Prior to departing, the young guides would have surely pointed out the facilities available outside the Wicker Goat. Attached to the east wall of the building are a set of stalls. Nothing that could be called a proper stable, but nonetheless roof-covered spots where a horse could shelter while its master was drinking or dining inside. Just past those stalls are a trio of tall wooden outhouses.
No doubt, Tilliman would have likely taken the first opportunity to resolve any gastrointestinal crises before joining the others inside the tavern.
Lankus nods knowingly at Regdus as he fills the cups. "Sure. I might have some ideas. Let me just get your orders in and I'll be back." He walks down the long bar toward the kitchen, where you hear him holler, "Hey-o! We've got two hot-chops, with one biggie piggie. Need 'em at the bar!"
Walking back to refill cups, he leans across to Fane. "Pardon me, Ma'am. But I'll need to ask you to put your owl away." His eyes move pointedly to the right, and when Fane glances in that direction she sees a sign written in Common stating:
"No pets, beasts of burden, livestock, fowl, or beasts, magical or otherwise, allowed in a dining establishment." Some smaller print below seems to reference a local ordinance.
Looking around the rest of the tavern, she sees a local watering hole that, while not dirty, could affectionately be called 'well worn.' The bartop has a tacky feel to it and the odor of stale beer and pipesmoke seems to be baked into the wood. She also notices that the seating - the stools at the bar and the chairs throughout the room - are lower than she might have expected. They are not so low as to make the seating uncomfortable for Olves and Humans, but clearly the stature of Dwur was given consideration when the furniture was selected.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
…I seek aid in having them brought ashore, so they can put to a proper burial. The marines..." he gestures to Tom and Will, "... are eager to help but stretched thin by circumstances. I wonder, though, if He has brought us together for a reason. Are you willing to aid the Lord of the Waves in this holy endeavor?"
“I’m willing. I may have a few others to give me a hand, especially if there’s something to gain, could you offer the services of a healer if perhaps we get into some trouble? If not I’m willing to help regardless.”
Eron looks back to Tom & Will, “You should know, the Sealions died fighting, it was an honor to be counted as a member and the only reason, I’ll never give up! I may need a place to bunk while I’m in town could I impose.”
Regardless of the responses, Eron will graciously accept his circumstances. Unless there are more questions he will head back to the Wicker Goat. Once back, Eron joins Tillman, Regdus, Fane, & Therris.
On his way past the bartender he slides a gold and 3 silver across the bar, “Royal Reserve, we only live once, may as well live it up.”
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
“Ah, of course, forgive me Mr Lankus, I did not see the notice.” She walks to the front door and opens it, and Leo fly’s off. “Stay close, and keep your eyes open” she says, holding the door open as Eron walks up.
“Welcome back” she says to him with a smile and follows him back to the bar.
Tilliman, meanwhile, has been staring at the menu, audibly debating his order this entire time... never actually taking the action to open a tab... oblivious to fact that the others have started paying for their drinks.
"Right... yes.... The King's Mou-no... no that won't do... Let's try a few fingers of--nonono Gods what am I thinking having spirits at this hour... No. If I did that, it would absolutely ruin my-Eh.... Actually... I think what I would like to do is purchase a bottle of the... eh... bother... riesling, is it? Such an acidic varietal, but well... Hmmm... It is a fine vintage..."
Snapping out of his reverie, Tilliman looks to the busy barkeep and begins, "Excuse me, drinksmith, if you were to describe the dryness of the Silverstand, would you equate it to-- Oh! No! Yes! That's it! That's just the very thing! I'm so very sorry. I'll have a mug of the Keoish. Yes. That's what I want. That will do just nicely." He leans back and crosses his arms, looking around slightly to see if anyone is standing by waiting to congratulate him on his his final decision.
Then, as an afterthought. "Oh, and-eh... Whatever my traveling companions would like. Thank you."
After receiving his ale, he turns and raises his mug to all. He clears his throat, stands on a chair and announces in the biggest voice. he can muster . "Fellow travelers of the Azur sea.... I am honored to stand among you. My name is Tilliman Treewick Toadswaddler The First.... And, I am, as you may know, an accomplishe man of letters, honored across the continent for my research into the history of infusing physical objects with magical properties... Nevertheless, I do not want you to think for a moment that I lack that certain touch with common folk such as yourselves."
