Well met. Trolkarl Ravenshield, son of Garlin and brother of earl Grammal and Handers. Joined by companions and a knight of the purple dragon.
I return from business with the duke to see my brother. Who is in charge of this squad?
If any step forward Trolkarl will thanks them for keeping the peace
These are tense times. We were set upon by a large band of orcs a day ago. I understand your concern with our approach. Blessings on you for securing the lands of our people.
After Trolkarl introduces himself you can see the men tense up. Grips on spears tighten and subtle changes in stance occur. All look to the man who spoke. He walks up to Trolkarl, "Well met indeed, milord. Your brother has tasked us, along with the rest of the militia to be on the lookout for you. He wants you brought to him, in chains. You are accused of the murder of Handers Ravenshield and must stand justice at the Earl's Court."
The intervening silence is broken by the low growl coming from both dogs.
With a smile that conveys confidence and a non-threatening demeanor "That will not be necessary Sargent, we are escorting Lord Trolkarl there ourselves so he can proclaim his innocence and provide facts uncovered which substantiate his claim. As you can see," motioning to Garrent, Chadwick and the others "We have come with the Duke's emissary and 2 disciples of Tyr The Justice Bringer, to ensure Lord Trolkarl has a fair and impartial hearing. By the Laws of Tyr, guilt shall be proven before incarceration is justified. I assume the laws of this land follow that logic?!" Motioning towards Ravenshield "Feel free to escort us to Ravenshield if concerned of our intentions" Begins to move forward and around the patrol if they do not move.
Two of the patrol level spears at Kragen as they step in front of his path.
”Not so quick, dwarf of no name. You do not set the laws here. The Earl does,” he then gives your group a hard stare as he says, “The Earl says his brother is to be brought to him by us, in chains.”
Hoid comments, “It is interesting to me, another unnamed dwarf, that the emissary of the Duke is with us and he has not demanded that Trolkarl be put in chains. Does the Duke report to the Earl? Garrent, in your role of observer are you allowed to comment on who owes allegiance? Does the Duke owe allegiance to the Earl or, as I suspect, does the Earl owe allegiance to the Duke?”
With steely eyes glaring at the 2 which leveled spears, then looks to the Sargent. "As my esteemed colleague has eloquently stated, YOUR DUKE (with emphasis) sets the laws! In which we have reviewed this matter with him, knowing that there was an arrest warrant by your Earl, he did not demand Lord Ravenshield (gestures to Trolkarl) be thrown in a dungeon nor shackled?"
"Oh, and if you truly would have wanted to know my name, you would have asked and provided yours. Which you did not, when approached?", "However, my name is Kragen Gravelbeard, Cleric of Tyr" nods curtly
"I am giving you every opportunity to demonstrate critical thinking skills and use common sense!", "Now, shall you and your colleagues escort us to the manor, unshackled i might add, or are we to proceed alone?" grandily motions toward Ravenshield Manor
Garrent answers Hoid, keeping his eyes upon the guard leader, “The Earl most definitely reports to the Duke, Hoid.”
Without moving he addresses the guard, “I am Garrent Goldtrue, Knight of the Purple Dragons. I am here as observer from the Duke to report upon the true dealings of the Houses Ravenshield and Hartstone.” The guard gives Gaius a dirty look when his House is mentioned. Garrent continues, “It is your Earl’s duty to provide safety of travel on the roads through his lands. A failed duty I witnessed yesterday when attacked by a group of orcs much larger than you and your men are. You are not going to force your will upon this group, but they do wish to go where you want to take them. Perhaps you can be satisfied with that?”
The others guards seem uneasy as their leader appraises Garrent. He then turns to them then looks back and says, “We will follow you. Try nothing suspicious.”
“Thank you. I think I can speak for all of us in suggesting that Trolkarl should lead the way. … Oh, there will be no trying of something suspicious. There is only success or failure.”
Leading the way and speaking to make sure everyone hears, even the guards
Starker, you might remember the name Crandil Ravenshield from your research on my family’s history. He was the younger brother of Harlandil the first of the Ravenshields to hold the title of Earl. In his time Crandil became the master of the house militia. He was a skilled swordsman, and his sword is still on display in the lord’s salon at the manor. Back then, the number of men accepted into the Purple Dragons started to drop. Now, we somehow manage to send more gongfarmers to serve in Marsember than to join the likes of Garret.
Personally, I think we have as many men of honor in this land as any other in Cormyr. Why do our best men spend their days collecting copper from the impoverished rather than serve in other duties? There’s a dark influence that I suspect most people know about… but few speak of openly.
Anyway, our escorts today are good men and are following the order of their earl… or his advisor. Perhaps a day will come when things change.
