As he is counting out coins, Serge sees the others proceeding with the fire-distraction plan. He shrugs, drops the coins back into his pouch with a jingle, and quickly checks the straps on his armor and swordbelt, readying for whatever comes next.
[Let's just go for it... fortune favors the pyros.]
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PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
"Given enough time, I trust myself to pick almost any lock," Zeds assures. "Don't worry about impassible doors."
"Rooms lousy with surprised and angry lizardpeople, however... That is a different story."
"I agree though, bribery is risky. And unreliable. Even of they agree for now, nothing stops them from gaining a backbone once we are out of sight," he thinks aloud. "I think a loud boom outside, a fire to respond to... And if that doesn't get them outside we could always drag and urge them outside saying they're needed to help fight the fire... And then we slip back in once they do?"
Krackle moves towards any nearby windows... looking to see if there are any carts or carriages parked out front of the building that he could ignite with his bonfire spell. If he sees something flammable out front that would both burn and prompt the guards to intervene.. like a cart full of valuables, he would look to Ixsas and message him. "Get ready to make your noise".
The moment Ixsas makes his noise, krackle would cast his spell.
Not sure what you can see outside the compound from inside when the main gate is closed. See the map in post #2701. Our room is one of the ones marked #5 on the ground floor at the northeast corner, closest to the main gate at the NE. The courtyard area #1 is open to the 2nd floor balcony and (I think) open to the sky, but I could be wrong about that last point. The guards are near the well. We want to get through the door to area 3.
We know that the wagons are parked outside of this building, but I think that most of their valuable goods are unloaded into various warehouses in buildings next door to or across from Carnath Roadhouse. If you set fire to a wagon, it might get the guards' attention, but we may still need to pressure them to go investigate.
It also looks like there are some supplies piled up at the east side of area 1 if you want an alternate target. That wouldn't get the guards out of area 1, but the staircase and shape of the structure maybe conceals the door to area 3 from anyone by those crates and carts.
Another option might be to try to set fire to the main gate (big double doors at the northeast). That might at least get the guards looking north and away from area 3 for a while.
Krackle, choose your target, and Ixsas will cast Thaumaturgy to make a loud boom, like a nearby lightning strike, coming from that area (or outside the gate). Ixsas will need to leave their room and stand by the support pillar farthest to the northeast to be within range. If the guards come running, he'll just pretend like the noise brought him out of his room to check what was going on.
Krackle would move to look over the balcony point towards the cart and piles of crates on the eastern side of area one. on Ixsas's signal, he would cast bonfire to create a distraction before shouting "The crates are on fire!". He would then race towards room three if it looks like the gaurds move from their position...
The guards indeed respond yelling "Fire!!" they immediately move to splash water on the fire and are busy dousing the fire. Though the call of fire has others waking up. Which may include Bog Luck.
((OOC: Assuming that Zeds left the door to room 3 unlocked, it looks like it's close enough for us to Dash from our room all the way into that room in 1 round.
Or does Zeds have to pick the lock to room 3 again to get us into that room?))
First thing first, Zeds locks the door behind them and gestures everyone towards the inner room. Zeds considers hammering a piton into the floor on his side of the door to try to prevent it's opening once unlocked but quickly decides the noise would be heard and only increase their curiosity... Instead he quickly grabs a candle from his pack and starts shoving as much candle wax as he can into the keyhole in hopes of gumming up the works. He'll do this until the others are into room 4 and he then quickly follows them inside there and locks that door as well.
"Hurry, it's this crate here," he whispers as he indicates the correct one. "It opens onto a tunnel... Get in!"
As they do this he does the candle wax thing on this door lock as well. Once they are down he follows them and closes it above him and just hopes whoever investigates isn't away of the tunnel...
Taking his cue from Zeds, Sergemoves the crate to open the passage, holding it for the others and closing it behind them
[...presuming there is time to do so!]
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PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
The door is still unlocked. Yes, the party can dash to the door.
OK. I think that we have enough movement to dash to the door and through it, if it's open. After Zeds closes the door, Ixsas casts Light so that Serge can see. He moves into the other room (room 4) with Serge and Krackle while Zeds does something to the door.
Ixsas doesn't have anything immediately useful that he can do here. He simply follows Serge and descends into the passage under the crate, keeping his eyes and ears open for any lizardfolk.
The key is inserted into the lock then a couple of rough turns the lock does not budge. There is an angry kick on the other side of the door "@#$$% Door" yells Bog Luck.
"Guardsmen break this door now. I must check the Strongroom" says Bog Luck
"Yes sir" says a guard
The sound of heavy thuds against the door can be heard as the party slips into the secret tunnel.
