Here are defined the moderation practices, rules, guidelines, and infraction systems that are practiced throughout the comment and posting systems on D&D Beyond. These rules are globally applied to the D&D Beyond website, in addition to any forum-specific rules pinned that some boards may contain. As operated by Wizards of the Coast, the Wizards General Terms will also apply.
Moderation Practices The goal of moderation upon D&D Beyond is to promote and maintain a respectful, welcoming, and inclusive community for all users. This goal will be the guiding principle for all moderation efforts. If there is ever a conflict between the rule as written and this guiding principle, the principle will hold priority. Moderation across D&D Beyond will always reflect on and consider the above goal, applying to contextual instances where written rules might not be defined. The lack of rule definition or inclusion is not an acceptable excuse for circumventing the above goal, as moderation will not be limited by the bounds of these written rules.
Introduction to the Moderation Team All D&D Beyond Staffmembers will be listed in red. All D&D Beyond Moderationmembers will be listed in orange.
The Moderation Team is always happy to help you on these forums.If you encounter a question, need assistance, or want to address a topic you wish not to discuss in public, the Moderators are always welcoming of Private Messages.
These moderators are a group of volunteers who have been entrusted to guide, oversee, and curate community contributions. They will use their best judgment to interpret context and intent when evaluating community interactions.
Reports, Infractions, and Appeals The D&D Beyond Report feature, located under each post, article comment, and private message, offers the opportunity to flag an item for moderator attention. These reports can be used to cite a rules violation, call attention to a particular thread, request a thread moved to another forum, call out advertisement/spam, or comment on another problem. It is always requested that the Report feature be used instead of responding, retaliating, or otherwise taking measures into one’s own hands. When reporting a comment or post, please elaborate upon the problem observed.
Infractions and Reminders may be sent out via Private Message if a rules violation has been observed. These may be accompanied with or without infraction points and will be recorded against the user account.
Infraction - a formal warning of Site Rules & Guidelines violation that carries infraction points. These points accumulate through multiple violations and can lead towards forum privilege removal for increasing durations of time. The infraction points carry an expiration date (default: 120 days) where they will no longer apply towards accumulation, although the infraction record will remain in account history.
Reminder - an informational reminder of the Site Rules & Guidelines violation that does not carry infraction points. Reminders are used for minor offenses or to provide notification that a post was modified/removed by moderation and why.
An Appeal system is available to contest a received infraction or reminder in the event that one believes to have been wrongly assigned. D&D Beyond policy requires all appeals to be reviewed and addressed by a different member of the moderation team so that a fresh set of eyes can verify the integrity of issuance.
Tips to remember when filing an appeal:
Moderation will never discuss the communications, actions, or moderation taken with other users.
Moderation will only evaluate your contributions and/or behavior. The contributions and/or behavior of others are out of scope and not an acceptable excuse for your own.
Being unaware of D&D Beyond rules is not an exemption from D&D Beyond rules.
D&D Beyond rules also apply to user contributions and posts within an appeal.
Failure to respond to an appeal thread may lead to its closure.
Please provide valid reasoning towards post context, intent, and meaning when filing an appeal for review.
Rules and Guidelines
Guidelines for a peaceful community:
The rules apply to all forums, usernames, signatures, articles, videos, private messages, reports, and appeals.
Post thoughtfully. If there is doubt of whether a contribution is acceptable or not, especially during the heat of debate, err on the side of caution. Moderators are always available to assist with questions or advise on rules alignment before a post is made.
Context, attitude, and tone will be interpreted by moderation and measured against the goal(the top of the page)for providing a respectful, welcoming, and safe environment.
We are each responsible for our own posts. Be wary of how your post may read to others, as moderation will be performed against the impact it has. Not only is what you say important but also how you say it.
Differences are welcome on D&D Beyond. Users will have varying opinions, points of view, experiences, and values. While we may not always agree, these differences are what contribute to making the community great. It is important to remain mindful of others and respect contrasting commentary, up to and including the conclusion of discussions before they escalate to rule violations.
1. Advertising D&D Beyond only allows advertisements that are related to the Dungeons & Dragons product or hobby. Such items include paid products, services, and donations such as: Patreon, Kickstarter, art commissions, maps, Etsy store products, contests, surveys, miniatures, adventures, homebrew, apparel, and dice.
