More Customization Options: Custom Senses and Defenses

November 27th, 2017


Today's update contains several new additions to the character sheet, including new options for custom defenses and senses.

  • You can now customize the Armor Class of your character. You can do this by either overriding the AC completely, or updating the various individual pieces that calculate your character's AC.
  • You can also add damage/condition immunities, vulnerabilities, and resistances to your character outside of any granted from items, racial benefits, feats, etc.
  • You can now also override your character's Passive Perception, along with adding custom values to Blindsight, DarkvisionTremorsense, and Truesight, along with selecting which of them display at the top of your character sheet.
  • Fixed issue with view counts carrying over from official content into homebrew on create.



In our effort to allow for more customization to your characters, custom defenses and senses are now available to your existing and new characters. At the top of your character sheet, you'll be able to click on Defenses or Senses in order to open a modal up for more options:



Clicking Defenses opens up the above modal. This will display all of your current immunities, resistances, and vulnerabilities, as well as a breakdown of your Armor Class. Expanding Customize will reveal options for overriding your Armor Class, as well as overriding the various pieces that calculate your AC. If your Base Armor + DEX is different than usual, you can customize that value and still have other bonuses from items and other features build on top of that. You can also set additional magic bonus, or just some miscellaneous bonus to your AC. You can type in notes for the various overrides, allowing you to keep track of why your AC is higher or lower than usual.



You can also provide your character with damage and condition immunities, vulnerabilities, or resistances. Just specify the type, and the damage and/or conditions. Like with the customization above, you can type your own notes here to keep track of your new defense options. Your new custom defenses will show up in the Defenses modal, with an asterisk next to it to indicate that it wasn't granted through "normal" means.


When you are done customizing your defense, don't forget to hit Apply.



Additionally, you can now customize your character's senses, by overriding them or adding ones they don't have. This includes Passive  Perception, as well as Blindsight, Darkvision, Tremorsense, and Truesight. You can also set which ones displays prominently at the top of your character sheet, where Passive Perception typically lives.





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