Sildar takes aim with his heavy crossbow. There has been little time to drill with the new constabulary, little time to train the new men in the use of their light crossbows. He hopes his example is enough.
"Aim!" he calls.
His crossbow and the crossbows of his six new guards rise. "Pick targets! Aim for the near goblins, not the spiders! Leave those for the adventurers."
The chill wind is blowing from the east, spill down from the near and uncommonly tall summit of Icespire Peak. It has been uncommonly cold, and the snowline uncommonly low on that mountain, the comely Sister Garaele has told him. Focus, he tells himself. Not now.
The shadow of some flying creature circles the field, watching for free carrion no doubt. Breathe in. Hold. The wind brushes its invisible hand across the grass. The screams of the goblins, the pounding of the earth, it all passes over him, and he gives it no mind. Breathe out. "FIRE!"
The snap of seven crossbows sound out, within a second of each other. Good. That is all that is good, however.
None of the bolts meet their target, pulling off course, some not accounting for the wind, some over-accounting for it. One of the bolts hits Sildar's own, it seems. Too fast to see, but there is a crack and the goblin he was on target to hit is showered with shards and splinters. Remarkable. Rare. All too unlucky.
"Reload! It's not over till it's over! Bad luck does not rule out good luck. Reload you dogs! Tymora watches over us. Fortune will come when we need it!"
Rookies. Sometimes it can be hard to mean to hit something living, even when you know you must. He has seen it amongst the griffon riders he once captained, but he knows the goblins will have no such problem. It'll be something to train them out of. After. For now, Sildar reloads and under his breath, he prays.
A thought niggles at him as he cranks his crossbow. There are six adventurers here, mighty figures with strange abilities (as adventurers so often do). They seemed to be the fleetest, but he would've expected the other bands from the courtyard to have arrived by now, too. Where are they?
Gudrune will dash with Capone in a descending arc to land in a shower of earth 40ft beyond the fallen figure. She pulls in her shield and raises her rune-carved battlexe in a quick petition to the gods.
REACTION (Triggered when one of the spiders ends it's turn within 30ft of Gudrune and Capone):
The giant rune for "Stone" flares brighter as the enemy draws near. Gudrune let's out a gravely command in elder giantish that rumbles to meet the oncoming foe.
Stone Rune - When a creature you can see ends its turn within 30 feet of you, you can use your reaction to invoke the rune and force the creature to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 16). Unless the save succeeds, the creature is charmed by you for 1 minute. While charmed in this way, the creature has a speed of 0 and is incapacitated, descending into a dreamy stupor. The creature repeats the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. Once you invoke this rune, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
With Gudrune landing and spraying a shower of loose soil into the air, Capone is in range to strike. His firebolt flies true, striking the goblin nearest to him. The spell hits in the center of the little goblin and visibly staggers him. He looks signficantly worse for wear.
Action: With a final dash, Lorken reaches the nearest goblin, still running at full pelt.
Bonus Action: Finally, Lorken gives over to the spark of the Feywild that burns within him, and goes into a rage (Wild Magic: 2). With a purplish flash, he vanishes from sight before the startled goblin, then reappears directly behind it with another flash.
"Alright, maggots, show me what you've got!"
Reaction: If a goblin or spider gives him the chance, Lorken will make an attack of opportunity with his greataxe.
Jayson says, "Heed my words friends..I hope to inspire some of you."
MOVE: Jayson move up to 30 ft more towards the fallen individual Investigating the situation as he moves up.: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.) BONUS: Jayson says gives bardic dice to Broma. ACTION: Cast Cure Wounds, as he touches the figure on the ground. 8
Reaction: Any available
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver; Ral GrixoraBattle for the Forest DM/Admin; Capt.Sask and Boxter Snappus; LFG; Sir Aarlin - LFG; Sorwan Degor - LFG; Warwin Paws- LFG; Alsariph Safxipha - LFG.
Capone holds on, and stays firmly in place, surveying they battlefield atop this now-giantess' shoulder. "Marvelous!" He cheers as they touch down.
As he scans the scene internal whirling and chiming can be faintly heard, then he says softly, almost to himself, at a level likely only Gudrune could hear "The spiders then... yes, nothing immoral about breaking their minds!"
He appears to do nothing, though. Just holds on and watches the action unfold.
(Action: He casts enemies abound through his psionic spells feature for 3sp, resulting in no s/m/v components. No visible sign he's even doing anything. For another 3 sp he will twin it. Targetting the two nearest spiders. Int save dc 16.)
