Homebrew Cambion Race Details

Born of hellish blood, a cambion is the progeny of a fiend and a humanoid. Cambions are born evil, with their souls marked by the corruption of the lower planes—they are wicked, ruthless and horrifying, combining the worst traits of mortals with the cruelty of fiends. A cambion is everything the common folk falsely accuse tieflings of being.

Of Devils and Demons

Unlike tieflings, who usually possess fiendish traits from an ancient pact their ancestors made, cambions are the direct children of a fiend and a mortal. The fiend can be of any kind, devil or demon, with the mortal humanoid also of any race. These unions are most common between a succubus/incubus and a human. 

Cambions inherit traits from both of their parents, but almost always have some form of horns, bat-like wings and a leathery tail. Their skin tone is most commonly a vibrant, blood red, with their eyes usually an insidious sulfur-yellow. However, their coloration and fiendish aspects can vary wildly — from black, yellow or blue skin, to hooves instead of feet, to extra digits and eyes. They can possess otherworldly beauty or be entirely grotesque.

Those born of devil's are strictly lawful, and serve greater devils in the Nine Hells. The cambions born of demons are extremely chaotic, and battle for a place in the Abyss with nothing more then their own heinous strength. Most cambions, those born of succubi/incubi, fall anywhere in-between in terms of alignment, and may be raised in either fiendish plane. Alternatively, a cambion is raised in the Material Plane by their mortal parent, who helplessly watches on as their child inevitably commits increasingly cruel and horrific acts.

Regardless of where they were raised, all cambions are born with a sense of overwhelming of ambition, and an entitlement to rule over mortals. An entitlement that can very much lead to reality unless stopped, beginning with the forming of small gangs and groups before masterminding large uprisings.

Cambion Names

Cambion names vary as much as their appearances may, with each kind of fiend or mortal who raises them each following their own naming traditions. If your cambion was raised by its mortal parent, choose a name from that race such as from humans, elves or dwarves.

Male Cambion Names: Amakas, Corucil, Garamos, Hiraken, Mathistor, Skathos, Vorikar

Female Cambion Names: Arista, Bethlin, Grelisail, Jameia, Lorianna, Narakisi, Zakaria

Cambion Traits

Your cambion has gifts from its fiendish descent.

Ability Score Increase

Your Strength, Dexterity and Charisma score each increases by 1.


Cambions mature at the same rate as humans, but live up to three hundred years.


Cambions are the progeny of fiends, and their souls are ever marked by corruption. Cambions are born evil. Those descended from devils are extremely lawful, those descended from demons are highly chaotic, and those from succubi/incubi can fall anywhere in-between.


Cambions stand at roughly the same height as a human when fully grown, although both their fiendish and humanoid parents' sizes may influence this to see them end up slightly shorter, or taller. Your size is medium.


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.


You have a flying speed of 30 feet. To use this speed, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor.


Born of fiendish blood, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Fiendish Presence

For all intents and purposes you count as a standard, living creature and not a fiend. However, certain spells and effects that specifically deal in detection instead count you as a fiend. These include detect evil and good and a paladin's Divine Sense. The blood of the lower planes lives in you. 

Hellish Tricks

At 3rd level you begin to unlocking the powers of your hellish ancestry. You learn one cantrip you select here. Choose one of the following cantrips: control flames, produce flame, thaumaturgy or vicious mockery. Your spellcasting ability is Charisma.

Hellborn Power

When you reach 5th level you gain further mastery over the wicked powers of your malefic descent. You learn one fiendish spell. Choose one of the following spells you wish to gain at that level: burning hands, charm Person, command, disguise self or hellish rebuke. You may only cast your selected spell once, regaining the ability to use the spell after a long rest. Your spellcasting ability is Charisma.


You can speak, read, and write Common and either Abyssal or Infernal.

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