Homebrew Aberixian Merfolk Race Details

The results of a forgotten god's deal with a dying civilization, they have come up from the sea to take up arms against their mysterious master's ancient enemies.

Aquatic Adaptation

With skin ranging from blue-green to almost black, and webbed hands, gills, and a webbed tail, Aberixian merfolk are clearly made for the water. On land, they coil up their tails and slither, moving slowly and awkwardly, but glide gracefully and outstrip any and all humans underwater. They have no hair to speak of, but males have short beard-like tentacles on their chins that they care for with pride.

Curious and Proud

Aberixian Merfolk have a comparatively short lifespan and resolve to use their time finding out as much as they can. They ask questions readily about things that are unfamiliar to them, and once they learn something, they commit it to memory so that no one will get the impression that they are slow or ignorant. They are proud and do not take kindly to insult, which they might see in little, accidental slights. However, they forgive readily enough if they can be persuaded that no harm was meant. As creatures of the sea, they do not usually build structures for the ages, but when they do commit to building something, it will stand for centuries. Their religion is the same way, most of it constantly changing, with a few underlining tenets that have been around since the world was young.

Creatures of Legend

Until recently, the different tribes of Aberixian Merfolk were inhabiting the underwater City of Atlantis. However, one hundred years ago, in an event known as The Rising, Atlantis came back out of the water, putting it in plain sight of all seafaring humans. Previously, humans had only known of the Aberixian Merfolk in fragments of legend and myth, but they now became all too real. However, life went on, and Aberixian Merfolk are now an accepted part of Aberixia.

Servants of Halkana

The original inhabitants of Atlantis were once regular humans, but after fighting a brutal ten-year battle with demons, decided to sink beneath the waves and manage their affairs separately from other humans. To do this, the ruler of the island, an old and powerful warlock, made a deal with his ancient patron, an old and forgotten god named Halkana. The patron agreed to transfigure the people of Atlantis into merfolk, but said that eventually, the demons would strike back against him. When that happened, be it a year from then or a lifetime, Atlantis would rise from the waves and the merfolk would help him destroy his foe.

Aberixian Merfolk Names

Merfolk names are not showy or elaborate, with long flowing syllables, but are not short and ugly-sounding, either. Aberixian Merfolk are given their name at birth, and upon coming of age, (typically twenty-five) receive a name indicating their social class.

Male Birth Names: Adoran, Adramov, Alakos, Daimos, Hadrion, Hastarios, Magandar

Female Birth Names: Abria, Altani, Ceonna, Gilada, Jasmere, Maiana, Ravienne

Social Class Names:                                     Highest Class(Knights and Nobility): Halkani

                                                                          Middle Class(Scribes and Researchers): Fayralen

                                                                         Lower Class(Everyone else): Fega

For instance, a princess would be called Abria Halkani.


Their ever-changing religion ensures that the Aberixian Merfolk tend towards the chaotic alignments, but due to their human origins, it is difficult to make predictions any further.


Aberixian Merfolk are descended from humans, and they are of the same general size. In the water, Aberixian Merfolk's tails extend behind them, giving them a total length of about six and a half feet. On the ground, they coil their tails beneath them, making their height closer to five feet. Your size is Medium.


They are descended from humans, but their change also unlocked reserves of life force, slightly bolstering their lifespan. They live slightly longer than one century, usually about 110 years. They mature at the same age as humans but do not show any signs of getting older until around 70 or 80. However, once they do start aging, they do it at a faster rate.


Aberixian Merfolk are very graceful and streamlined in the water, shooting along quickly. However, they are not built for land travel, and can only slither along slowly while out of the water. Your base walking speed is 10 feet. You also have a swimming speed of 40 feet

Aberixian Merfolk Traits

Aberixian Merfolk have been granted small increases in natural power by the deity they serve.

Ability Score Increase

Your Intelligence Score increases by 1, and your Dexterity Score increases by 2.


You can speak, read, and write Common. You can speak Aquan.


You can breathe air and water

Merfolk Weapon Training

You have proficiency with the net and trident, the chosen weapons of the merfolk people.

Elemental Magic

Their patron, Halkana, granted them part of his elemental power as part of their deal with him.

You know the shape water cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the armor of agathys spell once per day as a 2nd level spell. Once you reach 5th level, you can also cast the wall of water spell once per day. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Bestow Water Breathing

You can bestow a small portion of your abilities upon non-merfolk. You can cast water breathing as a ritual on non-merfolk targets.

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