long live the cult of sedge! but there hasnt been much traffic soo maybe its dying?, im the supreme meowster of the cult of cats im also a member of the supreme court of sauce and the what cult [and probably a few others]
mollymauk lives *for now* *welp now his name is knigsly soo i geuss hes alive?*
dont forget to love each other
pronouns [ he him his] [straight] [follow if you like what i say and do]
i have 6 followers [i guess people like me?], join calius & kothar industries we have good pay,a lawyer and weekly BBQs in hell [plus dental] *its a PM ask to join,you need to know who caluis and kothar are before hand, we take no responsibility for injury or death on the job.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Naibs of Dune, I'm the supreme meowster of the cult of cats!, Head lobotomizer of the OIADSB cult, I've got a thieves guild, come join, Warlock main in D2.
Don't forget to love each other!
I play characters at taverns.
[ He/him ] [Shout out to my 11 followers] [ If you think I haven't responded to something check my posts.]
Join Calius & Kothar industries. We have good pay, plus dental! see tavern for details
The Circle of Hedgehogs Druid Beholder/Animated Armor Level -20 Bardof the OIADSB Cult, here are our rules.Sig.Also a sauce council member, but it's been dead for a while.
All stars fade. Some stars forever fall. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Homebrew:Magic Items,Monsters,Spells,Subclasses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If there was no light, people wouldn't fear the dark.
If you can guess my name, can I not join this cult?
I butter my bread on both sides, to stack the odds in my flavor.
The exact same thing happens to you after death as what happened to you before you were born.
I once blew someone's mind by asking them to listen to me for just a minute and then proceeded to talk for 59 seconds exactly.
I have heard the sound of one hand clapping... and it was deafening. I shall never hear the like again.
I once stared, long, into the abyss... and it ran away.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and live beneath the sun again, where trees and flowers grow."
— The message of Eilistraee to all decent drow.
"Run thy sword across my chains, Silver Lady, that I may join your dance.”
Dream of Days, 10th level Cleric (Trickery)/ 3 Rouge (Inquisitive)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Helper of Create a World thread/Sedge is Chaotic Neutral/ Mega Yahtzee High: 34, Low: 14/I speak English, je me parle le Francais, agus Labhraim beagan Gaeilge
I’m a hobbit, I guess. I am also the supreme [redacted] of the nonexistent cult. Come join us! (Disclaimer: only those who do not exist can join.)
Any of my homebrew not on the forums is junk. Don’t look at it. The majority of my homebrew on the forums is also junk. Don’t look at it.
Anything yuo find in this is not a typo.
I‘ve got you surrounded, at least from this side... (my friend)
It looks like a fish! (my sister. It did not look like a fish)
My sister: Which do you think I’m worst at: Dancing, singing driving or drawing? Me: Driving. Her: I’m actually pretty good at driving! Me: I’d say if you are doing something near a police officer and get arrested for it, you are considered bad at it. (And no I will not give context.)
Y the Metamystic’s Four Rules of Adventuring:
”If the DM says ‘Are you sure?’ always say no.”
”If the DM is describing something in unusual detail, pull out the two hundred foot telescope poles.”
”Meddle not in the affairs of DM’s, for though’s character art squishy and easy to kill.”
“X says that a chest might be a chest, I say a chest is almost never a chest.”
This isn't actually a signature, just something I copy and paste onto the bottom of all my posts. Or is it? Yep, it is. Or is it..? I’m a hobbit, and the master cranial imploder of the "Oops, I Accidently Destroyed Someone's Brain" cult. Extended sig. I'm actually in Limbo, it says I'm in Mechanus because that's where I get my WiFi from. Please don't tell the modrons, they're still angry from the 'Spawning Stone' fiasco. No connection to Dragonslayer8 other than knowing them in real life.
I like lotr... I am a Maia, Elf, Hobbit, Ainur, Istari and Dwarf of the Lotr club. I created the Questioning things thread, The and I'm weird. Bap.