The man, for at this closeness it is clear that the humanoid is a man, hobbles towards you, to pass immediately next to Jayson, who lays his hands upon him to pull the arrows from his body and give his Bardic wisdom against death, channeling the magic and muscality of his voice into a spell that closes the wounds well enough for now.
"Well met, very well met indeed," comes the croaky voice of the hunted man. He is tall and blonde, and his eyes luminescent. Though his clothes are roughened and bloody, his skin and his general appearance is unnaturally clean and clear. His movements are graceful, but in a different fashion to those elves any watching might have met. This is not trained grace and natural limberness, this is something more divine. The man is an Aasimar. "They hunt me for I carry the map to the Lost Mine of Phandelver. I thank you for your aid, but I must run to make it safe. Or they died for NOTHING!" His eyes flash with rage. His shout unexpected and ragged. He pushes himself off from Jayson roughly, and says nothing more.
Can Jayson roll a Perception Check, please.
Though he gives no indication that he has cast any spell at all, Capone feels as his mind touches against those spiders closest to them. They are trivial to twist to fear and confusion.
As the little sorcerer's magic settles upon them, his companions make their moves.
Alaina's second arrow strikes true, into the eye of the spider that carries the Goblin's hunt leader, and the cloaked Cursespitter that sits behind him. When the arrow lodges in place, its magic activates. A hail of thorns bursting out to catch those who still ride the spider, even as the spider rears up onto its back legs, waving its pedipalps and front legs angrily. It tips high enough that both goblins are forced to leap from its back.
The Boss leaps to the side yelling some instruction in Goblin, but the Cursespitter is forced to pitch forward, towards the goblin soldiers that are now engaged by Lorken.
Lorken's magic places him directly behind an unexpecting goblin. It also leaves him with his back exposed to the bewitched spider.
As Capone's senses return entirely to the mundane world around him, and he sees the appearance of Lorken in a flash of purple, in the path of maddened spider, if he has the time to think 'oh no' then there is no hint of it on his face, hidden as it is under his magnificent beard.
The near spider charges. Trampling over Lorken, the Goblins and the Cursespitter. One Goblin dies under its bladed foot, instantly. The other dodges well enough, for a moment. With the Cursespitter in line to be squashed by another bladed foot, the Goblin dives to push the Cursespitter out from underneath the path of the huge spider’s foot, and pays for it with his life.
Lorken takes five damage
Gaining its bearings, the Cursespitter hisses and spits in Goblin. Red magic mist floods from him in a haemorrhage against Lorken as the Satyr picks himself up, but the Fey's magic is strong and the curse finds no purchase.
To the right of the rampaging spider, the second spider - untroubled by a ranger's arrows - reverts to more primeval behaviour. It climbs the near tree, riderless as it is, and from there sprays webbing from the tree at the ground around it. Both the nearby Goblin warrior with the greataxe are the Goblin with the jagged bow are able to avoid being entangled.
The bow wielding Goblin rushes in the direction of the party, but in the chaos of the battle, it is hard to track. An arrow sails towards the man that they've been hunting, flying between his and Jayson's face but striking neither. It's not enough to pinpoint where the arrow came from.
The final spider, still bidabble and unaffected by Capone no longer charges. It approaches the tree in which the other great spider has hidden, while the goblin Boss approaches its legs to mount it. The Bossshouts something up at the last spider's rider, and the little Goblin makes a great leap and lands upon the spider that has trampled so many of its own hunting party.
The armored man adjusts his aim and points to the last arachnid unit still in play. He fires off two more shots, but again finds it difficult to tell if he actually hit anything.
The shadow of the carrion eater continues to cross the field again and again, circling above, and growing larger as it grows closer. Clearly, it thinks there will be more bodies before long, and not much longer left in the fight.
The light cloud cover is heavier now. The hooting and screaming goblins are quieter now. The stamping of the great spider as it turns its anger on any it can see is the main clamor, even as Broma’s electrical attacks crackle and zip past their target.
Gudrune rumbles in satisfaction that the aasimar is safe. Time to clean up.
"Hold tight, little one," she says to Capone. She dashes 70ft forward in a straight line towards Lorken. She let's out a war-cry as she draws near the battle. "MORNDINSAMMAAAAAAAN!"
