*Yippee i escaped. and i brought back friends. 10 Aircraft Carriers loaded with 2 Fighters and a Dive Bomber each. ah and they are all hostile, but luckily they dont se you.. yet. they can only be destroyed by NiC units and i referee if its fair. (for example, 1 Anti-Air gun aint killing 30 planes.)*
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Hi, I am a pug and I like Noobs in Combat, Pugs and Big Weapons like Ballistas, RPGS and Recoilless Rifles.
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
I warp the universe so the word for tomorrow is actually tomarrow, so Jurmungnadr never arives tomorrow, because its never tomorrow, its only tomarrow.
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... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
*You take fire damage equivelent to 1234567234567897654323456787654324567897654345678976545678987654345678987654567898765432345678987654567890987656789098765678909876567890876
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Hi, I am a pug and I like Noobs in Combat, Pugs and Big Weapons like Ballistas, RPGS and Recoilless Rifles.
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
*All keys you ever have, are in, or will take ownership of are all sent to the Astral Plane"
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Hello There. I am a worldbuilder and proud DM that is creating a huge world called Eldredom. I'm pouring many hours into it and I may make some things later...
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
100 baby humans cryons appears 5 ft in front of the caster, crying due to the instant starvation and the poop they held ( inside of their bodies ) while they were on the Astral Plane.
*Remember the 10 Aircraft Carriers loaded with 2 Fighters and a Dive Bomber each? Welp they saw you. After reinforcements. there are now 100 of them, roll initiative.
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Hi, I am a pug and I like Noobs in Combat, Pugs and Big Weapons like Ballistas, RPGS and Recoilless Rifles.
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
*Remember the 10 Aircraft Carriers loaded with 2 Fighters and a Dive Bomber each? Welp they saw you. After reinforcements. there are now 100 of them, roll initiative.
*I summon a sheild, emanating from me, allowing most matter to pass through it. except those aircraft carriers, and planes. the shield is one way, so now no one can leave. the shield is 10,000 feet in diameter*
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Race: Not Human. that's for sure
Class: Godless monster in human form bent on extending their natural life to unnatural extremes/general of the goose horde
Alignment: Lawful Evil
fun fact: i gain more power the more you post on my forum threads. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
The Archmage of I CAST...!Run From The Big Bad Wolf Here
*Yippee i escaped. and i brought back friends. 10 Aircraft Carriers loaded with 2 Fighters and a Dive Bomber each. ah and they are all hostile, but luckily they dont se you.. yet. they can only be destroyed by NiC units and i referee if its fair. (for example, 1 Anti-Air gun aint killing 30 planes.)*
Hi, I am a pug and I like Noobs in Combat, Pugs and Big Weapons like Ballistas, RPGS and Recoilless Rifles.
Play my forum game find the word Here
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
I warp the universe so the word for tomorrow is actually tomarrow, so Jurmungnadr never arives tomorrow, because its never tomorrow, its only tomarrow.
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
Praise Jeff the Evil Roomba!
Clay Scavenger!
*You take fire damage equivelent to 1234567234567897654323456787654324567897654345678976545678987654345678987654567898765432345678987654567890987656789098765678909876567890876
Hi, I am a pug and I like Noobs in Combat, Pugs and Big Weapons like Ballistas, RPGS and Recoilless Rifles.
Play my forum game find the word Here
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
*I make it so it is Tommorw instead of Tommarow, and Jormungandr appears at long last!*
Race: Not Human. that's for sure
Class: Godless monster in human form bent on extending their natural life to unnatural extremes/general of the goose horde
Alignment: Lawful Evil
fun fact: i gain more power the more you post on my forum threads. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
The Archmage of I CAST...! Run From The Big Bad Wolf Here
!% ( ( !# )) !& ( @$ #%
Can you crack it? Cast "Hint" for a hint.
Hi, I am a pug and I like Noobs in Combat, Pugs and Big Weapons like Ballistas, RPGS and Recoilless Rifles.
Play my forum game find the word Here
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
I CAST TECHNICALITY! The World Serpent, Son of Loki does not actually appear because it's now instead Tommorw isnstead of tomorrow!
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
Praise Jeff the Evil Roomba!
Clay Scavenger!
I CAST POWER WORD "I can't find my keys"
*All keys you ever have, are in, or will take ownership of are all sent to the Astral Plane"
Hello There. I am a worldbuilder and proud DM that is creating a huge world called Eldredom. I'm pouring many hours into it and I may make some things later...
*You take 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 damage if this roll is a 20. 20
Hi, I am a pug and I like Noobs in Combat, Pugs and Big Weapons like Ballistas, RPGS and Recoilless Rifles.
Play my forum game find the word Here
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
(a baby Zeus appears dancing on you)
fellow follower of JEFF!!!! and a fan of botw
opportunities don't happen, you create them -Chris Grosser
100 baby humans cryons appears 5 ft in front of the caster, crying due to the instant starvation and the poop they held ( inside of their bodies ) while they were on the Astral Plane.
My Ready-to-rock&roll chars:
Dertinus Tristany // Amilcar Barca // Vicenç Sacrarius // Oriol Deulofeu // Grovtuk
I cast, planar destruction. the whole universe is now destroyed
Owen is here. enjoy my favorite game. I like DND and am looking for a group. See my website here
fellow follower of JEFF!!!! and a fan of botw
opportunities don't happen, you create them -Chris Grosser
Owen is here. enjoy my favorite game. I like DND and am looking for a group. See my website here
I CAST… No one knew I was gone :( I take 3,000,000,000,000,000,000 psychic damage.
Gulpmissile Day on Feb. 15 every year.
everyone dies, and is then restored to 1 hp!
I cast MASS SPELL CAST! I cast every spell in one bonus action including each spell that was is and will be cast on this thread.
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Race: Not Human. that's for sure
Class: Godless monster in human form bent on extending their natural life to unnatural extremes/general of the goose horde
Alignment: Lawful Evil
fun fact: i gain more power the more you post on my forum threads. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
The Archmage of I CAST...! Run From The Big Bad Wolf Here
*Remember the 10 Aircraft Carriers loaded with 2 Fighters and a Dive Bomber each? Welp they saw you. After reinforcements. there are now 100 of them, roll initiative.
Hi, I am a pug and I like Noobs in Combat, Pugs and Big Weapons like Ballistas, RPGS and Recoilless Rifles.
Play my forum game find the word Here
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
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*I summon a sheild, emanating from me, allowing most matter to pass through it. except those aircraft carriers, and planes. the shield is one way, so now no one can leave. the shield is 10,000 feet in diameter*
Race: Not Human. that's for sure
Class: Godless monster in human form bent on extending their natural life to unnatural extremes/general of the goose horde
Alignment: Lawful Evil
fun fact: i gain more power the more you post on my forum threads. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
The Archmage of I CAST...! Run From The Big Bad Wolf Here
next turn the golem factory will make 100 golems
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URL:fellow follower of JEFF!!!! and a fan of botw
opportunities don't happen, you create them -Chris Grosser