The remainder of the journey is uneventful. Ravenshield Manor comes into view sitting on its island in the river. All appears to be a normal afternoon in the town and about the manor. Approaching the manor across the bridge draws the attention of the guards. The guard leader following you yells to them, "Send for Hinnick! And notify the Earl that his brother has been brought to him by Garrod." One of the bridge guards runs to the manor house and disappears inside. The remaining guard on shore stands at attention. There are two guards across the bridge and two more at the door of the manor.
It is only a short wait until several guards come running outside of the manor accompanied by the captain, Hinnick. These guards all have crossbows and fan out on the opposite side of the bridge. Hinnick walks across the bridge to greet Trolkarl. "I see you have come home to face justice. Are all of this rabble your murderous crew?," he says looking over the rest of you. "Yield your weapons and I will take you to the Earl," he says to Trolkarl. "The rest of you will wait here until you are needed," he says with a sneer aimed at Garrent.
Starker to the lead militia man: “I think I saw an inn a little ways back. May I be permitted to go there to wait to hear the outcome of the Earl’s justice?”
While the company (we need some kind of name and a banner) is waiting Chadwick dismounts and secures his lance on Daisy's pack, put his shield on Freya, and equip the glaive. He brushes Freya's mane while they wait.
The guard leader turns to Starker, “You’re as guilty as His Lordship here is. We will be watching you swing before nightfall.”
Hinnick hisses at Garrod, “Shut your pie hole!”
Now to Trolkarl, and then the rest of you, “Disarm! Now! Or I have them fire,” pointing to the crossbowmen. “Or, I will go get Alamnal to end all of this now,” he says menacingly. (( Intimidation = 9 ))
Hoid asks, “Garrent, does this realm have guilt by association? It would be a shame if the guards that kindly escorted us here were hanged. I also suspect the Duke would not be pleased if you were hanged. I find it unlikely that Trolkarl is guilty, but guilt by association would suggest everyone here on this bridge would hang. I also would assume that any wrongdoing by Alamnal could result in guilt by association for anyone that followed one of his orders.”
Hoid looks directly at the guard leader and continues, “Guilt by association could get unpleasant, even for lackeys and minions.”
We come with no malice, and I have come to confess no wrongdoing.
I come to warn my brother and all the virtuous men of these lands that numerous deceptions have transpired. The deceiver can imitate anyone. If he desired, he could have imitated me and made a great confession. However, he would also need me dead to cease being a threat to expose the truth. Therefore, if a hanging is not carried out… perhaps escalating the situation with an ultimatum to the noblemen of Cormyr to provide the execution would be more effective. The drow has repeatedly used illusions to weave a web of deceit that has disgraced not only my family, Cormyr, but also oppressed its people.
I implore you, guards with love for our homeland, to warn your lord of this impending threat. There are many deceptions occurring here. Again, these men with me will not strike you first. And I implore each of the virtuous men of Cormyr to ponder what is happening here. You are witnesses to lifting the veil of this deceit.
Garrod… perhaps you could go find Alamnal- while Hinnick waits here with us. I believe the deceiver and true oppressor of these lands stands before us right now.
"Pretty words, my lord. But, your brother, The Earl, has given us orders," he replies.
"Guilt by association is not a recognized crime in Cormyr, good sir," Garrent speaks up. "Do you intend to hang a Knight of the Purple Dragons in your zeal to pursue this justice?"
Hinnick seems a bit flustered at this. While trying to seem dismissive of Garrent, he is smart enough to understand the power base represented by the Purple Dragon. "All will be revealed in the end, Dragon. Then truth shall become evident," he replies. "Garrod, you will keep them here while I notify the Earl of what comes to pass and the refusal of this rabble to disarm." Hinnick then turns to cross the bridge and return to the manor.
Kragen loud enough for others to hear "Prepare yourself Sir Garrent, it appears that common sense has been lost on this group and their Lord. It would be a shame if they took up arms against their Liege Lords emissary. However fear not, you are protected by followers of Tyr and his divine powers, i will see you return to the Duke's side!" Grim determination on his face.
A little louder, looking across the bridge. "Please, present this Alamnal to us, he has an appointment with the Scales of Justice. Tyr will see him judged and so will I."
Hinnick, before you leave and change again. Would you allow Garret and one or two of those "not guilty by association" to witness you speaking to Alamnal and my brother?
You men that have seen Hinnick all of your lives - were those his mannerisms? See him running off - are those his movements? Does something not seem off about him?
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Well met. Trolkarl Ravenshield, son of Garlin and brother of earl Grammal and Handers. Joined by companions and a knight of the purple dragon.