He laughs. "Nonono. Quite the contrary. I am actually committed to forging memorable bonds with everyone I meet..... So, in that spirit, let us raise our glasses in celebration of our arrival in Saltmarsh. May fate's hand guide each of us in the swift completion of... whatever it is we each came here to do." He lifts his glass, looking to Fane, Eron, Regdus and Therris... Apparently waiting for one of them to join the toast.
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DM - Origins - A Level Zero Adventure
DM - Giantslayer
Phandelver and Warlocks: The Shattered Obelisk - Muck (L1 Plasmoid Archfey Warlock)
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Tilliman smiles at Eron's toast, but his face sinks into something like genuine concern when he notices Therris's expression... His demeanor quickly shifts, actively trying to summon a more relaxed, casual, less pompous air. "So, fellow travelers..." He begins. "What brings each of you to this distant coast?"
He then drops his voice to a quieter, more conspiratorial tone. "I myself came in search of rare antiquities, which I hear have been traded through this port in some abundance as of late... I don't suppose any of you have heard about that?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
DM - Origins - A Level Zero Adventure
DM - Giantslayer
Phandelver and Warlocks: The Shattered Obelisk - Muck (L1 Plasmoid Archfey Warlock)
Then, as an afterthought. "Oh, and-eh... Whatever my traveling companions would like. Thank you." “A mug of King’s Mountain Stout for me, please.” Eron looks over as Therris’ food comes out, “and a side of bacon, do you have a few biscuits or bread?”
So, fellow travelers..." He begins. "What brings each of you to this distant coast?"
He then drops his voice to a quieter, more conspiratorial tone. "I myself came in search of rare antiquities, which I hear have been traded through this port in some abundance as of late... I don't suppose any of you have heard about that?" “I’m here to report the loss of my fellow marines, and check on my little piece of land.” At this Eron downs the rest of his whiskey. “What exactly is it your searching for Tillman?”
“I spoke with Father Brinehanded, he’s interested in recovering bodies possibly pulled into eddies just off Crabber’s Cove. I admit I’d like to find out what happened too. What do you all think? I believe we could get some help with a small boat… it could be a little dangerous, but we’re just recovering bodies and some reconnaissance.”
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
“I’m here to report the loss of my fellow marines, and check on my little piece of land.” At this Eron downs the rest of his whiskey. “What exactly is it your searching for Tillman?”
Tilliman seems to positively buzz with the opportunity to explain his business. "What a supremely interesting question for you to ask, Master Eron. My sources tell me they've witnessed an emergent trade of various artifacts flowing from this region... some from ancient pre-migration Flan culture, others showing signs of extra-planar origin... a sudden booming antiquities trade of this magnitude usually signifies the discovery of a fresh archeological discovery to be plund--"He catches himself, then tries again. "To be excavated that is.... At a any rate, I've made it my business to confirm whether or not these rumors are true. Don't suppose you have any contacts among your marine brethren who might be aware of such a trade?"
“I spoke with Father Brinehanded, he’s interested in recovering bodies possibly pulled into eddies just off Crabber’s Cove. I admit I’d like to find out what happened too. What do you all think? I believe we could get some help with a small boat… it could be a little dangerous, but we’re just recovering bodies and some reconnaissance.”
Tilliman fails to supress a shudder at the suggestion of such unpleasant business. "Well..." He says. "Truth be told, I don't know how much aid I can be on such an outing. I'm a scholar and excavator... The only corpses I'm used to dealing with are over a thousand years old... And those tend to be significantly less..." he makes a sour face..."...wet."
However, looking around at the sturdy folk that surround him, Tilliman straightens his spine and continues. "That being said... If you think it might buy me some good will around town, I'm more than happy to lend a hand.
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DM - Origins - A Level Zero Adventure
DM - Giantslayer
Phandelver and Warlocks: The Shattered Obelisk - Muck (L1 Plasmoid Archfey Warlock)
I recently left my home in the country of Celene, to explore the world and experience other cultures. Unfortunately, nothing during my short trip alerted me to rare antiquities or any archaeological finds, though the latter sounds interesting."
