Homebrew Mao Race Details

Mao are everywhere. They are a race without a homeland, though they think they used to have one long, long ago. Mao are lean and short compared to the other major races of Entira. They are most notable for their cat-like ears and furry tails. Their skin is pink and rosy with a lair of very fine fur that is largely unnoticeable. Mao eyes are usually blue, green, copper, or gold; and heterochromia is not uncommon. Their hair matches the color of the fur on their tails, which is usually a solid color although some mao have patterns of two or more colors.

Strongly Independent

Mao prefer living on their own and small social groups when they are around others. They are matriarchal, often deferring to the wisest woman in the group. At least, they do while she speaks. Mao are notorious for going off and doing whatever they want regardless of what they had agreed to do just moments before.


Mao occupy various roles in the societies where they live. They are most common in human and elven areas. Several mao serve as ministers in the Grand Kingdom, and one of the most recent sages to ascend in the Sageocracy is a mao. Their lots outside of those areas are more complicated and often less positive.

Mao travel with vuple. They enjoy seeing the new places, and the tendencies of vuple to travel alone suits mao just fine. Mao feel a kinship with vuple, but they can’t articulate why, and which vuple emphatically deny. Of course, that urges many mao on, thinking the vuple are just acting tsundere.

Ironically, there is a large mao population in Og La. The island is far away from the rest of Entira, and og ri society is inimical to outsiders. Mao like the og ri’s proclivity for non-monogamous relationships, but they strongly dislike how they are treated in many of the enclaves, where they are kept as servants or slaves.

Mao are rarely found in wynge or laap areas mostly as a matter of practicality. The wynge live in places that are difficult or impossible for mao to reach, and the laap don’t like outlanders. They begrudgingly allow those mao who live with them to do so unhindered, but they are transparent in their desire that more are not welcome.

Mao Traits

All mao share the following traits.

Ability Score Increase

Your Dexterity score increases by 2.


Mao reach adulthood in their mid teens. They typically live between 65 and 75 years.


Mao are lean humanoids with cat-like ears and a furry tail. They average about five feet tall. Men are slightly taller than women. Your size is medium.


Mao are nimble and quick on their feat. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.


Accustomed to spending your waking hours late at night, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Sneak Thief

You have proficiency in the Acrobatics and Stealth skills.

Domestic Mao

You play an instrumental part in any civilization where you live, even if the natives there are unlikely to ever admit that. You can do almost anything if you put your mind to it — just after your third nap.

Ability Score Increase

Your choice of Wisdom or Charisma score increases by 1.

Host Culture

Having no homeland of their own, mao live among other races. Over time, they adopt their host culture’s language and some of their traditions.

Host Traits

You learned something from your host culture.

Feral Mao

You have rejected the traditional mao life and sought out others like you. Trying to rediscover the life your kind once had and have lost, you live in a commune with other mao. Stereotypes say you should look unkempt or more savage, but you’re like any other mao except you can are not dependent on other races at all for home and community.

Feral Ability Score Increase

Your choice of Strength, Constitution, or Intelligence score increases by 1.


You speak kitten, a constructed language known only to other feral mao.

Purfect Predator

Your claws are sharp enough to use as natural weapons, which you use to make unarmed strikes, and to aid you in climbing. When you make an unarmed attack, you deal 1d4 slashing damage instead of 1 bludgeoning damage. You also gain a climb speed of 25 feet.