Have you ever challenged your party to a high-level encounter with a deadly lich, only for it to fall flat? Maybe you underestimated how hard the paladin can hit when they go nova, or perhaps the wizard trapped your boss in a forcecage and it was game over. Getting stomped by a group of adventurers can be quite an embarrassing moment for the wickedly cunning lich. You were supposed to crush your enemies with the might of ten thousand wizards! You were supposed to overwhelm them with a legion of the undead! Your magic should make you invincible!
A lich played correctly should feel invincible, both to you and your players. A lich played like a dark overlord deserves tactics and spells worthy of its foul title. And there is no better way to play a lich than as a dark tyrant overflowing with evil monologues and supported by a brilliant mind worthy of your high Intelligence. Read on if you want to play your lich like the ultimate villain.
Using a Lich as Your Campaign's Big Bad
Why would anyone commit the foul acts required to ascend to lichdom? Immortality is nice, but there are other methods; the dark wizard Manshoon of the Forgotten Realms famously used clone to extend his life. But a lich doesn't simply want immortality. What a lich craves is power. A lawful evil lich desires the ability to dominate others. A chaotic evil lich craves the power to destroy. A neutral evil lich may want one or the other, or both.
Domination is the purview of a dark overlord and is a perfect desire for a campaign-ending lich. When preparing your lich's backstory, choosing its spells, and designing its tactics, you should consider its motivations. Does this choice fit with its desire to dominate others? This choice doesn't have to make sense to other people; all that matters is that your lich's actions are consistent and make sense to you.
Consistency in a villain, especially a lawful evil one like a dark overlord, is a significant boon you give to both yourself and your players. It's one thing to think tactically yourself, but it's another to train your players to think tactically. A lich may be incredibly intelligent, but it's also a creature of habit—you can't teach a 10,000-year-old dog new tricks.
A lich with an incredibly organized mind has spent centuries learning how to slaughter the living efficiently. It has perfected a spellcasting routine that will annihilate adventuring parties. Show them that it always starts a fight by casting greater invisibility to hide from the party, then casts fireball on the squishier party members, then casts counterspell when the party tries to heal and so forth. Find ways to show this routine to the party before their final showdown—perhaps by showing them NPCs being slaughtered by the lich's magic. You could also have them fight a reduced threat version of the lich at earlier levels, only for it to plane shift away at the last minute.
Now that the characters have witnessed the lich's tactics firsthand, they can be better prepared for when they face it again later—equipped not just with new magic items but with knowledge from their previous encounter.
A Lich's Traits
A dark overlord is both champion and strategist, possessing more strength and cunning than any who serves under them. If you don't have an Intelligence score of 20 in real life, this guide will help you choose the most devastating attack to deploy on any given round of combat.
Defenses. A lich's lackluster defenses are its greatest weakness. It has subpar Armor Class, meager hit points for its level, and only has two defensive spells. Shield is probably the most effective 1st level spell the lich possesses and should be used whenever necessary. Globe of invulnerability is an excellent spell, and all liches should cast this spell immediately before combat begins, if possible.
The lich's damage resistances are passable. While its immunity to poison and physical damage seems impressive, it's hard to imagine that any character facing a CR 21 monster wouldn't possess at least one magic weapon. It's equally hard to imagine any character trying to use poison damage against undead at this stage of the game.
Legendary Resistance is a powerhouse defensive tool that should be reserved for avoiding the characters' most devastating spells. These are spells like maze and psychic scream. Unless a character is using their highest-level or second-highest level spell slots, it's not worth using Legendary Resistance unless not doing so will cause the lich to die.
Finally, a lich's Turn Resistance is a helpful feature only against clerics, but it keeps a single cleric from trivializing the fight, which is a significant plus.
Movement. No lich should ever be caught on the ground, where it can get caught in melee and torn to shreds. And yet, the lich only possesses a walking speed of 30 feet and doesn't even have fly prepared! As presented in the Monster Manual, the lich's movement is a considerable weakness.
