Flare guns shoot flares. The sun emits solar flares. The sun emits light. What's the opposite of light? Darkness. What's darkness good for? Da sneaky. Who does da sneaky? Thieves. What do thieves use? Thieve's tools.
The meaning of life is unknown, and highly personal. A surprise is also unknown, at least until you get surprised. While sometimes predictable, a rickroll is a surprise.
Gliscor is a ground-flying pokemon. In my opinion, ground is a useless type, so we can ignore that. So, Gliscor is a flying type. You know what else is flying type? Dragonite and Salamence, which are two of the Dragon Type pseudo legendaries, which are the most important. You could say that the most important ones represent all, so dragonite and salamence represent all dragon type pokemon. Then, all dragon type pokemon are flying type, since Dragonite and Salamence are the most important, therefore, only, dragon types, aside from legendaries but like shut up, and since all dragon types are also flying types, gliscor is a flying type, so via the Transitive property, gliscor is a dragon type. Gliscor is a dragon type pokemon in Scarlet and violet, because of DLC. You know what else is a dragon type in Scarlet and Violet? Archuladon. So, both Archuladon and Gliscor are Dragon-Flying, and if two pokemon have the same types, they are basically the same. And Archuladon is a bridge, which means Gliscor is a bridge. So, Gliscor is Abridged, because space is stupid and sucks. So, we have established that Gliscor is an Abridged pokemon, and since almost all the important pokemon are dragons, we can substitute pokemon for dragon, so Gliscor is an abridged dragon. Pokeballs also exist, and gliscor could be hanging out in his pokeball, thus making him PART of his pokeball. So, gliscor is an Abridged Dragon Ball. We established that all dragon-types are also flying types, and Zygarde is adragon type, so its also a dragon-ground, making it the same as Gliscor. Pokemon legends Z-A is pretty cool, and it abrevieats (I think) Zygarde to Z. So, it also abreviates all dragon pokemon to Z. So, Gliscor is an Abridged Dragon Ball Z. Via the flippity-switch math rule, wich I forgot, Gliscor can be turned into a Dragon Ball Z Abridged.
Connect antimatter to Arceus
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
matter and antimatter have existed since the beginning of the universe. according to pokémon legend, arceus created the universe with his thousand arms
connect snow to pokémon mystery dungeon
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
“The important thing is not how long you live. It's what you accomplish with your life. While I live, I want to shine. I want to prove that I exist. If I could do something really important. That would definitely carry on into the future. And so, if I were to disappear, I think that all I have accomplished will go on. That is, that would mean that it's living, right?” – grovyle
I have no idea who Roger Daltry is. What else do I have no idea what it is? h a p p y n e s s. What causes happyness? Being alive. What keeps you alive? Water. What stores water? Waterbottles.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
A sewer grate once got thrown into the air because of a nuclear test, and may or may not be the fastest man-made object ever. Nuclear tests are cool. Cool is a measurment of temperature. Temperature equals thermo! So, Thermonuclear! And that word is just the bomb, so, therefore, thermonuclear bombs!
Connect the word stone to the action stone in more than one hundred words and make sure to site your citations in MLA format.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
A sewer grate once got thrown into the air because of a nuclear test, and may or may not be the fastest man-made object ever. Nuclear tests are cool. Cool is a measurment of temperature. Temperature equals thermo! So, Thermonuclear! And that word is just the bomb, so, therefore, thermonuclear bombs!
Connect the word stone to the action stone in more than one hundred words and make sure to site your citations in MLA format.
Ahem. A stone is a term for rock, a particular element, mineral, or combination of various elements and/or minerals, with the three different types of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Igneous is formed from magma or lava, which is molten rock and has temperatures that are very high. In Ancient Greek society, the four elements were earth, air, fire and water. We have earth in the form of rocks, and lava/magma is both hot like fire and liquid-y like water. As a result of this, the only one of the elements of four that remains is the one referred to as air. Air has wind, a form of propulsion that propels stuff. We can propel stuff by throwing it. 'Stone' as an action refers to the act of throwing stones at something.
Site in MLA format: That's impossible to do, I have never heard of 'siteing' in MLA format.
Hot dogs are yummy. Hot is in the name. Hot and Heat are similar. Some people speculate that5 the heat death of the universe will occur on August12, 2036
Easy! The Russian revolution was what I assume to be when Russia decided it wanted to start spinning. What else spins? Fans! Now, I could just say fans are in HVAC systems and be done, but nope! What are fans atracted to? Celebrities! And, if you add a space and squint, celebrities turns into cele british. Cele is a suffix that means a swelling or hernia in a specific part. a swelling in your brain could affect how you percieve time, (dont quote me on that) so a brittishcele would be a brittish change in time. If you go back in time, brittish was English, so a britishcele would be English. The english language has a lot of words. Citation neede. What else has a lot of words? A book! Whats a synonym for word? Text! So a textbook would be the wordiest book. What happens to a textbook? they get shredded in my industrial grade CosmoShredder TM, which rips holes through reality to destroy the existance of objects I dont like. The CosmoShredder TM overheats often, so it makes my throne room very warm. Just like my HVAC cooling unit!