Never meddle in the affairs of bullies, for we are nerds and are cool. We're cool right? Yeah, we're cool. - Gradius Inglorian
There is no life I know to compare with the ones we make in dnd. - Gradius Wonka
The only rules that matter are these: What a man can roll for and what a man can't roll for. - Captain Gradius Sparrow
You can always find me on the Apprecation of Classic (or new) Japanese Animes Club, which I made hehe. I love Gundam (hence the pp) and Ultraman. I have made a few Homebrews. Not proud of them because I suck at that. (No link thank you very much.) I used to play Ikko Greenleaf on the tavern. Only mentioning that because he was my only character that wasn't a train wreck.
Anyway I also play Eda and King (from The Owl House), Amuro Ray (from Gundam I), Ultraman (from Ultraman), and Godzilla (I think you can figure this one out.) on the Cross-Over Tavern.
BAP. bAp. BaAaAaP. Bap.
(Bap talk for "That's the end of my extended sig")
I rp a lot in the various taverns, here are my characters (at least the ones I can remember)
Krathian Hedara, an intellectual and curious fellow whose past is largely shrouded in mystery, servant of an eldritch horror composed of pure thought. He can often be found gallivanting around the Tavern at the End of the World with his dashing, octopus-like familiar, Q'ilbrith.
Tara Flintkiller, a slightly pyromaniacal hitwoman engaged in all sorts of illicit activities, most of which involve shooting things with a crossbow. She likes to shoot first, and then check later to make sure what she shot was actually an enemy.
Jim the Pick, A timid bugbear who's afraid of just about everything. A former employee of the Xanathar Guild, he had a fleeting problem with demons though nobody's sure what caused that as of yet. He's a surprisingly excellent cook, and can often be found in the kitchen of whatever tavern he calls his home.
Perdo Tzato, a falling street-mage, cursed to be followed by a swarm of over-affectionate cats wherever he goes. Due to Kinsley's hijinks, he also has a daughter now. (Transformed a kitten that followed him into a werecat.)
Finn Merd, an easygoing halfling monk of Vodn, enjoys working out way too much. He tends to be kind, if a bit outspoken, but challenge his ideals and he'll speak his mind, severely.
Seferis Cirdir, A ruthless arms dealer and businessman, who's not above the occasional necessary murder. Finds religion rather annoying. He was originally introduced in Tales of the Adventurer's Tavern, but has since been relocated to Konton: Planet of a Thousand Cities.
Nathan Combshaker, A kindhearted half-elven paladin in his early thirties. He can often be seen riding around the Tavern at the End of the World on his giant, bell-laden goat, Ingoll, offering honeycomb to children.
Turin Adzegrinder, A myopic, shabbily dressed dwarven thief wanted for almost every known non-violent crime on his home plane. He generally spends his days running gambling tables and playing cards in the Tavern at the End of the World.
The White Crows, A band of three musicians who played in the Tavern at the End of the World for some time. Their members are, Beren: an elven pianist with long hair and hard eyes, Jack Digence: a middle-aged, bearded halfing musician with a penchant for the banjo and other stringed instruments, and Fereleth: a jack-of-all-trades Air Genasi musician, favoring brass and percussion.
Atta Dappa: A deity: quiet, thoughtful ferryman of the dead from an unknown plane.
Matt Henneberry (0604), is an escaped political prisoner with cybernetic legs from a yet-unknown plane. He's currently hiding out from his native authorities at the Backbone Tavern 2.0
Tench Mac'Cleaver, a rambunctious pirate captain with a vengeful streak and a sword of levin. (Check my homebrew) Friendlier than most pirates, he can sometimes be found drinking rum and partying with the various patrons of the original Backbone Tavern.
Alvin Stonebrow, Tench's hard-headed and severe duergar first mate. Not nearly as friendly as his captain, Alvin suffers no fools, and will likely break the ribs of any who anger him or slight the honor of his captain, ship, and crew.
Per Landsraad, a deckwizard of Tench's pirate crew and Tara's brother. This golden-eyed scoundrel can sometimes be found prowling around the Tavern at the End of the World.
