here is the general layout for factions. Each rank should have its own names for these things but this is just the placeholder name until you fill that in.Leader (1, or two in Jobah and Agate’s case) (CR 15-20) (also uses this)
General (2-3 generals) (CR 10-14)
Knight (5 knights) (CR 5-9)
Farmer (8 farmers) (CR 1-less)
footsoldier (any amount of footsoldier) (CR 3-less)
Every single faction follows this same format, although each one of their ranks has a different name, they are equivalent and function the same.
Some basic rules:
1:Roleplay, roleplay, roleplay! We want you to do it, it makes everything more fun, we will be doing it! Have strategy conversations in character and stuff! It makes the game much more fun.
2:PG-13 everyone! Listen, this is mostly a game where you will wage war and brutally destroy your enemies. But nothing above what you would see in a PG-13 marvel movie.
3:Romance is allowed, although I doubt it’ll come up. But if it does, no inappropriate stuff!
4:In your first post in whatever thread you see this message first, write a compliment to Archfey. Who definitely isn’t writing this. I promise.
5:Don’t get too competitive or angry. And don’t bring any drama into these threads, leave it outside, we don’t wanna deal with it here.
6:Ignore rule 4, actually write, “Bippity Boppity Boom!” Which is my signature spell. Again, definitely not Archfey writing this.
7: Just… don’t be a mean person. Don’t insult or argue or say how someone’s idea is utterly stupid and should burn in the pits of the underworld because that’s not nice :>
8: Please, don’t make overly jokey characters. Some of the factions are a bit silly, but this is still a serious game. Funny characters are allowed, just don’t play as an obvious meme character. I mean, I have a gunslinger fighter named Goldi Flintlocks but she’s still pretty serious. This is a serious game about war!
Any player in the Unit can count as the Unit’s commander, who decides what the Unit does. Otherwise, whoever bought the army or currently has ownership over the army controls it, with one unit in the army acting as the commander. If there is a higher ranking character of the same faction in that unit, they get priority to become the units commander, unless it already has one.
For every Farmer that a faction has, they produce ten (resource unique to each faction) at a certain time each day. This time is the same for each and every faction, which for simplicity is 12:00 A.M. Pacific Standard Time. This resource is what is used for the faction to build troops, which will count towards the units of the Faction, as in their armies for mass combat. Each faction has six different troops they can recruit using their special resource, each costing a different amount. What creature they are depends on the faction.
Troop type one: creature CR 1/2 or less, cost 1 resource (example: Lemure)
troop type two: creature CR 1 or less, cost 3 resource (Example: Imp)
troop type three:creature CR 2 or less, cost 5 resource (example: Spined Devil)
troop type four: Creature CR 3 or less, cost 10 resource. (Example: Bearded Devil)
troop type five: Creature CR 8 or less, cost 50 resource (example: Chain Devil)
troop type six: Creature CR 25 or less, cost 500 resource (example: Pit fiend)
these troops are recruited in increments of ten. For example, buying one Troop type one in this scenario would give you ten Lemures. However, for troop type six, it is instead recruited one at a time. So you would only get One Pit fiend, for example.
for combat, abilities that take a specific amount of time to recharge take that amount of time in real life. (Example: a one day use ability would recharge at the same time it was used the next day)
For smaller scale combat not including armies, you simply use regular combat rules for D&D.
Knight rankings and above can buy troops without the permission of the leader of the faction. Whoever bought the troops controls the factions as long as they are within the same region. A higher ranking character in the same region can confiscate the troops from a character (as long as there is reason in roleplay, the leader can veto any of these attempts if there isn’t a pretty good roleplay reason. don’t do it if you just want their troops for no reason, ask them to come with you or ask for them) as long as they are a member of the same faction (known spies don’t count) and a character can gift troops to another character of any ranking, granting ownership and control to them.
a player can be promoted to a higher rank in their faction if 1: there is an available spot for them, and 2: they would reasonably be promoted for roleplay reasons. A general can promote any player up to a knight, and only a leader can anoint generals. A player cannot be promoted twice within 5 days, and they cannot be promoted until after at least three days of being in the faction.
