You can now track monsters' Hit Points and roll directly from their stat blocks in Maps! This update to Maps' combat encounter capabilities is another big step toward freeing up work from Dungeon Masters so they can focus on the fun while running their session.
Excited to see how it works? Read on to learn more about this new functionality!
Ready? Fight!
New to using the official D&D virtual tabletop? The Maps VTT is available for Master Tier subscribers and allows you to populate your digital playspace with tokens and maps from your D&D Beyond library. Once your battle map is prepared, you can invite your players regardless of their subscription and play together in a digital environment! To help you get started, we have articles detailing how to set up encounters within Maps, as well as a comprehensive guide to using Maps.
Tracking monster Hit Points and rolling from their stat blocks is one of the latest improvements we've made to the Maps VTT, and more features are on the way!
Tracking Hit Points
Put down that pen and paper; you can now track monster Hit Points right in Maps' Initiative Order interface! Once you've hit "Start Combat" in the Combat Encounter menu, you’ll see that monster Hit Points have now become clickable. Clicking a monster's Hit Points will bring up the Hit Points management menu, where you can apply damage or healing on the go.
Customize Your Creatures on the Fly
If you have a particularly beefy–or feeble–monster and want to change its Hit Point maximum, you can enter the new value in the Override Max HP field. You can also give the monster Temporary Hit Points by using the Temp HP field. Now, if that Vampire Warlock you've cooked up activates its Regeneration ability and casts Armor of Agathys on the same turn, you won't be erasing and scribbling to try to keep track of their Hit Points!
Stat Blocks and Rolling
Want to handle Initiative without having multiple tabs open or consulting your rulebooks? Now, you can access all of your monsters' stat blocks inside the Maps VTT!
Quickly Roll Ability Checks and Saving Throws
When you select a monster in the Initiative Order, you'll be shown its six ability scores and their bonuses for ability checks and saving throws. Clicking any of the numbers will roll the applicable ability check or saving throw and display it in the Game Log. These rolls are only visible to the Dungeon Master and will be hidden from the Game Log in Spectator View.
Access the Entire Stat Block for Attacks and Abilities
If you need to access a monster's attacks or other abilities (as is often the case in a combat encounter), you can view the monster's full stat block by clicking the "Open Monster's Stat Block" button at the bottom of its summary.
From here, you can make attack and damage rolls for your monster. You can also click any other rollable aspect of the monster's stat block, such as ability recharges. If you need additional information about a monster's abilities, like when it imposes a condition you can't remember the rules for, you can access this by clicking on the associated link.
If you want to see the monster's stat block in its original form, click the "Go to full details page" button to the right of the monster's name to open its classic stat block in a new tab.
Run Your Encounters in Maps Today!
Maps continues to expand its features and fine-tune its functionality, always striving toward the goal of saving Dungeon Masters time and energy when it comes to preparing and running their games. You can start a free 30-day Master Tier trial and try out the official Dungeons & Dragons virtual tabletop for yourself, and, as always, stay tuned for more updates on the Maps Beta!

Davyd is a Dungeon Master living in the south of England with his wife Steph, daughter Willow, and two cats Khatleesi and Mollie. In addition to D&D, he loves writing, 3d printing, and experimenting home automation, often combining all four with varying degrees of success.
Why oh why can't the full stat block be open at the same time as the HP editor?
Also please add the option to randomize the monster's HP by clicking on the HP formula!
You can; encounters are saved to the map so once you load it up it's ready to go
Yep, it's automatically generated as 10 + Initiative (aka "passive" Initiative) but you can click to roll random Initiative values
Very solid work, and I continue to be pleased with the progress here. To anyone else trying to put suggestions here, it might be better to leave feedback in the feedback tab in Maps itself (on the right side).
ChaldeanPilgrim: Davys has already responded to your first two points, but to answer your other two:
No, players rolling initiative from their sheets does not update the initiative in Maps. You have to manually adjust it when you start initiative.
And no, you cannot yet add any sort of custom asset or token outside of the published stuff. This also unfortunately means that any creatire without art has the same generic tokens. All in due time, though, I suppose.
Love it, nice job everyone!
what a great gift for christmas. swapping tabs was one of the biggest annoyances and you guys just solved it.
I'm not getting my hopes up, to avoid being disappointed later.
Either way even if that happens I think it's still useful to have the functionality anyway because you might want to give a distinct touch to some characters, for example I'm running descent into avernus, and some npcs use default stat blocks like Lulu the hollypant or Olanthius the death knight, but they are important npcs so it would be cool to be able to change their avatar in maps instead of having to create whole homebrew just to set a different avatar. Also, the majority of homebrew content doesn't have images, and for those cases you don't even have the option to use it as the base for another homebrew (which I also think should be possible by the way, and doesn't seem like something that should be hard to do either), so changing the image on maps, would also be much easier than trying to make a homebrew monster.
I'd say that's likely. They don't like loopholes that let us use stuff we don't have.
When are maps going to come to free members?
It would be nice to have an option to overlay a grid on uploaded maps.
I agree, we need this.
Yeah, so you buy the books 🤷♂️
Awesome update, thank you devs! One thing that would be appreciated would be the ability to mark tokens with conditions.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 never, they want you to pay for their services. Sorry
Yay. One less tab to keep open (Encounters)... I think this is better and more work should be done quicker than Sigil. Wasting resources working on them at the same time.
I agree. It would be nice if the statblock rolls also showed the digital dice like the character sheets
Excellent update.
So far I like what I'm seeing. I'm DM'ing the new MAPs functions and so far so good. It's pretty simple and works.
A few things that need to happen:
1. The ability to upload our own tokens or the ability to make generic tokens. Lets say I want some commoners and plan to have them all look different. Can't easily do that currently.
2. Dynamic lighting in some capacity would be amazing. The current fog of war works and it's simple. Doesn't likely take up a lot of bandwidth and is read to go quickly. I do like that part of it but dynamic lighting would be amazing.
3. A better token overlay that shows monsters are dead. Currently we put a red ring around them but something better needs to be there. Maybe an overlay of a skull.
4. An overlay for each condition. Something to quickly mark a token.
5. Ability to keep a token on top of another. If there is a way to do that I could not find it. I had someone riding a horse but the horse as a large creature I assume, seemed to always cover the smaller rider.
Anyway, nice update. Quick to setup and pretty easy to use.
Does anyone have any tips on how to use this efficiently for in-person games they'd like to share, please? I would never actually use the "Map" portion of this as we use physical minis, but I run my encounters off the encounter tool here currently.
I actually use maps specifically with physical minis via a map table. I have an old TV I lay down on its back with a chromecast plugged in. I then load maps, open spectator view, and stream the tab to the TV. I'll then place minis and terrain on the TV using maps and display initiative as well.
That's very cool.
Well done, dev team. This VTT keeps getting better and better with each iteration. Appreciate the responsiveness to feedback and hope it continues.