New or Updated Forum Threads

Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Pinned Player’s Handbook - Issues and Support Thread 1,456 38,977
Chronicles of the Accursed (Group 2) 1,448 10,936
5E The New Lands 1,408 10,961
Hoard Of The Dragon Queen 1,332 6,480
Eberron: Rising from the Last War 1,186 3,435
Darkness Below: Kholias 1,073 3,112
Pinned A Homebrewers’ “How-To” FAQ* (1 Viewing) 1,069 69,803
Pinned Using Snippet Codes in your homebrew (2 Viewing) 1,059 240,523
The Quote Unquote Fantastic 1,032 326
Frozen Sick 948 3,422
Evergreen Hollow, 5R DMless 908 1,900
~Curse of Strahd~ 862 8,306
San Fuerza: A City of Secrets and Superpowers 837 2,696
Why you survive (1 Viewing) 816 2,570
Will of the Ancients 754 4,714