Senses and Immunities. Like most undead, liches are immune to many conditions. Keep a close eye on its immunity to the charmed and frightened conditions since these conditions can easily take it out of the fight long enough for the party to recover.
Spellcasting. The lich's greatest asset is its spellcasting, but it's also the hardest for most Dungeon Masters to handle in the heat of the moment. More on this later; there's a whole section of this article dedicated to spells.
Paralyzing Touch. A lich should never enter melee combat intentionally, as it has few ways of escaping from dangerous melee fighters (dimension door is the only spell it has prepared that can help it escape lockdown situations). Its Paralyzing Touch action might allow it to incapacitate a single combatant—but this should only be used as a defensive option, not as a proactive attack. The attack may seem powerful, but it's unreliable. Not only does the lich have to be in melee combat, but it must first hit with the attack, and then the target has to fail a Constitution saving throw before it's paralyzed. Frustratingly, the lich wants to use this attack against dangerous melee combatants, who tend to be proficient in Constitution saving throws, making the paralyzing effect even less reliable.
Legendary Actions. As a legendary creature, the lich can act "out of turn" by using legendary actions at the end of other creatures' turns. Its four legendary action options are Cantrip, Paralyzing Touch, Frightening Gaze, and Disrupt Life. Casting a cantrip out of turn may seem like small potatoes, but casting ray of frost three times each round increases the lich's damage per round by an impressive 12d8 cold damage.
Using a cantrip to deal extra damage each round may be its most beneficial use of its legendary action, as its other three options all require other creatures to be in close quarters; Paralyzing Touch has a 5-foot reach, Frightening Gaze can frighten a single creature within 10 feet, and even the potent Disrupt Life action only affects creatures within a 20-foot radius. These other legendary actions seem powerful but are all situational and should be used with discretion.
Lair Actions. A lich gains access to powerful magic while in its lair. (Powerful enough to increase its CR from 21 to 22!) This edges into the realm of encounter design rather than combat tactics, but the final fight with a lich should always be in its lair, no matter the party's level. Look at its stat block. Its second lair action, which allows it to share damage with an enemy, is compelling because it helps bolster the lich's mediocre defenses. Recovering a spell slot (possibly an 8th level spell slot) is incredibly powerful but inconsistent. Generally, the negative energy tether and calling forth spirits lair options are the most consistently powerful. Still, all three are helpful, so your strategy here is a matter of personal preference.
A Lich's Spells
Manners make the man, but spells make the caster—and there is no greater spellcaster than a lich. The lich presented in the Monster Manual has an impressive spell selection, and you should know how to use it to its fullest potential. Or, more importantly, customize it to fit the needs of your unique lich.
These spells are a good mix of offense, defense, and utility, but it's possible to make the out-of-the-box lich an even more terrifying opponent by improving its prepared spells. While the Monster Manual suggests that changing a monster's spells can adjust its challenge rating, it's reasonable to be ruthless and even a little unfair to your players and their characters by beefing up your campaign-ending villain's spells. Remember when customizing your lich's spells that you can also change the class of your lich, replacing its wizard spells with cleric or druid spells to represent a different kind of malign spellcaster.
Adjusting the lich's spells in the way listed below raises its CR from 21 to 22 (23 in its lair), but it does overload the lich with concentration spells, so there are some drawbacks. At this point, these minor differences in challenge rating will hardly matter to a party capable of handling a lich in the first place.
Cantrips. You have utility cantrips with mage hand and prestidigitation, and one combat spell with ray of frost. These weak spells are significant because of your Cantrip legendary action.
To increase this spell list's power, replace prestidigitation with another combat ranged cantrip like fire bolt or chill touch. The latter is incredibly powerful because it prevents the target from regaining hit points. Using your Cantrip legendary action three times in a round can potentially prevent three different characters from healing that round.
