Homebrew Krill Race Details

Found in dense forests and jungles or in arid deserts making their homes deep underground, the insectoid race the Krill remain mysterious and unsettling to most. Most live secluded lives in their burrows, having had negative interactions with the peoples of the outside world.

Few venture out of their hives burrow but those who do more often than not are forced to due to committing an unforgivable crime. Still some simply seek adventure and to escape the monotony of their lives within the hive. They often become soldiers, criminals, spies, mercenaries or bounty hunters due to their naturally tough bodies and unique abilities to traverse the world.


Krill Traits

As a large insectoid creature, the Krill share many features with their tiny ancestors allowing them to easily climb across all surfaces, while some are experts at burrowing still others

Ability Score Increase

Your Constitution score increases by 1.


Evolved to survive nearly solely underground Krill have exceptional vision even in pitch darkness. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.


The exoskeleton on the Krill provides them with additional protection when wearing light or no armor. You gain a natural armor of 13+your Dexterity modifier. Your armor class cannot be lowered below 13.

Extra Appendages

As an insectoid race you have the use of four arms, each of which can hold a separate melee weapon. If you are wielding four separate light melee weapon in each hand and take the Attack action on your turn you can use a bonus action to attack up to three more times. If you choose to attack more than once with your bonus action each of these attacks are made at disadvantage but otherwise follow the same rules for two weapon fighting.

Insectoid Crawl

The Krill are adept at traversing their tunnels along any surface having adapted to crawl along horizontal surfaces and even upside down. You can crawl along surfaces as if you were using the Spider Climb spell, but must be using at least four of their six extremities forcing you to crawl as if prone.

Insectoid Speach

The krill typically don't speak but when they do they have a unique form of communication they can use to speak with insects, even if they are not other krill or some other intelligent insectoid species. You can cast the Speak With Animals spell at will, but only with insects.


Common and Krill, Krill is a unique language that uses clicks and whistles. Most races cannot learn to speak it and even those who do are not very talented when they attempt to. Krill do not have mouths fit for speaking the other languages but can learn to after much effort.


The digger krill are the most common among the krill. They work tirelessly digging out the tunnels that make up the hive burrows, using their powerful hands and sharp talon like fingers to carve out paths even through the hardest of stone. Digger krill are in the middle in terms of size when it comes to the krill race, with queen krill being the largest and soldier krill the smallest, this allows them to build tunnels with relative ease large enough for all krill to comfortably pass through, even digging out tunnels made for many krill to be traveling side by side.

Ability Score Increase

Your Strength score increases by 2

Natural Diggers

The Digger Krill excel in creating the tunnels the Krill live in. Whether it is chiseling through hard stone or tunneling through soft dirt your hands are useful tools for making underground passageways. You gain a digging speed of 30 ft and you can chisel your way through stone at a speed of 5 ft.

Rough Hands

Your hardened hands and sharp fingers work as useful natural weapons. Your unarmed strike deals 1d4+your Strength modifier damage, however due to their rough nature Diggers hands easily snap bow strings leaving them unable to use Short Bows or Longbows.


Soldier Krill are protectors of the Krill hives and typically the smallest group in both size and numbers within the population. They are the quickest of the Krill as they are the only members that have the capabilities of flight. Using the four wings that extend from their back, hidden under a protective carapace covering when stowed, they take to the air traveling at speeds faster than nearly any land animals. As soldiers they are more used to communicating with one another and even use their wings to create a chirping sound they use to secretly convey short messages over a short distances. Soldier Krill are the most tactical and least likely to be seen working outside their hive as they hold their duties over even their own personal health.

Ability Score Increase

Your Dexterity score increases by 2.

Keen Sight

You have proficiency in the Wisdom(Perception) skill.

Additionally your darkvision range is extended to 120 ft.


Traveler Krill have a set of four wings, two on either side of their back, which are covered by a protective carapace case when stowed, that allow them to fly at incredible speeds as well as hover in mid air. You have a flight speed of 50 ft as long as you are not wearing medium or heavy armor. Your wings can also be used as a musical or communication device, Traveler Krill Soldiers sometimes rub their wings together creating a sound similar to crickets but lower in tone. They use this to communicate simple messages over a short distance, most useful during an ambush or when attempting to sneak up on enemies. They also use their wings in accompaniment to music or singing.


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