For the first time, Dungeons & Dragons will be featured at MagicCon! We’re excited to bring awesome D&D experiences to MagicCon: Chicago and can’t wait to see you in the Windy City!
MagicCon: Chicago is being held at the McCormick Place Convention Center from February 21-23, 2025. Tickets are on sale now and you can view the schedule of events! Visit the official MagicCon: Chicago website for all the information!
Legends of Greyhawk Preview

At MagicCon: Chicago, we’ll have a first look at the newest convention play campaign, Legends of Greyhawk! This campaign features adventure content from our premier organizers, with an ongoing storyline where your actions can determine the path of the campaign!
While it’s still a bit early to get into many specifics, we wanted to set some expectations around this campaign and answer a few questions.
Things to Know
Here are some important tenets of the Legends of Greyhawk campaign.
- 2024 Core Rulebooks forward. The campaign uses the newest set of core rules to make it accessible and less intimidating to newer players. All you need is a 2024 Player’s Handbook to get started!
- Powered by D&D Beyond. You’ll create a character on D&D Beyond to participate in the campaign and earn additional opportunities for rewards through play!
- Classic D&D setting, shaped by your actions. The campaign is set in the world of Greyhawk. Specifically, the first series of adventures take place in the Central Flanaess. While this campaign is inspired by the material presented in the 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide, it will change based on the actions of heroes present at key in-person and online events!
- Convention-focused experiences. Legends of Greyhawk adventure content and experiences will be built by the organizers of conventions, optimized for play at conventions. While you can enjoy Legends of Greyhawk adventures in other places sometime after adventures are first available, in-person and online conventions will be where special events happen!
- A campaign welcoming to everyone. Legends of Greyhawk will be a great experience for newer players, as well as contain enough depth and narrative stakes to engage veteran D&D players. And adventures won’t be too long either, making them perfect for an evening of play, while still being connected to an evolving narrative.
Is Legends of Greyhawk part of Adventurers League?
No. Legends of Greyhawk is a separate campaign, with separate rules. It takes inspiration from past and current organized play campaigns, but it’s completely on its own. Adventurers League will continue as a community-content program.
What in-game year will the campaign begin?
The campaign will begin in 576 CY (Common Year), as mentioned in the 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide. Much of the information in that book can be used as a starting point for learning about the setting, but there may be a few surprises in Legends of Greyhawk.
Who can create adventures for Legends of Greyhawk?
Approved convention organizers will be able to create adventures for Legends of Greyhawk. More information on the organizer program will be available after MagicCon: Chicago.
What does the campaign rollout look like?
The first adventures—part of a preview for the campaign—are a featured part of the MagicCon: Chicago D&D experience. Those adventures will be exclusive to players at that event for some time, and then will become accessible at other conventions during the late spring and summer. At Gen Con 2025, a full launch of the campaign is planned.
I have many more questions!
I’m sure you do! We’re still a little early for additional details, but as we approach MagicCon: Chicago, we’ll have more information to share! In the meantime, you can head over to the official website to check out the preview events and join us there for an unforgettable time!

First, exciting to have this in Chicago!
I don't understand why it wouldn't follow existing organized play format when the centralized rules made it more accessible to players.
are all setting going to follow this pay to play model now, where you need to participate in a con in order to experience the setting and now have to keep track of several competing rule sets?
That's not what it says.
(Side note—that's not what "pay to play" means. If it can be played elsewhere, it's not pay-to-play.)
It says that the preview adventures (this winter) will be at conventions though late spring and summer, and that the full campaign launches this summer at GenCon.
It also says that while adventures will premiere at conventions, they will be playable elsewhere, and that "special events" will be at conventions. Just like before.
Lastly, just FYI, in the Living Greyhawk campaign from '00 to '08, a "convention" could be anything with multiple tables, even like five friends getting together at a library (or anywhere) and playing three or four games.
I think my confusion comes in when trying to understand the future of Adventure Leagues in 2025.
Hooray Greyhawk.
Also WHAT ARE THOSE MOUNTAINS??? There are no mountains near Greyhawk City!
No, you're right. There's really not mountains, nor even hills, that would look like that, by the map.
It comes from the fact that Bruce Brenneise was given previous artwork to go by. And WotC chose one of the best depictions of the city of Greyhawk from The City of Greyhawk boxed set (1983). That's what he could go by, because that's what was in the art brief from WotC. Art back in '83 was ... well, we'll call it "less precise". 😉 So, he went by what he knew.
The original image, by Valerie Valusek, was amazing at its time, and we'd never before seen city depictions like hers.
Bruce recently shared about the process, and about creating this new iconic artwork of the city on his Patreon.
Thank you. The p2p more so toward being able to participate, but that's good to know so far as a qualifying event.
what about having multiple rulesets, any clarity on that part? Because I really don't understand since it's antithetic to the purpose behind the AL play.
Hard pass on this if you're forcing D&D Beyond usage on me.
If I've bought a physical copy of a D&D book, I shouldn't have to pay for it again in a digital format just to participate in this.
The Character Builder on DnDBeyond is 100% entirely free.
When will we know more about the DMs for the in person sessions?
Also, wondering who will be playing in the live game that we get to watch.
Any idea when we will know this stuff?
I'm excited for full launch. This seems like a great way to usher in organized campaigns. I'm on board 100%
I am curious if this is a formal continuation of Living Greyhawk or at least "in the spirit" of LG. It might be better to ask, LG vs LoG or maybe it will be more interesting to ask AL vs LoG.
Being as LG takes place in 591 and LoG in 576, I'd assume it will be a separate timeline.