Fane looks at Eron and says, “I’m very sorry about your fellow marines. I’ve heard a bit about the slavers in the Azure Sea and would gladly lend my hand, sword, and spells, to Saltmarsh, or any looking to put an end to slavery. Leo and I would be happy to help you in Crabber’s Cove, in any way we can. Having a bird’s eye view can be very advantageous in a place like that."
Therris silently observes the conversation, taking sips from his drink, but not adding any words into the mix. His eyebrows raise at the mention of the bodies and recovery, but he still doesn't speak.
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"Ignorance is bliss, and you look absolutely miserable."
Regdus drinks and eat with enthousiasm, only stopping to catch a breath and to reply to the questions. "I am travelling the region, looking for good coins to be made. Used to be a marine, the best shipwright of the azure sea, but I have now decided to change horizon and look for new adventures."
He looks quickly around "No job board, so I guess your job opportunity sounds good, Eron. How muchcoins are we talking ?"
Keeping in mind some of you already explicitly paid, I am just putting this down to keep track...
Eron: 130cp (5 fingers of Royal Reserve)
Therris: 43cp (Hot Chop + Biggie Piggie, pints of Kings Stout (2))
Fane: 30cp (2 fingers of Dark Rum (2))
Regdus: 27cp (Hot Chop, Mug of Kings Stout (1))
Tilliman: 40cp (Mug of Keoish Gold (1) + Mugs of Kings Stout (2), Pint of Kings Stout, 2 Fingers of Dark Rum)
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PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
The older cleric smiles and nods. "It would be a privilege and a duty to share Procan's blessing with any who would aid us in this recovery effort. I thank you, and the town thanks you for accepting this yeoman's work. If you are able to bring any lost souls ashore, send a runner up to the temple and we will come down to prepare them for burial." He places a caloused hand on Eron's chest. "My the paths along the never lead you astray, traveler." [Guidance has been cast on Eron.]
Tom and Will advise him he is welcome to crash at the marine HQ if he ever has need to overnight in town.
Later, at the Wicker Goat
Lankus takes a break from filling glasses and goes back to the kitchen, returning a minute later with plates for Regdus and Therris. "Careful, these are hot," he warns. The hash is a chopped up mix of sizzling and pulled wildboar with shredded potatoes. Atop Therris' plates sits several thick strips of peppered boar bacon.
The drinks are all what you expected. The beer is warm but isn't watered down. Eron can tell the whiskey he bought must be pretty good. It's hard to ever justify the kind of coin he just spent on a single drink, but it is both strong and goes down smooth.
Once the drink orders slow a bit, Lankus pulls out his rag and goes back to wiping glasses. "You asked about work, right?" he asks Regdus. "Speaking of hammers, we do have a small shipwright here in town, and the Labourers Guild is always looking for journeymen..." he trails off and leans over the bar. "... but if you don't mind my saying so, you look like the sort looking for a little more sugar in his tea, am I right?" He looks past Regdus' shoulder, toward the back corner of the tavern. "I reckon she is the one you'll be wanting to ask about work," he says, referencing the well-dressed Dwur woman in the booth across the way.
He continues, speaking quietly, conspiratorially with Regdus, but everyone in the party can hear. "Manistrad Copperlocks. She sits on the town counsel, but just as importantly she is in charge of all the dwur mining operations in the region. She's got a mandate from His Peerless Majesty himself to get three mines up and running and producing pronto... and she has her hands full. Always looking for hired hands, she is, and she's got the financial backing to pay for what she needs done."
"Now..." he cautions, "I've had my eye on her this morning. Whatever report those two have given her isn't sitting well with Ms. Copperlocks. She's a good, strong leader, but she tends to run a little hot when things aren't going her way. If I were you, I'd play it real careful if you approach her just after she's had a bellyfull of bad news." He shares a knowing glance with Regdus before working his way back down the bar, checking everyones' cups.
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PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
* Eron also picked up a side of bacon and inquired about bread or biscuits… 15cp
On the way back from HQ Eron will use Guidance to try and persuade a familiar fisherman into a boat ride near the eddies maybe in about 2 hours a decent size maybe 8-10 crew size.
persuasion with guidance 17.
He looks quickly around "No job board, so I guess your job opportunity sounds good, Eron. How muchcoins are we talking ?" “I’m personally willing to part with three gold per each of ya for just helpin pull the bodies into the boat. Father Brinehanded offers his clerical services to us for this task also.”
