This ordinary bag, made from gray, rust, or tan cloth, appears empty. Reaching inside the bag, however, reveals the presence of a small, fuzzy object. The bag weighs 1/2 pound.
You can use an action to pull the fuzzy object from the bag and throw it up to 20 feet. When the object lands, it transforms into a creature you determine by rolling a d8 and consulting the table that corresponds to the bag's color. See the Monsters Listing for the creature's statistics. The creature vanishes at the next dawn or when it is reduced to 0 hit points.
The creature is friendly to you and your companions, and it acts on your turn. You can use a bonus action to command how the creature moves and what action it takes on its next turn, or to give it general orders, such as to attack your enemies. In the absence of such orders, the creature acts in a fashion appropriate to its nature.
Once three fuzzy objects have been pulled from the bag, the bag can't be used again until the next dawn.
Gray Bag of Tricks
d8 | Creature |
1 | Weasel |
2 | Giant rat |
3 | Badger |
4 | Boar |
5 | Panther |
6 | Giant badger |
7 | Dire wolf |
8 | Giant elk |
Rust Bag of Tricks
d8 | Creature |
1 | Rat |
2 | Owl |
3 | Mastiff |
4 | Goat |
5 | Giant goat |
6 | Giant boar |
7 | Lion |
8 | Brown bear |
Tan Bag of Tricks
d8 | Creature |
1 | Jackal |
2 | Ape |
3 | Baboon |
4 | Axe beak |
5 | Black bear |
6 | Giant weasel |
7 | Giant hyena |
8 | Tiger |
Notes: Summoning, Utility
Well, it says it takes an action to pull and throw ONE fuzzy ball. So, you could never throw all three at once.
What happens if my players put something inside the bag?
Had given our rune knight fairy a tan bag of tricks. He rolled Tiger and casted enlarge on it. They they then had a 20 foot long 6 foot tall tiger. He then used Giant's might and rode it into combat. He activated it right after dawn so it lasted for 24 hours.
Pull out two creatures and have them follow you (only until dawn ofc; or just spawn them if you know a fight will happen). Once a fight starts use a twinned Polymorph on both and command them every turn to attack with your bonus action. Legit?
So in my campaign play throws the ball and makes a bear. Druid wants control of the bear for his own purposes so he casts charm animal on the bear? Argue starts. Can it be charmed like a bear? or is it magic and not a real bear?
So it says it’s transforms into a creature so it would act as a creature, I would assume. However, it can still be commanded by the person who pulled it from the bag. So even if the druid charmed it, the person that summoned it could use a general command to ignore the druid. The item is designed to give player a bonus to their own actions/bonus actions. The creature cannot be forced to act against the one that summoned it.
However, this sounds like player conflict, which you as DM likely want to establish a rule, do you allow players to steal from one another? If so then this is the same principle albeit with the original summoner able to counteract the druids charm
First, 5e doesn't have "Charm Animal". It has Animal Friendship and Dominate Beast. The spell descriptions make a very large difference in what one can make an animal do.
Second, the spell calls it a "creature", so it appears to be a normal bear.
Finally, DagonDarkeyes is right. This is a player problem, not a rule problem.
You can only command one per bonus action, per the description of the item. The bonus action refers to a singular creature, not all summoned creatures. This command is also only for what to do on its next turn, not the rest of the encounter.
One of the best used I’ve found is to be a rogue, use a grey bag and hopefully get a weasel. Then hold the weasel on your shoulder or somewhere on your person and always have it’s turn be to help you in combat. You’ll get advantage on your attacks and them you can literally sneak attack every single turn.
Love this item. First; it can be thought as a (lesser) find familiar. Second certain classes really shine having this item.
A 2nd level druid getting their hand on a Gray bag of Tricks now has a way to learn 6 wild shapes.(all 1/4 CR or lower.) Moon Druids would also benefit from the CR 1&2 creature.
For a mounted character (Fight, Paladin) the Rust bag of tricks offers the most large sized mounts, two beast of burdens or two effective combat creatures (owl for bypass and Rat for scouting)
The tan one is a mixed bag (pun intended) however with two creature having pack tactics, two with opposing thumbs, two with multi attack, and a range attack. A Rogue benefit from the pack tactics, and a climbing speed to carry a climbing rope for you.
I feel bad for you as a player, makes this bag clearly so much less fun and usefull. You can still use them as meatshield but I would never ask a BA each turn if it says you can give a GENERAL order. I think you're right but DM has always the last word. She just decided to pick the less fun.
I'd play it like it reads in the description. But DMs have discretion to interpret/change the rules as they see fit. Some folks are sticklers for rules as written. Others want to impose their interpretations or preferences. Personally I think she's making a rule change for no particularly good reason, but it's not my table.
you can command them all with one bonus action
I made a custom for a campaign her are the stats
Bag of tricks
Roll a d8. Depending on the number rolled, one of the animals listed below is summoned.
Side note if a wish chicken dies it gives its owner a wish
Bag of tricks
Roll a d8. Depending on the number rolled, one of the animals listed below is summoned.
Side note if a wish chicken dies it gives its owner a wish.Can only be used twice a day
I have to disagree with you. While yes "what the dm says goes" This item already has a description about what happens if you issue no order. "acts in a fashion appropriate to its nature." So if you have a tiger.....for's nature would be to attack something that it doesn't see as friendly. This is one of those situations where the DM is, understandably, wrong. Obviously the game has a LOT to take in, and a DM cannot be expected to know everything.
I didn't know that one of my players had this and was wildly unprepared for her to pull a dire wolf on me. Safe to say thati have a copy of the sheet now for less surprises 😂
The Gray Bag of Tricks has been really useful for me with so many fun encounters. I got a weasel who bit into a troll's ankle and when the troll ran around smashing us, the tenacious little weasel was just along for the ride until the troll fell on it. I got a dire wolf that was too big to climb upstairs in a tower to check if it was safe, so we squeezed it into the basement instead where it met its end with a mimic. And epically I got the giant elk in a bossfight and it survived. But when the boss died, the room shrunk so we got squeezed pretty tight together in there. Couldn't get out so I had to do a mercy kill on the it so we could be free, the poor beastie.
It just says Gray for me.
I have another use for it infinite food supply