Homebrew Vezyi Race Details

Due to their connection with the powers of death and undeath, the Vezyi are difficult to slay and easy to bring back to life. They age slowly, rarely eat, and only ever consume beverages and foods that bring them pleasure due to their infrequent eating. They serve Vecna's priests, who in return grant them free resurrections 9 times, which are called "pardons". A Vezyi who has used all their pardons are called Teniths, and they often leave their homes to become adventurers. Those who are accidentally revived a tenth time by the priests of Vecna, known as Iremongers, are known as the Vulek, and they are driven from their homes, chased by those trying to kill them. 

Vezyi Names:
Female Names: Arieth, Beliusa, Caereva, Deiyeh, Evorah, Felonna, Gisera, Inertha, Jelanora, Kunseri, Luwive, Muonetha, Niivefa, Pwizera, Qwelli, Rusia, Sulliera, Syfemne, Tularae, Ulkara, Vaeylkia, Wulvarea, Xylla, Yiae, Zilya
Male Names: Akith, Amkorith, Azrith, Biyehk, Cildrik, Dulrak, Erathnor, Hiyzai, Ihzak, Jixlar, Kiyavur, Laerinth, Morath, Nilz, Puune, Qellx, Rix, Sultineth, Sxaeth, Tonithor, Uvar, Vexanor, Wulrek, Xaelor, Yex, Zekmar
Heritage Names: Akalin, Behltongue, Cyrspawn, Deathback, Earthhorde, Fatewoven, Goldtouched, Highhailer, Icemelter, Jokebreaker, Kaskiller, Lovebane, Moorbound, Nyxer, Opaleye, Porewrack, Quillburner, Ritemaker, Secretborne, Toolcrusher, Uvantil, Vecnight, Wolfbringer, Xayrae, Yordeth, Zirefang

Vezyi Traits

Your Vezye character has the following racial traits.

Ability Score Increase.

Your Constitution and Wisdom Scores both increase by 1, and any ability score of your choice increases by an additional 1. 


Vezyi mature at the same rate as humans, but can live for up to 250 years of age. 


Vezyi who remain in their society are typically neutral evil, but those outside of it may be any alignment. 


Vezyi are the same weight and height as humans, on average. Your size is Medium. 


Your base walking speed is 30 feet. 


You can see in dim light as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light out to a range of 90 feet. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. 

Arcane Prodigy.

You have proficiency in two of the following skills of your choice: Arcana, Deception, History, Investigation, Medicine, Perception, or Religion.

Undying Resilience.

Your touch of undeath grants you the following benefits: 

  • You have resistance to necrotic and poison damage, as well as advantage on death saving throws and saving throws against being poisoned. 
  • You don't need to breath, and can go 10 days without food or water. 
  • You don't need to sleep, but magic can still put you to sleep. 

Undying Rest.

When you take a long rest, you must spend at least 4 hours in an inactive, mostly motionless state, rather than sleeping. In this state, you are not unconscious, and you you can see and hear as normal. 

Sunlight Sensitivity.

You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.


Your touch of undying energy makes your life easily restored. When a spell that would restore your life targets your corpse, the amount of time that may pass before the spell would no longer restore your life is multiplied by ten. Additionally, if you are revived through the reincarnate, your race does not change. 

Soulbound Magic.

Due to your connection with Vecna, you have an unearthly bond with dark magic. Choose one cantrip that is of the school of necromancy. You know and can cast that cantrip, requiring no material components when you do so this way. 

Additionally, if you have the Pact Magic or Spellcasting feature, the following spells are added to your spell lists: 

Spell Level Spell


inflict wounds, hex


ray of enfeeblement, speak with dead


animate dead, speak with dead


blight, blight


cloudkill, danse macabre


You can speak, read, write, and understand Common and Qellik (the language of the residents of the Underfell). 


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