1st level. Your 1st-level spells are a good mix of offense and defense. While detect magic has niche uses in combat, magic missile has surprising use as a way to guarantee damage against enemies that are close to death, especially when cast with a higher-level spell slot. Since each missile counts as a separate hit, this is a cruel way to instantly cause a dying character to fail all their death saving throws. Shield is a vital spell, as it shores up your mediocre Armor Class in dicey situations. Finally, thunderwave can be used to force nearby aggressors away in a pinch.
To increase this spell list's power, replace thunderwave with Tasha's hideous laughter, which can proactively disrupt enemy tactics by taking a major threat out of the fight for a round or two.
2nd level. Your 2nd-level spells are some of your least exciting options. It's safe to ignore most of these spells, except mirror image, which is an excellent spell to cast right before combat.
To increase this spell list’s power, do not prepare invisibility (to free up space for another spell later), and replace Melf’s acid arrow with mind spike. Acid arrow is an unimpressive spell, while mind spike mixes damage with utility, especially against rogues that want to hide from you.
3rd level. Your 3rd-level spells include the always-powerful fireball spell, but you lack a few vital options. Animate dead is an interesting spell not because it raises a trivially weak undead creature but because you can cast it on a dead player character to prevent them from being resurrected by resurrection or similar magic. However, you should take care using this tactic as your players might hold a grudge if you were to pull something this cruel. Counterspell is a vital spell to have in your repertoire because it allows you to nullify enemy spellcasters' most powerful magic; dispel magic is a similarly powerful spell because you can dispel many of the powerful buff spells cast on the party before combat.
To increase this spell list's power, replace animate dead with fly. The added maneuverability fly grants you is much more useful than potentially screwing over a resurrection, especially since animate dead's 1 minute casting time prevents you from easily using it in combat.
4th level. You only have two 4th-level spells, blight and dimension door. The former is disappointing, dealing only 8d8 necrotic damage to a single target, as opposed to fireball's 8d6 fire damage to multiple targets at 3rd level. Dimension door, however, is vital. You can use it to escape deadly lockdown situations where you can't escape one or more melee combatants.
To increase this spell list's power, unprepare invisibility (at 2nd level) and prepare greater invisibility (at 4th level) instead. Being able to cast spells while invisible is a massive power boost, especially if you cast it before combat begins. Also, consider swapping out blight for freedom of movement, just for a little extra mobility.
5th level. Your 5th-level spells are very situational. Cloudkill can be deadly if you can keep the party from moving easily, while scrying is only applicable outside of combat.
To increase this spell list's power, replace scrying with wall of force. This spell will prevent any physical character from assailing you while still allowing you to cast spells from within it. Any lich worth their salt should own a crystal ball anyway.
6th level. This is where your spells start to become devastating, but you only have a single spell slot per level from here on out. If you time it right, your disintegrate spell can permanently kill a character unless the party cleric or wizard has held on to their 9th-level spell slot to cast true resurrection or wish. Or, you can use globe of invulnerability to become immune to all but the most potent magic. Casting globe with your 8th-level spell slot is a serious defensive force, making you immune to all spells of 7th level or lower. Note that you can't combine this spell with wall of force since both require your concentration.
This is already a powerful part of your spell list, with no strictly superior replacement spells.
7th level. Since your 7th-level spells are relatively situational, you may want to consider using this spell slot to upcast a lower-level spell like counterspell. Plane shift, however, is a solid "get out of jail free card" if you aren't willing to go down fighting.
To increase this spell list's power, replace finger of death with prismatic spray, allowing you to replace a spell that is essentially a worse version of disintegrate with a spell that can throw an entire adventuring party into chaos.
8th level. Your 8th-level spell slot can be used to devastating effect. Dominate monster has the chance to not just remove a character from the fight for a few rounds but to turn them to your side for that time. This is a devastating two-for-one that can shift the entire dynamic of the encounter. Similarly, power word stun can lock down a low-hit point character like a wizard from the beginning of a fight.
