Homebrew Shardmind Race Details

Born from the shattering of The Living Gate, a defense against the Far Realm, Shardmind are living entities that create their own bodies from the Gate's own crystal.

They are created fully developed and aware of their history. There are no Shardmind communities, they feel no need to settle and colonize.

Many stark ideologies have arisen in the Shardminds regarding The Living Gate. Some believe that it is their race's duty to repair the Gate and close off the Far realm forever. Others think that the Gate was doomed to fail, and take it upon themselves to root out Abominations on the Material plain. The most dramatic however is the thought that the only way to repair the Gate is with the bodies and essence of the Shardminds. They hunt and kill their fellow Shardminds, believing their deaths will save the planes

Shardmind Traits

Psychic Crystals!

Ability Score Increase

Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1


You are created fully formed. You do not age appreciatively 


Having come from the bulwark keeping the nightmares of The Far Realm at bay, most Shardminds tend to a Lawful alignment and can range from Good to Evil


Shardmind heights range from just over 5 feet to almost 7. Their bodies are surprisingly heavy, with most well over 200 pounds. Your size is Medium


Your walking speed is 30 feet

Psychic Mind

You are a being of psionic energy. As such, you are better defended against mental attacks. You have resistance to Psychic damage

Crystalline Entity

You do not possess a flesh and blood body and your mind functions differently from other races. You do not need to eat, drink, or breathe. Additionally, you do not sleep. Instead you go into a meditative trance. You are aware of your surroundings while in this state. You only require 4 hours rest to equate an 8 hour rest

Psionic Gifts

Your natural affinity for psionics has granted you special abilities. You know the Mage Hand cantrip 

Awakened Mind

You don't communicate the way other races do. You can telepathically speak to any any creature within 60 feet. They don't need to share a language to be heard


You can write and speak Common, Primordial and one other Exotic language of your choice