All advertisements need to be contained to a single thread on the #Advertisements board and are subject to moderator approval/discretion.
2. Breach of Terms of Service The Wizards of the Coast General Terms will apply to all aspects of D&D Beyond. These terms include (but are not limited to) user age, account sharing, content submission, other affiliated D&D communities/wikis, user conduct, malicious activity, etc.
3. Bumping Threads It is not permitted to “bump” threads for the sake of increasing post visibility, raising thread priority, or alerting subscribed members of a thread. Threads may be replied to if they contain a significant update or contribution to the discussion.
4. Copyright Content There will be no references, links, or pasted data with regard to illegal or copyright content. This may include PDFs, downloaded content, piracy, or links/websites where such may be made available. It is the user’s responsibility to verify that the links they post contain no copyright material.
Users are also prohibited from soliciting campaign links for the sole purpose of providing free access to paid content
5. Discussing Moderator Based Actions Moderation taken within the community is not to be discussed in public. This also includes opinions about specific moderators, moderator actions (ex. Locking, deleting threads), or moderation policy.
All questions, remarks, suggestions, or complaints about D&D Beyond moderation can be addressed via Private Message with a Moderator or a D&D Beyond Staff member.
6. Excessive Threads Threads on a topic are to be limited to a single instance and not cross-posted to multiple boards. Threads are to contain substantial content and are not created “for the sake thereof”. Threads are not to be deleted and reposted to circumvent “bumping”. Regarding #Looking for Players & Groups, the board-specific rules for multiple games are also in effect.
7. Flaming Directing insulting/offensive messages to other users or otherwise demonstrating the intent to insult and/or create dissent is prohibited, as well as messaging not deemed to be courteous or respectful. The context of submitted material very much matters here and will be examined against the surrounding details or discussion.
8. Harassment Any user-targeted disturbance, pattern of disrespect, unwanted communications, alienation, unwelcomed advances, aggression, intimidation, or report retaliation will be considered harassment. All behaviors that can be described as a personal or group attack, labeling, or insult are prohibited. The context of submitted material very much matters here and will be examined against the surrounding details or discussion.
While challenging ideas or debating thoughts are acceptable, attacking the people or groups holding them is not. Please review the following examples:
Attacking the idea/thought/statement
“The argument of [statement] is [wrong/bad] because of [reason].”
“Your reasoning for liking [thing] is [inaccurate/bad] because of [reason].”
Attacking the person/group
“You are [wrong/awful] because of [reason].”
“Your logic is trash.”
“[These types of people] are notoriously bad or worthless.”
“People holding [person’s viewpoint] are stupid.”
9. Hate Speech There shall not be any hateful discussion and/or discrimination regarding the topics of race, religion, gender, sexuality, country, political belief, color, national origin, disability, or genetics. This includes (but is not limited to):
Racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or ableist content.
Casual racism and/or slurs of any above topics.
Sweeping generalizations about any above topic.
Explicit or literal comparisons between fantasy cultures/tropes and real ones. People are not like “orcs, elves, dwarves, etc”. People are people. No humans in the history of humans will be related, depicted, or regarded in any such manner.
Denial of above topic subtext in depictions of fantasy cultures/tropes.
Diminishing or dismissing the above topics, others’ experiences, or how others may relate to them.
Statements with a disregard or undermining nature towards the above topics, including statements, content, or links associated with hate groups.
10. Homebrew - Copyright No homebrew content should be publicly submitted that is copyrighted by another individual or organization (including but not limited to) Wizards of the Coast.
11. Homebrew - Prohibited Content No homebrew content should be publicly submitted that violates the Site Rules & Guidelines content as listed in the remainder of these rules. (Ex. Flaming, Harassment, Hate Speech, Prohibited Content, Trolling, etc)
12. Homebrew - Rules Violation All publicly-submitted homebrew content should adhere to the Homebrew Rules & Guidelines. These items partially include:
No homebrew may contain names that begin with a space, symbol, single character, number, or sound/string of letters. Examples include:
3-Headed Dog
(Infected) Ghoul
A Swarm of Bees
“Drunken” Sailor
Aaaaaah Ghost
All public homebrew must be in English.
Images may not be included nor embedded in public homebrew.
