Homebrew Alraune Race Details

These beautiful men and women, humanoid from the waist up but veiled by large petals are known as alraune. Vines sprout out of the base of their bulb, which they use to absorb nutrients out of the soil. These vines are strong enough to allow for movement should the alraune uproot him- or herself. Smaller vines grow up out of the bulb, wrapping around their humanoid forms. Alraune often distinguish themselves from one another with various flowers and leaves that they allow to grow out of their upper half.

Their skin comes in a multitude of green shades, although a light brown color is not uncommon in colder seasons when nutrients are scarce.

Alraune's anatomy is far closer to that of a plant than a humanoid's. As a result thereof, their occurrence is limited to biospheres where the climate is temperate, supporting plant growth. While they are largely omnivorous, they are capable of generating energy for themselves through photosynthesis, which releases oxygen in the process. This process is especially useful in times of a food shortage

Alraune Traits

these are the planty skills


An alraune's height is anything 5 to 6 feet on average, and weigh anything from 60 to 120 pounds. Your creature size is Medium.

Plant body

 Your creature type is considered to be both humanoid and plant, and you can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena. However, you are vulnerable to fire damage.

Floral Rest.

Alraune don't need to sleep. Instead, they can root themselves in the favorable soil, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day and absorbing nutrients from the soil. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep. However, if the soil is not favorable you require a full 8 hours of rest to gain the equivalent of a long rest. Rooting yourself requires an action and can only be done on a patch of soil. While in this state your speed becomes 0 and you can uproot yourself as a bonus action.

Natural Knowledge

As a part of the forest, it's only natural for you to be knowledgeable about the wilderness. You are proficient in the Nature skill.


You understand and can speak Common and Sylvan.

Ability Score Increase.

Your Wisdom score increases by 2.


 As a sprouting seed, the alraune grow within the bulb of a particular flower for about 5 years depending on the favorability of the soil, after which they bloom into their mature state. Their bodies don't age after that but instead exhibit signs of age when they are unable to gain the nutrients they need. These signs manifest themselves as wilting vines, molting leaves and browning skin. They can live up to 750 years before returning to the earth from which they were born.

Rose Alraune

Rose Alraune have generally darker vines, small protruding thorns, deep red petals, and their delicate figures are a testament to their manipulative and controlling natures.

Perfect Flower

You have a beautiful appearance, and a voice to match it. You are proficient in the Persuasion skill.

Ability Score Increase.

Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Sunflower Alraune

Sunflower Alraune are as distinguishable for their generally bright yellow petals and taller builds as well as their friendly and kind nature.

Ability Score Increase.

 Your Constitution score increases by 1.


You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Venus Alraune

Venus Alraune are smaller and quieter creatures, more solitude in nature than other strains, possessing long, dark vines. They have by far the most varied petal shades but all of them are generally very dark in tone.


Your vines can be extended and retracted for up to 20 feet at will. You can use them to hang from trees while staying hidden, grapple targets at a distance, use and manipulate simple objects and such, however, they are not strong enough to use weapons.

Ability Score Increase

Your Dexterity score increases by 1.


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