Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement by a creature proficient with shortswords or longswords)

This straight sword features a serrated edge and a sharped tip. When you make a melee attack with this weapon you may choose to deal either slashing or piercing damage - this is a physical feature, not a magical one, and can be used even if not attuned. While attuned to this sword you gain proficiency with longswords if you are not already.

This weapon is magical with a +1 magic bonus to attack and damage rolls made using it while attuned. Also while attuned the sword gains the light and finesse properties and can be treated as if a shortsword (sword stats do not change) for any spells or features that require the use of a shortsword.

The sword holds 3 charges. While attuned you may use 1 charge to cast the spell Hunter's Mark at its base level. All spent charges are recovered daily at dawn.

Proficiency with a longsword allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.

Notes: Weapon Property: Finesse, Weapon Property: Light, Proficiency: Longsword, Bonus: Magic, creature proficient with shortswords or longswords, Combat, Versatile

Item Tags: Combat



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