REACTION (Triggered when one of the spiders ends it's turn within 30ft of Gudrune and Capone):
The giant rune for "Stone" flares brighter as the enemy draws near. Gudrune let's out a gravely command in elder giantish that rumbles to meet the oncoming foe.
Stone Rune - When a creature you can see ends its turn within 30 feet of you, you can use your reaction to invoke the rune and force the creature to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 16). Unless the save succeeds, the creature is charmed by you for 1 minute. While charmed in this way, the creature has a speed of 0 and is incapacitated, descending into a dreamy stupor. The creature repeats the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. Once you invoke this rune, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
The goblins quake to see the giant dwarf warrior take the field against them. Her every step sends a flurry of dirt into the sky, and her charge makes the earth shake. She may be of lesser size than the spiders but it is clear to all that she is of a greater stature.
All but one that is. The Goblin Spinecleaver tightens its green fingers around the greataxe that stands as tall as they do, ready to prove why they alone are prize muscle of the Goblin Bossand its hunting party.
They charge to take a great cleaving swing at Gudrune‘s knee, but she is no less quick for her size and she steps above her small foe’s swing contemptuously.
Atop the last biddable spider, a Goblin Lackeythrows a dagger at the giant dwarf while she is unable to dodge. She does not need to dodge. The dagger hits her armor and falls to the ground. It may be that she has not even realised the attack was two pronged.
The Lackey whines and chuffs in impotent rage.
Turnabout is fair play as far as Sildar Hallwinter is concerned, and he directs his men to aim and fire freely at the greataxe wielding Goblin Spinecleaver as it engages Gudrune. Two of the six hit, bolts tearing gibbets from its shoulder and hip as they pierce through.
Sildar’s own heavy crossbow picks out a target. As he lines up his shot a soft snowflake lands on his cheek.
In just the course of a few volleys the weather has turned from the usual light cloud to snow. In the excitement, he is almost ready to believe it a further bit of misfortune and ignore it. But, as he takes his shot, he can’t help but look up as the crossbow recoils. He misses. He doesn’t notice.
The nearest adventurer is the Ranger with the Longbow. A Longbow will be needed.
Round 4 to start with the usual four PCs, please, in any order. (Alaina, Capone, Lorken, Jayson).
Alaina, can you make a perception check please.
Thanks to Jayson’s spell, the Aasimar is again able to dash and so moves 60 feet towards Phandalin this round.
((it’s so tedious to try and do multiple different colours on phones that I’ll just it in the morning for this bit))
As Capone concentrates on maintaining the disorienting effect on the two giant spiders, his ocular panes shift with a calculating gleam, seeking out the most vulnerable targets. His mind fractures into sharp, ethereal tendrils, unseen yet palpable, striking at the consciousness of the third spider and the goblin carrying the skull.
A surge of energy from within him activates a purplish glow, the eerie light almost entirely obscured by his cloak. Simultaneously, a rift tears open in the fabric of space above the axe-wielding goblin. From this rift emerges a tendril, slick with otherworldly slime, lashing down with ferocity. The tendril's touch threatens to fracture the goblin's perception of reality, plunging it into a realm of confusion and chaos. The rift is brief, closing as quickly as it opened, leaving no trace of its existence but for the lingering sense of dread it imparts.
Despite this, Capone remains eerily still, his battle unfolding in a hidden dimension of the mind.
(BA: Convert a 2nd level spell slot into 2sp.)
(Action: Casts Tasha's Mind Whip via psionic spells for 2 sp, then twins it for 2 sp. This time targeting the creepy goblin with the human skull(DC16 int save vs 16 psychic damage and limited action), and also the remaining free spider(DC16 int save vs 14 psychic damage and limited action). As he does so, he activated the power of the far realm shard targeting the goblin with the axe for a DC16 cha save vs 12 psychic damage, and frightened.))
Jayson says to the group, "There is something wrong with his eye. He's not making much sense either."
Jayson adds, "In goblin cities, they don’t throw out their garbage. They turn it into more goblins. Let’s clean this place up."
OOC - Bardic dice for Capone
Jayson hollers, "Sir, how can we aid you? Where are you going my new friend."
Jayson says, "Stay in the fight and we shall see victory today."
MOVE: Jayson moves up to 30 ft more towards the advancing goblins: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.) BONUS: ACTION: Cast Eldritch Blast, pointing at the goblin in the cloak or next biggest threat .