If the leader of a faction dies permanently, the general that has been the general the longest becomes the new faction leader. If you are promoted you have two options when you are promoted when it comes to your character: Make a new character or your new character gains upgrades or becomes more powerful to fit. Unless you really want to, we usually suggest doing the latter.
character creation:
Your character represents your rank in the guild, and follows the CR guidelines for your rank. Try to have your character fit with the theme of the faction, although less so if it is a spy. If your character dies and is not brought back through in game magic within a real life day, they are dead permanently and you lose your rank in the guild, so be careful! When this happens, you are demoted to the lowest guild rank.
Rules for spies!
1. If someone wants to be a spy for a faction, they PM a general (or leader. If the generals are pm'ed it's their job to alert the leader(s).), as asking in the main thread wouldn't work for obvious reasons. The general or leader would then decide which faction to send the spy into.
2. The spy asks to join the faction they were sent to.
3. The spy rises up in the ranks, and gains access to more and more information. (there will be PM meetings for different levels of ranking- Foot Soldier+, Knight+, and General and Leader only. The higher level the meeting, the bigger the information will likely be.) The spy has a PM thread with a general or the leader (or both) of their true faction where they share information they learn.
4. If the spy does a good job remaining undercover, then they keep feeding information to their true faction. However, if a general or higher thinks they're a spy, they can execute that spy and they'll perish.
5. Also, double agents are allowed, maybe even triple. Cause why not.
Alliances Rules!
Alliances can be formed between factions and individual people. For example, An alliance between faction A and faction B could form, And they agree to not attack each other and to send troops to help each other on the battlefield. Or, a general from faction A could ally with Faction C, sending out their personal troops to help them on the battlefield. Or two generals of rival factions teaming up together to storm the fortress of another faction. An alliance between factions cannot contain more than half of the factions in the game.
Each faction, as you know, has its own thread. That thread serves both as a recruitment thread for new members as well as a thread for the region that faction controls (again, we suggest roleplay as much as you can! Your faction can have like side projects besides war and cool roleplay opportunities!) in the region there are three main bases for that faction: two small ones that take place on the region thread, and a large, main base that takes place in a separate PM. The two small bases can be raided if there are no troops that anyone in the faction used to drive off the threat. If a base is raided, a fight occurs around the base, involving any creature in the base as well as any army units occupying the base. If the defenders lose the fight, their base is taken by the opposing force and must be taken back. The main base can be breached only in one of two ways: if both of the smaller bases are controlled by the same or allied forces, the main base is able to be attacked directly. Other option is that a spy or invited force attacks within the base. This usually is not the best idea unless you have a loooooot of troops under your command. A fight within the main base works practically the same as described for the smaller bases, but the players invading the base are invited to the main base PM and they play out the fight there. If this happens, once their characters and armies leave the base, they must leave the PM as well. When your character leaves a region, main base, or dungeon thread, you must make a post publically announcing it as well as if and how many troops they are taking with them. A base in a region is also used as a faction’s special resource storage, allowing factions to store resources. Any resource the faction makes above this limit is wasted and destroyed. The smaller bases can contain 500 resource, and the Main base controls 2500. To access these and recruit troops, a character must simply be in the same region and their faction must control the base.
Destroying Factions!
A faction persists on through trials and tests, and is quite hard to destroy. It is possible however, and doing so is likely a main goal for most factions against their enemies. For a faction to be destroyed, several conditions must be met:
The base no longer controls All three of their home region bases (controls meaning they lose the fight of being invaded and either surrender, are taken prisoner, or are killed.)
Every single Knight, General, and Leader of the faction is dead. (The faction cannot appoint new ones of these roles until it controls at least one base, although it need not be their’s originally.)
The faction no longer collectively controls more than 10 army units.
If all of these conditions are met, the faction is disbanded and is permanently destroyed.
Dungeons and being taken prisoner!
