedback - Plantfolk (Valashae)
Xhandras (retired) | Human Wizard | Tales of Adventurer's Tavern | An immortal archmage and the king of Galoron
Calius, the Dark Angel (No character sheet) | Fallen Angel | Tales of Adventurer's Tavern | A fallen angel who rebels against the monotony of light and order
Konyan of the Dancing Blade | High Elf Bladesinger | Tales of Adventurer's Tavern | A high elf warrior who hates war, but is thrust into it nonetheless
Kralog Skyblazer | Goliath Dragon Sorcerer | Rise of the Necromancer | A powerful goliath who was outcast from his tribe and hates dragons
Astara | Human | Tales of Adventurer's Tavern | A broken and depressed deva whose god faded during a demonic incursion
Mithris | Half-Elf Champion Fighter | Tales of Adventurer's Tavern | A kind half-elf woman with green hair and eyes who loves puzzles
Hyacinth | Eladrin Fey Wanderer Ranger | Raven Ravine | An eladrin who's duty is to hunt down rogue fey, they're never one to shy away from a mystery
Tales of Adventurer's Tavern | D&D 5e Roleplaying Thread | DM: None
Rise of the Necromancer | D&D 5e PbP Campaign | DM: Brian_Avery
Guild of Homebrew Campaign | D&D 5e PbP Campaign | DM: Thauraeln_The_Bold
Raven Ravine | D&D 5e PbP Campaign | DM: TabaxiRogueFighterClericWarlock
All stars fade. Some stars forever fall.
Homebrew: Magic Items, Monsters, Spells, Subclasses
If there was no light, people wouldn't fear the dark.
ALTON DIRTTUMBLE — Lightfoot Halfling Wild Card Rogue 8/Bard 1 — Mildly Dirty Franks (Roll20) [INACTIVE]
SOLAHEL TIBOVZA — Half-Elf Order of Scribes Wizard 9 — McDummy Thiccs (Roll20) [DEAD]
TERVARSES IR'FALDRIN — Mark of Finding Half-Orc Rogue 1/Order Domain Cleric 5 — Murder on the Eberron Express (Roll20) [INACTIVE]
ISOL TIBOVZA — Mark of Detection Battle Master Fighter 4 — The Untouchables of Sharn (Roll20) [INACTIVE]
ARVATH WILDFEATHER — Half-Orc Inquisitive Rogue 5/Gloom Stalker Ranger 4 — McDummy Thiccs (Roll20) [HIATUS]
EIRARVE FALDRIN — Kalashtar Rogue 1/The Undead Warlock 7/Knowledge Domain Cleric 1 — Mildly Dirty Franks (Roll20) [INACTIVE]
TERVARSES FALDRIN — Half-Orc Path of the Zealot Barbarian 9 — Mildly Dirty Franks (Roll20) [INACTIVE]
SEIREN TIBOVZA — Half-Elf College of Lore Bard 3 — Banhaven Academy (PBP) [INACTIVE]
VELIATASH — Kalashtar Soulknife Rogue 3 — Deep Space and Dragons II (PBP) [INACTIVE]
ARVATH WILDFEATHER — Half-Orc Assassin Rogue 4/Ranger 2 — A New Day in Neverwinter (PBP Solo) [INACTIVE]
BENEVOLENCE CARTWRIGHT — Variant Human Forge Domain Cleric 9 — Silver Falls Six (Roll20) [DMPC]
SWEET BABOO — Goblin The Genie Warlock 3 — Goblin Heist (Roll20) [ONESHOT]
VALDAHI MOURNINGSHINE — Eladrin Oath of Redemption Paladin 5 — The Price of Beauty (Owlbear Rodeo) [ONESHOT]
KEYLETH OF THE AIR ASHARI — Half-Elf Circle of the Moon Druid 16 — Vox Machina vs. Mighty Nein (Foundry) [ONESHOT]
RAISHIL EVERDARK — Variant Human Shadow Magic Sorcerer 18/Hexblade Warlock 2 — The Heartless Prince (Owlbear Rodeo) [COMPLETED & RETIRED]
VOYAGE — Variant Human Twilight Cleric 4/Circle of Stars Druid 2 — TimorSol's Darrington Brigade, vol. 1: The Madhouse of Tasha's Kiss (Owlbear Rodeo) [DEAD]
JULIUS — Reborn Gunslinger Fighter 13/War Domain Cleric 1 — TimorSol's Darrington Brigade, vol. 2/4/8 (Owlbear Rodeo) [COMPLETED & RETIRED]
