Eve of Ruin (Rhanloi's romp through the multiverse!)
Poll: Do you...
Poll: Do you...
Do you... - Single Choice
- Take the secret passage? 0%
- Go to the west into the bigger chamber? 100%
Ended Sep 23, 2024
Round 2 (con't):
Celeste Sends an arrow of frost at the green wight (DC19 Con:14) and then a light arrow at black!
Zylynne feels the necrotic damage from the undead touch, and uses her magic greataxe to return the pain! She nearly slices the monster in half. The giant fairy rage-machine then picks up the black wight and tosses it across the room!! (DC16 Str: 7 - Sorry - it's just a toss to another part of the chamber. Now if there was a bridge, or chasm... =)
Vesta ...
Round 3:
Katarina ...
Vanizi ...
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?
Katarina will continue trying to get rid of the blue wight, attacking recklessly and two-handing the sword.
Longsword vs. Blue Wight:
Attack: 28 (nat 20); Damage: 18 + 10 (force damage, thanks to her Wild Surge) = 28 total
Attack: 24; Damage: 13 + 3 (force) = 16 total
After that, she's going to close in with the green wight if blue is dead. Because she was attacking recklessly, attacks against Katarina have advantage until the start of her next turn. Her shield is also not out, so her AC is 16.
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Round 2 (con't):
Vesta ...
Round 3:
Katarina finishes off the blue wight with her combo of strikes! (She is already next to the green wight...updated map)
Vanizi ...
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?
Having missed her previous strikes, Vanizi resorts to her magic. Gesturing with her free hand, she calls out magical words to cast Sacred Flame on the nearest creature (green). (DEX Save DC 19 or take 11 radiant damage)
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Green DC19 Dex: 21
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?
Round 2 (con't):
Vesta ...
Round 3:
Katarina finishes off the blue wight with her combo of strikes! (She is already next to the green wight...updated map)
Vanizi drops a sacred flame on the green wight, searing rotted flesh but not ending the threat!
Black Wight gets up from the ground after being tossed like a ragdoll across the room and shambles to attack Davis. (Longsword Attack: 17 Damage: 9) and also tries to suck more strength from the intrepid paladin! (Life drain Attack: 20 Damage: Unable to parse dice roll.)
Green Wight swings its sword at Katarina and also tries to drain some of the tabaxi barbarian's strength. (Longsword Attack-straight roll: 20 Damage: 9) (Life drain Attack w/adv: 24 Damage: 8)
Round 4?:
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?
Davis will attack the black wight.
attack Holy Avenger Longsword: 15 slash: 9 + radiant: 12
attack Holy Avenger Longsword: 20 slash: 13 + radiant: 5
With a sway of her hips and a hum from her lips, Celeste releases the same combo. Once again, one after another, she fires off two bolts in succession. The one tinged blue with frost targets green while her luminous arrow soars to the back at black.
Cast: Frostbite Con save DC19 or take 6 cold damage and have DA on next attack
BA: Luminous arrow Attack: 21 Damage: 17
just an unstable unicorn.
Round 3 (con't):
Katarina finishes off the blue wight with her combo of strikes! (She is already next to the green wight...updated map)
Vanizi drops a sacred flame on the green wight, searing rotted flesh but not ending the threat!
Black Wight gets up from the ground after being tossed like a ragdoll across the room and shambles to attack Davis. (Longsword Attack: 11 Damage: 10) and also tries to suck more strength from the intrepid paladin! (Life drain Attack: 13 Damage: 3)
Green Wight swings its sword at Katarina and also tries to drain some of the tabaxi barbarian's strength. (Longsword Attack-straight roll: 7 Damage: 5) (Life drain Attack w/adv: 18 Damage: 6)
Davis hacks through the black wight, ending its unholy existence, then spins and strikes the final blow for the green wight also! Silence returns to the crypts once again. (Combat over!)
Looking around, you see that you are in a large subterranean chamber with stone coffins sitting on sturdy shelves. Part of the west wall has collapsed, creating an opening into another chamber. The ceiling is about 15' above you in this room, but the tunnel is only about 7' high. (Map)
Investigate the coffins?
One open coffin contains four wool cloaks and two wide hats, each well-crafted and obviously not burial clothes. There is also a small vial of clear liquid lying in the coffin. Make a Perception or Investigation check...
Investigate the passage?
The passage, dug out from the existing soil and hastily shored up, leads to a very large (35' x 45') chamber! Roots protrude through cracks in the ceiling here. A stone stairway in the southeast corner has collapsed, and the nearby walls have crumbled. Another dug out passage is in the south wall. Three doors in the north wall are shut, and the middle door bears a new padlock. To the west, stairs lead to a small balcony that overlooks the room from five feet above, with just enough room for a door painted with an eye.
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?
Nose in the air, Celeste starts huffing again. She pivots and slinks back returning to snooping in the coffins again. Prrt. She reaches in with a wiggle of her hips and grabs the cloaks and the hats, tucking those under one arm, then reaches with the other to take the vial. After retrieving the items she trots back to Vesta, presenting what she found to her and the others. "Maybe some cult clothes? and a potion!" She wiggles the vial a little.
Perception: 23
just an unstable unicorn.
Katarina pulls out her shield before anything else crazy happens, then she goes to investigate one of the coffins that Celeste hasn't already checked.
"Maybe Katarina should stay near the front while going further into the crypt..." she says. "It doesn't seem anything is sneaking up behind us right now..."
(Famous last words, I know)
Perception: 21
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
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The vial contains a Potion of Invisibility. One of the empty coffins contains no evidence of a former occupant - Celeste and Katarina discover that the back of this coffin hides a panel with a latch that causes the wall behind it to swing aside! Behind the secret door is a narrow, 20' long passageway, which ends at another secret door that is easily spotted and opened from inside the tunnel. (updated map!)
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?
Seeing that the others are investigating the coffins, Davis will move to the collapsed western wall to get a better look at the room.
Perception: 13
Zyl relaxes once the fighting dies down, returning to her usual pint size and begins flitting about toward the crumbled passage. "Well then! Everyone okay? I think we handled that pretty well though. Ooh what's over here!?"
(Perception: 17, rolled in log)
A moment later she flits back to everyone else. "More rooms and doors. And that creepy eye thing again. One of the doors looked like it was freshly locked too. I don't like it."
(OK team - pick a single course of action, please! =)
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?
(Doesn't matter to me really)
"Let's check out the secret passageway first then, since it will behind us if we go west" and Davis will head there.
Katarina nods and follows Davis. She's decided that for the rest of this trip she's going to stay close to the Paladin's aura of protection.
Unhappy that the market got rid of individual purchases for one-off subclasses, magic items, and monsters?
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Zyl will happy flutter along with Davis and the others.
Vanizi takes a moment to get a breath and make sure everyone is alright after the fight ends. She sees the pair investigating the coffins and others checking the path ahead. But when the secret passage is found, that seems like obviously the most interesting path to be taking. She quickly moves to follow at the back of the group, keeping an eye out for anything coming behind them.
(Perception: 17)
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest