Critical Role Recap: Episode 23

Critical Role Recap: Episode 23

Previously on Critical Role, the Mighty Nein cleared out the ruins of the Gentleman’s safehouse in the Labenda Swamp, and Fjord received another esoteric vision from his otherworldly patron.

Single-Paragraph Synopsis

The Mighty Nein tracked down the troll that ambushed them earlier that day and killed it, then made their way back to the swamp town of Berleben [this is the correct spelling, according to Deven Rue’s map], and then made their way north towards their next objective at Shady Creek Run. On the way, they stopped in the military-industrial city of Hupperdook, and met a new friend named Risa.

Full Summary

The Mighty Nein decided to hunt down the venomous troll that attacked them earlier—back when they were exploring the swamp with Calianna. The fight was arduous and nearly lethal for Fjord (who was knocked unconscious three times in the fight), but they prevailed… only for the troll to regenerate and stand back up! It took a few more hits, and Caleb roasted the troll to cinders, halting its regeneration once and for all. Jester tore out its poison-scarred heart and wrapped it up in its leather loincloth.

A Meeting in Berleben

The team made their way back to Berleben. They walked through the Puddles district, and a figure began walking towards them. He pulled down his hood and revealed himself to be Horace Thrym, their friend from town who the Gentleman had smuggled out of Zadash. He asked about his husband, Dolan—was he all right? The Nein replied that he was as well as he could be. The empire was preparing for war, after all. They greeted him like an old friend and parted ways after telling him that the hunt for the High Richter’s killers had ended, and it may be safe for him to return to his family in Zadash.

The party visited the town alchemist—a dwarf named Smythe Durban—for materials and potions in exchange for the troll heart. He accepted, and promised to give them their spoils in the morning. They then went to a plain inn. They bothered the innkeeper, a woman named Uma. Fjord tried to hit on her, and Caleb pried into the book she was reading. Both were rebuffed (due to poor rolls). Later, Molly slid over to her and bribed her with 2 gp for the name of the book. It was called Feather Leather! Some bard, somewhere, told a story about a dark knight in leather and feathers—Vax, from the last campaign!

The next morning, they returned to the apothecary, and he gave them a dubious potion—perhaps of lightning resistance. Jester vandalized the sign so that instead of “The Fungal Font,” it read “The Fungal Fart.”

Nott pulled Caleb aside on their way out and she apologized for instigating the incident with Beau and the bowl, and she talked about the halfling man she saved back in her goblin village. His name was Yeza. Kiri later squawked that sensitive information out to the entire party later, to their amusement.  

The Journey North

They then made their way out of town, and began a week-long journey towards Shady Creek Run, beyond the borders of the empire. They traveled towards a crossroads, and encountered a group of traveling traders. Fjord and Caleb were bored out of his minds shopping, but the rest of the party had some fun bartering with the merchants. Past the crossroads, their journey took them near Hupperdook. On the road, they encountered a traveling family fleeing the city of Nogverot—a town which Jester and Beau remembered hearing the name of back in Zadash. Children were being abducted from that town by Xhorhasian soldiers! They couldn’t stop on their journey to go chasing rumors, but they made a note of the town.

As they traveled farther north, towards the mountains, Caleb noticed a shape hiding in the grass. Nott tried (but failed) to perform stealthy reconnaissance, but she was discovered and the group was ambushed by a group of humanoid figures, hiding in the field. Bandits? Suddenly, in the midst of the fight, one of the figures shouted “Wait, wait, wait! Everyone, stop fighting!”

Everyone paused (though Beau knocked one of them out), and the man said “These are the ones who ashed Trevor!” The Mighty Nein fought these bandits earlier, on the road to Zadash! A peace was met, and these bumbling brigands were sent on their way. They gave the Nein their cart in exchange for their lives. Caleb scored a well-deserved natural 20 on a Charisma (Deception) check when he placed his magical stone against their leader’s forehead and bluffed that he could now sense his every move, and the poor bandit obviously peed himself in fear. They let them go with a second warning (three strikes and you’re out), and the entire group fled.

Hupperdook: City of Industry

The Nein eventually made their way to the outskirts of Hupperdook, and saw a shimmering waterfall tumbling down from a thousand feet above. In the fields outside the city, dozens of siege engines and other machines of war were being constructed. One of the ways into the city was a mechanical lift that could raise their entire cart. It seemed that Hupperdook was a city of incredible mechanics and industrialists.

They were stopped by two guards at the lift and denied entry. The lift was for guests of the city only, and they were commanded to take the path into the city instead. On the way up the path, they were greeted by a gnome girl in goggles. She was a local and wanted to fend off her boredom, and she showed them into town. She introduced herself as Risa!

The town is busy, but also strangely desolate. It’s the empty panic of wartime. And then the industrial whistles blew, and a stream of workers burst from the factories and workshops to make their way to their homes or to bars. The people of this town didn’t just work hard—they played hard, too.

The city of Hupperdook is filled with party animals, but I suspect it's harboring a dark secret Find out next time... on Critical Role! Is it Thursday yet?

Unless otherwise credited, all photos in this article are courtesy of Geek & Sundry.

James Haeck is the lead writer for D&D Beyond, the co-author of the Critical Role Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting, and a freelance writer for Wizards of the Coast, the D&D Adventurers League, and Kobold Press. He loves watching Critical Role and wants everyone he knows to get into it, too. He lives in Seattle, Washington with his partner Hannah and his very own Frumpkins, Mei and Marzipan. You can usually find him wasting time on Twitter at @jamesjhaeck.


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