Homebrew Slimeperson Race Details

Slimepeople are a very friendly race, made entirely of gelatin-like ooze in the general form of a humanoid. Despite their appearance initially invoking a sense of the Uncanny Valley, their somewhat ditsy and happy personality endears them to other races. And after a while, their squooshy form is downright adorable! 

While no one really knows the origin of this race, it's likely that they were created by a wizard experimenting on oozes and humans. Either that, or I don't really need to know their origins.

Most slimepeople now live in the underdark, usually in their own communities, but any underdark community has a few slimepeople roaming about.

Slimeperson Traits

Slimepeople are very friendly, but also very durable.

Ability Score Increase

A Slimeperson's Constitution increases by +2, and their Charisma increases by +1

Non-Newtonian Toughness

Slimepeople are used to their own level of acidity, and when struck by a heavy blow they tend to shrug it off as if it didn't bother them. They gain resistance to Acid and Bludgeoning damage.


A Slimeperson can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.

Fluid, but Sticky

Normal forms of restraint are useless. Unless someone or something seals your entire body, or unless it is magical, you cannot be Restrained and you have advantage on attempts to escape being Grappled. Additionally, your stickiness allows you to have advantage on Grappling other creatures.


Growing up in dark caves or dim labs, Slimepeople are used to a certain level of darkness. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.


Slimepeople grow incredibly fast, reaching physical and emotional maturity at around two years old. No one knows when exactly they die of old age, but some estimates reach as far as 500 years.


Slimepeople can be any alignment, but their usual demeanor often pegs them near the more chaotic and good alignments.


A Slimeperson knows Undercommon as well as Common


Whenever you move by swimming you have disadvantage on saving throws and your movement speed is halved until the start of your next turn after you leave the water.


You may add 1d4 acid damage to any unarmed attack you make, and if you successfully Grapple a creature, you may add it then, too. For each of your turns you continue to Grapple that creature, you may deal 1d4 acid damage to hem.

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