Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)

A beautifull necklace made of gold, with a brilliant white diamond placed in the center. It seems to shine with a beautiful radiance with only the slightest amount of light. Legends say this necklace brings wealth to all who possess it, but casts its owner in misfortune.

Radiant beauty. Wearing this necklace, you gain +2 charisma score

Luck of the Devil. You are incredibly lucky when it comes to finding treasure. Whenever you find gold anywhere, roll a d20. If you get a 7 or a 20 you find double the amount of gold instead.

Curse of misfortune. Whenever you make a saving throw or skill check and you roll a 13, it counts as a critical failure.

Notes: Bonus: Charisma Score, Buff, Cursed, Jewelry

Item Tags: Buff Cursed Jewelry



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