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Magic Items
Dungeon Master’s Guide (2024)
This robe has cloth patches of various shapes and colors covering it. While wearing the robe, you can take a Magic action to detach one of the patches, causing it to become the object or creature it
represents. Once the last patch is removed, the robe becomes an ordinary garment.
The robe has two of each of the following patches:
Bullseye Lantern (filled and lit)
Robe of Useful Items
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Magic Items
Basic Rules (2014)
This robe has cloth patches of various shapes and colors covering it. While wearing the robe, you can use an action to detach one of the patches, causing it to become the object or creature it
represents. Once the last patch is removed, the robe becomes an ordinary garment.
The robe has two of each of the following patches:
Lantern, Bullseye;Bullseye lantern (filled and lit)
- Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Dungeon Master’s Guide
Robe of Useful Items Wondrous Item, Uncommon This robe has cloth patches of various shapes and colors covering it. While wearing the robe, you can take a Magic action to detach one of the patches
, causing it to become the object or creature it represents. Once the last patch is removed, the robe becomes an ordinary garment. The robe has two of each of the following patches: Bullseye Lantern
- Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Dungeon Master’s Guide (2014)
Robe of Useful Items Wondrous item, uncommon This robe has cloth patches of various shapes and colors covering it. While wearing the robe, you can use an action to detach one of the patches, causing
, up to 2 feet deep), which you can place on a vertical surface you can reach
97–00 Portable ram
Top to Bottom: Rod of Absorption, Robe of
the Archmagi, and Robe of Useful Items
- Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Basic Rules (2014)
Robe of Useful Items Wondrous item, uncommon This robe has cloth patches of various shapes and colors covering it. While wearing the robe, you can use an action to detach one of the patches, causing
it to become the object or creature it represents. Once the last patch is removed, the robe becomes an ordinary garment. The robe has two of each of the following patches: Dagger Bullseye lantern
D&D Free Rules (2024)
Hunt for Treasure as a Classic Adventurer
A mix of burglar, treasure hunter, and explorer, you are the epitome of an adventurer. In addition to improving your agility and stealth, you gain abilities useful for delving into ruins and getting maximum benefit from the magic items you find there.
Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
; attentiveness to unusual events makes them particularly useful to their sapphire dragon cousins, who hunt down Aberrations and seek evidence of Far Realm incursions into the Material Plane. These gem
. They usually know of places of power near their lairs and keep detailed records of how phenomena connected to those sites react to outside influences. They also avidly collect magic items and spells that
Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
’ attentiveness to unusual events makes them particularly useful to their sapphire dragon cousins, who hunt down Aberrations and seek evidence of Far Realm incursions into the Material Plane
individuals. They usually know of places of power near their lairs and keep detailed records of how phenomena connected to those sites react to outside influences. They also avidly collect magic items and
Magic Items
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything
fine powder that's equally useful for cooking or alchemy. At the start of each of your turns, whatever is in the mortar takes 4d10 force damage. If this reduces the target's hit points to 0, the target
is reduced to powder, pulp, or paste, as appropriate. Only magic items are unaffected. If you wish, when the pestle stops, you can have the mortar separate its contents-like powdered bone, crushed
Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
. Deep dragons look down on any creature that isn’t useful to them, though they are willing to bargain for knowledge they lack.
Creating a Deep Dragon
Use the Deep Dragon Personality Traits and
inaccessible or storied locales, chosen to pique visitors’ curiosity and provide an excuse for the host to tell these items’ tales.A Deep Dragon’s Lair
Deep dragons make their lairs in
Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
. Deep dragons look down on any creature that isn’t useful to them, though they are willing to bargain for knowledge they lack.
Creating a Deep Dragon
Use the Deep Dragon Personality Traits and
, chosen to pique visitors’ curiosity and provide an excuse for the host to tell these items’ tales.A Deep Dragon’s Lair
Deep dragons make their lairs in well-hidden caves or sunless
Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
; attentiveness to unusual events makes them particularly useful to their sapphire dragon cousins, who hunt down Aberrations and seek evidence of Far Realm incursions into the Material Plane. These gem dragons
know of places of power near their lairs and keep detailed records of how phenomena connected to those sites react to outside influences. They also avidly collect magic items and spells that create
Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
events makes them particularly useful to their sapphire dragon cousins, who hunt down Aberrations and seek evidence of Far Realm incursions into the Material Plane. These gem dragons often work
of power near their lairs and keep detailed records of how phenomena connected to those sites react to outside influences. They also avidly collect magic items and spells that create illusions
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Basic Rules (2014)
treasure seekers, explorers, delvers, and investigators. In addition to improving your agility and stealth, you learn skills useful for delving into ancient ruins, reading unfamiliar languages, and using magic items you normally couldn’t employ.