TERVARSES WYRMGUARD — Half-Orc Drakewarden Ranger 20 — Epic Exandrian Mayhem (Owlbear Rodeo) [ONESHOT]
WYN WINKLE — Hexblood The Valiant Warlock 12 — The Lost Manor [ONESHOT]
SIX SMOKE — Tabaxi Armorer Artificer 20 — Hallowed Halls of the Obsidian Scale (AboveVTT) [ONESHOT]
CARMESVO "MINA" REAVER — Aasimar Bard 2 — Incanter's Candlekeep Mysteries (Foundry) [ONESHOT]
MANGO JELLYNUT — Fairy Fey Wanderer Ranger 11 — Go Go Wildemount Rangers! (Owlbear Rodeo) [ONESHOT]
TAGALL THE RUINMARKED — Half-Orc Order of the Lycan Blood Hunter 5 — Slime and Shine (Owlbear Rodeo) [ONESHOT]
RODANI PRISETH — Custom Lineage Path of the Juggernaut Barbarian 16 — Epic Exandrian Escapades: Fight on the Arbor Exempler (Owlbear Rodeo) [ONESHOT]
VONN — Bugbear Way of the Cobalt Soul Monk 8 — Orbital Strike (Owlbear Rodeo) [ONESHOT]
ELLARYNA HAVENMORE — Varuant Human Frozen Sorcery Sorcerer 8 — Diving into Darkturn Caverns (Owlbear Rodeo) [ONESHOT]
LANE SUMMERBANE — Variant Human Oath of Redemption Paladin 16/The Hexblade Warlock 2 — What if... Vox Machina Never Made It Back? (Tableplop) [ONESHOT]
NYHANI — Goblin Bladesinging Wizard 5 — Snurtz's Birthday Oneshot (Owlbear Rodeo) [ONESHOT]
VALOR MIRIMM — Dark Elf Misdirector Rogue 10 — Abyssal Sorting Services, Inc. (Owlbear Rodeo) [ONESHOT]
MARTIVIR — Metallic Dragonborn (Bronze) Peace Domain Cleric 20 — Vengeance of Vecna Two-Parter (Roll20) [DEAD]
RO DARIN — Hexblood Circle of the Moon Druid 5 — The Fiend of Hollow Mine (Owlbear Rodeo) [ONESHOT]
DETECTIVE ZOG — Mark of Finding Half-Orc Gloomstalker Ranger 11 — Curse of Blackmoor Manor (Owlbear Rodeo) [ONESHOT]
TERVARSES STARSWORN — Half-Orc Oath of the Ancients Paladin 14 — Molaesmyr Cataclysm (Owlbear Rodeo) [ONESHOT]
SARIVA CRESTPEAK — Variant Human Scout Rogue 4 — Eight Petals Argent (Solo) [HIATUS]
MAVERICK — Earth Genasi Moon Domain Cleric 3 — Artie's PBP [ACTIVE]
Level 9 — Silver Falls Six (Roll20) [ACTIVE]
Level 3 — Hype Squad (Roll20) [HIATUS]
Level 2 — Xhorhasian Mysteries (Discord PbP) [INACTIVE]
Level 1 — Nicodranas: Dragon Heist (Discord PbP) [INACTIVE]
Level 3 — Journey Through the Radiant Citadel (Owlbear Rodeo) [ACTIVE]
Level 5 — Bitter Batch: Keys from the Golden Vault (Roll20) [ACTIVE]
Level 2 — Dragon of Icespire Peak (Discord PBP) [ACTIVE]
Ryan (he/him/his)
Extended Signature
All hail the great and mighty platypus.
Sedge, if you had one apple, and I took one away, how many apples would you have?
My homebrew setting: (feedback? PM me!)
Resisting is simply standing in front of the tide and pushing at it. Even if you endure at first, you will eventually break down. Adapting, by contrast, is turning into a fish.
Proud Initiate of the Cult of Grammar. Use cultist statistics.
All hail the great and mighty platypus.
Resisting is simply standing in front of the tide and pushing at it. Even if you endure at first, you will eventually break down. Adapting, by contrast, is turning into a fish.
Rangers are not underpowered. They’re just exploration-oriented.
My homebrew setting:
This account is kinda old and I haven’t used it in a while
How is it in seattle?
Enjoy my magic items, spells, monsters, my race, and a few feats. And GIVE ME FEEDBACK... or else.
Like what I say?
⬐ Just press this little guy right here.