No public homebrew content owned by a third-party D&D partner.
All homebrew must match the creation type.
No mundane items submitted as magic items
No vehicles entered as Monster stat blocks
13. Major Flaming More serious instances of Flaming, egregious offenses, or repeated occurrences will be considered Major Flaming.
14. Major Harassment More serious instances of Harassment, egregious offenses, or repeated occurrences will be considered Major Harassment.
15. Major Hate Speech More serious instances of Hate Speech, egregious offenses, or repeated occurrences will be considered Major Hate Speech.
16. Major Prohibited Content More serious instances of Prohibited Content, egregious offenses, or repeated occurrences will be considered Major Prohibited Content.
17. Major Spam More serious instances of Spam, egregious offenses, or repeated occurrences will be considered Major Spam.
18. Major Trolling More serious instances of Trolling, egregious offenses, or repeated occurrences will be considered Major Trolling.
19. Minor Prohibited Content All of the following topics are regarded as prohibited content and are not to be discussed on D&D Beyond:
Keyloggers, hoaxes, phishing websites, piracy, or other malicious material.
Illegal or fraudulently acquired content and/or links to websites containing such.
Content including nudity must not be explicit or pornographic in nature. All acceptable instances must carry a warning tag and be hidden.
Any content that is considered illegal by law.
Referral links for contests, promotions, awards, savings, etc.
Non-D&D topics including (but not limited to) drugs, sex, slavery, assault, crime, firearms, gambling, hot topic issues, current events, etc
Soliciting and/or offering medical, legal, or other professional advice.
Political/religious discussions and debates
Any content created, in whole or in part, through the use of artificial intelligence (AI)
20. Minor Spam Spamming is not permitted on D&D Beyond. Most commonly, this relates to the excessive communication of similar phrases or unnecessary posts.
Copy/pasting a Discord community advertisement on multiple LFG posts.
Copy/pasting the same response on multiple LFG posts.
Copy/pasting the same thread on multiple boards.
Soliciting paid games in LFG posts where an interest in paid games was not expressed.
21. Naming & Shaming/Callouts Is it not acceptable to label, post accusations about, or otherwise “name and shame” another individual or organization. Similarly, posting or repeating information relayed in private or ‘Good Faith’ to other parties is prohibited. This rule applies to current users, individuals who are not users, individuals and organizations that are and are not affiliated with D&D Beyond, or even third parties who aren’t affiliated with the Dungeons & Dragons genre.
22. Non-Constructive Posting To maintain a peaceful forum, all forms of non-constructive posting will be limited. These often include:
Making off-topic posts within a thread to derail the conversation.
Engaging in behaviors that serve as destructive, exclusive, disrespectful, or otherwise creating a disturbance within a thread.
Posting accusations of others’ behavior, calling out users, their logic, or labeling them with such.
Engaging in bad faith argument.
Denouncing or attempting to limit the methods, flavors, or fun in which others experience D&D.
Attempting to limit or govern who can/cannot (or should/should not) engage in D&D-related features/activities.
“Grouping up” or garnering others against an individual.
23. Offensive Content All posted content, including user avatars, usernames, signatures, and all images must be kept respectful and free of items referenced within these Site Rules & Guidelines. These items include (but are not limited to):
Pornography or content of a sexual nature.
Attacks, insults, trolling, flaming, or other means of harassment.
Responses to or about moderator-based actions and policy.
Images and language that only serve to cause unrest with others.
Hateful content or extreme obscenity.
Any form of unapproved advertising.
Monetized, SEO, or referral links.
Note: Signatures are to be limited to 500px by 100px in dimension, 50kB in filesize.
24. Oversized Image/Text Images are to be kept to external links or within the borders of the forum formatting. Any images that break the readability of a thread will be removed without notice.
25. Abuse of the "Report" Feature/Report Abuse The Report feature is to be used to flag moderation of content that violates these rules. Submitting false, frivolous, multiple/spam, gibberish, or harassing reports is classified as abuse of this feature.
26. Posting Personal Information Real-life or personal information about yourself or another should never be publicly posted on D&D Beyond. We strongly suggest you retain your email address, age, or other identifiable information privately.