I am a DM who enjoys to torture my players with anchovy duolingo and flying eyeball bricks. I love horror and anything weird.
My favorite NPCs to use are or were:
Granny Furbys'kov (literally impossible to kill): A sweet old furby woman who owns a country house full of furby children, who she grinds into 98% alcoholic beverages at the ripe old age of 7.
Phillip Gordelgup (RIP): A kuo-toa with an intelligence score of 3 who for some reason was placed in charge of 50 dragon eggs. And guess who decided to steal those dragon eggs and kill poor innocent Phillip?
Glob glube glubglub gglub glubb (that's anchovy for Goodbye, random person)
Ello, I'm Yondor!! Been on the forums for a bit now, loved every second of it. I'm usually hanging around LCW, roleplaying, or just goofing off. Feel free to PM me whenever, for any reason.
Drummer's my buddy here. He's awesome. ALSO, uh, like a gazillion other folks that are superb, just can't list em all :)
GUESS WHO'S BACK..... Whelp, you took too long to guess. NOTHIC IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A quote I repeat to myself a lot:
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr. Seuss
And a recent quote I stumbled upon:
“When you are visited by chaos and swallowed up; when nature curses you or someone you love with illness; or when tyranny rends asunder something of value that you have built, it is salutary to know the rest of the story. All of that misfortune is only the bitter half of the tale of existence, without taking note of the heroic element of redemption or the nobility of the human spirit requiring a certain responsibility to shoulder. We ignore that addition to the story at our peril, because life is so difficult that losing sight of the heroic part of existence could cost us everything.” - Jordan Peterson
"In that case, I'll just write my entire extended signature with quotes"
"The Forest of wonders is a DMless play by post campaign that is always recruiting. The recruitment thread is here and the game thread is here"
"Join the Competition of the Finest brews, a friendly homebrew creation contest! We are currently on our eleventh iteration of the competition, which can be found here"
"Come to the Magnificent Guild of Homebrew, a place to hang out, discuss homebrew, seek feedback on your homebrew, and see great homebrew created by others!"
"I'm currently not very active on this site, but if you private message me I promise I'll response pretty quickly. As long as your are talking on a cosmological standpoint. No clue what amount of time people call quick."
"I'm a huge math nerd, so if you ever need to distract me all you need to do is stage a conversation about group theory. Speaking of math, This is why wizards are op in D&D"
"I really don't have anything left so say here so here are some quotes I like"
"Real life is really high CR"
"Mathematicians are a special machine that turn coffee into math"
-Richard Rusczyk
"“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
Active Campaigns
Lost Lab of Kwalish- [DM Wile_E_Coyote]- Cryptic Gravity: Bounty Hunter: Shifter-Artificer(Battle Smith)/Fighter(Arcane Archer)
Bleak Prospect- [DM IrRy0]- Ermasnietsz (The Timekeeper): Far Traveller (Planetouched): Reborn:Sorcerer (Clockwork Soul)
For Honor- [DM Beneficence]- Lady Jimena Lenhareth: Knight:Reborn-Fighter(Psi Warrior)
Dead Man's Dragon 2- [DM Bruce_the_Barbarian]- Kalisia Wongbe: Hermit: Dark Elf-Necromancer/Alchemist
Retired/Discontinued Campaigns
M.E.T.A.L Shadow Vipers- [DM Fitz Coulson]- Maerwyn Grim Mindbender: Eladrin-Warlock/Wizard/Bloodhunter (Disbanded)
Colosseum of Crystal- [DM HomebrewMindFlayer]- Kallista Cicero Danzirge: Tiefling-Monk