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
You corner a handful of fishermen tending to their nets and boats along the shore. Uneasy about going out to fish today, they are even less inclined to venture out on a mission to seek the dead.
"Ill winds today," more than one of them mutters. You notice that the winds have shifted a bit, with a stronger breeze coming ashore off the bay, but the skies are still blue, clear and warm.
Eventually, though, you succeed in convincing one reluctant old fisher named Geralt Wildeye. Invoking the involvement and blessing of Procan in this endeavor is enough to get him over the finish line. He says he will have his boat ready and waiting in Crabber's Cove in two hours, and he admonishes you not to be late. He wants to get this over with....
At the Wicker Goat
Lankus puts in an order of bacon for Eron and it is brought out 10 minutes later. The cuts are thick and heavily peppered. "Unfortunately you missed breakfast and all the rolls and biscuits are long gone. The guards and mine-folk usually clean us out by first light. The bakery probably has something left... might let it go for a song too, this time of morning."
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
“I am skilled at manipulating water, and I quite enjoy it. While I usually prefer to make wonderful fountains and exotic beasts, perhaps my ability to Shape Water will help us with any retrieval from the sea. In addition, perhaps a casting of Detect Magic while we are on the water may reveal something.”
Turning to Tilliman “Perhaps even an artifact!” she adds with a wink and pays her tab.
Lankus puts in an order of bacon for Eron and it is brought out 10 minutes later. The cuts are thick and heavily peppered. "Unfortunately you missed breakfast and all the rolls and biscuits are long gone. The guards and mine-folk usually clean us out by first light. The bakery probably has something left... might let it go for a song too, this time of morning."
Patiently waiting for Lankus to finish his exchange with Eron, Tilliman clears his throat, offers his best winning smile and chimes in... "Excuse. I'm so sorry to trouble but you wouldn't happen to know anyone in town who's in the business of trading, well... specialty merchandise? Salvage, weapons, curiosities of a potentially... magical nature?"
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DM - Origins - A Level Zero Adventure
DM - Giantslayer
Phandelver and Warlocks: The Shattered Obelisk - Muck (L1 Plasmoid Archfey Warlock)
Lankus continues wiping down mugs as he considers Tilliman's query. Finally he answers with a heavy, "Well... that depends."
"You could try at the Weekly Market. It sets up on the riverside just outside the Council Hall on the first day of every week... which was yesterday so you'll have a bit of a wait. It's a sort of... open air rummage sale. It's mostly just overstock from the shops in town or used junk locals are trying to peddle. I wouldn't go in with high hopes, but I've picked up a few nicknacks over the years that I didn't expect to find. And most weeks a merchant or two from out of town will show up with something really unusual."
He purses his lips. "If you want to try your luck bothering some of the local elite, you might want to ask after Gellan Primewater or Auerelis Johnstone. Both of them are said to be collectors of art and antiques."
"Gellan Primewater sits on the council, is the richest man in town and... well he is kind of a dandy. He cares more about moving coin and dressing fancy than about putting one foot in front of the other." He shrugs. "But he decorates his manner with all sorts of foreign art and statuary, so he might be someone to ask."
"Aurelius Johnstone is the same but different, if you excuse my meaning. The Johnstone's are 'new money' as they say. Their son saved some royal cousin, as the story goes, and they were awarded with chests of gold and some properties, including a manor here in Saltmarsh that they have renovated and made their seat. Aurelius isn't nearly so rich as Gellan, but he cares just as much if not moreso about appearances. So he's always going on about this painting or that historical document or that statue he acquired for his collection."
He clears his throat and wipes another mug. He sets it down, then levels a grim look at Tilliman. "Or, if you've got the stomach for it, you could go talk to those foreigners at the 'Faithful Quartermasters of Iuz.' A devil-spawn named Xendros runs their trade outfit. Officially, they're here to buy fish, but its no secret they have magic for sale. I can't imagine what price those whoresons would extract but... well, you asked."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM -(Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown *Red Dead Annihilation: ToA *Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
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At the Wicker Goat
Prior to departing, the young guides would have surely pointed out the facilities available outside the Wicker Goat. Attached to the east wall of the building are a set of stalls. Nothing that could be called a proper stable, but nonetheless roof-covered spots where a horse could shelter while its master was drinking or dining inside. Just past those stalls are a trio of tall wooden outhouses.