To increase this spell list's power, replace dominate monster with feeblemind to hard counter spellcasters, or with maze to reliably remove any one character from the fight, especially martial classes.
9th level. Power word kill is epic; killing a creature with no saving throw feels incredible.
However, there are better options. Power word kill needs to be saved until midway through the fight when one of your enemies has 100 hit points or fewer, which is a long time to hang on to your most powerful spell. To increase this spell list's power, replace power word kill with psychic scream to keep the party from overwhelming you at the start of the fight. Or, to increase your survivability, use shapechange to fight as an adult red dragon for a few rounds. Or, mass polymorph to turn the entire enemy party into frogs, so you can kill each character at your own pace.
A Lich's Tactics
With so many spells at your disposal, it's essential to plan how to use them. As mentioned earlier, most liches have been destroying powerful adventurers for so many centuries that they have developed an almost mechanical spellcasting routine for the vital first rounds of combat. You can build your own routine that matches the personality of your lich, but here's a sample spell routine.
Round 1
Begin combat at a range of 75 feet from the enemy. Cast globe of invulnerability to defend against spellcasters.
Alternatively, start combat at a range of 60 feet and cast psychic scream (if you chose it as your 9th-level spell instead of power word kill, as mentioned above) to throw the party into disarray.
Round 2
As the enemy approaches, cast dominate monster to take control of a charging warrior and turn them against their allies.
Alternatively, cast cloudkill to swamp characters stunned by psychic scream in poisonous gas.
Round 3
Now that the enemy is in disarray, it's time to deal damage. If your enemies are clustered together, blast them with fireball. If they are spread apart, single out a single target to blight.
Alternatively, if the party is still organized, cast prismatic spray (if you chose it as your 7th level instead of finger of death, as mentioned above).
Round 4 and Onward
Focus on eliminating single characters quickly, especially clerics that can revive their allies and turn any undead minions you may have with you. Power word kill can put a swift end to most spellcasters and rogues if they've taken even a small amount of damage. Disintegrate is less reliable but still gets the job done.
Don't be afraid to stop attacking for a round to use a defensive spell like mirror image or wall of force (if you swapped out scrying, as mentioned above). Don't let the enemy lock you down, or you'll face a swift second death.
Having Fun as an Overlord
It should go without saying that the goal of this guide is to help you have fun playing a lich as an arrogant tyrant. If the fun of planning becomes a chore for you or your players, consider backing off and approaching this character from another angle. Playing a lich to the hilt requires enough planning to seem omniscient and omnipotent—an understandably tricky task!
When playing an arrogant, all-powerful villain, I start by making a detailed plan and sticking to it (as described above) to make my life easier. Then, I lean hard into every villainous cliché I can think of. I monologue, taunt, and cackle madly at the players. The performance will smooth over any mistakes you make in playing this megalomaniacal villain, and if they somehow beat your mastermind villain too quickly… well, congratulations! If you play the villain to the best of their evil abilities and open with your powerful 9th-level (then 8th, then 7th, etc.) spells first and the players still overcome that power, they'll feel great about their victory, quick or not.
And this isn't even getting into where to put your phylactery. Remember, a lich isn't dead until its phylactery is located and destroyed... but that's a topic for another day.
James Haeck (@jamesjhaeck) is the former lead writer for D&D Beyond, the co-author of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist and the Critical Role Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting, and is also a freelance writer for Wizards of the Coast, the D&D Adventurers League, and Kobold Press. He lives in Seattle, Washington with his partner Hannah and two wilderness defenders, Mei and Marzipan.
Here's another suggestion for playing a genius villain: know your player's plans. You can make it look like a lich has all eventualities prepared for simply because you, as the dungeon master, are omniscient. Why shouldn't your villains be the same way? Everything the characters do should play straight into the hands of your villain, with elaborate traps prepared around every decision they make. Obviously, in order to keep this from being too frustrating (or letting your players catch on), some of their plans should work. Their most elaborate, genius-level masterworks or strategies should be rewarded with success, full or partial, to let them know they're still in the running. Preferably, this should come after an initial plan failed spectacularly. In addition, you can reward not just intelligence, but spontaneity. If a player changes the plan mid-battle, without letting you know, it should surprise the villain too, who thought they had that guy figured out.