Mordenkainen's Fiendish Folio Volume 1
have a fascination with tales and objects from the surface world, particularly plants and other natural items. They gather in the depths of the Underdark near routes used by merchants and other brave
of the surface rouses their anger.
Pitiable Slaves. Some Underdark creatures, particularly the drow and kuo-toa, raid blindheim settlements in search of slaves. Although the light from these creatures' eyes is a formidable threat to these raiders, a captured blindheim is a useful living weapon.
- Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Dungeon Master’s Guide
. You remain there until you take a Magic action to return to the plane you were on. You reappear in the last space you occupied or, if that space is occupied, the nearest unoccupied space. Conceptopolis Robe of Stars, Robe of the Archmagi, Robe of Useful Items
Robe of Stars Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement) This black or dark-blue robe is embroidered with small white or silver stars. You gain a +1 bonus to saving throws while you wear it. Six
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Volo's Guide to Monsters
of the world beyond their home.
Barterers of Lore
Tabaxi treasure knowledge rather than material things. A chest filled with gold coins might be useful to buy food or a coil of rope, but it’s
relics, magical items, and other rare objects. Aside from the power such items might confer, a tabaxi takes great joy in unraveling the stories behind their creation and the history of their use
Deck of Many Things
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Magic Items
Basic Rules (2014)
it. Nothing less than a wish spell or divine intervention can end the NPC's hostility toward you.
Ruin. All forms of wealth that you carry or own, other than magic items, are lost to you. Portable
Skull. You summon an avatar of death--a ghostly humanoid skeleton clad in a tattered black robe and carrying a spectral scythe. It appears in a space of the GM's choice within 10 feet of you and attacks
- Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Xanathar's Guide to Everything
resistance Potion No Potion of water breathing Potion No Ring of swimming Ring No Robe of useful items Wondrous item No Rope of climbing Wondrous item No Saddle of the cavalier Wondrous item No Sending
Minor Items, Uncommon Item Type Attune? Alchemy jug Wondrous item No Ammunition, +1 Weapon No Bag of holding Wondrous item No Cap of water breathing Wondrous item No Cloak of the manta ray
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Volo's Guide to Monsters
other creatures, because such objects are more likely to be in good condition and thus more useful or valuable.
When they go after items that aren’t free for the taking, kobolds try to remain
other useful items, but if they are at risk of discovery, they run away rather than attack anyone in the house. By fleeing before they can be seen or identified, they avoid getting into a situation
- Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Curse of Strahd
of useful items with the following eight patches remaining: Bag of 100 gp Iron door Wooden ladder Riding horse Pit Rowboat Spell scroll (moonbeam) Mastiffs See the robe’s description in the Dungeon
wears gold spectacles and a magic robe (see “Treasure” below). It uses its alter self spell and Deception skill to pass itself off as an old human wizard with a long white beard named Heinrich Stolt
- Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
apparel on display was taken from wizards whom Maddgoth killed. Consequently, they come in all sizes and fashions. Many of these items have obvious burn marks, tears, bloodstains, and other defects
, complete with black robe, cowl, and rubber mask. A Medium character who wears the costume can make Charisma (Deception) checks to impersonate a mind flayer. Such checks are made with advantage if the
- Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Player’s Handbook
notice with a Torch or another light source, bypass locked doors and containers with Thieves’ Tools, and create obstacles for pursuers with Caltrops. See chapter 6 for rules on many items that are useful
on adventures. The items in that chapter’s “Tools” and “Adventuring Gear” sections are especially useful. The weapons in that chapter can also be used for more than battle; you could use a Quarterstaff, for example, to push a sinister-looking button that you’re reluctant to touch.
