Just saw the Candle Keep dice- and gotta say- huge missed opportunity to make the dice look like Wax and have the numbers light up like a candle, and then melt away to clear. That or for it to just be a book that drops with the picture of a dice on the front cover- and it opens showing the number- naturally flashing red number on a 1 and some sparkly magic on a 20. I'm sure another chance will come along to make something, not really sure what the dice design is for the candle keep book- not sure what it has to do with candle keep. Looks nice! Just- not seeing how it fits. If I didn't have a ton of work to do all the time I'd make some dice mockups to show what I mean but- I'm not getting paid to make cool dice, I am getting paid to draw comics though so I'm gonna get back to that.
PS - I and everyone I know will buy awesome dice especially as rolls become shareable and visual to all. Also love that the dice are probably something that you all get the majority of the money from. So, happy to drop money on digital dice to support D&D Beyond.
Great Old Ones dice. Black with stars, erupt with tentacles on a 20!
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Remember there are Rules as Written (RAW), Rules as Intended (RAI), and Rules as Fun (RAF). There's some great RAW, RAI, and RAF here... please check in with your DM to determine how they want to adjudicate the RAW/RAI/RAF for your game.
What about Celestial and Infernal Dice? Celestial Dice could be glittering gold with silvery numbers, and a pair of angelic wings for a nat 20. Infernal Dice could be dark red and decorated with flames, with a fiery pitchfork for the nat 20. Infernal Dice would be a great tool to use when playing Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus.
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Brains over brawn? Mind over matter? These canny warriors rightly answer, "Why not both?" - Tasha
celotehpraja ; Thanks in advance and I look forward to see what you all come up with
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Di zaman sekarang ini susah menemukan informasi yang benar dan pasti yang aktual dan berfaedah karenanya celotehpraja.com mencoba menjadi jembatan media iformasi yang membahas tentang ✔️elektronik, ✔️Ekonomi, ✔️Akuntansi, ✔️Manajemen, ✔️Seni Budaya, ✔️Pemerintahan, ✔️Biologi, ✔️PKn, ✔️Lirik Lagu Nias, ✔️Lirik Lagu Batak, ✔️Lirik Lagu Dangdut coba deh berkunjung di ✔️celotehpraja.com dan masih banyak lagi, so pasti akan berguna buat anda
I'd More that likely buy this if it was a bundle pack.
Just saw the Candle Keep dice- and gotta say- huge missed opportunity to make the dice look like Wax and have the numbers light up like a candle, and then melt away to clear. That or for it to just be a book that drops with the picture of a dice on the front cover- and it opens showing the number- naturally flashing red number on a 1 and some sparkly magic on a 20. I'm sure another chance will come along to make something, not really sure what the dice design is for the candle keep book- not sure what it has to do with candle keep. Looks nice! Just- not seeing how it fits. If I didn't have a ton of work to do all the time I'd make some dice mockups to show what I mean but- I'm not getting paid to make cool dice, I am getting paid to draw comics though so I'm gonna get back to that.
PS - I and everyone I know will buy awesome dice especially as rolls become shareable and visual to all. Also love that the dice are probably something that you all get the majority of the money from. So, happy to drop money on digital dice to support D&D Beyond.
Great Old Ones dice. Black with stars, erupt with tentacles on a 20!
Remember there are Rules as Written (RAW), Rules as Intended (RAI), and Rules as Fun (RAF). There's some great RAW, RAI, and RAF here... please check in with your DM to determine how they want to adjudicate the RAW/RAI/RAF for your game.
What about Celestial and Infernal Dice? Celestial Dice could be glittering gold with silvery numbers, and a pair of angelic wings for a nat 20. Infernal Dice could be dark red and decorated with flames, with a fiery pitchfork for the nat 20. Infernal Dice would be a great tool to use when playing Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus.
Brains over brawn? Mind over matter? These canny warriors rightly answer, "Why not both?" - Tasha
My Homebrews: Monsters, Magic Items, Spells, Races
Rhulg- Hobgoblin Gunsmith
celotehpraja ; Thanks in advance and I look forward to see what you all come up with
Di zaman sekarang ini susah menemukan informasi yang benar dan pasti yang aktual dan berfaedah karenanya celotehpraja.com mencoba menjadi jembatan media iformasi yang membahas tentang ✔️elektronik, ✔️Ekonomi, ✔️Akuntansi, ✔️Manajemen, ✔️Seni Budaya, ✔️Pemerintahan, ✔️Biologi, ✔️PKn, ✔️Lirik Lagu Nias, ✔️Lirik Lagu Batak, ✔️Lirik Lagu Dangdut coba deh berkunjung di ✔️celotehpraja.com dan masih banyak lagi, so pasti akan berguna buat anda
I would like that we could get the old dice that were for pre ordering stuff in the marketplace.
I would really love a set of Pride dice.
Cry woe, fear, death, decay
The worst is Kadh and Kadh will have his day
What about dice with swirled green, blue, grey, and gold numbers
i feel like that'd look pretty nice
"Hero of the Heavens" (Title by Drummer)