Homebrew Troggle (Hyenafolk) Race Details

These standoffish, timid beings are primarily hunters and trappers by nature, though sometimes they can be found as mercenaries or merely doing odd jobs in small towns. Due to their similarities to Gnolls, they're not well-liked. Descended from beings of unknown origin, Troggles tend to view the world as out to get them and they must take what they can to survive. Often shunned for their size and attitudes, they sometimes seek solitude or run in packs - which perpetuates the fear and mistrust people have of them.

However untrusted they are and wary others are of them, they are not widely hated nor barred from entering towns and villages.

Troggles are known for their cunning and elusiveness but they have lesser-known abilities as well.

Troggles genuinely do not care for magic in the traditional sense - but their are exceptions.  The believe in following their pact leader (be it another Troggle or different race altogether).. If they disagree, they may challenge for the leadership position.  This forces pact leaders to be the best they can be at all times.

Troggle (Hyenafolk) Traits

+2 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom, -1 Intelligence, Keen Sense, Nimble Escape, Low LIght Vision

Keen Sense

 Advantage to perception and investigation checks when using smell.

Nimble Escape

The Troggle can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns.


You can speak, read and write common and Sylvan

Naturally Evasive

You are naturally proficient at Stealth

Ability Score Increase

Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1. Your Intelligence score decreases by 1


Cubs reach maturity at age 14 and can into their late 40s


While up to the individual, have a tendency towards good or neutrality and, due to being outsiders don't really understand why some laws are the way they are, tend towards chaotic. However, this does not mean it's unheard to be lawful, nor for one to be evil as each individual is shaped by their own experiences.


Troggles are similar heights to gnomes. Their height ranges between 3'2" to 4'2". Their weight averages between 40-75lbs.


Your base walking speed is 35 feet, climbing speed is 10 feet and swimming speed is 15

Low-Light Vision

You have a canine’s keen senses, especially in low light. You can see in dim light within 80 feet of you without disadvantage.

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