Ixsas scans the tunnel but finds no lizardfolk and just the scent of loamy dirt. Though his eyes do see drag marks as the crates left an indentation in the floor of the tunnel.
Appreciative of Ixsas' light, Serge dons his shield and then gives it a tap, casting another glow in the tunnel around them. "Let's move, before we have company."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Appreciative of Ixsas' light, Serge dons his shield and then gives it a tap, casting another glow in the tunnel around them. "Let's move, before we have company."
Ixsas nods but says, "Not too far. Zeds said that there were lizardfolk, and we should let him scout ahead. We wouldn't wan our light to give him away."
Once the whole party is in the tunnel under room #4 with the crate put back in place, the whole group can move up a short distance so that we're not standing right under the room in case Bog Luck or his guards descend into the tunnel too.
But then the others would hang back while Zeds scouts up ahead to check where the lizardfolk are and what they're doing.
Krackle moves through the tunnel, looking surprisingly comfortable in the dark confined space. His eyes adjust to the darkness and after patting the egg on his chest he looks towards his companions and nods. "Hey... do you want me to sneak ahead? I don't need the light amd can message you of I find anything.. otherwise I can hang back with you all of Zeds wants to lead the way.
Appreciative of Ixsas' light, Serge dons his shield and then gives it a tap, casting another glow in the tunnel around them. "Let's move, before we have company."
Ixsashas darkvision, so if Serge can provide his own light, Ixsas will extinguish his own. They don't want to have too much Light altering the lizardfolk to their presence. Ixsas suggests, "Keep watch behind us to make sure that we're not followed."
With Zeds and his light aiming backwards, hopefully that doesn't cast much light toward the direction the lizardfolk went. Ixsas will follow Zeds and/or Krackle as they scout ahead, but he'll stay about 60 ft. behind them so that they're just at the edge of his darkvision. Hopefully, that allows them to use their stealth even if the lizardfolk see Serge's light or hear Ixsas and Serge coming from a distance. That is, maybe the lizardfolk will be so focused on Ixsas and Serge that they won't notice the little kobolds who has sneaked right up to them.
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As he is counting out coins, Serge sees the others proceeding with the fire-distraction plan. He shrugs, drops the coins back into his pouch with a jingle, and quickly checks the straps on his armor and swordbelt, readying for whatever comes next.
[Let's just go for it... fortune favors the pyros.]
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
"Given enough time, I trust myself to pick almost any lock," Zeds assures. "Don't worry about impassible doors."
"Rooms lousy with surprised and angry lizardpeople, however... That is a different story."
"I agree though, bribery is risky. And unreliable. Even of they agree for now, nothing stops them from gaining a backbone once we are out of sight," he thinks aloud. "I think a loud boom outside, a fire to respond to... And if that doesn't get them outside we could always drag and urge them outside saying they're needed to help fight the fire... And then we slip back in once they do?"
Not sure what you can see outside the compound from inside when the main gate is closed. See the map in post #2701. Our room is one of the ones marked #5 on the ground floor at the northeast corner, closest to the main gate at the NE. The courtyard area #1 is open to the 2nd floor balcony and (I think) open to the sky, but I could be wrong about that last point. The guards are near the well. We want to get through the door to area 3.
We know that the wagons are parked outside of this building, but I think that most of their valuable goods are unloaded into various warehouses in buildings next door to or across from Carnath Roadhouse. If you set fire to a wagon, it might get the guards' attention, but we may still need to pressure them to go investigate.
It also looks like there are some supplies piled up at the east side of area 1 if you want an alternate target. That wouldn't get the guards out of area 1, but the staircase and shape of the structure maybe conceals the door to area 3 from anyone by those crates and carts.
Another option might be to try to set fire to the main gate (big double doors at the northeast). That might at least get the guards looking north and away from area 3 for a while.
Krackle, choose your target, and Ixsas will cast Thaumaturgy to make a loud boom, like a nearby lightning strike, coming from that area (or outside the gate). Ixsas will need to leave their room and stand by the support pillar farthest to the northeast to be within range. If the guards come running, he'll just pretend like the noise brought him out of his room to check what was going on.
[[Ixsas says, "Flame on!" 🔥🔥🐍🔥🔥]]
Krackle would move to look over the balcony point towards the cart and piles of crates on the eastern side of area one. on Ixsas's signal, he would cast bonfire to create a distraction before shouting "The crates are on fire!". He would then race towards room three if it looks like the gaurds move from their position...