If your character is reduced to 0 hitpoints, that need not be their end! The person who reduced you to 0 has a choice: kill you or take you prisoner. If they choose the ladder, you then travel with them and their army until they take you back to their region and then to their main base. You, however, do not simply get to join the main base thread, but shall instead be put in a dungeon PM as you are taken prisoner. While in this dungeon PM, you cannot post on other faction war threads in character and cannot post anything besides clarifying questions and the likes. A player that is part of the faction you were captured by can serve as a guard there. Every single real life day you spend in the dungeon PM, you can roll a d20. On a 15 or higher, you escape the dungeon into the region thread and must put a post describing your escape and your character moving threads. The DC goes up by 1 for every player character acting as a guard for this prison, to a maximum of 19. A general or higher of the faction currently controlling the main base is able to free you from the dungeon, with the permission of that factions leader or not.
And those are the main rules for this super, duper complex game! Unless it specifically comes up no need to read dungeons, alliances, and spies.
And with that, onto the personal descriptions for this thread!
-Definitely not Archfey
The Baronies are one of the most terrifying, feared organizations in the entire world. They pretend they are normal. They act as if they were aristocrats, hosting tea parties, banquets, royal balls, and other events mirroring humanoid nobles. But they… aren’t normal. They are twisted mockeries of high society, fine clothes, finer foods and noble demeanors, distracting from the twisted horrors waiting just beneath the makeup and masks. The Baronies are a horde of eldritch monsters from the far reaches of space and the void, arriving on earth some three hundred years ago and rising to power within the last century. The world, in their eyes, is a delicious, valuable oyster that is theirs and theirs only. They believe it is their birthright, and so they act as if they are members of the aristocracy, the ones that own the land and that are at the top of humanoid society, to better fit the narrative that they own all the world’s treasure and resources. Some of the world’s finest scholars who have had the unpleasant experience of encountering the Baronies describe them as, “A pack of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Bloody, bloody sheep’s clothing.” The baronies are known for their magnificent manors and libraries, having brought with them eldritch knowledge no person should uncover. The Baronies have long since grown restless in their current position, despite the fact they own a large swathe of land. They want more, and their leader, the red Baron, will drive them to their ultimate goal of world domination.
the baronies lair in the eastern Trenches, an enormous Ravine or canyon, miles wide and many more miles deep. A crystal clear waterfall runs through the entire thing, starting at the top and forming numerous lakes on the mile wide ledges that jut out of the face all the way down, like a purple worm’s esophagus. Plants in the area are lush and sickly sweet, and when the right stars shine on the fields of grapes the baronies cultivate for wine, well, they grow strangely, but they produce the finest meats you’ll ever taste! The main base of the baronies is down, down, down in the trench and relatively unknown, but the other two main fortresses are in the open and are sights to behold. The highest one, positioned on the wall of the trench and reaching the top, Expanding into the side of the canyon, is Oleander Keep. The main purpose of the keep is the first line of defense and a military base at the edge of their territory. It is generally armed to the teeth and well protected, as well as serving as the residence of most of their military operatives. Secondly is Hemlock Castle, deeper in the trench and in the lush, green fields. It is the main storage place and producer of the Baronies’ special resource, ‘Wine,’ and it is surrounded by gardens and crop fields full of grape vines. Sunlight here only shines for around half the day, which is the, “Twilight zone,” of the trench. The final base, Monkshood manor, is the main operation center for the red Baron, at the deepest part of the trench where light only shines for around ten minutes a day, the trench’s, “Abyss.”Not much else is known about the manor to people not in the faction. Oleander Keep and Hemlock castle both take place on this thread, as well as the surrounding trench of the baronies. Monkshood manor is in a private PM only with faction members, of course.
Now, onto the army and ranking of the Baronies!
The troops that members can recruit for the baronies are as follows!
Troop type 1: Star Spawn Grue
Troop type 2: Choker
troop type 3: intellect devourer.
Troop type 4: Spectator.
Troop type 5: mind flayer Psion.
Troop type 6: elder brain dragon.
and here are the special roles names for the Baronies:
The Red Baron (leader) (Archfey) the red Baron was a former noble necromancer, who, 300 years ago, was voluntarily infected by a far realm parasite and turned into an eldritch lich. It is unclear if the former necromancer is still even partially in control, or whether the red Baron is just the parasite in their body. Scholars lead towards the latter.
