Homebrew Krill Race Details

Hidden underground deep within dense jungles or in the middle of arid deserts, the Krill prize their seclusion from the outside world having experienced negative reactions from the races that live on the surface. Their origins are unknown and the Krill themselves are not much for story tellers. They are focused workers who spend little time on anything but the task at hand, that task often being expanding or protecting the hive.

Though it is rare for a Krill to be seen out in the world away form its hive it is not impossible. Those who leave the hive have either committed unforgivable crimes or have decided to leave in search of adventure, tired of the monotony of their secluded lives.

Chitinous Crawlers

Insect like as they are the Krill possess natural armor in the form of a chitinous exoskeleton of shimmering, pearlescent greens, purples, blacks, grays, and although rare, reds, oranges and yellows. They also appear with matte colors of black, beige, brown and, although rarely, white and grays. The Krill possess four arms and two legs and while on the surface stand upright like other humanoids though in their tunnels crawl on four to six of their limbs. The Krill have slender builds to aid in their tight corridors of their tunnels but while standing they range from 5 1/2 feet to over 7 feet tall.

The Krill do not possess features much like other races. They do not have a typical mouth but one more like an insects, with small pincers on either side. Their hands covered in rough chitin with tiny, imperceptible claws that aid them in sticking to surfaces. Should they touch another person they might perceive them as sticky, though their appendages leave no kind of residue. Their hands each have two fingers and a thumb, while on the surface they may keep their smaller, inner arms tucked by their sides to appear more average while they attempt to disguise themselves beneath layers of clothes.

The Krill have large, helmet like heads. Most of the Krill have horn like protrusions on the backs of their heads, while others are more dome shaped. In either case they have thin slits in their armor like exoskeleton with black eyes beneath.

Subterranean Burrowers

Nowhere are the krill more comfortable than underground. Born under the surface by their queen or matriarch, the krill spend most of their lives if not their entire lives underground and have adapted to it. Though they don't suffer from the light on the surface many krill suffer from agoraphobia and are uncomfortable in wide open areas. Though soldier krill spend nearly half their time outside their burrows when they are guarding the hive they are often within dense jungles with thick canopies. Should a krill ever find themselves in open fields of grasslands, or in the middle of the ocean on a boat they are unlikely to find comfort in their current situation.

Underground however the krill are in their natural element. Able to make great use of their many talents, they may be bolstered with a sense of invulnerability. Rushing into battle with foes ill equipped to face them in such places where they have all the advantages. Digger krill especially make use of their terrain while underground, using their impressive abilities to burrow and surround enemies before they can even be seen.

Serious and Literal

Krill are not a creative race of people, and though some break the mold and set out as traveling minstrels or adventure seekers most remain with the hive and continue their lives focused on their role within the hive. Krill rarely form close bonds with others as most do not reproduce, leaving that role up to the queen or matriarch of the hive. Once per generation another matriarch would be born and prepared to take on the very important role for her hive to birth the next generation of krill and maintain their race.

The lack of creativity and the serious manner with which they approach their roles leave many krill rather bland. They nearly never use metaphors and speak literally to one another. Should a krill find themselves in the company of other races they may be confused by terms and phrases that they use, or entirely miss when another person is being sarcastic. 

The idea of ownership baffles most krill. The krill are raised to work for the betterment of the hive and often don't have personal possession. This has lead to krill who've left their hive to become embroiled in scuffles over some small trinket or pieces of food lifted from a cart or stall in a market or shop.

Some krill who've left their hive learn the ways of the other races and their possession, though some may still not agree and turn to a life of thievery.


Most krill live beneath the earth in their burrows and most often hidden within dense jungles. There are hives that have found their homes in the middle of arid deserts, while others may have burrowed very deep underground and made tunnels that reach bellow the ocean floor or even expanding into the Underdark.

Krill rarely meet other hives but when they do often quarrel over the area until one hive has slain the others matriarch, absorbing that hive into their own. The survivors of the losers may be treated as second class citizens or even taken as slaves. Many krill hives possess the same color chitin, so those of a fallen hive are easily identifiable.

A typical colony consists of one large, cavernous room with many tunnels branching off from the center and connecting to the surface The queen or matriarch acts as leader with the support of a general, typically the eldest soldier krill.

Diligent Workers

Krill are diligent workers and have a natural urge to continue their work. Tireless workers or soldiers the krill often take as little time as necessary resting and are quick to move onto the next task they have. Most are unlikely to seek out companions should they have left their hive and, if they find work, will attempt to do whatever job on their own. The krill are not entirely unintelligent though and are conscious of their shortcomings. If they require assistance to complete their task they are not to proud as to not accept help. Krill who take up a life of adventuring see their companions like part of their hive. Though not much of an emotional attachment they have a desire to protect them so they may continue on with their tasks together in the interest of efficiency.