Wilderness Patrol- [DM Technopagan]- Nilvén Zhou: Air Genasi-Monk (Deceased)
Icewind Dale: Mouse Guard Adventures in the Frigid North- [DM Opheodrys]- Dixie Fierypaws: Rabbitfolk-Ranger (Disbanded)
Karmoli's a Great Upheaval- [DM Karmoli]- Phoebus Sphyboe Tundra: Harpers Messenger(Watcher Spy):Half-elf-Sorcerer(Draconic Bloodline:Silver Dragon) (Retired)
Candlekeep- A Deep and Creeping Darkness- [DM PolarBearSoup]- Jimena Lenhareth: Muse Soldier(Marksman):Kalashtar-Rogue/Fighter (Discontinued)
Quests Done Quick: Night Shift- [DM Dylanthalas]- Scareclaw: Kenku-Rogue (Completed)
The Rise of Evil- [DM Orange20]- Lady Grim Reaper: Mercenary Veteran:Eladrin-Bloodhunter(The Archfey) (Disbanded)
Curse of Strahd- [DM VenElectric]- Neonine Ruthmarra: Astral Elf:Warlock: Hexblade (Discontinued)
The Westmarch Mystery- [DM J.F.Capps]- Iseminstra Verakova: Variant Human: Fortune-teller (Wizard) (Disbanded)
Dead Man's Dragon 2- [DM Bruce_the_Barbarian]- Kalisia Wongbe: Dark Elf (Drow): Necromancer/Alchemist (Disbanded)
A Summoning Gone Wrong- [DM Jusblazm]- Donavera Isemist: Hexblood: Divination Wizard/Warlock (The Archfey- Mother Lorinda) (Discontinued)
MTG: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms- [DM Wile.E.Coyote]- Marlyth De Cinqe: Folk Hero:Tiefling-Druid(Order of the Land:Coast)/Ranger (Completed)
Bloodwater: Scourge of the Sharklord- [DM Edward Sharktooth]- Constanza Vahlrast: Monster Hunter Triton: Warlock(The Fathomless) (Playtest)
Dungeon Master
The Worlds of Pphost- Owned by TechnoPagan- Retired Member of the DM Team
Creator of the "Irene's Lodging Facility(Discontinued)" 'Banshee (Variant)'
Retired Boss Lady- Masquerade of the Red Eleasis(Discontinued)
Haunted Mansion- Tavernkeeper (Completed)
InkedBee (Undead_Analyst)
Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts - Jenviel Tsumara: Fallen Aasimar- Monk|Crimson Sands of Time - Navarra Iltazyara: Human- Druid/Warlock| Bleak Prospect - Ermasnietsz: Reborn- Clockwork Soul Sorcerer
long live the cult of sedge! but there hasnt been much traffic soo maybe its dying?, im the supreme meowster of the cult of cats im also a member of the supreme court of sauce and the what cult [and probably a few others]
mollymauk lives *for now* *welp now his name is knigsly soo i geuss hes alive?*
dont forget to love each other
pronouns [ he him his] [straight] [follow if you like what i say and do]
i have 6 followers [i guess people like me?], join calius & kothar industries we have good pay,a lawyer and weekly BBQs in hell [plus dental] *its a PM ask to join,you need to know who caluis and kothar are before hand, we take no responsibility for injury or death on the job.
Naibs of Dune, I'm the supreme meowster of the cult of cats!, Head lobotomizer of the OIADSB cult, I've got a thieves guild, come join, Warlock main in D2.
Don't forget to love each other!
I play characters at taverns.
[ He/him ] [Shout out to my 11 followers] [ If you think I haven't responded to something check my posts.]
Join Calius & Kothar industries. We have good pay, plus dental! see tavern for details
I play as Potato in this thread. You can also join Tiamat's Conga line on the same thread.
Heat metal and prismatic wall are awesome.
Cats and dogs exist, and that is a fact.
The magic can come out of your ear.
Please believe that this sentence is a lie.
What do you get when a human PC runs into an elf NPC?
An angry elf.
The Circle of Hedgehogs Druid Beholder/Animated Armor Level -20 Bard of the OIADSB Cult, here are our rules. Sig. Also a sauce council member, but it's been dead for a while.
Trust me, you shouldn't trust me.
All stars fade. Some stars forever fall.
Homebrew: Magic Items, Monsters, Spells, Subclasses
If there was no light, people wouldn't fear the dark.