Beam #1 Attack: 17 Damage: 14 (Eldritch Force) Range 240 ft
Beam #2 Attack: 22 Damage: 13 (Eldritch Force) Range 240 ft
Reaction: Any available
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver; Ral GrixoraBattle for the Forest DM/Admin; Capt.Sask and Boxter Snappus; LFG; Sir Aarlin - LFG; Sorwan Degor - LFG; Warwin Paws- LFG; Alsariph Safxipha - LFG.
Lorken looks from the Cursespitter to the spider that trampled him, then back to the Cursespitter.
"You shouldn't have done that," he says, with a wolfish grin. In the blink of an eye, he appears directly between his two foes, his greataxe already in full swing.
Action: Reckless Attack, targeting the Cursespitter until it's dead, at which point targeting the spider. All rolls were made on the character sheet.
Attack 1 (Great Weapon Master): To Hit 21, Damage 26 Slashing
Attack 2 (Great Weapon Master): To Hit 17, Damage 24 Slashing
If either of those attacks kill the Cursespitter, Great Weapon Master grants an additional attack:
Bonus Attack (Great Weapon Master): To Hit 20 (I used the Bardic Inspiration to improve my initial roll of 14), Damage 20 Slashing.
Jayson calls to the group, and then again after the fleeing Aasimar, but the man pays no mind and keeps running. Very well. There's more to do here. Infernal syllables fall from his tongue like dripping tar and his fingers move with fel flexibility. Only a bard could reproduce such inhuman magic with a human's voice.
In the time this takes, his new allies put in work. Capone appears no more than a peculiarly anthropomorphised backpack, perhaps, or a docent to those that are well-travelled. Though no arcane magic is visible, his contributions hidden, his spells strike true.
Lorken, perhaps, takes the goblins' eyes and attention the most. His voice is loud, his axe is swift and bright, and the first flakes of snow only contrast against the Satyr's colourful hair to make him all the more striking.
The Cursespitter agrees. He shouldn't have done so much to make himself a prize to his enemies. Some spend their lives striving to reach their destiny, when they should've been working to avoid their fate. The thought is quicker in Goblin, and also his last.
Capone's power touches his mind and shatters it. His eyes roll up, his muscles lock, and his mouth foams. Jayson's spell is an actinic flash of near-invisible light, wan and sickly. As Lorken's axe cleaves through the Cursespitter -- from shoulder to hip -- the Eldritch Blast hits the upper half of the goblin and blasts its torso and head away to slush against the grass.
None involved but Capone have eyes for anything except the gory end of the Cursespitter. A tiny, eye and nail ridden tendril flicks from somewhere far beyond against the Goblin Spinecleaver. It feels over its eye, tongues its ear, and curls into a nostril. For only a moment, but a moment is enough. The Spinecleaver quails at the touch of Capone's magic, unwilling to step even an inch closer.
A frightened creature has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls while the source of its fear is within line of sight.
The creature can't willingly move closer to the source of its fear.
A second Actinic flash strikes behind Lorken as Jayson's beam hits the great spider behind him and staggers it. Lorken has learnt the danger of leaving spell work unattended on large spiders behind him. His Axe flashes snicker-snack through the Spider's nearest two legs at the root. It collapses to the ground, unable to support its weight. Ichor pours from the wound and if it is not dead then it is as good as. Unable to move, its eyes glaze over and its life ebbs away.
All seems to be going well.
Up front as they are, it is not clear if they hear Sildar's warning. It is not clear if they notice Alaina looking up towards the sky, or the large shadow of the flying creature that passes overhead.
Sildar takes aim with his heavy crossbow. There has been little time to drill with the new constabulary, little time to train the new men in the use of their light crossbows. He hopes his example is enough.
"Aim!" he calls.
His crossbow and the crossbows of his six new guards rise. "Pick targets! Aim for the near goblins, not the spiders! Leave those for the adventurers."
The chill wind is blowing from the east, spill down from the near and uncommonly tall summit of Icespire Peak. It has been uncommonly cold, and the snowline uncommonly low on that mountain, the comely Sister Garaele has told him. Focus, he tells himself. Not now.
The shadow of some flying creature circles the field, watching for free carrion no doubt. Breathe in. Hold. The wind brushes its invisible hand across the grass. The screams of the goblins, the pounding of the earth, it all passes over him, and he gives it no mind. Breathe out. "FIRE!"
The snap of seven crossbows sound out, within a second of each other. Good. That is all that is good, however.
