Homebrew Fragment Species Details

LORE: When the Command Block came into existence, it was first gifted to a race known as Lithoids. Lithoids were creatures made of crystals and rock. The Command Block that they were given was the first and only one to exist for a while. However, thousands of centuries later, it had been corrupted by an unknown error in the system. The only error known to cause such an error was dividing by 0. When this corruption occured, something came into existence. Something that was not supposed to work. Something... Unnatural. A new class of species had been created by the newly corrupted Command Block, the new race being known as Fragments. At some point, after 100 centuries of war between the Lithoids and the Fragments, the Fragment Homeworld was destroyed by the Lithoids, and after that the Fragments had started to live up to their name, becomeing as fragmented as broken glass. There were survivors, but they do not even know what they are. The corrupted Command Block was blasted away to another world, crash landing in the deepest of Underdarks, waiting to be found once more.

These creatures have a tie fighter like head, with 1 eye, an omnivorous mouth, and 2 vertical horns. They have 2 arms and legs, the arms having 2 fingers and 1 thumb, and the legs having 3 digits excluding the 2 dewclaws. They have a dark red skin, blue eyes (most of the time).

Fragment Traits

Advanced Telepathy. Otherworldly: advantage on intimidation checks


You have an advantage on intimidation checks.

Ability Score

You're given a +2 to  INT and a +1 to WIS, but also given a -1 to STR.

Advanced Telepathy

You can passively hear another creature's thoughts from 120 ft. away. The afflicted creature must roll a 15 or higher to counter this ability.

Psychic Damage Immunity

You are immune to Psychic Damage


You can read, write, and speak Common, Deep Speech, and Fragmental. Fragmental sounds like 2 languages or more combined into one sentence.

Melee Morphologist

These subraces have a trait known as Melee Morphologist.

Melee Morphologist

This trait allows the creature to form their arms into any melee weapon ( i.e. longsword, rapier, etc.)

Ability Score Increase

+1 to STR

Parasitic Fragment

The member of this subrace is the most rare of the Fragment subraces. These Fragments have a different way of reproduction. While the other subraces use the sexual reproduction method, these ones use a strang version of asexual reproduction. If, for example, a cow were to bite the hand off of a Parasitic Fragment, the cells in the hand become akin to that of a mind control parasite, and make their way fro the esophagus to the brain. After 10 days straight, the afflicted cow is completly under control of the parasites. After another 5 days, an embryo has succesfully been incubated in the brain, and then the forehead of the cow explodes, giving birth to a new Parasitic Fragment.


The Fragment has a new way of asexual reproduction, known as Parasitic.

Ability Score Increase

+2 to CON, but -1 to STR

Ranged Morphologist

These subraces have an extra trait known as Ranged Morphologist.

Ranged Morphologist

This trait allows the creature to form their arm into any ranged weapon EXCLUDING GUNS (i.e. Longbow, crossbow, etc.)

Ability Score Increase

+1 to DEX


The average Fragment is a Volcryn. Volcryn get one extra trait called Crossbreeders.


If you breed with any race, and you get 3 spawn, only 1 of your spawn have mixed physical traits from both parents

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