Aristocrat (generals)
Court Officials (Knights)
Winemakers (farmers)
Squires (footsoldiers)
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Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
I shall like to join, for I am the Knightmare, a warrior of dreams, who rides upon their steed of sleep. I command the creatures of the nightmare realm, and I answer the call of the Red Baron
Can I be a general? Or is that not how this works?
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Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brorminthe Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner;Theathe Rebellious Beauty;
I shall like to join, for I am the Knightmare, a warrior of dreams, who rides upon their steed of sleep. I command the creatures of the nightmare realm, and I answer the call of the Red Baron
Can I be a general? Or is that not how this works?
*sure you can! Intro your character and we can head to war!*
The Red Baron’s carriage, pulled by Star Spawn Grue, makes its way from Monkshood manor to the edge of the ravine, vertically scaling cliffs… somehow. With the Baron inside, the carriage makes its way to the territory of the Regnum Collective.
Yes Indeedy! Would you like to be a winemaker or a squire to start? I’m open to either, but we do need winemakers for troops. (Also yay more people to roleplay/destroy our enemies with!)
Unfortunately, only the first person that joins can start as an aristocrat to make it more fair so we don’t just have a bunch of super powerful characters right at the start. But eventually I can promote you though!
Unfortunately, only the first person that joins can start as an aristocrat to make it more fair so we don’t just have a bunch of super powerful characters right at the start. But eventually I can promote you though!
ok thx can i be court official? if not ill be squire. Thx
Unfortunately, only the first person that joins can start as an aristocrat to make it more fair so we don’t just have a bunch of super powerful characters right at the start. But eventually I can promote you though!
ok thx can i be court official? if not ill be squire. Thx
Unfortunately, only the first person that joins can start as an aristocrat to make it more fair so we don’t just have a bunch of super powerful characters right at the start. But eventually I can promote you though!
ok thx can i be court official? if not ill be squire. Thx
A squire is good!
i'll be a dolgaunt in fancy clothes and gold leaf trim noble mask. one question tho... it shows different CR for different levels, so when ur promoted do you choose a new stat block??
Unfortunately, only the first person that joins can start as an aristocrat to make it more fair so we don’t just have a bunch of super powerful characters right at the start. But eventually I can promote you though!
ok thx can i be court official? if not ill be squire. Thx
A squire is good!
i'll be a dolgaunt in fancy clothes and gold leaf trim noble mask. one question tho... it shows different CR for different levels, so when ur promoted do you choose a new stat block??
Why of course you can! You are able to start as a squire or Winemaker, and can make a character at that rank to roleplay with.
and also to go to war! (mwaahahaha!)
I guess I’ll be winemaker? How do I like make/introduce a character?
So you’ll just make a level one character sheet or chose a CR one or lower Statblock (probably either an aberration or weird undead to fit with the theme) and then you describe your character and what they’re doing, and we can go on from there! And go to war!
Why of course you can! You are able to start as a squire or Winemaker, and can make a character at that rank to roleplay with.
and also to go to war! (mwaahahaha!)
I guess I’ll be winemaker? How do I like make/introduce a character?
So you’ll just make a level one character sheet or chose a CR one or lower Statblock (probably either an aberration or weird undead to fit with the theme) and then you describe your character and what they’re doing, and we can go on from there! And go to war!
My character is old man Joe, who is a flumph under a spell of illusion so that it appears to be an old man. He is a winemaker at the baronies, I guess
my character, Maximilian Blackburn (true name Yagrezelbh, dolgaunt with all skin hidden under fancy clothing, gloves, and a noble mask) approaches. "Hello? I heard the call..."
my character, Maximilian Blackburn (true name Yagrezelbh, dolgaunt with all skin hidden under fancy clothing, gloves, and a noble mask) approaches. "Hello? I heard the call..."
He is met outside of Monkshood manor by similarly dressed servants, wearing masks to hide their true forms.