None of the bolts meet their target, pulling off course, some not accounting for the wind, some over-accounting for it. One of the bolts hits Sildar's own, it seems. Too fast to see, but there is a crack and the goblin he was on target to hit is showered with shards and splinters. Remarkable. Rare. All too unlucky.
"Reload! It's not over till it's over! Bad luck does not rule out good luck. Reload you dogs! Tymora watches over us. Fortune will come when we need it!"
Rookies. Sometimes it can be hard to mean to hit something living, even when you know you must. He has seen it amongst the griffon riders he once captained, but he knows the goblins will have no such problem. It'll be something to train them out of. After. For now, Sildar reloads and under his breath, he prays.
A thought niggles at him as he cranks his crossbow. There are six adventurers here, mighty figures with strange abilities (as adventurers so often do). They seemed to be the fleetest, but he would've expected the other bands from the courtyard to have arrived by now, too. Where are they?
Gudrune will dash with Capone in a descending arc to land in a shower of earth 40ft beyond the fallen figure. She pulls in her shield and raises her rune-carved battlexe in a quick petition to the gods.
"Luckmaiden, favor us. Sentinel, uphold us. Dwarffather... bear witness," she says.
REACTION (Triggered when one of the spiders ends it's turn within 30ft of Gudrune and Capone):
The giant rune for "Stone" flares brighter as the enemy draws near. Gudrune let's out a gravely command in elder giantish that rumbles to meet the oncoming foe.
Stone Rune - When a creature you can see ends its turn within 30 feet of you, you can use your reaction to invoke the rune and force the creature to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 16). Unless the save succeeds, the creature is charmed by you for 1 minute. While charmed in this way, the creature has a speed of 0 and is incapacitated, descending into a dreamy stupor. The creature repeats the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. Once you invoke this rune, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
With Gudrune landing and spraying a shower of loose soil into the air, Capone is in range to strike. His firebolt flies true, striking the goblin nearest to him. The spell hits in the center of the little goblin and visibly staggers him. He looks signficantly worse for wear.
Action: With a final dash, Lorken reaches the nearest goblin, still running at full pelt.
Bonus Action: Finally, Lorken gives over to the spark of the Feywild that burns within him, and goes into a rage (Wild Magic: 2). With a purplish flash, he vanishes from sight before the startled goblin, then reappears directly behind it with another flash.
"Alright, maggots, show me what you've got!"
Reaction: If a goblin or spider gives him the chance, Lorken will make an attack of opportunity with his greataxe.
Jayson says, "Heed my words friends..I hope to inspire some of you."
MOVE: Jayson move up to 30 ft more towards the fallen individual Investigating the situation as he moves up.: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.)
BONUS: Jayson says gives bardic dice to Broma.
ACTION: Cast Cure Wounds, as he touches the figure on the ground. 8
Reaction: Any available
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver; Ral Grixora Battle for the Forest DM/Admin; Capt.Sask and Boxter Snappus; LFG; Sir Aarlin - LFG; Sorwan Degor - LFG; Warwin Paws- LFG; Alsariph Safxipha - LFG.
Jayson yells to the group, "Look Death in the eye and tell him, “Not today!”
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver; Ral Grixora Battle for the Forest DM/Admin; Capt.Sask and Boxter Snappus; LFG; Sir Aarlin - LFG; Sorwan Degor - LFG; Warwin Paws- LFG; Alsariph Safxipha - LFG.
Capone holds on, and stays firmly in place, surveying they battlefield atop this now-giantess' shoulder. "Marvelous!" He cheers as they touch down.
As he scans the scene internal whirling and chiming can be faintly heard, then he says softly, almost to himself, at a level likely only Gudrune could hear "The spiders then... yes, nothing immoral about breaking their minds!"
He appears to do nothing, though. Just holds on and watches the action unfold.
(Action: He casts enemies abound through his psionic spells feature for 3sp, resulting in no s/m/v components. No visible sign he's even doing anything. For another 3 sp he will twin it. Targetting the two nearest spiders. Int save dc 16.)
(BA: Converts a 3rd level spell slot into 3sp)
I got quotes!
Alaina moves up another 30 feet and continues her assault on the leaders spider.
Arrow 1 Attack: 26 Damage: 12
Arrow 2 (SS) Attack: 25 Damage: 27
Hail of thorns is still up, on hit, all within 5' 14 piercing, dex save 15 for half.
