Eve of Ruin (Rhanloi's romp through the multiverse!)
Poll: Do you...
Poll: Do you...
Do you... - Single Choice
- Take the secret passage? 0%
- Go to the west into the bigger chamber? 100%
Ended Sep 23, 2024
The party takes the narrow secret passage in the south wall, and when opening the door at the end of the 20'tunnel, you see a small (10' x 10') alcove, with rusty standpipes and interlocking cogs covering the walls. A heavy stone door with metal hinges to the west opens easily, revealing a larger (20' x 15') room. There is another door on the western wall. Pipes along the south wall of this room disappear into the walls near the ceiling, and you can hear water flowing through them. A complicated series of cogs and four hand-turned wheels connect to the pipes. (updated map)
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?
Davis will move into the second room towards the door. He will generally ignore the pipes and cogs, but understands if others want to investigate them.
Vanizi follows after Davis. She gives the pipes and wheels only a cursory glance before focusing on the door. "Suppose there will be more undead past this door?"
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
Prrt. Celeste 'merecats' to do a head count to make sure all 'her people' were all accounted for. She had no preference of what direction they went, just that they were together. With that she pads along with the group.
The sound of water causes Celeste's ears to twitch and her thoughts start firing which make her move closer to inspect the pipes. It was more curiosity than anything useful probably. The dead didn't need water. Was this the community's water? But why would it be behind a secret passage? Well maybe to avoid people tampering with it. She was tempted. But still. What would happen if she turned a wheel or two? She'd reach a hand out, to feel for condensation. Hot or cold water or both? The druid would continue along with the group, tracing the pipes a bit as she does.
Celeste's attention is pulled away to Vanizi when she hears her speak. "I believe we haven't seen the last of the undead." She nods in agreement "But I also think we might eventually run into some people that wear these too." She gestures with the garments she had found. As she eventually makes her way closer to Vanizi and Davis she peers around to try to gauge how much room there is, in a general sense, considering how many of them there were in the group. This place might be too cramped for Bubbles, but maybe Rocky...
just an unstable unicorn.
(OK - play with the valves for 10 minutes to figure out water flow, go through the west door, or backtrack to the big room with the three doors on the north wall?)
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?
Zyl isn't big on puzzles but if someone wants to fiddle with the valves a while she'll gladly keep watch! Or help.
"Water pipes? This doesn't look like the sewers or anything. Feels like poor planning to me." Zyl put her hands on her hips and stayed back by the door, looking back into the way they had come from.
Seeing that no one is immediately drawn to the pipes and wheels, Davis will open the western door, after a quick check for noises, traps, etc.
Perception: 19
Vanizi is also not really interested in puzzling through the valves and pipes. "You go ahead Davis. I'll try and listen here for anything." (Perception: 23)
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
DC13 History to recall info about the water pipes:
You recall snippets of tales about an occult organization of artificers and geomancers called the Waterclock Guild that bound elementals and created various clockwork mechanisms.
Rusted pipes run along the walls and ceiling, and water flows from nozzles in the ceiling pipes. In the center of the 35'x35' room is a deep stone basin that’s set into the floor and filled to the brim. The surface ripples, revealing several watery creatures inside.
In the north wall is a tunnel leading to another large room (C3) - connecting to the first chamber to which you descended. Another small passage leads west. To the south is a closed, padlocked door. And along the eastern wall where you are coming in is a staircase leading down. (Map)
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?
Davis says, "I do remember tales of an occult organization that bound elementals, I wonder if that is what's moving in this big pool here? I'm thinking once we enter, we may have another fight on our hands. We can go back up through the secret door and check out the other doors, or enter here and see what happens. Or we could investigate the pipes more too"
"Any issue with entering? That's where I'm leaning, if there is a fight here, its going to happen sooner or later."
History: 14
"You think the valves might control the elementals?" Vanizi asks. "I suppose if we mess around with them though we could make things worse." She peers through the door to the larger room. "Yea, we should just try to move through and see what happens. We'll have to go through eventually."
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
(History: 19, rolled in log)
"I've heard of them too," Zyl chimed in flitting over to peek into the larger room where the water pooled. "But if we're going to fight we might as well try the pipes first, it might be a source of power. Either way though, I'm ready. I just think if we're going that way regardless, and we have a chance to possibly weaken any enemies beforehand, we should take it. I'm a tough girl but not that tough! And the water looks yucky."
OK - decision time! Will the following player decide for the party your course of action: 1
1=Davis :: 2=Vanizi :: 3=Celeste :: 4=Zylynne :: 5=Vesta :: 6=Katarina
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?
[Since it's been awhile since Vesta posted...]
"It's probably not a bad idea to check out those pipes as Zyl suggested, could save us from fighting some unnecessary fights" Davis says and will move back into the pipe room and start looking around.
If someone wants to roll a search, I will help them with it.
Celeste looked thoughtful. Now everyone was interested in the pipes. "I vote for someone tampering!" It didn't have to be her, but she had been thinking about it earlier. And while she didn't know much about this cult, she knew at least a little bit about elementals considering she was just wondering whether she should conjure Bubbles, a water elemental. They're big. They take up a lot of room. And they're not always easy to control. "If we do run into one of those elementals. I wonder whether we could free it from their binds and maybe convince it to help us in return, and/or go peacefully." She thinks out loud.
History: 8
just an unstable unicorn.
(Pipes it is...sorry for the delay - was travelling yesterday!)
The group heads back into the valve room and spends 10 minutes fiddling around with the valves, listening to the water flow to figure out how everything works. If you minimize the water pressure, the nozzles in the next room stop flowing. Or, you can maximize the water pressure and make a steady stream, like heavy rain, fall on the pool. Of course, there may be downstream effects that you are currently unaware of...but hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained!
(Your choices, then, are - (1) Leave the water flow as it is. (2) Maximize the water flow. (3) Stop the water flow. Once you decide on the water pressure, what do you do next?)
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?
Zyl votes for shutting it down altogether.
Davis is find shutting it down also, Let's see what happens!
After we shut it down, he'll look back in the room with the pool to see how if anything is different.
"I say we shut it off and just move on," Vanizi suggests. "No use wasting time trying to figure out it now if we don't have any idea what else it might be doing." She is antsy to continue, but it not going to just head off without the others.
Rabbit Sebrica | Skarai | Lokilia Vaelphin | Liivi Orav | Vanizi | Britari/Halila Talgeta/Jesa Gumovi | Neital Rhessil | Iromae Quinaea | Kaila Zokeri | Lusia Varusk | Roxana Raincrest
You decide to shut off the water flow, then return to the room with the pool. As expected, the 'rain' has stopped falling into the pool. And now, rising out of the pool, a large water elemental looks at you. It almost looks like its arms are crossed in front of it as it looks at you. After a moment, it points to the circle of pipes from where the 'rain' was falling and then at you. It speaks in a fluid voice - something that sounds like waves crashing on a rocky shore. But since nobody in the party speaks aquan, you can't decipher what it's saying...
Love God. Love Others. Any Questions?