”Hello, my good fellow! I see… The Red Baron is traveling back here as we speak, they were meeting with Correnus Regnum. Come, come in! We shall get you a place to rest and some food to eat.” *going to make the main base private message right now, forgot to earlier*
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This is a thread for: Faction Wars!
here is the general layout for factions. Each rank should have its own names for these things but this is just the placeholder name until you fill that in.Leader (1, or two in Jobah and Agate’s case) (CR 15-20) (also uses this)
General (2-3 generals) (CR 10-14)
Knight (5 knights) (CR 5-9)
Farmer (8 farmers) (CR 1-less)
footsoldier (any amount of footsoldier) (CR 3-less)
Every single faction follows this same format, although each one of their ranks has a different name, they are equivalent and function the same.
Some basic rules:
1:Roleplay, roleplay, roleplay! We want you to do it, it makes everything more fun, we will be doing it! Have strategy conversations in character and stuff! It makes the game much more fun.
2:PG-13 everyone! Listen, this is mostly a game where you will wage war and brutally destroy your enemies. But nothing above what you would see in a PG-13 marvel movie.
3:Romance is allowed, although I doubt it’ll come up. But if it does, no inappropriate stuff!
4:In your first post in whatever thread you see this message first, write a compliment to Archfey. Who definitely isn’t writing this. I promise.
5:Don’t get too competitive or angry. And don’t bring any drama into these threads, leave it outside, we don’t wanna deal with it here.
6:Ignore rule 4, actually write, “Bippity Boppity Boom!” Which is my signature spell. Again, definitely not Archfey writing this.
7: Just… don’t be a mean person. Don’t insult or argue or say how someone’s idea is utterly stupid and should burn in the pits of the underworld because that’s not nice :>
8: Please, don’t make overly jokey characters. Some of the factions are a bit silly, but this is still a serious game. Funny characters are allowed, just don’t play as an obvious meme character. I mean, I have a gunslinger fighter named Goldi Flintlocks but she’s still pretty serious. This is a serious game about war!
Combat rules!
For army combat, we can use these rules:
Any player in the Unit can count as the Unit’s commander, who decides what the Unit does. Otherwise, whoever bought the army or currently has ownership over the army controls it, with one unit in the army acting as the commander. If there is a higher ranking character of the same faction in that unit, they get priority to become the units commander, unless it already has one.
For every Farmer that a faction has, they produce ten (resource unique to each faction) at a certain time each day. This time is the same for each and every faction, which for simplicity is 12:00 A.M. Pacific Standard Time. This resource is what is used for the faction to build troops, which will count towards the units of the Faction, as in their armies for mass combat. Each faction has six different troops they can recruit using their special resource, each costing a different amount. What creature they are depends on the faction.
Troop type one: creature CR 1/2 or less, cost 1 resource (example: Lemure)
troop type two: creature CR 1 or less, cost 3 resource (Example: Imp)
troop type three: creature CR 2 or less, cost 5 resource (example: Spined Devil)
troop type four: Creature CR 3 or less, cost 10 resource. (Example: Bearded Devil)
troop type five: Creature CR 8 or less, cost 50 resource (example: Chain Devil)
troop type six: Creature CR 25 or less, cost 500 resource (example: Pit fiend)
these troops are recruited in increments of ten. For example, buying one Troop type one in this scenario would give you ten Lemures. However, for troop type six, it is instead recruited one at a time. So you would only get One Pit fiend, for example.
for combat, abilities that take a specific amount of time to recharge take that amount of time in real life. (Example: a one day use ability would recharge at the same time it was used the next day)
For smaller scale combat not including armies, you simply use regular combat rules for D&D.
Knight rankings and above can buy troops without the permission of the leader of the faction. Whoever bought the troops controls the factions as long as they are within the same region. A higher ranking character in the same region can confiscate the troops from a character (as long as there is reason in roleplay, the leader can veto any of these attempts if there isn’t a pretty good roleplay reason. don’t do it if you just want their troops for no reason, ask them to come with you or ask for them) as long as they are a member of the same faction (known spies don’t count) and a character can gift troops to another character of any ranking, granting ownership and control to them.
a player can be promoted to a higher rank in their faction if 1: there is an available spot for them, and 2: they would reasonably be promoted for roleplay reasons. A general can promote any player up to a knight, and only a leader can anoint generals. A player cannot be promoted twice within 5 days, and they cannot be promoted until after at least three days of being in the faction.