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
OOC - Jayson sheet updated on features and spells used so far.
1x 1st level cure wounds and 3 bardic dice.
I will adjust should the actions this round be voided for some reason.
Capone will get next turn's bardic dice if I am in range.
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver; Ral Grixora Battle for the Forest DM/Admin; Capt.Sask and Boxter Snappus; LFG; Sir Aarlin - LFG; Sorwan Degor - LFG; Warwin Paws- LFG; Alsariph Safxipha - LFG.
The man, for at this closeness it is clear that the humanoid is a man, hobbles towards you, to pass immediately next to Jayson, who lays his hands upon him to pull the arrows from his body and give his Bardic wisdom against death, channeling the magic and muscality of his voice into a spell that closes the wounds well enough for now.
"Well met, very well met indeed," comes the croaky voice of the hunted man. He is tall and blonde, and his eyes luminescent. Though his clothes are roughened and bloody, his skin and his general appearance is unnaturally clean and clear. His movements are graceful, but in a different fashion to those elves any watching might have met. This is not trained grace and natural limberness, this is something more divine. The man is an Aasimar. "They hunt me for I carry the map to the Lost Mine of Phandelver. I thank you for your aid, but I must run to make it safe. Or they died for NOTHING!" His eyes flash with rage. His shout unexpected and ragged. He pushes himself off from Jayson roughly, and says nothing more.
Can Jayson roll a Perception Check, please.
Though he gives no indication that he has cast any spell at all, Capone feels as his mind touches against those spiders closest to them. They are trivial to twist to fear and confusion.
As the little sorcerer's magic settles upon them, his companions make their moves.
Alaina's second arrow strikes true, into the eye of the spider that carries the Goblin's hunt leader, and the cloaked Cursespitter that sits behind him. When the arrow lodges in place, its magic activates. A hail of thorns bursting out to catch those who still ride the spider, even as the spider rears up onto its back legs, waving its pedipalps and front legs angrily. It tips high enough that both goblins are forced to leap from its back.
The Boss leaps to the side yelling some instruction in Goblin, but the Cursespitter is forced to pitch forward, towards the goblin soldiers that are now engaged by Lorken.
Lorken's magic places him directly behind an unexpecting goblin. It also leaves him with his back exposed to the bewitched spider.
As Capone's senses return entirely to the mundane world around him, and he sees the appearance of Lorken in a flash of purple, in the path of maddened spider, if he has the time to think 'oh no' then there is no hint of it on his face, hidden as it is under his magnificent beard.
The near spider charges. Trampling over Lorken, the Goblins and the Cursespitter. One Goblin dies under its bladed foot, instantly. The other dodges well enough, for a moment. With the Cursespitter in line to be squashed by another bladed foot, the Goblin dives to push the Cursespitter out from underneath the path of the huge spider’s foot, and pays for it with his life.
Gaining its bearings, the Cursespitter hisses and spits in Goblin. Red magic mist floods from him in a haemorrhage against Lorken as the Satyr picks himself up, but the Fey's magic is strong and the curse finds no purchase.
To the right of the rampaging spider, the second spider - untroubled by a ranger's arrows - reverts to more primeval behaviour. It climbs the near tree, riderless as it is, and from there sprays webbing from the tree at the ground around it. Both the nearby Goblin warrior with the greataxe are the Goblin with the jagged bow are able to avoid being entangled.
The bow wielding Goblin rushes in the direction of the party, but in the chaos of the battle, it is hard to track. An arrow sails towards the man that they've been hunting, flying between his and Jayson's face but striking neither. It's not enough to pinpoint where the arrow came from.
The final spider, still bidabble and unaffected by Capone no longer charges. It approaches the tree in which the other great spider has hidden, while the goblin Boss approaches its legs to mount it. The Boss shouts something up at the last spider's rider, and the little Goblin makes a great leap and lands upon the spider that has trampled so many of its own hunting party.
Well, such happenstance can't be avoided.
The armored man adjusts his aim and points to the last arachnid unit still in play. He fires off two more shots, but again finds it difficult to tell if he actually hit anything.
[1st shot w/ disadvantage: 14/17, Damage: 8]
[2nd shot w/ disadvantage: 9/20]
The shadow of the carrion eater continues to cross the field again and again, circling above, and growing larger as it grows closer. Clearly, it thinks there will be more bodies before long, and not much longer left in the fight.
