Legends of Greyhawk: Characters, Advancement, and Rewards

As we've previously announced, Legends of Greyhawk–D&D's newest organized play campaign–will be previewed at MagicCon: Chicago in February. Questions from that announcement have been swirling around the community, and today, we're here to answer some of those in preparation for the preview events.

While we'll be diving into more details here, there will be more to talk about as we head towards a full launch later on this summer, so stay tuned!

Preparing for Adventure

Artist: ANDREA PIPAROThe heroes Mercion, Molliver, Strongheart, and Ringlerun protect a portal to another plane from diabolical invaders

Legends of Greyhawk is set in the world of Greyhawk, specifically the region of the Flanaess, as detailed in the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide. The campaign starts in the year 576 CY (Common Year). Events in the campaign will shape the campaign's future–it will grow and evolve with the choices adventurers make at events worldwide!

To participate in the campaign as a player, all you need is a D&D Beyond account (with or without a subscription) and access to the 2024 Player's Handbook or the 2024 D&D Free Rules. As a Dungeon Master, you may want to also have access to the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide and 2024 Monster Manual.

The campaign uses 2024 Core Rulebooks as its foundation; only options present in those rules are a part of Legends of Greyhawk at this time.

Character Creation Specifics

Legends of Greyhawk uses the 2024 Core Rulebooks, as mentioned above. To start, head to the D&D Beyond Character Builder or open to the “Creating a Character” sections of the 2024 Player's Handbook or the 2024 D&D Free Rules. Then, follow these steps to create your character (skip to step 3 if you're creating a character directly from the rules sources):

  1. Choose “Standard” as the method to create your character. This will walk you through all aspects of character creation step-by-step.
  2. On the next screen, you'll deselect all of the options under “Sources” and “Partnered Content.” Leave all other default selections turned on. This ensures that you'll be using the currently allowed rules, which are the 2024 Player's Handbook and the 2024 D&D Free Rules. It also allows you to customize your character's origin, should you desire to do so.
  3. You'll go through each subsequent step of the character creation process as usual, with the following notes.
    • You may select either the Standard Array or Point Buy options to generate your ability scores.
    • Evil alignments are not allowed in Legends of Greyhawk.
    • You may roll or select an option on the Trinkets table to gain a Tiny trinket.
  4. Characters begin play at level 1; you may not create a higher-level character at this time.

Adventures and Advancement

Each adventure for Legends of Greyhawk will take approximately two to four hours to complete, and ideally will be completed in a single play session. Most adventures will be optimized for a three-hour experience, with notes on expanding to four hours or compressing to two hours.

Legends of Greyhawk characters use session-based advancement, with each session equivalent to an adventure. Characters will reach level 2 after one adventure session and level 3 after another adventure session. Advancing to levels 4 and 5 require two adventure sessions of play each. From levels 5-10, characters advance a level after three adventure sessions of play. Higher level character advancement and additional features unlocked with that play will be covered in a future update.

Treasure and Rewards

What would a D&D adventure be without loot? Each adventure for Legends of Greyhawk offers a choice of treasure at its conclusion. Right now, there are three options that will be available in most adventures; you'll select one of these as a reward. Note that your choice of reward does not impact anyone else's choice.

  • A featured magic item in the adventure. For most adventures, there will be one magic item that is available for any character to select.
  • A random magic item. Most adventures will have a small selection of magic items available at random; if you make this selection, you'll randomly determine which item you receive.
  • GP and other monetary rewards. The adventure will specify how much and what treasure you receive.

When you receive a reward from an adventure, note it on your character sheet along with the adventure you obtained it from. Rewards will be scaled appropriately to the tier of the adventure played.

Legends of Greyhawk will have restrictions on the number of magic items a character may possess at each tier of play, broken down by rarity. For tier 1 (levels 1-4) play, characters may each have one Uncommon or Rare magic item. Characters may each have up to five Common magic items.

In addition to magic items and monetary treasure, certain adventures may offer other special rewards!

Exclusive Convention Debut Items

At certain conventions, magic items and other rewards may be delivered in a physical form to you – a card or a certificate. Here's a sample of what that may look like:

A Potion of Healing on a Card, front and back.

When you receive a magic item as a printed card or certificate, that item is now tradeable on a one-for-one basis to another character. Trades must always be one-for-one, and each character involved in the trade must be able to possess a magic item of that rarity. At tier 1, this means that characters cannot possess more than one Uncommon or Rare magic item, and no more than five Common magic items (including potions, Spell Scrolls, etc.). Some rewards obtained will not be tradeable even if printed – these will be noted on the reward.

At future events, some organizers may offer a Trading Post – an area where you can gather to trade items with the Trading Post or, in some cases, “upgrade” items obtained from past events that didn't have a printed version available.

MagicCon: Chicago will be the first place to obtain exclusive convention debut items in this format!

More to Come

We'll have much more to share after MagicCon: Chicago as we prepare for the full launch at Gen Con 2025 this year. Stay tuned, and hope to see you in Chicago for a sneak peek!

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