Homebrew Feats - November 9th, 2017

November 9th, 2017

This update provides users the ability to create their own Homebrew Character Feats: 


The homebrew feats will not only provide textual data in their own listing and details pages, but will also allow users to select feats and have their effects applied in the character builder!


The main homebrew page has been updated with a slot for feats:



And there is now a listing page for homebrew feats:



As with other homebrew-able data, you can either create a homebrew feat from an existing, publicly available feat to use as a guide, or create one from scratch.



Currently the only two publicly available feats available to copy from are Grappler and Svirfneblin Magic. (If you have purchased additional Feats, they will be available for use as a template).


The initial create form for a homebrew Feat is pretty simple:



You provide a name, version (if desired), a description, and tags (if desired). The more complex part of the process occurs after saving the initial data where you can start entering data that the character builder can utilize:



After the initial data is saved, you now have access to enter prerequisites, feat options, modifiers, spells, and limited use. We'll cover each of these.


The prerequisite entry can be a little tricky because the system can support a chain of AND and OR prerequisites in varying combinations. For example, you can have something simple like "requires a strength score of 13 or higher",  or something more complex like "must be a Drow and have a Dexterity score or Charisma score of 13 or higher".


For a simple prerequisite, we enter the textual string we'll show to the user first:



Then, once the text string is created, we'll add the actual data the character builder will use:




After saving our prerequisite, we now see the mapping that has been added on the main create Feat form:



For prerequisites where the character must meet multiple requirements (an AND), enter both Types on the same text string:



For Feat Options, we're just entering a simple Name and Description:



You can enter multiple Feat Options, as an example, look at the Martial Adept feat where you get to choose two maneuvers from a list of Feat Options. The import thing to note is that if you add Feat Options, you will see a new field on the main create Feat form labeled - "Total Number of Feat Options User Can Select". This will be set to 1 automatically as soon as you start entering options. If you want the user to be able to coose more than one option, then update the quantity in that field.



For modifers, its the same modifier form that's currently in use on homebrew magic items, so it will be familiar to most you homebrew masters:



Currently, we exclude being able to select the Feat modifier, because, the whole Portable Hole inside a Bag of Holding issue.


For a mapped spell, you can either associate one or more specific spells, a class list of spells and even a certain level in that list, and override a good amount of default fields. It's pretty flexible, so I suggest you experiment!



And finally for Limited Use, it's a fairly simply a name, reset type, a class level (if desired), and number of uses the character can use the limited use ability between resets:



Things to note:


Currently the only prerequisites that are being enforced in the character builder are Race/SubRace and Size. The other prerequisite types that are available in the create form will be enforced in the builder soon, and we will be adding a ton more prerequisite types shortly.


The choices of things you can template from when creating homebrew (for all homebrew types) has been updated to include not only Basic Rules data but all data you have access to. Meaning, if you've bought the PHB, you can template from all BR and PHB Feats, Backgrounds, etc.! The list will also include any private or published homebrew data you've created.


Also, the same access update has been applied to the list of spells you can add to a homebrew magic item or homebrew feat. 


Please note, the increased list of choices must be things that you have purchased. You do not get access to additional data for templating thru content sharing.


If you include spells on your homebrew magic item or feat that are either licensed content, or still in your private homebrew, they cannot be requested to be published. You will be able to use them privately in your campaign, and others in your campaign would have access to them.


Up next:


Next up will be homebrew Races and Sub-races! Then on to Sub-classes. During those iterations we will also turn on commenting and reporting for homebrew data, and some additional usability improvements. 


Happy brewing!



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