The light cloud cover is heavier now. The hooting and screaming goblins are quieter now. The stamping of the great spider as it turns its anger on any it can see is the main clamor, even as Broma’s electrical attacks crackle and zip past their target.
Gudrune rumbles in satisfaction that the aasimar is safe. Time to clean up.
"Hold tight, little one," she says to Capone. She dashes 70ft forward in a straight line towards Lorken. She let's out a war-cry as she draws near the battle. "MORNDINSAMMAAAAAAAN!"
REACTION (Triggered when one of the spiders ends it's turn within 30ft of Gudrune and Capone):
The giant rune for "Stone" flares brighter as the enemy draws near. Gudrune let's out a gravely command in elder giantish that rumbles to meet the oncoming foe.
Stone Rune - When a creature you can see ends its turn within 30 feet of you, you can use your reaction to invoke the rune and force the creature to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 16). Unless the save succeeds, the creature is charmed by you for 1 minute. While charmed in this way, the creature has a speed of 0 and is incapacitated, descending into a dreamy stupor. The creature repeats the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. Once you invoke this rune, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
The goblins quake to see the giant dwarf warrior take the field against them. Her every step sends a flurry of dirt into the sky, and her charge makes the earth shake. She may be of lesser size than the spiders but it is clear to all that she is of a greater stature.
All but one that is. The Goblin Spinecleaver tightens its green fingers around the greataxe that stands as tall as they do, ready to prove why they alone are prize muscle of the Goblin Boss and its hunting party.
They charge to take a great cleaving swing at Gudrune‘s knee, but she is no less quick for her size and she steps above her small foe’s swing contemptuously.
Atop the last biddable spider, a Goblin Lackey throws a dagger at the giant dwarf while she is unable to dodge. She does not need to dodge. The dagger hits her armor and falls to the ground. It may be that she has not even realised the attack was two pronged.
The Lackey whines and chuffs in impotent rage.
Turnabout is fair play as far as Sildar Hallwinter is concerned, and he directs his men to aim and fire freely at the greataxe wielding Goblin Spinecleaver as it engages Gudrune. Two of the six hit, bolts tearing gibbets from its shoulder and hip as they pierce through.
Sildar’s own heavy crossbow picks out a target. As he lines up his shot a soft snowflake lands on his cheek.
In just the course of a few volleys the weather has turned from the usual light cloud to snow. In the excitement, he is almost ready to believe it a further bit of misfortune and ignore it. But, as he takes his shot, he can’t help but look up as the crossbow recoils. He misses. He doesn’t notice.
The nearest adventurer is the Ranger with the Longbow. A Longbow will be needed.
OOC - Jayson rolled in PM...
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver; Ral Grixora Battle for the Forest DM/Admin; Capt.Sask and Boxter Snappus; LFG; Sir Aarlin - LFG; Sorwan Degor - LFG; Warwin Paws- LFG; Alsariph Safxipha - LFG.
As Capone concentrates on maintaining the disorienting effect on the two giant spiders, his ocular panes shift with a calculating gleam, seeking out the most vulnerable targets. His mind fractures into sharp, ethereal tendrils, unseen yet palpable, striking at the consciousness of the third spider and the goblin carrying the skull.
A surge of energy from within him activates a purplish glow, the eerie light almost entirely obscured by his cloak. Simultaneously, a rift tears open in the fabric of space above the axe-wielding goblin. From this rift emerges a tendril, slick with otherworldly slime, lashing down with ferocity. The tendril's touch threatens to fracture the goblin's perception of reality, plunging it into a realm of confusion and chaos. The rift is brief, closing as quickly as it opened, leaving no trace of its existence but for the lingering sense of dread it imparts.
Despite this, Capone remains eerily still, his battle unfolding in a hidden dimension of the mind.
(BA: Convert a 2nd level spell slot into 2sp.)
(Action: Casts Tasha's Mind Whip via psionic spells for 2 sp, then twins it for 2 sp. This time targeting the creepy goblin with the human skull(DC16 int save vs 16 psychic damage and limited action), and also the remaining free spider(DC16 int save vs 14 psychic damage and limited action). As he does so, he activated the power of the far realm shard targeting the goblin with the axe for a DC16 cha save vs 12 psychic damage, and frightened.))
I got quotes!
Jayson says to the group, "There is something wrong with his eye. He's not making much sense either."