If the leader of a faction dies permanently, the general that has been the general the longest becomes the new faction leader. If you are promoted you have two options when you are promoted when it comes to your character: Make a new character or your new character gains upgrades or becomes more powerful to fit. Unless you really want to, we usually suggest doing the latter.
character creation:
Your character represents your rank in the guild, and follows the CR guidelines for your rank. Try to have your character fit with the theme of the faction, although less so if it is a spy. If your character dies and is not brought back through in game magic within a real life day, they are dead permanently and you lose your rank in the guild, so be careful! When this happens, you are demoted to the lowest guild rank.
Rules for spies!
1. If someone wants to be a spy for a faction, they PM a general (or leader. If the generals are pm'ed it's their job to alert the leader(s).), as asking in the main thread wouldn't work for obvious reasons. The general or leader would then decide which faction to send the spy into.
2. The spy asks to join the faction they were sent to.
3. The spy rises up in the ranks, and gains access to more and more information. (there will be PM meetings for different levels of ranking- Foot Soldier+, Knight+, and General and Leader only. The higher level the meeting, the bigger the information will likely be.) The spy has a PM thread with a general or the leader (or both) of their true faction where they share information they learn.
4. If the spy does a good job remaining undercover, then they keep feeding information to their true faction. However, if a general or higher thinks they're a spy, they can execute that spy and they'll perish.
5. Also, double agents are allowed, maybe even triple. Cause why not.
Alliances Rules!
Alliances can be formed between factions and individual people. For example, An alliance between faction A and faction B could form, And they agree to not attack each other and to send troops to help each other on the battlefield. Or, a general from faction A could ally with Faction C, sending out their personal troops to help them on the battlefield. Or two generals of rival factions teaming up together to storm the fortress of another faction. An alliance between factions cannot contain more than half of the factions in the game.
Each faction, as you know, has its own thread. That thread serves both as a recruitment thread for new members as well as a thread for the region that faction controls (again, we suggest roleplay as much as you can! Your faction can have like side projects besides war and cool roleplay opportunities!) in the region there are three main bases for that faction: two small ones that take place on the region thread, and a large, main base that takes place in a separate PM. The two small bases can be raided if there are no troops that anyone in the faction used to drive off the threat. If a base is raided, a fight occurs around the base, involving any creature in the base as well as any army units occupying the base. If the defenders lose the fight, their base is taken by the opposing force and must be taken back. The main base can be breached only in one of two ways: if both of the smaller bases are controlled by the same or allied forces, the main base is able to be attacked directly. Other option is that a spy or invited force attacks within the base. This usually is not the best idea unless you have a loooooot of troops under your command. A fight within the main base works practically the same as described for the smaller bases, but the players invading the base are invited to the main base PM and they play out the fight there. If this happens, once their characters and armies leave the base, they must leave the PM as well. When your character leaves a region, main base, or dungeon thread, you must make a post publically announcing it as well as if and how many troops they are taking with them. A base in a region is also used as a faction’s special resource storage, allowing factions to store resources. Any resource the faction makes above this limit is wasted and destroyed. The smaller bases can contain 500 resource, and the Main base controls 2500. To access these and recruit troops, a character must simply be in the same region and their faction must control the base.
Destroying Factions!
A faction persists on through trials and tests, and is quite hard to destroy. It is possible however, and doing so is likely a main goal for most factions against their enemies. For a faction to be destroyed, several conditions must be met:
The base no longer controls All three of their home region bases (controls meaning they lose the fight of being invaded and either surrender, are taken prisoner, or are killed.)
Every single Knight, General, and Leader of the faction is dead. (The faction cannot appoint new ones of these roles until it controls at least one base, although it need not be their’s originally.)
The faction no longer collectively controls more than 10 army units.
If all of these conditions are met, the faction is disbanded and is permanently destroyed.