Magic Items
Lost Laboratory of Kwalish
. All forms of wealth that you carry or own, other than magic items, are lost to you. This wealth can be recovered either in the treasury of the Monastery of the Distressed Body (area M10) or
tattered black robe. It appears in a space of the DM’s choice within 10 feet of you and attacks you, warning all others that you must win the battle alone. The avatar fights until you die or it
- Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Free Rules
notice with a Torch or another light source, bypass locked doors and containers with Thieves’ Tools, and create obstacles for pursuers with Caltrops. See chapter 6 for rules on many items that are useful
on adventures. The items in that chapter’s “Tools” and “Adventuring Gear” sections are especially useful. The weapons in that chapter can also be used for more than battle; you could use a Quarterstaff, for example, to push a sinister-looking button that you’re reluctant to touch.
- Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Dungeon Master’s Guide
this chapter. Treasure Themes Theme Appropriate Treasure Arcana Gemstones plus magic items of an eldritch or esoteric nature Armaments Coins or trade bars plus magic items that are useful in
battle Implements Coins, trade bars, or trade goods plus magic items that focus on utility Relics Art objects plus magic items that have religious origins or purposes CoupleofKooks
- Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron
Dragonmark Focus Items These items harness and expand the powers of a dragonmark, allowing the dragonmarked houses to provide a wide range of useful services. You must possess a particular dragonmark
in order to use or attune to a dragonmark focus item. Many dragonmark focus items have unique effects related to their marks, as described in this section. Alternately, a dragonmark focus item can
- Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Volo's Guide to Monsters
Barterers of Lore Tabaxi treasure knowledge rather than material things. A chest filled with gold coins might be useful to buy food or a coil of rope, but it’s not intrinsically interesting. In the
miser counting coins. Although material wealth holds little attraction for the tabaxi, they have an insatiable desire to find and inspect ancient relics, magical items, and other rare objects. Aside
- Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Dungeon Master’s Guide
) 54–55 Potion of Growth 56–57 Potion of Poison 58–59 Potion of Resistance 60–61 Potion of Water Breathing 62 Quaal’s Feather Token (anchor, fan, or tree) 63 Ring of Mind Shielding 64–65 Robe of Useful
Items 66–67 Rod of the Pact Keeper 68–69 Rope of Climbing 70 Saddle of the Cavalier 71–72 Sending Stones 73–74 Slippers of Spider Climbing 75–82 Spell Scroll (level 2 or level 3 spell) 83 Staff of the
- Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Lost Laboratory of Kwalish
Appendix D: Magic Items The unique magical-mechanical crafting techniques seen in the Monastery of the Distressed Body and the lost city of Daoine Gloine are the basis of a number of unique magic
items found in the adventure. Because of their power and rarity, the items in this section (or at least those that aren’t cursed) are best suited for characters in a high-magic campaign. Alternatively
- Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Volo's Guide to Monsters
creatures, because such objects are more likely to be in good condition and thus more useful or valuable. When they go after items that aren’t free for the taking, kobolds try to remain undetected and don’t
give their targets reason to harm them. For example, a group of city kobolds might sneak into a cobbler’s house at night to loot it of knives, leather bits, nails, and other useful items, but if they
- Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Volo's Guide to Monsters
that has intrinsic value, but isn’t immediately useful to the beholder or its minions. This category includes currency, gems, jewelry, and magic items that nobody in the lair can use or use well
can use as personal gear. A beholder’s body can’t use many kinds of humanoid-type magic items because it doesn’t have the body parts to wear them; for example, it can’t use gloves or boots because it
- Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Major Items, Very Rare Item Type Attune? Amulet of the planes Wondrous item Yes Animated shield Armor Yes Armor, +2 Armor No Belt of fire giant strength Wondrous item Yes Belt of giant strength
) Ring of telekinesis Ring Yes Robe of scintillating colors Wondrous item Yes Robe of stars Wondrous item Yes Rod of absorption Rod Yes Rod of alertness Rod Yes Rod of security Rod No Rod of the pact
- Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden
excellent refuge against the extreme cold. She tries to be as useful as possible while staking claim to her fair share of whatever treasure is found in Ythryn. She is particularly interested in magic items
- Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft
Chiang’s Powers and Dominion Tsien Chiang’s statistics are similar to those of a mage with access to a variety of magic items—her favorite being an ornate robe that functions similarly to a Heward’s
handy haversack and wings of flying. She uses this robe to store scrolls detailing her most recent plans for I’Cath’s renovation. Additionally, Tsien Chiang enforces her will upon her domain in a