Connect the food jelly to the act of hiding.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
Jelly is often paired with peanut butter in a PB&J sandwich. A sandwich uses two pieces of bread to stuff things together. A burger is similar. A popular burger chain is Burger King. Kings are parts of a monarchy. Monarchy is a form of government. Governments make laws. Criminals break laws. A stereotypical law breaking scenario is robbing a bank. Banks now have security cameras to help prevent this. Security cameras watch people. What's a way to keep someone from seeing you? Hiding.
Flare guns shoot flares. The sun emits solar flares. The sun emits light. What's the opposite of light? Darkness. What's darkness good for? Da sneaky. Who does da sneaky? Thieves. What do thieves use? Thieve's tools.
Connect the meaning of life to a rickroll.
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
The meaning of life is unknown, and highly personal. A surprise is also unknown, at least until you get surprised. While sometimes predictable, a rickroll is a surprise.
Connect Gliscor to Dragon Ball Z Abridged
Gliscor is a ground-flying pokemon. In my opinion, ground is a useless type, so we can ignore that. So, Gliscor is a flying type. You know what else is flying type? Dragonite and Salamence, which are two of the Dragon Type pseudo legendaries, which are the most important. You could say that the most important ones represent all, so dragonite and salamence represent all dragon type pokemon. Then, all dragon type pokemon are flying type, since Dragonite and Salamence are the most important, therefore, only, dragon types, aside from legendaries but like shut up, and since all dragon types are also flying types, gliscor is a flying type, so via the Transitive property, gliscor is a dragon type. Gliscor is a dragon type pokemon in Scarlet and violet, because of DLC. You know what else is a dragon type in Scarlet and Violet? Archuladon. So, both Archuladon and Gliscor are Dragon-Flying, and if two pokemon have the same types, they are basically the same. And Archuladon is a bridge, which means Gliscor is a bridge. So, Gliscor is Abridged, because space is stupid and sucks. So, we have established that Gliscor is an Abridged pokemon, and since almost all the important pokemon are dragons, we can substitute pokemon for dragon, so Gliscor is an abridged dragon. Pokeballs also exist, and gliscor could be hanging out in his pokeball, thus making him PART of his pokeball. So, gliscor is an Abridged Dragon Ball. We established that all dragon-types are also flying types, and Zygarde is adragon type, so its also a dragon-ground, making it the same as Gliscor. Pokemon legends Z-A is pretty cool, and it abrevieats (I think) Zygarde to Z. So, it also abreviates all dragon pokemon to Z. So, Gliscor is an Abridged Dragon Ball Z. Via the flippity-switch math rule, wich I forgot, Gliscor can be turned into a Dragon Ball Z Abridged.
Connect antimatter to Arceus
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
Praise Jeff the Evil Roomba!
Clay Scavenger!
matter and antimatter have existed since the beginning of the universe. according to pokémon legend, arceus created the universe with his thousand arms
connect snow to pokémon mystery dungeon
“The important thing is not how long you live. It's what you accomplish with your life. While I live, I want to shine. I want to prove that I exist. If I could do something really important. That would definitely carry on into the future. And so, if I were to disappear, I think that all I have accomplished will go on. That is, that would mean that it's living, right?” – grovyle
extd sig?
There's an extended path between Frosty Forest and Mt Freeze, covered in Snow
Connect Karl Marx to Richard Herring
Matt L
I have no idea who Roger Daltry is. What else do I have no idea what it is? h a p p y n e s s. What causes happyness? Being alive. What keeps you alive? Water. What stores water? Waterbottles.
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
Praise Jeff the Evil Roomba!
Clay Scavenger!
Nothing is the absence of anything Anything is any of everything. What's the opposite of everything? Nothing.
Connect Ronald McDonald to Cult of the Lamb.
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
In Cult of the Lamb, you worship a demonic entity who wishes to commit fratricide. Ronald McDonald is a demonic entity.
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... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
Praise Jeff the Evil Roomba!
Clay Scavenger!
Big large number which is big large number
connect herobrine to a McDonald’s Big Mac.
Avocado 🥑
(I like potatoes)
HINT: It's binary code. Please. I took a long time encrypting all this. PLEASE. just DO THE CODE. YOU DIDN'T DO IT CORRECTLY. PLEASE.