27. Trolling Trolling will be considered as messages deemed to be inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic with the intent of provoking users into displaying emotional responses or manipulating others’ perceptions. The purposeful disruption or destructive communication will be considered a violation. Replying to another user solely to call them a troll (or otherwise antagonizing) will also be considered trolling.
Note: The context of submitted material very much matters here and will be examined against the surrounding details or discussion. If you have any caution about how your contribution will be interpreted, please refrain from posting it and/or seek guidance from the moderation team.
Homebrew Rules & Guidelines When publishing Homebrew on D&D Beyond, please ensure all public submissions follow the Homebrew Rules & Guidelines.
Reminders, Infractions, and Ban Durations D&D Beyond runs on an infraction-based point system. When a rules violation is observed, a Moderator will issue either of the following notices to a user:
1. Quick Reminder The Quick Reminder only serves as notice that the cited contribution is crossing the threshold allowed by the Site Rules & Guidelines. No infraction points are assigned, though a record is kept of the occurrence.
2. Infraction Notification Infraction Notifications serve as notice that the cited contribution is in violation of the Site Rules & Guidelines and has been assigned corresponding infraction points.
Infraction point assignments arrive with an expiration period in which the points will remain active. Once this expiration date passes, the infractions points will cease to apply to one’s account. If an accumulation of points is to occur before expiration, the corresponding suspension (ban) of forum privileges will take effect.
Note: The assignment of infraction points remains at the discretion of the Moderation team, including the number of points assigned and/or ban durations for repeat violations.
Points Required for Ban Duration
3 Days
1 Week
2 Weeks
3 Weeks
30 / 35
1 Month Ban
40 / 45
2 Months Ban
50 / 55
Permanent Ban
Points Given by Infraction (at Moderator discretion)
Welcome Adventurers!
Here are defined the moderation practices, rules, guidelines, and infraction systems that are practiced throughout the comment and posting systems on D&D Beyond. These rules are globally applied to the D&D Beyond website, in addition to any forum-specific rules pinned that some boards may contain. As operated by Wizards of the Coast, the Wizards General Terms will also apply.
Moderation Practices
The goal of moderation upon D&D Beyond is to promote and maintain a respectful, welcoming, and inclusive community for all users. This goal will be the guiding principle for all moderation efforts. If there is ever a conflict between the rule as written and this guiding principle, the principle will hold priority. Moderation across D&D Beyond will always reflect on and consider the above goal, applying to contextual instances where written rules might not be defined. The lack of rule definition or inclusion is not an acceptable excuse for circumventing the above goal, as moderation will not be limited by the bounds of these written rules.
Introduction to the Moderation Team
All D&D Beyond Staff members will be listed in red.
All D&D Beyond Moderation members will be listed in orange.
The Moderation Team is always happy to help you on these forums. If you encounter a question, need assistance, or want to address a topic you wish not to discuss in public, the Moderators are always welcoming of Private Messages.
These moderators are a group of volunteers who have been entrusted to guide, oversee, and curate community contributions. They will use their best judgment to interpret context and intent when evaluating community interactions.
Community Manager
Forum Moderators
Reports, Infractions, and Appeals
The D&D Beyond Report feature, located under each post, article comment, and private message, offers the opportunity to flag an item for moderator attention. These reports can be used to cite a rules violation, call attention to a particular thread, request a thread moved to another forum, call out advertisement/spam, or comment on another problem. It is always requested that the Report feature be used instead of responding, retaliating, or otherwise taking measures into one’s own hands. When reporting a comment or post, please elaborate upon the problem observed.
Infractions and Reminders may be sent out via Private Message if a rules violation has been observed. These may be accompanied with or without infraction points and will be recorded against the user account.
Infraction - a formal warning of Site Rules & Guidelines violation that carries infraction points. These points accumulate through multiple violations and can lead towards forum privilege removal for increasing durations of time. The infraction points carry an expiration date (default: 120 days) where they will no longer apply towards accumulation, although the infraction record will remain in account history.
Reminder - an informational reminder of the Site Rules & Guidelines violation that does not carry infraction points. Reminders are used for minor offenses or to provide notification that a post was modified/removed by moderation and why.
An Appeal system is available to contest a received infraction or reminder in the event that one believes to have been wrongly assigned. D&D Beyond policy requires all appeals to be reviewed and addressed by a different member of the moderation team so that a fresh set of eyes can verify the integrity of issuance.
