Casting Time
1 Action
You briefly stop the flow of time for everyone but yourself. No time passes for other creatures, while you take 1d4 + 1 turns in a row, during which you can use actions and move as normal.
This spell ends if one of the actions you use during this period, or any effects that you create during this period, affects a creature other than you or an object being worn or carried by someone other than you. In addition, the spell ends if you move to a place more than 1,000 feet from the location where you cast it.
Fun fact about this spell: If you really want to be pedantic about the RAW of this spell (obviously not the intention, but still), a single cast of this would kill every other living creature on just about any planet / plane of existence! Since this spell has a literal infinite range and only stops time for creatures, planets would continue to move, dealing infinite amounts of damage to anything that the planet moved into, and / or having the planet be burrowed into by billions of unmovable objects being pushed into by the rotation of the planet. Have fun! (P.s. even ignoring that, could you imagine how annoying this spell would be for everyone else? Since it doesn't stop time for objects, but effects every creature, imagine just riding your bike or something and a 20th level spellcaster casts this in a duel. 1d4 + 1 rounds later, time would unfreeze after having crashed into someone's house or something cause the bike would've just kept going)
Does anybody realize how stupid it is that you have to concentrate on something even though the ENTIRETY OF TIME is stopped?
Oh, you're approaching me?
It isn't a very high lvl spell, but you could cast Cloud of Daggers(or whatever it was called) on every turn during time stop, which would then cause an actual knife flurry to impale the target.
Now we just need a time skip spell to be King Crimson
A lot of people here are brainstorming a lot of neat ways to use it, but kind of ignoring that you can't impact creatures around you with the spell you concentrate ob during timestop. The obvious choice of spell to me here is a delayed blast fireball, since it'll get stronger the more turns you stall and unlike cloudkill or cloud of daggers it won't hurt the enemy every turn. Then to me it makes sense to cast some buff spells on your remaining stall turns and fire crossbow bolts or throw/topple objects at or on creatures for as long as time stays stopped.
za warudo
Through multiclassing shenanigans, say you had access to both this spell and spiritual weapon. You first cast spiritual weapon, and then cast time stop. Because spiritual weapon allows you to use bonus actions to attack, would this bypass time stop's 'spell ends' effect given it's not "one of the actions you use", or does this spell refer to bonus actions as well when it says actions?
To be honest, I think a 9th level spell should allow at least some combat potential, instead of writing in a whole new caveat specifically to prevent it entirely. Even if this single use is overall weaker than like every other 9th level spell, why shouldn't it be allowed?
Typically when they say things like this in the official rules, "actions" includes both regular actions and bonus actions. It is maddening that they use the word "action" in two different ways like this, but people have been complaining about it for years and they haven't shown any signs of changing.