The guards indeed respond yelling "Fire!!" they immediately move to splash water on the fire and are busy dousing the fire. Though the call of fire has others waking up. Which may include Bog Luck.
From Room 6 you hear an angry growl as someone was just rudely awakened.
((OOC: Assuming that Zeds left the door to room 3 unlocked, it looks like it's close enough for us to Dash from our room all the way into that room in 1 round.
Or does Zeds have to pick the lock to room 3 again to get us into that room?))
The door is still unlocked. Yes, the party can dash to the door.
The party quickly makes their way to Room 3 and from behind the door you hear Bog Luck's booming voice "Report!"
"This handcart caught on fire Sir" says guard 1
"I meant how did it happen. Did you fall asleep with a torch in your hand" says Bog Luck
You hear "No Sir" from both guards at the same time
"Guards! It seems we have troublemakers" says Bog Luck
The pounding of several feet more likely more guards
"Find whoever they are and bring them to me alive so I can string them up by their feet before feeding them to a fire of my own" says Bog Luck
The guards start knocking on doors waking everyone up and searching Carnath House.
You hear someone approaching area 3 and the jangle of keys as if someone will soon check the merchant shop for troublemakers.
First thing first, Zeds locks the door behind them and gestures everyone towards the inner room. Zeds considers hammering a piton into the floor on his side of the door to try to prevent it's opening once unlocked but quickly decides the noise would be heard and only increase their curiosity... Instead he quickly grabs a candle from his pack and starts shoving as much candle wax as he can into the keyhole in hopes of gumming up the works. He'll do this until the others are into room 4 and he then quickly follows them inside there and locks that door as well.
"Hurry, it's this crate here," he whispers as he indicates the correct one. "It opens onto a tunnel... Get in!"
As they do this he does the candle wax thing on this door lock as well. Once they are down he follows them and closes it above him and just hopes whoever investigates isn't away of the tunnel...
Taking his cue from Zeds, Serge moves the crate to open the passage, holding it for the others and closing it behind them
[...presuming there is time to do so!]
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
OK. I think that we have enough movement to dash to the door and through it, if it's open. After Zeds closes the door, Ixsas casts Light so that Serge can see. He moves into the other room (room 4) with Serge and Krackle while Zeds does something to the door.
Ixsas doesn't have anything immediately useful that he can do here. He simply follows Serge and descends into the passage under the crate, keeping his eyes and ears open for any lizardfolk.
Perception 24
Krackle sticks close to the group and slips inside.
The key is inserted into the lock then a couple of rough turns the lock does not budge. There is an angry kick on the other side of the door "@#$$% Door" yells Bog Luck.
"Guardsmen break this door now. I must check the Strongroom" says Bog Luck
"Yes sir" says a guard
The sound of heavy thuds against the door can be heard as the party slips into the secret tunnel.
Ixsas scans the tunnel but finds no lizardfolk and just the scent of loamy dirt. Though his eyes do see drag marks as the crates left an indentation in the floor of the tunnel.
Appreciative of Ixsas' light, Serge dons his shield and then gives it a tap, casting another glow in the tunnel around them. "Let's move, before we have company."
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Ixsas nods but says, "Not too far. Zeds said that there were lizardfolk, and we should let him scout ahead. We wouldn't wan our light to give him away."
Once the whole party is in the tunnel under room #4 with the crate put back in place, the whole group can move up a short distance so that we're not standing right under the room in case Bog Luck or his guards descend into the tunnel too.
But then the others would hang back while Zeds scouts up ahead to check where the lizardfolk are and what they're doing.
Krackle moves through the tunnel, looking surprisingly comfortable in the dark confined space. His eyes adjust to the darkness and after patting the egg on his chest he looks towards his companions and nods. "Hey... do you want me to sneak ahead? I don't need the light amd can message you of I find anything.. otherwise I can hang back with you all of Zeds wants to lead the way.
stealth for krackle 17
Ixsas has darkvision, so if Serge can provide his own light, Ixsas will extinguish his own. They don't want to have too much Light altering the lizardfolk to their presence. Ixsas suggests, "Keep watch behind us to make sure that we're not followed."
With Zeds and his light aiming backwards, hopefully that doesn't cast much light toward the direction the lizardfolk went. Ixsas will follow Zeds and/or Krackle as they scout ahead, but he'll stay about 60 ft. behind them so that they're just at the edge of his darkvision. Hopefully, that allows them to use their stealth even if the lizardfolk see Serge's light or hear Ixsas and Serge coming from a distance. That is, maybe the lizardfolk will be so focused on Ixsas and Serge that they won't notice the little kobolds who has sneaked right up to them.