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
Praise Jeff the Evil Roomba!
Clay Scavenger!
its just a bunch of numbers and letter
edit: i decoded it
CONNECT I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I? TO
You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. I’m quick when I’m thin and slow when I’m fat. The wind is my enemy.
the first one is an echo
the second is candle
Echoes can come from voices. Voices come from people. People need to breathe. Breathing can blow out fire. Candles have fire.
connect a sewer grate to a thermonuclear bomb
Error. (Traceback) line 1, <Juggernaut> is undefined.
>Attempt <EXTENDED SIG>?
[Y] [N]
[init shutdown]
[Y] [N]
Shutting down... (click the [Y] buttons, they are links)
A sewer grate once got thrown into the air because of a nuclear test, and may or may not be the fastest man-made object ever. Nuclear tests are cool. Cool is a measurment of temperature. Temperature equals thermo! So, Thermonuclear! And that word is just the bomb, so, therefore, thermonuclear bombs!
Connect the word stone to the action stone in more than one hundred words and make sure to site your citations in MLA format.
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
Praise Jeff the Evil Roomba!
Clay Scavenger!
Operation Plumbbob 4 life
edit: it isnt fastest man made object, that would be the parker solar probe at like 300000 mph or something
Error. (Traceback) line 1, <Juggernaut> is undefined.
>Attempt <EXTENDED SIG>?
[Y] [N]
[init shutdown]
[Y] [N]
Shutting down... (click the [Y] buttons, they are links)
Whoops my bad second fastest man-made object I thought the Parker sun surfer was a lot slower than that
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
Praise Jeff the Evil Roomba!
Clay Scavenger!
Ahem. A stone is a term for rock, a particular element, mineral, or combination of various elements and/or minerals, with the three different types of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Igneous is formed from magma or lava, which is molten rock and has temperatures that are very high. In Ancient Greek society, the four elements were earth, air, fire and water. We have earth in the form of rocks, and lava/magma is both hot like fire and liquid-y like water. As a result of this, the only one of the elements of four that remains is the one referred to as air. Air has wind, a form of propulsion that propels stuff. We can propel stuff by throwing it. 'Stone' as an action refers to the act of throwing stones at something.
Site in MLA format: That's impossible to do, I have never heard of 'siteing' in MLA format.
Connect a hot dog to August 12th, 2036.
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
bro i cant breathe thats so funny "parker sun surfer"
Error. (Traceback) line 1, <Juggernaut> is undefined.
>Attempt <EXTENDED SIG>?
[Y] [N]
[init shutdown]
[Y] [N]
Shutting down... (click the [Y] buttons, they are links)
Hot dogs are yummy. Hot is in the name. Hot and Heat are similar. Some people speculate that5 the heat death of the universe will occur on August12, 2036
connect the Russian revolution to HVAC systems.
Error. (Traceback) line 1, <Juggernaut> is undefined.
>Attempt <EXTENDED SIG>?
[Y] [N]
[init shutdown]
[Y] [N]
Shutting down... (click the [Y] buttons, they are links)
Easy! The Russian revolution was what I assume to be when Russia decided it wanted to start spinning. What else spins? Fans! Now, I could just say fans are in HVAC systems and be done, but nope! What are fans atracted to? Celebrities! And, if you add a space and squint, celebrities turns into cele british. Cele is a suffix that means a swelling or hernia in a specific part. a swelling in your brain could affect how you percieve time, (dont quote me on that) so a brittishcele would be a brittish change in time. If you go back in time, brittish was English, so a britishcele would be English. The english language has a lot of words. Citation neede. What else has a lot of words? A book! Whats a synonym for word? Text! So a textbook would be the wordiest book. What happens to a textbook? they get shredded in my industrial grade CosmoShredder TM, which rips holes through reality to destroy the existance of objects I dont like. The CosmoShredder TM overheats often, so it makes my throne room very warm. Just like my HVAC cooling unit!
Connect the food jelly to the act of hiding.
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
Praise Jeff the Evil Roomba!
Clay Scavenger!
Jelly is often paired with peanut butter in a PB&J sandwich. A sandwich uses two pieces of bread to stuff things together. A burger is similar. A popular burger chain is Burger King. Kings are parts of a monarchy. Monarchy is a form of government. Governments make laws. Criminals break laws. A stereotypical law breaking scenario is robbing a bank. Banks now have security cameras to help prevent this. Security cameras watch people. What's a way to keep someone from seeing you? Hiding.
Connect mac and cheese to Kepler 186-f.
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
Mac and cheese. Cheese. Milk! Milky way. S p a c e. Planets! Keplar 186-f.
Connect the clay to bannanas without using spaces.
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
Praise Jeff the Evil Roomba!
Clay Scavenger!