No doubt, Tilliman would have likely taken the first opportunity to resolve any gastrointestinal crises before joining the others inside the tavern.
Lankus nods knowingly at Regdus as he fills the cups. "Sure. I might have some ideas. Let me just get your orders in and I'll be back." He walks down the long bar toward the kitchen, where you hear him holler, "Hey-o! We've got two hot-chops, with one biggie piggie. Need 'em at the bar!"
Walking back to refill cups, he leans across to Fane. "Pardon me, Ma'am. But I'll need to ask you to put your owl away." His eyes move pointedly to the right, and when Fane glances in that direction she sees a sign written in Common stating:
"No pets, beasts of burden, livestock, fowl, or beasts, magical or otherwise, allowed in a dining establishment." Some smaller print below seems to reference a local ordinance.
Looking around the rest of the tavern, she sees a local watering hole that, while not dirty, could affectionately be called 'well worn.' The bartop has a tacky feel to it and the odor of stale beer and pipesmoke seems to be baked into the wood. She also notices that the seating - the stools at the bar and the chairs throughout the room - are lower than she might have expected. They are not so low as to make the seating uncomfortable for Olves and Humans, but clearly the stature of Dwur was given consideration when the furniture was selected.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
“I’m willing. I may have a few others to give me a hand, especially if there’s something to gain, could you offer the services of a healer if perhaps we get into some trouble? If not I’m willing to help regardless.”
Eron looks back to Tom & Will, “You should know, the Sealions died fighting, it was an honor to be counted as a member and the only reason, I’ll never give up! I may need a place to bunk while I’m in town could I impose.”
Regardless of the responses, Eron will graciously accept his circumstances. Unless there are more questions he will head back to the Wicker Goat. Once back, Eron joins Tillman, Regdus, Fane, & Therris.
On his way past the bartender he slides a gold and 3 silver across the bar, “Royal Reserve, we only live once, may as well live it up.”
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
“Ah, of course, forgive me Mr Lankus, I did not see the notice.” She walks to the front door and opens it, and Leo fly’s off. “Stay close, and keep your eyes open” she says, holding the door open as Eron walks up.
“Welcome back” she says to him with a smile and follows him back to the bar.
Therris raises his eyebrows as Eron slings a full lion and three hawks for a drink.
"You've some coin to sling around, then?"
"Ignorance is bliss, and you look absolutely miserable."
Tilliman, meanwhile, has been staring at the menu, audibly debating his order this entire time... never actually taking the action to open a tab... oblivious to fact that the others have started paying for their drinks.
"Right... yes.... The King's Mou-no... no that won't do... Let's try a few fingers of--nonono Gods what am I thinking having spirits at this hour... No. If I did that, it would absolutely ruin my-Eh.... Actually... I think what I would like to do is purchase a bottle of the... eh... bother... riesling, is it? Such an acidic varietal, but well... Hmmm... It is a fine vintage..."
Snapping out of his reverie, Tilliman looks to the busy barkeep and begins, "Excuse me, drinksmith, if you were to describe the dryness of the Silverstand, would you equate it to-- Oh! No! Yes! That's it! That's just the very thing! I'm so very sorry. I'll have a mug of the Keoish. Yes. That's what I want. That will do just nicely." He leans back and crosses his arms, looking around slightly to see if anyone is standing by waiting to congratulate him on his his final decision.
Then, as an afterthought. "Oh, and-eh... Whatever my traveling companions would like. Thank you."
After receiving his ale, he turns and raises his mug to all. He clears his throat, stands on a chair and announces in the biggest voice. he can muster . "Fellow travelers of the Azur sea.... I am honored to stand among you. My name is Tilliman Treewick Toadswaddler The First.... And, I am, as you may know, an accomplishe man of letters, honored across the continent for my research into the history of infusing physical objects with magical properties... Nevertheless, I do not want you to think for a moment that I lack that certain touch with common folk such as yourselves."
He laughs. "Nonono. Quite the contrary. I am actually committed to forging memorable bonds with everyone I meet..... So, in that spirit, let us raise our glasses in celebration of our arrival in Saltmarsh. May fate's hand guide each of us in the swift completion of... whatever it is we each came here to do." He lifts his glass, looking to Fane, Eron, Regdus and Therris... Apparently waiting for one of them to join the toast.