Dungeons and being taken prisoner!
If your character is reduced to 0 hitpoints, that need not be their end! The person who reduced you to 0 has a choice: kill you or take you prisoner. If they choose the ladder, you then travel with them and their army until they take you back to their region and then to their main base. You, however, do not simply get to join the main base thread, but shall instead be put in a dungeon PM as you are taken prisoner. While in this dungeon PM, you cannot post on other faction war threads in character and cannot post anything besides clarifying questions and the likes. A player that is part of the faction you were captured by can serve as a guard there. Every single real life day you spend in the dungeon PM, you can roll a d20. On a 15 or higher, you escape the dungeon into the region thread and must put a post describing your escape and your character moving threads. The DC goes up by 1 for every player character acting as a guard for this prison, to a maximum of 19. A general or higher of the faction currently controlling the main base is able to free you from the dungeon, with the permission of that factions leader or not.
And those are the main rules for this super, duper complex game! Unless it specifically comes up no need to read dungeons, alliances, and spies.
And with that, onto the personal descriptions for this thread!
-Definitely not Archfey
The Baronies are one of the most terrifying, feared organizations in the entire world. They pretend they are normal. They act as if they were aristocrats, hosting tea parties, banquets, royal balls, and other events mirroring humanoid nobles. But they… aren’t normal. They are twisted mockeries of high society, fine clothes, finer foods and noble demeanors, distracting from the twisted horrors waiting just beneath the makeup and masks. The Baronies are a horde of eldritch monsters from the far reaches of space and the void, arriving on earth some three hundred years ago and rising to power within the last century. The world, in their eyes, is a delicious, valuable oyster that is theirs and theirs only. They believe it is their birthright, and so they act as if they are members of the aristocracy, the ones that own the land and that are at the top of humanoid society, to better fit the narrative that they own all the world’s treasure and resources. Some of the world’s finest scholars who have had the unpleasant experience of encountering the Baronies describe them as, “A pack of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Bloody, bloody sheep’s clothing.” The baronies are known for their magnificent manors and libraries, having brought with them eldritch knowledge no person should uncover. The Baronies have long since grown restless in their current position, despite the fact they own a large swathe of land. They want more, and their leader, the red Baron, will drive them to their ultimate goal of world domination.
the baronies lair in the eastern Trenches, an enormous Ravine or canyon, miles wide and many more miles deep. A crystal clear waterfall runs through the entire thing, starting at the top and forming numerous lakes on the mile wide ledges that jut out of the face all the way down, like a purple worm’s esophagus. Plants in the area are lush and sickly sweet, and when the right stars shine on the fields of grapes the baronies cultivate for wine, well, they grow strangely, but they produce the finest meats you’ll ever taste! The main base of the baronies is down, down, down in the trench and relatively unknown, but the other two main fortresses are in the open and are sights to behold. The highest one, positioned on the wall of the trench and reaching the top, Expanding into the side of the canyon, is Oleander Keep. The main purpose of the keep is the first line of defense and a military base at the edge of their territory. It is generally armed to the teeth and well protected, as well as serving as the residence of most of their military operatives. Secondly is Hemlock Castle, deeper in the trench and in the lush, green fields. It is the main storage place and producer of the Baronies’ special resource, ‘Wine,’ and it is surrounded by gardens and crop fields full of grape vines. Sunlight here only shines for around half the day, which is the, “Twilight zone,” of the trench. The final base, Monkshood manor, is the main operation center for the red Baron, at the deepest part of the trench where light only shines for around ten minutes a day, the trench’s, “Abyss.”Not much else is known about the manor to people not in the faction. Oleander Keep and Hemlock castle both take place on this thread, as well as the surrounding trench of the baronies. Monkshood manor is in a private PM only with faction members, of course.
Now, onto the army and ranking of the Baronies!
The troops that members can recruit for the baronies are as follows!
Troop type 1: Star Spawn Grue
Troop type 2: Choker
troop type 3: intellect devourer.
Troop type 4: Spectator.
Troop type 5: mind flayer Psion.
