Homebrew Ailuridaen Race Details

The Ailuridaen live in millions of different clans, with three major and ruling clans, The Scribes of the Silver Fir, The Cedar Shamans, and The People of the Bamboo. They  resemble the great Red Panda of Fey, Ailuridae, with their fiery red fur, white markings, ears, and fluffy tails, their hard to mistake. Ailuridaens have a strong love of art, literature, and craft, and will almost always spend their entire life perfecting their trade. Most Ailuridaen works are never seen by outsiders, instead they are kept by the scribes to be preserved, and looked upon by future generations. Ailuridaen cubs begin training in their trade as soon as they are able to climb. Nature is a central part of Ailuridaen lives, no matter their  trade or tribe. Each clan lives in a different forest of the great Himalìan Mountains, with individual homes, and fortresses shaped from giant trees grown for them by Ailuridae. Most Ailuridaens are content with this life, though it is not unheard of for one to strive for something more.

Ailuridaen Names

Ailuridaens have a given name, possibly a nickname, most often describing characteristics, and if pressed for a last name, though the idea baffles them, they reply with the tree of their forest, such as Silver fir, Deodar Cedar, Bamboo, etc.

Male Names: Aanga, Abiral, Ahupathi, Baburam, Ballabh, Batsal, Bhintuna, Chitavake, Divsimar, Devance, Devnand, Dhonu, Dhyansh, Drupadh, Faneel, 

Female Names: Baijanthi, Balapuspika,  Bhavaroopa, Bhavisana, Bilhana,  Binsa, Biswabandita, Chaarumathi, Chaha, Chantin, Chatushkarni,  Chenbagam, Chimini, Daxa, Etisha, Fuli 

Nicknames: Pinedancer, Shorttail, Shrubsnout, Darkstripes, Lightcoat, Scarsnout

Ailuridaen Traits

You share the following traits with all Ailuridaens

Ability Score Increase

Climbing through the trees has made you immensely dexterous, your dexterity is increased by two.


Ailuridaens reach adulthood at age 10, when they are initiated into their clans tradesmen, and live for 60 years on average.


Most Ailuridaens are lean towards Neutral or Good, Ailuridaens have a deep love of nature, and deeply believe in respect for all life.


Ailuridaens are generally about 3 to 5 and a half feet tall, 30 to 55 pounds, and have a fluffy tail, that is generally 1/2 or 1 foot shorter than they are.


your base walking speed is 30 feet, and you have a base climbing speed of 40 ft.

Keen Senses

You have advantage on perception checks that rely on smell and hearing.

Traditional weapon training

You gain proficiency with the quarterstaff.


You are bound to nature and therefore proficient in the nature skill.


You have a Darkvision of 60 feet.


You can speak, read, and write Common and Squeak Speak. Because of your Fey heritage, You are able to speak and understand Sylvan, but most Ailuridaens cannot read or write it.


Ailuridaens have many tribes, all specializing in different things, choose from the list of, Silver Fir Scribe, Deodar Cedar Shaman, Bamboo Politician, Bamboo Commoner, and Guard.

Bamboo Commoner

You live in the thriving clan of Bamboo, your clan controls the food, though they would never actually withhold rations from any of the tribes, they have to make them think that to hold onto their power. You are a Commoner, you can make some of the best meals for leagues around, and have become quite strong in body and spirit from all of your nourishing meals.

Ability Score Increase

You have had a life full of rich and nourishing meals, your constitution score increases by 1.

Self Defense

Not everyone likes a hard worker like you, and you need to stay safe, you gain proficiency with the sickle.

Home Cooking

Living as a commoner means cooking your own food, you have proficiency with cook's utensils.

Bamboo Politician

You live in the thriving clan of Bamboo, your clan controls the food, though they would never actually withhold rations from any of the tribes, they have to make them think that to hold onto their power. You are a politician your job might be regulating food for all the other tribes, enforcing Ailuridaen law, creating laws, etcetera, all in all, your job is to keep order and make life better for other Ailuridaens. 

Ability Score Increase

You have to be someone the people like to make it as a politician, your charisma score increases by 1.

Self Defense

As a politician there are always people who don't like you, and you need to be ready for anything that might happen, you are proficient with the sickle.

A Little Leftover Gold

Politicians are supposed to help others, but that doesn't mean their job doesn't pay well, you start the game with 45 extra gold.

Deodar Cedar Shamans

You live in the forest of the Deodar Cedar, known for it's qualified shamans, Shamans are Dedicated to healing anyone who needs their help. It is not uncommon for shaman to leave the forest in search of victims of violence.

Ability Score Increase

You have a vast expanse of knowledge when it comes to the ways of the wild, and your wisdom increases by 1.

Training of the Shaman

You were trained in the ways of the Shaman and have proficiency with alchemist's supplies.

Defense of the Shaman

All Ailuridaens learn self defense wth the quarterstaff and one other weapon depending on their tribe, as a Shaman you are proficient with darts.


Guards come from one of the less known clans of the Ailuridaens (Alder, Bhoj Patra, Shamshad, Kalucha, Khnor, etc.) but have traveled to one of the three major clans in order to defend it from outsiders, they often strive for honor for themselves and their original clan, but most of them just want all of the clans to have an equal chance at power. Many  a Guard has left in search of greater  glory for their native clan, but just as many stay  to defend the three most recognized clans.

Ability Score Increase

Only the strongest are chosen to defend the Great Clans, and you have trained for many hours, your strength score increases by 1.

Advanced Weapon Training

You must be able to defend yourself and your fellow Ailuridaens, and you have been trained with all manner of weapons, you are proficient with the Spear and Shortsword.


Your time defending the Great Clans has hardened you, you have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Scribe of the Silver Fir

You live in the forest of Silver Fir, your tribe is primarily made up of scribes. The Scribes of the Silver Fir dedicate their lives to preserving and documenting the history of the Ailuridaens, and all around them. The Library of the Silver Fir is one of the largest libraries in history, with scrolls and books on anything you can think of. Few Scribes ever leave the Mountains, or the Forest for that matter, but it is not unheard of for one to leave with permission from the Elder Scribes.

Ability Score Increase

You have a profound knowledge, and your intelligence score increases by 1.

Scribe Training

You were trained to make words beautiful, and are proficient in calligrapher's supplies.

Self Defense

All Ailuridaens learn self defense wth the quarterstaff and one other weapon depending on their tribe, as a scribe you are proficient with the dagger.


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