DM - Origins - A Level Zero Adventure
DM - Giantslayer
Phandelver and Warlocks: The Shattered Obelisk - Muck (L1 Plasmoid Archfey Warlock)
"Hm." Therris looks at the Nomiz with a disinterested expression. "I don't like him."
"Ignorance is bliss, and you look absolutely miserable."
“Welcome back” she says to him with a smile and follows him back to the bar.
"You've some coin to sling around, then?"
“And I may have a little job for us as well.”
He lifts his glass, looking to Fane, Eron, Regdus and Therris... Apparently waiting for one of them to join the toast.
Eron lifts his glass high, “To making memorable bonds!” and drinks.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Tilliman smiles at Eron's toast, but his face sinks into something like genuine concern when he notices Therris's expression... His demeanor quickly shifts, actively trying to summon a more relaxed, casual, less pompous air. "So, fellow travelers..." He begins. "What brings each of you to this distant coast?"
He then drops his voice to a quieter, more conspiratorial tone. "I myself came in search of rare antiquities, which I hear have been traded through this port in some abundance as of late... I don't suppose any of you have heard about that?"
DM - Origins - A Level Zero Adventure
DM - Giantslayer
Phandelver and Warlocks: The Shattered Obelisk - Muck (L1 Plasmoid Archfey Warlock)
Then, as an afterthought. "Oh, and-eh... Whatever my traveling companions would like. Thank you."
“A mug of King’s Mountain Stout for me, please.” Eron looks over as Therris’ food comes out, “and a side of bacon, do you have a few biscuits or bread?”
So, fellow travelers..." He begins. "What brings each of you to this distant coast?"
He then drops his voice to a quieter, more conspiratorial tone. "I myself came in search of rare antiquities, which I hear have been traded through this port in some abundance as of late... I don't suppose any of you have heard about that?"
“I’m here to report the loss of my fellow marines, and check on my little piece of land.” At this Eron downs the rest of his whiskey. “What exactly is it your searching for Tillman?”
“I spoke with Father Brinehanded, he’s interested in recovering bodies possibly pulled into eddies just off Crabber’s Cove. I admit I’d like to find out what happened too. What do you all think? I believe we could get some help with a small boat… it could be a little dangerous, but we’re just recovering bodies and some reconnaissance.”
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Tilliman seems to positively buzz with the opportunity to explain his business. "What a supremely interesting question for you to ask, Master Eron. My sources tell me they've witnessed an emergent trade of various artifacts flowing from this region... some from ancient pre-migration Flan culture, others showing signs of extra-planar origin... a sudden booming antiquities trade of this magnitude usually signifies the discovery of a fresh archeological discovery to be plund--" He catches himself, then tries again. "To be excavated that is.... At a any rate, I've made it my business to confirm whether or not these rumors are true. Don't suppose you have any contacts among your marine brethren who might be aware of such a trade?"
Tilliman fails to supress a shudder at the suggestion of such unpleasant business. "Well..." He says. "Truth be told, I don't know how much aid I can be on such an outing. I'm a scholar and excavator... The only corpses I'm used to dealing with are over a thousand years old... And those tend to be significantly less..." he makes a sour face... "...wet."
However, looking around at the sturdy folk that surround him, Tilliman straightens his spine and continues. "That being said... If you think it might buy me some good will around town, I'm more than happy to lend a hand.
DM - Origins - A Level Zero Adventure
DM - Giantslayer
Phandelver and Warlocks: The Shattered Obelisk - Muck (L1 Plasmoid Archfey Warlock)
I recently left my home in the country of Celene, to explore the world and experience other cultures. Unfortunately, nothing during my short trip alerted me to rare antiquities or any archaeological finds, though the latter sounds interesting."
Fane looks at Eron and says, “I’m very sorry about your fellow marines. I’ve heard a bit about the slavers in the Azure Sea and would gladly lend my hand, sword, and spells, to Saltmarsh, or any looking to put an end to slavery. Leo and I would be happy to help you in Crabber’s Cove, in any way we can. Having a bird’s eye view can be very advantageous in a place like that."
Therris silently observes the conversation, taking sips from his drink, but not adding any words into the mix. His eyebrows raise at the mention of the bodies and recovery, but he still doesn't speak.