Troop type 6: elder brain dragon.
and here are the special roles names for the Baronies:
The Red Baron (leader) (Archfey) the red Baron was a former noble necromancer, who, 300 years ago, was voluntarily infected by a far realm parasite and turned into an eldritch lich. It is unclear if the former necromancer is still even partially in control, or whether the red Baron is just the parasite in their body. Scholars lead towards the latter.
Aristocrat (generals)
Court Officials (Knights)
Winemakers (farmers)
Squires (footsoldiers)
Yo, I'm Himy (He/him) not as active as I use to be, but I'm here from time to time. I don't got much else to say.
"Like a soon to be broken man once said: You're either perfect, or you're not me."
”Be not defeated by the rain. Be not hindered by the wind. Bested by neither winter snow or summer heat.”
Hic Sunt Dracones
Conflict is brewing in the deep trenches of the Baronies’ territory…
a call is sent out from Monkshood manor, a message to all of the creatures of the far realm within the World.
S̴e̵r̵v̸e̴ ̸u̸s̶.̴ ̵J̴o̴i̴n̵ ̵u̷s̷.̷ ̸T̵h̶e̵ ̴w̶o̷r̵l̵d̵ ̵i̸s̸ ̴o̴u̷r̸ ̴o̶y̸s̴t̴e̵r̷.̶
I shall like to join, for I am the Knightmare, a warrior of dreams, who rides upon their steed of sleep. I command the creatures of the nightmare realm, and I answer the call of the Red Baron
Can I be a general? Or is that not how this works?
Hi, I'm Raccoon_Master, a young genderfluid actor, writer, explorer, and bass vocalist. Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
My Characters: Brormin the Devout Crusher; Morgrom the Cunning Summoner; Thea the Rebellious Beauty;
Check out my EXTENDED SIGNATUR and don’t forget to join the Anything but the OGL 2.0 Thread!
"I don't make sense to you, and I don't make sense to myself. Maybe the only one I make sense to is God" ~ Me, trying to sound smart
*sure you can! Intro your character and we can head to war!*
The Red Baron’s carriage, pulled by Star Spawn Grue, makes its way from Monkshood manor to the edge of the ravine, vertically scaling cliffs… somehow. With the Baron inside, the carriage makes its way to the territory of the Regnum Collective.
can i join plz?
PM me the word tomato
Yes Indeedy! Would you like to be a winemaker or a squire to start? I’m open to either, but we do need winemakers for troops. (Also yay more people to roleplay/destroy our enemies with!)
i want 2 be aristocrat if thats ok
PM me the word tomato
Unfortunately, only the first person that joins can start as an aristocrat to make it more fair so we don’t just have a bunch of super powerful characters right at the start. But eventually I can promote you though!
ok thx can i be court official? if not ill be squire. Thx
PM me the word tomato
A squire is good!
i'll be a dolgaunt in fancy clothes and gold leaf trim noble mask. one question tho... it shows different CR for different levels, so when ur promoted do you choose a new stat block??
PM me the word tomato
Generally, yeah.
Could I join?
Why of course you can! You are able to start as a squire or Winemaker, and can make a character at that rank to roleplay with.
and also to to war! (mwaahahaha!)
I guess I’ll be winemaker? How do I like make/introduce a character?
So you’ll just make a level one character sheet or chose a CR one or lower Statblock (probably either an aberration or weird undead to fit with the theme) and then you describe your character and what they’re doing, and we can go on from there! And go to war!
My character is old man Joe, who is a flumph under a spell of illusion so that it appears to be an old man. He is a winemaker at the baronies, I guess
my character, Maximilian Blackburn (true name Yagrezelbh, dolgaunt with all skin hidden under fancy clothing, gloves, and a noble mask) approaches. "Hello? I heard the call..."
PM me the word tomato
He is met outside of Monkshood manor by similarly dressed servants, wearing masks to hide their true forms.
”Hello, my good fellow! I see… The Red Baron is traveling back here as we speak, they were meeting with Correnus Regnum. Come, come in! We shall get you a place to rest and some food to eat.” *going to make the main base private message right now, forgot to earlier*