The following sentence is true. The previous sentence is false.
I can’t remember what’s supposed to go here.
Miley Cyrus music should be outlawed by the Geneva Convention.
I am but a fool.
If you can guess my name, can I not join this cult?
I butter my bread on both sides, to stack the odds in my flavor.
The exact same thing happens to you after death as what happened to you before you were born.
I once blew someone's mind by asking them to listen to me for just a minute and then proceeded to talk for 59 seconds exactly.
I have heard the sound of one hand clapping... and it was deafening. I shall never hear the like again.
I once stared, long, into the abyss... and it ran away.
“What? Do a lot of people not know if they’re robots?”
"Wait! Are you the baddies?"- Saleadon Morgul
"Without luck you can't live, without living you can't have luck. Take it while you can." -Order of Luck Noroax saying
"May the Traveler guide your steps."- Dream of Days (Dream)
"And who might you be? Could you help me?"- Harpeque of the Highmounts
"All who wander are wandering. Me? I wander to tell stories."- Jivseque Novon, Far Traveler
Saleadon Morgul, 8th level Artificer (Battle Smith) Aasimar (Protecter)
Bzeczumi D'Chala, 5th level Ranger (Hunter) Aacockra
Jeavin Bascoroav, 1st level Ranger (-) Elf (Drow)
Dream of Days, 10th level Cleric (Trickery)/ 3 Rouge (Inquisitive)
Helper of Create a World thread/Sedge is Chaotic Neutral/ Mega Yahtzee High: 34, Low: 14/I speak English, je me parle le Francais, agus Labhraim beagan Gaeilge
Dream of Days Lore Bard 9/Wizard 4 Baulder's Gate: Descent to Avernus (In Person/Over Zoom)
Saleadon Morgul Battle Smith Artificer 11 Tyranny of Dragons (In Person/Over Zoom)
Hurtharn Serpti Ghostslayer Blood Hunter 7 Spelljammer (Over Zoom)
Ex Sig
I’m a hobbit, I guess. I am also the supreme [redacted] of the nonexistent cult. Come join us! (Disclaimer: only those who do not exist can join.)
Any of my homebrew not on the forums is junk. Don’t look at it. The majority of my homebrew on the forums is also junk. Don’t look at it.
Anything yuo find in this is not a typo.
I‘ve got you surrounded, at least from this side... (my friend)
It looks like a fish! (my sister. It did not look like a fish)
My sister: Which do you think I’m worst at: Dancing, singing driving or drawing? Me: Driving. Her: I’m actually pretty good at driving! Me: I’d say if you are doing something near a police officer and get arrested for it, you are considered bad at it. (And no I will not give context.)
Y the Metamystic’s Four Rules of Adventuring:
”If the DM says ‘Are you sure?’ always say no.”
”If the DM is describing something in unusual detail, pull out the two hundred foot telescope poles.”
”Meddle not in the affairs of DM’s, for though’s character art squishy and easy to kill.”
“X says that a chest might be a chest, I say a chest is almost never a chest.”
This isn't actually a signature, just something I copy and paste onto the bottom of all my posts. Or is it? Yep, it is. Or is it..? I’m a hobbit, and the master cranial imploder of the "Oops, I Accidently Destroyed Someone's Brain" cult. Extended sig. I'm actually in Limbo, it says I'm in Mechanus because that's where I get my WiFi from. Please don't tell the modrons, they're still angry from the 'Spawning Stone' fiasco.
No connection to Dragonslayer8 other than knowing them in real life.
I like lotr... I am a Maia, Elf, Hobbit, Ainur, Istari and Dwarf of the Lotr club. I created the Questioning things thread, The and I'm weird. Bap.
Never meddle in the affairs of bullies, for we are nerds and are cool. We're cool right? Yeah, we're cool. - Gradius Inglorian
There is no life I know to compare with the ones we make in dnd. - Gradius Wonka
The only rules that matter are these: What a man can roll for and what a man can't roll for. - Captain Gradius Sparrow
You can always find me on the Apprecation of Classic (or new) Japanese Animes Club, which I made hehe. I love Gundam (hence the pp) and Ultraman. I have made a few Homebrews. Not proud of them because I suck at that. (No link thank you very much.) I used to play Ikko Greenleaf on the tavern. Only mentioning that because he was my only character that wasn't a train wreck.