Tips to remember when filing an appeal:
Rules and Guidelines
Guidelines for a peaceful community:
1. Advertising
D&D Beyond only allows advertisements that are related to the Dungeons & Dragons product or hobby. Such items include paid products, services, and donations such as: Patreon, Kickstarter, art commissions, maps, Etsy store products, contests, surveys, miniatures, adventures, homebrew, apparel, and dice.
All advertisements need to be contained to a single thread on the #Advertisements board and are subject to moderator approval/discretion.
Note: All D&D gaming groups and communities are located in #Looking for Players & Groups. All D&D video channels and streams are located in #Streams & Video
2. Breach of Terms of Service
The Wizards of the Coast General Terms will apply to all aspects of D&D Beyond. These terms include (but are not limited to) user age, account sharing, content submission, other affiliated D&D communities/wikis, user conduct, malicious activity, etc.
3. Bumping Threads
It is not permitted to “bump” threads for the sake of increasing post visibility, raising thread priority, or alerting subscribed members of a thread. Threads may be replied to if they contain a significant update or contribution to the discussion.
4. Copyright Content
There will be no references, links, or pasted data with regard to illegal or copyright content. This may include PDFs, downloaded content, piracy, or links/websites where such may be made available. It is the user’s responsibility to verify that the links they post contain no copyright material.
Users are also prohibited from soliciting campaign links for the sole purpose of providing free access to paid content
5. Discussing Moderator Based Actions
Moderation taken within the community is not to be discussed in public. This also includes opinions about specific moderators, moderator actions (ex. Locking, deleting threads), or moderation policy.
All questions, remarks, suggestions, or complaints about D&D Beyond moderation can be addressed via Private Message with a Moderator or a D&D Beyond Staff member.
6. Excessive Threads
Threads on a topic are to be limited to a single instance and not cross-posted to multiple boards. Threads are to contain substantial content and are not created “for the sake thereof”. Threads are not to be deleted and reposted to circumvent “bumping”. Regarding #Looking for Players & Groups, the board-specific rules for multiple games are also in effect.
7. Flaming
Directing insulting/offensive messages to other users or otherwise demonstrating the intent to insult and/or create dissent is prohibited, as well as messaging not deemed to be courteous or respectful. The context of submitted material very much matters here and will be examined against the surrounding details or discussion.
8. Harassment
Any user-targeted disturbance, pattern of disrespect, unwanted communications, alienation, unwelcomed advances, aggression, intimidation, or report retaliation will be considered harassment. All behaviors that can be described as a personal or group attack, labeling, or insult are prohibited. The context of submitted material very much matters here and will be examined against the surrounding details or discussion.
While challenging ideas or debating thoughts are acceptable, attacking the people or groups holding them is not. Please review the following examples:
9. Hate Speech
There shall not be any hateful discussion and/or discrimination regarding the topics of race, religion, gender, sexuality, country, political belief, color, national origin, disability, or genetics. This includes (but is not limited to):
10. Homebrew - Copyright
No homebrew content should be publicly submitted that is copyrighted by another individual or organization (including but not limited to) Wizards of the Coast.
11. Homebrew - Prohibited Content
No homebrew content should be publicly submitted that violates the Site Rules & Guidelines content as listed in the remainder of these rules. (Ex. Flaming, Harassment, Hate Speech, Prohibited Content, Trolling, etc)
12. Homebrew - Rules Violation
All publicly-submitted homebrew content should adhere to the Homebrew Rules & Guidelines. These items partially include:
13. Major Flaming
More serious instances of Flaming, egregious offenses, or repeated occurrences will be considered Major Flaming.
14. Major Harassment
More serious instances of Harassment, egregious offenses, or repeated occurrences will be considered Major Harassment.
15. Major Hate Speech
More serious instances of Hate Speech, egregious offenses, or repeated occurrences will be considered Major Hate Speech.
16. Major Prohibited Content
More serious instances of Prohibited Content, egregious offenses, or repeated occurrences will be considered Major Prohibited Content.
17. Major Spam
More serious instances of Spam, egregious offenses, or repeated occurrences will be considered Major Spam.
18. Major Trolling
More serious instances of Trolling, egregious offenses, or repeated occurrences will be considered Major Trolling.