I've used this technique with one of my villains before, and it was really fun. Again, this should come with a disclaimer: use your out-of-game omniscience sparingly. You don't want your players to feel like you're just having some elaborate power fantasy rather than running the game.
Don’t forget the spell “Time Stop” it’s a great way to setup some nasty stuff.
Two thoughts:
1: Would a Lich utilize a familiar? Like a crawling claw, perhaps? If so then touch attacks become very powerful (i.e. paralyzing touch with DM's discretion). the familiar could be hiding pretty easily at the start of combat and engage back row players caught unaware.
2. Some rules lawyer stuff, the description for Magic Missile says all the missiles strike simultaneously (i.e. the damage occurs all at once even if there are multiple targets) so I believe that means it would not trigger more than one automatic death saving throw failure regardless of how many missiles hit a target with 0 hit points.
wow a article for the spelljamer lich and now one for regular one? god i wish i could bookmark these articles.
You can. Just bookmark the webpage in your browser.
You could give your lich a spell gem. It will change casting time to an action if they store animate dead. But like the article said it is a dirty tactic. I would show off this trick to party prior to the big fight. Let them know if someone dies it would be a problem so they can strategize.
James is back! That's great!
I plan on using Ace as the big bad in the Tomb of Horrors at the end of a Yawning Portal - He uses a more buffed up stat than a standard lich (1-3 spells are At-Will AND are legendary actions).
I actually changed the end of the Tomb to battle Acererak in a larger chamber. I've also planned on having 7 crystals. Each attuned to a different spell school. On crystal's initiative their effect will pulse out. abjuration will cast shield/absorb element (allowing for his reaction for counterspell), divination will keep Foresight active on him, evocation will allow him to overchannel certain spells like the evo wizard, necromancy will bring a small wave of zombies/skeletons etc. Only destroying the crystals will stop the effect (but will take some heat off of him in the meanwhile).
Can't wait to run this!
Gonna make a super buffed up lich to test my current party.
it will leave at 200/1500 HP, and will use reincarnate on the dead party members.
I’m thinking about making a plot twist that the lich (one of the main villains) is some sorta king god or deity, any ideas?
Very useful, thanks!
Globe of Invuln. is essential, because if a School of Evocation Wizard casts Cone of Cold with Overchannel, then the lich takes 3 points of damage, the same wizard casts Power Word Kill and the encounter is over.
I would assume that a Lich knows or has otherwise access to way more spells than this (I mean with Vecna, I'm reluctant to believe that's all the spells he knows)
I would say that whatever your lich has only makes half the encounter. The lair is another half. OR I would say even less, because another huge factor is the party who is going to face the Lich and how much this lich has information on the "heroes".
Anyway, I'll do none of that. I'll just do that "1d4 liches" random encounter and will play them as the old card playing guys from Cowboy Bepop.
That Tooltip Not Found is a pretty powerful spell to be sure...
James is not back. The article is from 2018. Sorry gang.
Don't forget that if they kill it they will gain the amulet
Nice tips.... I'm making a Stranger Things themed campaign and sooner or later, Vecna will be coming >:)
This is such a good suggestion! Thanks!
I guess there are a couple ways to play D&D. There are people that just pick a character and play it for the strategy. If you tell your players beforehand that, “hey, there is a high likelihood of this character dying” and that this session is going to be tactics heavy and less heavy on storytelling, I think they’ll get it. It’ll hurt, but it’ll hurt less. Maybe running it as a one-shot would make it easier,
An item I think that should be made is one that can maintain a concentration spell for you. A Lich would have the money to make that, right?
I'm a player, how would I play a lich if I wanted to... become a lich?