Anyway I also play Eda and King (from The Owl House), Amuro Ray (from Gundam I), Ultraman (from Ultraman), and Godzilla (I think you can figure this one out.) on the Cross-Over Tavern.
BAP. bAp. BaAaAaP. Bap.
(Bap talk for "That's the end of my extended sig")
Back in black baby
Supreme Lord of the Salt & Vinegar Potato Chips
Member of the Council in the Star Wars Cult
Tolkienite in the LOTR Cult
Member of the OIADSB Cult
Head of the Knights of McGucket and the Edgar Allan Poe Cult
Please, for your own safety, look out for the White Eye
Never screw with what you can't understand
And anger not the DM, for thou art crunchy and go well with nachos
Ever wanted to shout screw you at a mirror? Or is that just me?
I rp a lot in the various taverns, here are my characters (at least the ones I can remember)
Krathian Hedara, an intellectual and curious fellow whose past is largely shrouded in mystery, servant of an eldritch horror composed of pure thought. He can often be found gallivanting around the Tavern at the End of the World with his dashing, octopus-like familiar, Q'ilbrith.
Tara Flintkiller, a slightly pyromaniacal hitwoman engaged in all sorts of illicit activities, most of which involve shooting things with a crossbow. She likes to shoot first, and then check later to make sure what she shot was actually an enemy.
Jim the Pick, A timid bugbear who's afraid of just about everything. A former employee of the Xanathar Guild, he had a fleeting problem with demons though nobody's sure what caused that as of yet. He's a surprisingly excellent cook, and can often be found in the kitchen of whatever tavern he calls his home.
Perdo Tzato, a falling street-mage, cursed to be followed by a swarm of over-affectionate cats wherever he goes. Due to Kinsley's hijinks, he also has a daughter now. (Transformed a kitten that followed him into a werecat.)
Finn Merd, an easygoing halfling monk of Vodn, enjoys working out way too much. He tends to be kind, if a bit outspoken, but challenge his ideals and he'll speak his mind, severely.
Seferis Cirdir, A ruthless arms dealer and businessman, who's not above the occasional necessary murder. Finds religion rather annoying. He was originally introduced in Tales of the Adventurer's Tavern, but has since been relocated to Konton: Planet of a Thousand Cities.
Nathan Combshaker, A kindhearted half-elven paladin in his early thirties. He can often be seen riding around the Tavern at the End of the World on his giant, bell-laden goat, Ingoll, offering honeycomb to children.
Turin Adzegrinder, A myopic, shabbily dressed dwarven thief wanted for almost every known non-violent crime on his home plane. He generally spends his days running gambling tables and playing cards in the Tavern at the End of the World.
The White Crows, A band of three musicians who played in the Tavern at the End of the World for some time. Their members are, Beren: an elven pianist with long hair and hard eyes, Jack Digence: a middle-aged, bearded halfing musician with a penchant for the banjo and other stringed instruments, and Fereleth: a jack-of-all-trades Air Genasi musician, favoring brass and percussion.
Atta Dappa: A deity: quiet, thoughtful ferryman of the dead from an unknown plane.
Matt Henneberry (0604), is an escaped political prisoner with cybernetic legs from a yet-unknown plane. He's currently hiding out from his native authorities at the Backbone Tavern 2.0
Tench Mac'Cleaver, a rambunctious pirate captain with a vengeful streak and a sword of levin. (Check my homebrew) Friendlier than most pirates, he can sometimes be found drinking rum and partying with the various patrons of the original Backbone Tavern.
Alvin Stonebrow, Tench's hard-headed and severe duergar first mate. Not nearly as friendly as his captain, Alvin suffers no fools, and will likely break the ribs of any who anger him or slight the honor of his captain, ship, and crew.
