Weapon (shortsword), very rare (requires attunement)


An utterly ridiculous looking short sword. The sword deal 2d6 slashing damage. Enemies defeated with the blade explode for 2d8 concussive damage in a 5ft radius. Explosion ios delayed until one of the following occurs :

1. Combat ends
2. The sword is sheathed
3. The wielder's back is turned

Proficiency with a Shortsword allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.

This weapon has the following mastery property. To use this property, you must have a feature that lets you use it.

Vex. If you hit a creature with this weapon and deal damage to the creature, you have Advantage on your next attack roll against that creature before the end of your next turn.

Notes: Damage: Slashing, Damage: Additional, Damage, Combat, Finesse, Light, Vex

Item Tags: Damage Combat



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