Homebrew "Two" Goblins in a Trench Coat Species Details

You are not one, but in fact TWO humanoids in one covering garment. You could be a variety of creatures, but you are primarily going to be two goblins in a trench coat. Roll on the following table to determine what creature you are and what you are wearing. By the way, this is inspired by the "Two Goblins in a Trenchcoat" subclass.

d8 Creature type/worn clothes
1 Four Hyper-intelligent Cats... In Heavy Winter Clothing
2 Two Flumphs... In a cloak
3 Two (transformed) Mimics... In a Swaddle
4 Two Pseudodragons... In a Barrel
5 Two Gnomes... In a Bodysuit
6 Two Halflings... in a Dress
7 Two Goblins... in a Trenchcoat
8 A swarm of spiders... in a dark cloak with a scary looking cowl


"Two" Goblins in a Trench Coat Traits

Due to the duplicity of your persona, you gain the following traits.


Due to the many pairs of eyes always watching, you gain darkvision out to a range of 30 ft.


You can split your body into an amount of parts specified by your monster description as an action on your turn. Swarm of spiders turns into a swarm of spiders.


Due to your... nature... you can avoid attacks with ease. As a reaction, you can add 5 AC to an attack from an attacker you can see.

Duplicate Concentration

Your concentration cannot be broken by any means, due to the fact that there is always at least one of you avoiding attacks. In addition, you can concentrate on two spells at once. However, your concentration can be broken while concentrating on two spells.

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