"Ignorance is bliss, and you look absolutely miserable."
Regdus drinks and eat with enthousiasm, only stopping to catch a breath and to reply to the questions. "I am travelling the region, looking for good coins to be made. Used to be a marine, the best shipwright of the azure sea, but I have now decided to change horizon and look for new adventures."
He looks quickly around "No job board, so I guess your job opportunity sounds good, Eron. How muchcoins are we talking ?"
Currently Playing: Regdus Ironfist (Greyhawk) Lvl 1 Storm Sorcerer ; Goraseth Drerjoxian (Icespeak) Lvl 3 Paladin Oath of Glory; Lerak (The Wild Beyond the Witchlight) Lvl 3 Barbarian Wild Magic
In Pause: Grimnir " Shadow-Feet", Lv 11 Owner of "The Basilisk & the Monk" (OotA) - Kurma Kappa, Lv 8 Priest of Oghma (ToA)
Currently DM'ing: Princes of Apocalypse >> Tomb of Annihilation
Keeping in mind some of you already explicitly paid, I am just putting this down to keep track...
Eron: 130cp (5 fingers of Royal Reserve)
Therris: 43cp (Hot Chop + Biggie Piggie, pints of Kings Stout (2))
Fane: 30cp (2 fingers of Dark Rum (2))
Regdus: 27cp (Hot Chop, Mug of Kings Stout (1))
Tilliman: 40cp (Mug of Keoish Gold (1) + Mugs of Kings Stout (2), Pint of Kings Stout, 2 Fingers of Dark Rum)
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
Earlier, at the marine HQ
The older cleric smiles and nods. "It would be a privilege and a duty to share Procan's blessing with any who would aid us in this recovery effort. I thank you, and the town thanks you for accepting this yeoman's work. If you are able to bring any lost souls ashore, send a runner up to the temple and we will come down to prepare them for burial." He places a caloused hand on Eron's chest. "My the paths along the never lead you astray, traveler." [Guidance has been cast on Eron.]
Tom and Will advise him he is welcome to crash at the marine HQ if he ever has need to overnight in town.
Later, at the Wicker Goat
Lankus takes a break from filling glasses and goes back to the kitchen, returning a minute later with plates for Regdus and Therris. "Careful, these are hot," he warns. The hash is a chopped up mix of sizzling and pulled wildboar with shredded potatoes. Atop Therris' plates sits several thick strips of peppered boar bacon.
The drinks are all what you expected. The beer is warm but isn't watered down. Eron can tell the whiskey he bought must be pretty good. It's hard to ever justify the kind of coin he just spent on a single drink, but it is both strong and goes down smooth.
Once the drink orders slow a bit, Lankus pulls out his rag and goes back to wiping glasses. "You asked about work, right?" he asks Regdus. "Speaking of hammers, we do have a small shipwright here in town, and the Labourers Guild is always looking for journeymen..." he trails off and leans over the bar. "... but if you don't mind my saying so, you look like the sort looking for a little more sugar in his tea, am I right?" He looks past Regdus' shoulder, toward the back corner of the tavern. "I reckon she is the one you'll be wanting to ask about work," he says, referencing the well-dressed Dwur woman in the booth across the way.
He continues, speaking quietly, conspiratorially with Regdus, but everyone in the party can hear. "Manistrad Copperlocks. She sits on the town counsel, but just as importantly she is in charge of all the dwur mining operations in the region. She's got a mandate from His Peerless Majesty himself to get three mines up and running and producing pronto... and she has her hands full. Always looking for hired hands, she is, and she's got the financial backing to pay for what she needs done."
"Now..." he cautions, "I've had my eye on her this morning. Whatever report those two have given her isn't sitting well with Ms. Copperlocks. She's a good, strong leader, but she tends to run a little hot when things aren't going her way. If I were you, I'd play it real careful if you approach her just after she's had a bellyfull of bad news." He shares a knowing glance with Regdus before working his way back down the bar, checking everyones' cups.
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
* Eron also picked up a side of bacon and inquired about bread or biscuits… 15cp
On the way back from HQ Eron will use Guidance to try and persuade a familiar fisherman into a boat ride near the eddies maybe in about 2 hours a decent size maybe 8-10 crew size.
persuasion with guidance 17.