Krill Names

As with much of their speech, Krill names include clicks, trills, and whistles to the point that other peoples have a difficult time pronouncing them. Typically, a name has two to four syllables with the sounds acting as connectors. When interacting with other races, aarakocra may use nicknames gained from people they meet or shortened forms of their full names.

A krill of either gender may have one of these short names: Chaark, Chitak, Dachit, Deekik, Heehk, Hissat Ikki, Klick, Quat, Quierk, Sotack, Takick, Tick, or Zeed.


Backgrounds that are most appropriate for krill include the outlander, the hermit, and the sage.

The small colonies of krill are insular and remote, and few krill live away from their burrows. Those who do often have chosen to leave their hive or have been forced to. Most become fighters or rogues and work as sellswords, using their natural talents to one up unsuspecting foes.

Krill Traits

The krill are a race of subterranean people with subrace options to either improve these abilities or provide them with flight. As a result, playing a krill requires special consideration by your DM.

Ability Score Increase

Your Constitution score increases by 1.


Krill reach maturity by age 3. Krill live up to 80 years.


Most krill are neutral and rarely choose sides when it comes to law and chaos. Hive leaders and warriors might be lawful, while explorers and adventurers might tend toward chaotic.


Krill range from 5 1/2 to 7 feet tall. They have thin, lightweight bodies that weigh between 80 and 100 pounds. Your size is Medium.


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Your insect like nature allows you to burrow more easily through loose dirt and crawl and climb along any surface.
You have a burrowing speed of 20 feet and a climbing speed of 30 feet.


Accustomed to unlit subterranean tunnels, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.


You are proficient with your unarmed strikes, which deal slashing damage equal to your strength modifier on a hit.

Insectoid Appendages

The krill possess four arms allowing them to utilize their limbs in more ways than other races. You can wield up to four weapons. If they are one handed or versatile they can wield one in each hand. If they are two-handed you can wield up to two, using both arms on one side of your body to hold it aloft. If the weapon is a polearm (Quarterstaff, Spear, Halberd, Glaive, or Pike), or a two-handed ranged weapon (Shortbow, Longbow, Light Crossbow or Heavy Crossbow) you cannot hold more than one weapon.

When wielding more than one weapon you can choose to use your bonus action to make additional attacks for each off hand that is wielding a weapon. If you make more than one attack on your bonus action all bonus action attacks are made at disadvantage, otherwise they follow the standard rules for two weapon fighting.


You can speak, read, and write Common and Primordial.

Aquatic Krill

Some krill burrows extend so deep beneath the earth they find themselves below the ocean. After generations of maintaining their burrows here the krill who find themselves below the waves have developed certain skills to aid their survival, while other natural skills of the krill are lost.

Aquatic Krill tend to have chitinous exoskeletons ranging from dark blue to light green.

Ability Score Increase

Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.

This replaces the Krill's standard Ability Score Increase.


You have adapted to leaving deep beneath the ocean, providing you an improved swimming speed at the cost of your more terrain focused cousins burrowing and climbing speeds.
You have a base walking speed of 30 feet and a swimming speed of 40 feet.

This replaces the Krill's normal movement speed.


Your time spent beneath the waves have allowed your race to conform to breathing what air is available in the water.
You can breath both air and water.

One with the Waves

You know the shape water cantrip. When you reach 7th level, you can cast the control water spell as a 4nd-level spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Krill Digger

The most common krill, the digger make up the majority of the hive and work tirelessly to expand the burrow with their exceptionally rough claws.

Ability Score Increase

Krill Diggers use their strong arms to burrow their way through the toughest of earth and stone.
Your Strength score increases by 2.

Improved Claws

You are proficient with your unarmed strikes, which deal 1d4 + your strength modifier slashing damage on a hit.

The rougher hands of the Krill Diggers are poorly suited to handle shortbows and longbows.
You suffer disadvantage with attack rolls when using shortbows or longbows.

Natural Diggers

Krill Diggers are more adept at traversing beneath and through solid earth.

You gain a burrowing speed of 40 feet. Additionally you can chisel and tunnel your way through solid stone at a speed of 10 feet.
Additionally your time spent with your hand in the dirt and stone allows you to pick up on nearly imperceptible vibrations in the ground. You gain tremorsense to a range of 30 feet.

Krill Soldier

Soldier Krill are more rare than their digger brethren but serve an important role among the hive.

Ability Score Increase

Your Dexterity score increases by 2.

Vigilant Guardians

Krill Soldiers spend most of their time outside the safety of the burrows thus they have learned keep their eyes and ears open to perceive potential threats, even in total darkness.

You have proficiency with the Perception skill. Additionally your darkvision has a radius of 120 feet.

Hardened Shell

Soldier Krill possess thicker chitin then their digger brethren that is more resistant to damage.
When you're not wearing armor your armor class equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier.


Soldier Krill have insect like wings hidden behind a chitinous shell on their back. When opened and unfurled you have a flying speed of 40 feet.

You must be wearing light armor or no armor to fly.


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