I return from business with the duke to see my brother. Who is in charge of this squad?
If any step forward Trolkarl will thanks them for keeping the peace
These are tense times. We were set upon by a large band of orcs a day ago. I understand your concern with our approach. Blessings on you for securing the lands of our people.
After Trolkarl introduces himself you can see the men tense up. Grips on spears tighten and subtle changes in stance occur. All look to the man who spoke. He walks up to Trolkarl, "Well met indeed, milord. Your brother has tasked us, along with the rest of the militia to be on the lookout for you. He wants you brought to him, in chains. You are accused of the murder of Handers Ravenshield and must stand justice at the Earl's Court."
The intervening silence is broken by the low growl coming from both dogs.
Kragen steps forward, ignoring the dogs.
With a smile that conveys confidence and a non-threatening demeanor "That will not be necessary Sargent, we are escorting Lord Trolkarl there ourselves so he can proclaim his innocence and provide facts uncovered which substantiate his claim. As you can see," motioning to Garrent, Chadwick and the others "We have come with the Duke's emissary and 2 disciples of Tyr The Justice Bringer, to ensure Lord Trolkarl has a fair and impartial hearing. By the Laws of Tyr, guilt shall be proven before incarceration is justified. I assume the laws of this land follow that logic?!" Motioning towards Ravenshield "Feel free to escort us to Ravenshield if concerned of our intentions" Begins to move forward and around the patrol if they do not move.
Two of the patrol level spears at Kragen as they step in front of his path.
”Not so quick, dwarf of no name. You do not set the laws here. The Earl does,” he then gives your group a hard stare as he says, “The Earl says his brother is to be brought to him by us, in chains.”
Hoid comments, “It is interesting to me, another unnamed dwarf, that the emissary of the Duke is with us and he has not demanded that Trolkarl be put in chains. Does the Duke report to the Earl? Garrent, in your role of observer are you allowed to comment on who owes allegiance? Does the Duke owe allegiance to the Earl or, as I suspect, does the Earl owe allegiance to the Duke?”
With steely eyes glaring at the 2 which leveled spears, then looks to the Sargent. "As my esteemed colleague has eloquently stated, YOUR DUKE (with emphasis) sets the laws! In which we have reviewed this matter with him, knowing that there was an arrest warrant by your Earl, he did not demand Lord Ravenshield (gestures to Trolkarl) be thrown in a dungeon nor shackled?"
"Oh, and if you truly would have wanted to know my name, you would have asked and provided yours. Which you did not, when approached?", "However, my name is Kragen Gravelbeard, Cleric of Tyr" nods curtly
"I am giving you every opportunity to demonstrate critical thinking skills and use common sense!", "Now, shall you and your colleagues escort us to the manor, unshackled i might add, or are we to proceed alone?" grandily motions toward Ravenshield Manor
Garrent answers Hoid, keeping his eyes upon the guard leader, “The Earl most definitely reports to the Duke, Hoid.”
Without moving he addresses the guard, “I am Garrent Goldtrue, Knight of the Purple Dragons. I am here as observer from the Duke to report upon the true dealings of the Houses Ravenshield and Hartstone.” The guard gives Gaius a dirty look when his House is mentioned. Garrent continues, “It is your Earl’s duty to provide safety of travel on the roads through his lands. A failed duty I witnessed yesterday when attacked by a group of orcs much larger than you and your men are. You are not going to force your will upon this group, but they do wish to go where you want to take them. Perhaps you can be satisfied with that?”
The others guards seem uneasy as their leader appraises Garrent. He then turns to them then looks back and says, “We will follow you. Try nothing suspicious.”
“Thank you. I think I can speak for all of us in suggesting that Trolkarl should lead the way. … Oh, there will be no trying of something suspicious. There is only success or failure.”
Leading the way and speaking to make sure everyone hears, even the guards
Starker, you might remember the name Crandil Ravenshield from your research on my family’s history. He was the younger brother of Harlandil the first of the Ravenshields to hold the title of Earl. In his time Crandil became the master of the house militia. He was a skilled swordsman, and his sword is still on display in the lord’s salon at the manor. Back then, the number of men accepted into the Purple Dragons started to drop. Now, we somehow manage to send more gongfarmers to serve in Marsember than to join the likes of Garret.
Personally, I think we have as many men of honor in this land as any other in Cormyr. Why do our best men spend their days collecting copper from the impoverished rather than serve in other duties? There’s a dark influence that I suspect most people know about… but few speak of openly.
Anyway, our escorts today are good men and are following the order of their earl… or his advisor. Perhaps a day will come when things change.