Per Landsraad, a deckwizard of Tench's pirate crew and Tara's brother. This golden-eyed scoundrel can sometimes be found prowling around the Tavern at the End of the World.
Hi, I am not a chest. I deny with 100% certainty that I am a chest. I can neither confirm nor deny what I am beyond that.
I used to portray Krathian, Q'ilbrith, Jim, Tara, Turin, Nathan, Tench, Finn, Alvin, and other characters in various taverns.
I also do homebrew, check out my Spells and Magic Items
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons, even death may die"
The owner of the BBT (BackBone tavern) and the BBT 2.0.
A chaotic neutral person who loves body horror, cosmic aliens, and time travel. A real science nerd.
I play a range of characters who change VERY quickly.
My mains are:
Allison Vanderguard (a Half-elf Aasimar bard)
Adder Warfield (A demonically ressurected teifling)
Kelispo Lilywhite (a kind and empathic tiefling who owns a winter helmswolf named Gordon)
Oscar Moonbeam (an undying half-human lich who would do anything to save her family.)
The Brand (A destructive Merc who has access to the underworlds below)
[ Discord: #houseofash4056 | PlayStation: RoseGardenTea | Instagram: undertonetrash | Youtube: Area 23 | Steam: RoseGardenTea. ]
- Pronouns: [He/Him/They/Them] Sexuality: [Panromantic/Demisexual] -
"So don't worry Tom, the sun will shine even into a heap of twigs." - Ahti.
cssmichymb (she/her/her's)
I am a DM who enjoys to torture my players with anchovy duolingo and flying eyeball bricks. I love horror and anything weird.
My favorite NPCs to use are or were:
Granny Furbys'kov (literally impossible to kill):
A sweet old furby woman who owns a country house full of furby children, who she grinds into 98% alcoholic beverages at the ripe old age of 7.
Phillip Gordelgup (RIP):
A kuo-toa with an intelligence score of 3 who for some reason was placed in charge of 50 dragon eggs. And guess who decided to steal those dragon eggs and kill poor innocent Phillip?
Glob glube glubglub gglub glubb (that's anchovy for Goodbye, random person)
| Hello There |
(\_/) ‖
(•ᆺ•) ‖
/ ‛づ
| ) )
.. ‾⁾ ‾⁾
Ello, I'm Yondor!! Been on the forums for a bit now, loved every second of it. I'm usually hanging around LCW, roleplaying, or just goofing off. Feel free to PM me whenever, for any reason.
Credit for above image.
My characters I play here on the forums:
I play Tel'chan at The Twinkling Stars Tavern. (Note: Tel'chan is now at The Floating Isle Inn.)
I play Sunny at The Explorer's Hollow.
I play Screamer at The Soldier’s Rally.
I play Hugo at the Harry Potter Hogwarts Thread Reboot.
I play Raniplukna, or Rani, at the Lord's Rest Inn, and Azul the air genasi there, too.
I play Grakir at The Nightmare Hold.
I play Gary and Lily at The Sweet Dreams Factory.
I play an old eladrin at The Bar of Bliss.
I play Ruhan at Konton: Planet of a Thousand Cities.
I play Timmy Yeldreth at The Tavern of New Destinies.
I play Marikoth at The Fallen Monarch.
I play Lazaren au Andromeus at the Golden son PBP thread.
I play Dortan at The Tower of Shadows.
I'm participating in The Sleepover.
I'm playing Tod at The Bureau of Demonic Contracts and Summoning.
I play SCP-4820 at Site-72 (SCP).
I play Felix at The Scrap Pile.
I play Rafael at 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔾𝕣𝕖𝕪𝕃𝕠𝕔𝕜 PBP thread.
I play Red the Mii and Matt the Mii on the 🅃🄷🄴 🅸🅽🆃🅴🆁🅽🅴🆃 ฬคשє tavern.
I play Julian in Sleepover 2.
I play Matt in the Camp Half-Blood RP.
I play Carmen in The SS Tillandsia.