19. Minor Prohibited Content
All of the following topics are regarded as prohibited content and are not to be discussed on D&D Beyond:
20. Minor Spam
Spamming is not permitted on D&D Beyond. Most commonly, this relates to the excessive communication of similar phrases or unnecessary posts.
Note: A more relaxed stance is carried within the #Off-Topic forum boards.
21. Naming & Shaming/Callouts
Is it not acceptable to label, post accusations about, or otherwise “name and shame” another individual or organization. Similarly, posting or repeating information relayed in private or ‘Good Faith’ to other parties is prohibited. This rule applies to current users, individuals who are not users, individuals and organizations that are and are not affiliated with D&D Beyond, or even third parties who aren’t affiliated with the Dungeons & Dragons genre.
22. Non-Constructive Posting
To maintain a peaceful forum, all forms of non-constructive posting will be limited. These often include:
23. Offensive Content
All posted content, including user avatars, usernames, signatures, and all images must be kept respectful and free of items referenced within these Site Rules & Guidelines. These items include (but are not limited to):
Note: Signatures are to be limited to 500px by 100px in dimension, 50kB in filesize.
24. Oversized Image/Text
Images are to be kept to external links or within the borders of the forum formatting. Any images that break the readability of a thread will be removed without notice.
25. Abuse of the "Report" Feature/Report Abuse
The Report feature is to be used to flag moderation of content that violates these rules. Submitting false, frivolous, multiple/spam, gibberish, or harassing reports is classified as abuse of this feature.
26. Posting Personal Information
Real-life or personal information about yourself or another should never be publicly posted on D&D Beyond. We strongly suggest you retain your email address, age, or other identifiable information privately.
27. Trolling
Trolling will be considered as messages deemed to be inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic with the intent of provoking users into displaying emotional responses or manipulating others’ perceptions. The purposeful disruption or destructive communication will be considered a violation. Replying to another user solely to call them a troll (or otherwise antagonizing) will also be considered trolling.
Note: The context of submitted material very much matters here and will be examined against the surrounding details or discussion. If you have any caution about how your contribution will be interpreted, please refrain from posting it and/or seek guidance from the moderation team.
Homebrew Rules & Guidelines
When publishing Homebrew on D&D Beyond, please ensure all public submissions follow the Homebrew Rules & Guidelines.
Reminders, Infractions, and Ban Durations
D&D Beyond runs on an infraction-based point system. When a rules violation is observed, a Moderator will issue either of the following notices to a user:
1. Quick Reminder
The Quick Reminder only serves as notice that the cited contribution is crossing the threshold allowed by the Site Rules & Guidelines. No infraction points are assigned, though a record is kept of the occurrence.
2. Infraction Notification
Infraction Notifications serve as notice that the cited contribution is in violation of the Site Rules & Guidelines and has been assigned corresponding infraction points.
Infraction point assignments arrive with an expiration period in which the points will remain active. Once this expiration date passes, the infractions points will cease to apply to one’s account. If an accumulation of points is to occur before expiration, the corresponding suspension (ban) of forum privileges will take effect.
Note: The assignment of infraction points remains at the discretion of the Moderation team, including the number of points assigned and/or ban durations for repeat violations.
Points Required for Ban Duration
3 Days
1 Week
2 Weeks
3 Weeks
30 / 35
1 Month Ban
40 / 45
2 Months Ban
50 / 55
Permanent Ban
Points Given by Infraction (at Moderator discretion)
120 days
Bumping Threads
120 days
Copyright Content
120 days
Excessive Threads
120 days
120 days
120 days
Hate Speech
120 days
Homebrew - Copyright
120 days
Homebrew - Prohibited Content
120 days
Homebrew - Repeated Submission
120 days
Minor Spam
120 days
Naming and shaming
120 days
Non-Constructive Posting
120 days
Offensive Content
120 days
Oversized Image
120 days
Report Abuse
120 days
120 days
Discussing Moderation-Based Actions
120 days
Major Flaming
120 days
Major Harassment
120 days
Major Hate Speech
120 days
Major Trolling
120 days
Posting Personal Information
120 days
Prohibited Content
120 days
[ Site Rules & Guidelines ] --- [ Homebrew Rules & Guidelines ]
Send me a message with any questions or concerns