Actuall secretly sells catnip to kids as the "good stuff" for half price because he's a "good guy looking out for those that can't afford it elsewhere."
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"Anything is possible if you don't know what you're talking about." - My Granddad
Subsistcyber is actually a Subsistcyborg!
Subsistcyber has to wear rose colored glasses when he reads because it helps the words stay in one place.
"Anything is possible if you don't know what you're talking about." - My Granddad
HypeFox usually salts his food with exactly three shakes, except on Sundays when he shakes it 4 times since its a cheat day and all
Acruall secretly thinks Star Wars is overrated.
(Ironically, I had determined to use this one, no matter who was the last poster lol)
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?
*Edit* Firehawk is secretly a protocol droid in disguise
lol :P
Vexx is a secret fan of Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey.
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?
Firehawk secretly hates eating cereal because it cuts the roof of HER mouth, but she feels awkward at the breakfast table if she doesn't.
[[Damn you, Actuall. I had to explain to a friend why I guffawed at my computer for "no reason".]
"Anything is possible if you don't know what you're talking about." - My Granddad
HypeFox is secretly the God of Hype
My Mountain Dwarf Fighter, from the Peaks of Winter Play by Post. I'm very proud of him. Thanks to VillainTheory for backstory inspiration.
VortexKirito secretly leaves one drink leaves one drink left in jugs and puts them back in the icebox, blaming them on someone else.
"Anything is possible if you don't know what you're talking about." - My Granddad
Damn Hype you took my next idea.
HypeFox has the ability to read peoples minds, but only if they send him a snapchat of their face first
Every time HypeFox types the phrase, "leaves one drink." He is cursed to repeat it.
My Mountain Dwarf Fighter, from the Peaks of Winter Play by Post. I'm very proud of him. Thanks to VillainTheory for backstory inspiration.
VortexKirito secretly wishes the 2nd story arc of SAO never happened to him.
[[Actuall, that's the 2nd time today I've been called psychic ^_^]]
"Anything is possible if you don't know what you're talking about." - My Granddad
HypeFox is an onion.
My Mountain Dwarf Fighter, from the Peaks of Winter Play by Post. I'm very proud of him. Thanks to VillainTheory for backstory inspiration.
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?
Firehawk and Vortex colluded so that I can't defend myself against being an onion >:[
"Anything is possible if you don't know what you're talking about." - My Granddad
Don't worry, I won't tell people you are secretly crying right now.
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?
Firehawk secretly has to walk backwards into her bedroom because she's afraid of the dark and so cannot even peer into it.
"Anything is possible if you don't know what you're talking about." - My Granddad
HypeFox has an ant colony as a pet, and has named every single ant even though he can't tell them apart.
Actuall secretly sells catnip to kids as the "good stuff" for half price because he's a "good guy looking out for those that can't afford it elsewhere."
"Anything is possible if you don't know what you're talking about." - My Granddad
HypeFox sniffs glue.
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?