He looks quickly around "No job board, so I guess your job opportunity sounds good, Eron. How muchcoins are we talking ?"
“I’m personally willing to part with three gold per each of ya for just helpin pull the bodies into the boat. Father Brinehanded offers his clerical services to us for this task also.”
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
You corner a handful of fishermen tending to their nets and boats along the shore. Uneasy about going out to fish today, they are even less inclined to venture out on a mission to seek the dead.
"Ill winds today," more than one of them mutters. You notice that the winds have shifted a bit, with a stronger breeze coming ashore off the bay, but the skies are still blue, clear and warm.
Eventually, though, you succeed in convincing one reluctant old fisher named Geralt Wildeye. Invoking the involvement and blessing of Procan in this endeavor is enough to get him over the finish line. He says he will have his boat ready and waiting in Crabber's Cove in two hours, and he admonishes you not to be late. He wants to get this over with....
At the Wicker Goat
Lankus puts in an order of bacon for Eron and it is brought out 10 minutes later. The cuts are thick and heavily peppered. "Unfortunately you missed breakfast and all the rolls and biscuits are long gone. The guards and mine-folk usually clean us out by first light. The bakery probably has something left... might let it go for a song too, this time of morning."
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War
“I am skilled at manipulating water, and I quite enjoy it. While I usually prefer to make wonderful fountains and exotic beasts, perhaps my ability to Shape Water will help us with any retrieval from the sea. In addition, perhaps a casting of Detect Magic while we are on the water may reveal something.”
Turning to Tilliman “Perhaps even an artifact!” she adds with a wink and pays her tab.
Patiently waiting for Lankus to finish his exchange with Eron, Tilliman clears his throat, offers his best winning smile and chimes in... "Excuse. I'm so sorry to trouble but you wouldn't happen to know anyone in town who's in the business of trading, well... specialty merchandise? Salvage, weapons, curiosities of a potentially... magical nature?"
DM - Origins - A Level Zero Adventure
DM - Giantslayer
Phandelver and Warlocks: The Shattered Obelisk - Muck (L1 Plasmoid Archfey Warlock)
Lankus continues wiping down mugs as he considers Tilliman's query. Finally he answers with a heavy, "Well... that depends."
"You could try at the Weekly Market. It sets up on the riverside just outside the Council Hall on the first day of every week... which was yesterday so you'll have a bit of a wait. It's a sort of... open air rummage sale. It's mostly just overstock from the shops in town or used junk locals are trying to peddle. I wouldn't go in with high hopes, but I've picked up a few nicknacks over the years that I didn't expect to find. And most weeks a merchant or two from out of town will show up with something really unusual."
He purses his lips. "If you want to try your luck bothering some of the local elite, you might want to ask after Gellan Primewater or Auerelis Johnstone. Both of them are said to be collectors of art and antiques."
"Gellan Primewater sits on the council, is the richest man in town and... well he is kind of a dandy. He cares more about moving coin and dressing fancy than about putting one foot in front of the other." He shrugs. "But he decorates his manner with all sorts of foreign art and statuary, so he might be someone to ask."
"Aurelius Johnstone is the same but different, if you excuse my meaning. The Johnstone's are 'new money' as they say. Their son saved some royal cousin, as the story goes, and they were awarded with chests of gold and some properties, including a manor here in Saltmarsh that they have renovated and made their seat. Aurelius isn't nearly so rich as Gellan, but he cares just as much if not moreso about appearances. So he's always going on about this painting or that historical document or that statue he acquired for his collection."
He clears his throat and wipes another mug. He sets it down, then levels a grim look at Tilliman. "Or, if you've got the stomach for it, you could go talk to those foreigners at the 'Faithful Quartermasters of Iuz.' A devil-spawn named Xendros runs their trade outfit. Officially, they're here to buy fish, but its no secret they have magic for sale. I can't imagine what price those whoresons would extract but... well, you asked."
PC - Ethel - Human - Lvl 4 Necromancer - Undying Dragons * Serge Marshblade - Human - Lvl 5 Eldritch Knight - Hoard of the Dragon Queen
DM - (Homebrew) Heroes of Bardstown * Red Dead Annihilation: ToA * Where the Cold Winds Blow : DoIP * Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts: HotDQ * Red Wine, Black Rose: CoS * Greyhawk: Tides of War