Jayson adds, "In goblin cities, they don’t throw out their garbage. They turn it into more goblins. Let’s clean this place up."
OOC - Bardic dice for Capone
Jayson hollers, "Sir, how can we aid you? Where are you going my new friend."
Jayson says, "Stay in the fight and we shall see victory today."
MOVE: Jayson moves up to 30 ft more towards the advancing goblins: (spending 30 feet of movement; first diagonal costs 5 ft. of movement, second costs 10 ft., third costs 5 ft., etc.)
ACTION: Cast Eldritch Blast, pointing at the goblin in the cloak or next biggest threat .
Beam #1 Attack: 17 Damage: 14 (Eldritch Force) Range 240 ft
Beam #2 Attack: 22 Damage: 13 (Eldritch Force) Range 240 ft
Reaction: Any available
Gildor Surion - Balder's Gate-Decent; Jayson Dreamweaver The Shattering of Phandelver; Ral Grixora Battle for the Forest DM/Admin; Capt.Sask and Boxter Snappus; LFG; Sir Aarlin - LFG; Sorwan Degor - LFG; Warwin Paws- LFG; Alsariph Safxipha - LFG.
Lorken looks from the Cursespitter to the spider that trampled him, then back to the Cursespitter.
"You shouldn't have done that," he says, with a wolfish grin. In the blink of an eye, he appears directly between his two foes, his greataxe already in full swing.
Action: Reckless Attack, targeting the Cursespitter until it's dead, at which point targeting the spider. All rolls were made on the character sheet.
Attack 1 (Great Weapon Master): To Hit 21, Damage 26 Slashing
Attack 2 (Great Weapon Master): To Hit 17, Damage 24 Slashing
If either of those attacks kill the Cursespitter, Great Weapon Master grants an additional attack:
Bonus Attack (Great Weapon Master): To Hit 20 (I used the Bardic Inspiration to improve my initial roll of 14), Damage 20 Slashing.
Jayson calls to the group, and then again after the fleeing Aasimar, but the man pays no mind and keeps running. Very well. There's more to do here. Infernal syllables fall from his tongue like dripping tar and his fingers move with fel flexibility. Only a bard could reproduce such inhuman magic with a human's voice.
In the time this takes, his new allies put in work. Capone appears no more than a peculiarly anthropomorphised backpack, perhaps, or a docent to those that are well-travelled. Though no arcane magic is visible, his contributions hidden, his spells strike true.
Lorken, perhaps, takes the goblins' eyes and attention the most. His voice is loud, his axe is swift and bright, and the first flakes of snow only contrast against the Satyr's colourful hair to make him all the more striking.
The Cursespitter agrees. He shouldn't have done so much to make himself a prize to his enemies. Some spend their lives striving to reach their destiny, when they should've been working to avoid their fate. The thought is quicker in Goblin, and also his last.
Capone's power touches his mind and shatters it. His eyes roll up, his muscles lock, and his mouth foams. Jayson's spell is an actinic flash of near-invisible light, wan and sickly. As Lorken's axe cleaves through the Cursespitter -- from shoulder to hip -- the Eldritch Blast hits the upper half of the goblin and blasts its torso and head away to slush against the grass.
None involved but Capone have eyes for anything except the gory end of the Cursespitter. A tiny, eye and nail ridden tendril flicks from somewhere far beyond against the Goblin Spinecleaver. It feels over its eye, tongues its ear, and curls into a nostril. For only a moment, but a moment is enough. The Spinecleaver quails at the touch of Capone's magic, unwilling to step even an inch closer.
A second Actinic flash strikes behind Lorken as Jayson's beam hits the great spider behind him and staggers it. Lorken has learnt the danger of leaving spell work unattended on large spiders behind him. His Axe flashes snicker-snack through the Spider's nearest two legs at the root. It collapses to the ground, unable to support its weight. Ichor pours from the wound and if it is not dead then it is as good as. Unable to move, its eyes glaze over and its life ebbs away.
All seems to be going well.
Up front as they are, it is not clear if they hear Sildar's warning. It is not clear if they notice Alaina looking up towards the sky, or the large shadow of the flying creature that passes overhead.
[[22 on Perception]]
Alaina switches her target to the goblin boss, summoning planar energies and firing two arrows at him.
Bonus Action: Planar Warrior
Longbow Attack: 20 Damage: 15
Longbow [SS] Attack: 26 Damage: 24
First hit becomes force damage with an additional 3 force damage.
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.