I play Griffin in Utmost Secrecy: A PM Espionage Game.
I play Phil in The Pit of 100 Trials.
I play Takuma in the SkyBound PBP.
I play Daisy in The Gut.
I play Able in the AstraMarine: A Space-Faring Tavern Experiment.
I play Benji in The Shopping District.
I play Hayano in the Samurai Guild.
I play Dio in Minecraft: Kingdom of Atheria.
I play Hayano, Dante, and Carmen in The Bloody Barnacle.
I play Hayden in The Glade.
I play Peter Dawson in The Zone.
I play Yondor, Jasper, Carrey, and the majority of the staff of the Store and the townspeople in my tavern YonStore.
I play Tod in Prisoners of the Demonweb.
I play Coulter and Copper in Buttons’ Best.
I play Wog in A Very Accurate History of The World.
I play Lily in The Games of Skill.
I play Tod and Liam in San Fuerza: A City of Secrets and Superpowers.
I play Calvin in 16 Perfectly Smooth Stone Spheres.
I play the Bob Barrels in The Autumn Country.
I play TK-7022 in The Flooded World: A Star Wars RP Thread.
I play Hummer at Schloss Scrumptious.
I play Eddy at The Conservatory.
Universe Canvas Gods:
Name: Melos
Alignment: CG
Domain: Fire
Focuses: Music, Fire
Rank: Minor God
Followers: 320
Honestly, by now I've probably forgotten to put some characters here. Too much stuff crammed into my puny brain.
Taverns I've made:
The 2 Story Tavern (Co-owned with Drummer :D)
The Cliche Tavern
Drummer's my buddy here. He's awesome. ALSO, uh, like a gazillion other folks that are superb, just can't list em all :)
GUESS WHO'S BACK..... Whelp, you took too long to guess. NOTHIC IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A quote I repeat to myself a lot:
And a recent quote I stumbled upon:
⌜╔═════════════ The Board ══════════════╗⌝
...took me in, showed compassion, and prepared me...
⌞╚════════════ Extended Signature ════════════╝⌟
i rule over everything.
play fred at the twinkling stars tavern.
this game is weird- my crazy sister, about dnd.
youre weird-me, immediately after.
me fred.
Me also like seven hundred other characters that I don´t want to go through.
I am currently writing a collection of short stories called ¨tales from the pocket realm.¨
Displaying data...
Forum best friends: Nothic2SeeHere and Yondor_The_Fantastic
Allies: The Spider Queen and the Spider Guild
Enemies: Baalzeboop in the KitKat wars
My first and favorite Tavern (May it rest in peace):✨The Twinkling Stars Tavern✨
Favorite character (Out of the Forums): Luca
Favorite character (within the Forums): Oslo
Character played around Adohand's Kitchen: King Dragon slayer
Favorite Quote: "We don't want war, but we will fight... And you will regret it." -- King_Dragon_Slayer, from the last Cult war.
Honorable mentions: Quick Fire Roleplays, 𝓞𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮, The Sleepover, Tavern: Under construction, The Fallen Monarch, FWR2, and the Cult Of Onomatopoeia
Threads in my mini game series: Drop the bomb, Bonfire night minigame, and the Easter egg mini game
Characters I play in Taverns:
Legacy Tavern (PM):
Orlando, the chocolate wizard
Holly, the sassy Christmas elf (Yep, created at Christmas, and she's still going)
Archie, the nervous Goliath spirit
Bad name Tavern:
Ghost, the half spirit
Jarvis, the lonely hunter
Oslo, the yellow raincoat boy (Maybe)
Latin, the bard shot by cupid
Lords Rest:
Twisp, the white rabbit
James, the drunk soldier
My home on the Forums (And a place to find me if you think I'm worth your time): Last comment wins
A close up of my profile picture (In case you're wondering what the heck it is (It's AI generated)):
Get your own custom title here
Thank you for reading!
Back for the sleepover!!!
So uh yeah this is my extended signature.
I am an average mathematics enjoyer.
>Extended Signature<