The remainder of the journey is uneventful. Ravenshield Manor comes into view sitting on its island in the river. All appears to be a normal afternoon in the town and about the manor. Approaching the manor across the bridge draws the attention of the guards. The guard leader following you yells to them, "Send for Hinnick! And notify the Earl that his brother has been brought to him by Garrod." One of the bridge guards runs to the manor house and disappears inside. The remaining guard on shore stands at attention. There are two guards across the bridge and two more at the door of the manor.
Ravenshield Manor
It is only a short wait until several guards come running outside of the manor accompanied by the captain, Hinnick. These guards all have crossbows and fan out on the opposite side of the bridge. Hinnick walks across the bridge to greet Trolkarl. "I see you have come home to face justice. Are all of this rabble your murderous crew?," he says looking over the rest of you. "Yield your weapons and I will take you to the Earl," he says to Trolkarl. "The rest of you will wait here until you are needed," he says with a sneer aimed at Garrent.
Starker to the lead militia man: “I think I saw an inn a little ways back. May I be permitted to go there to wait to hear the outcome of the Earl’s justice?”
While the company (we need some kind of name and a banner) is waiting Chadwick dismounts and secures his lance on Daisy's pack, put his shield on Freya, and equip the glaive. He brushes Freya's mane while they wait.
The guard leader turns to Starker, “You’re as guilty as His Lordship here is. We will be watching you swing before nightfall.”
Hinnick hisses at Garrod, “Shut your pie hole!”
Now to Trolkarl, and then the rest of you, “Disarm! Now! Or I have them fire,” pointing to the crossbowmen. “Or, I will go get Alamnal to end all of this now,” he says menacingly. (( Intimidation = 9 ))
Hoid asks, “Garrent, does this realm have guilt by association? It would be a shame if the guards that kindly escorted us here were hanged. I also suspect the Duke would not be pleased if you were hanged. I find it unlikely that Trolkarl is guilty, but guilt by association would suggest everyone here on this bridge would hang. I also would assume that any wrongdoing by Alamnal could result in guilt by association for anyone that followed one of his orders.”
Hoid looks directly at the guard leader and continues, “Guilt by association could get unpleasant, even for lackeys and minions.”
<Starker looks at Trokarl like a pit bull looks at the person holding his leash.>
Well met... chuckles... Hinnick
We come with no malice, and I have come to confess no wrongdoing.
I come to warn my brother and all the virtuous men of these lands that numerous deceptions have transpired. The deceiver can imitate anyone. If he desired, he could have imitated me and made a great confession. However, he would also need me dead to cease being a threat to expose the truth. Therefore, if a hanging is not carried out… perhaps escalating the situation with an ultimatum to the noblemen of Cormyr to provide the execution would be more effective. The drow has repeatedly used illusions to weave a web of deceit that has disgraced not only my family, Cormyr, but also oppressed its people.
I implore you, guards with love for our homeland, to warn your lord of this impending threat. There are many deceptions occurring here. Again, these men with me will not strike you first. And I implore each of the virtuous men of Cormyr to ponder what is happening here. You are witnesses to lifting the veil of this deceit.
Garrod… perhaps you could go find Alamnal- while Hinnick waits here with us. I believe the deceiver and true oppressor of these lands stands before us right now.
Persuasion: 18
"Pretty words, my lord. But, your brother, The Earl, has given us orders," he replies.
"Guilt by association is not a recognized crime in Cormyr, good sir," Garrent speaks up. "Do you intend to hang a Knight of the Purple Dragons in your zeal to pursue this justice?"
Hinnick seems a bit flustered at this. While trying to seem dismissive of Garrent, he is smart enough to understand the power base represented by the Purple Dragon. "All will be revealed in the end, Dragon. Then truth shall become evident," he replies. "Garrod, you will keep them here while I notify the Earl of what comes to pass and the refusal of this rabble to disarm." Hinnick then turns to cross the bridge and return to the manor.
Kragen loud enough for others to hear "Prepare yourself Sir Garrent, it appears that common sense has been lost on this group and their Lord. It would be a shame if they took up arms against their Liege Lords emissary. However fear not, you are protected by followers of Tyr and his divine powers, i will see you return to the Duke's side!" Grim determination on his face.
A little louder, looking across the bridge. "Please, present this Alamnal to us, he has an appointment with the Scales of Justice. Tyr will see him judged and so will I."
Hinnick, before you leave and change again. Would you allow Garret and one or two of those "not guilty by association" to witness you speaking to Alamnal and my brother?
You men that have seen Hinnick all of your lives - were those his mannerisms? See him running off - are those his movements? Does something not seem off about him?