Jordgubb cannot identify the species by the sound (doesn't recognize that screech at all) but it sounded alarmed and defensive. He suspects they are more likely to attack than scatter.
Jordgubb lowers his voice to a a low growl as to not have his voice echo too far around this clearing sparsely populated by trees, "we just stepped into something'sss territory, prepare for a fight." And without much fanfare at all he drops to all fours and transforms into a sickly looking panther, prowling off 10ft north east I to the trees and climbs up as high as he can (max 40ft without going over movement) where he attempts to hide.
It takes Jordgubb about fifteen feet of movement to get to trees sturdy and think enough for him to climb and hide in, leaving him enough movement to get about twenty-five feet up. (Blue ring to indicate he climbed...) Krumar also seeks some cover, though he sticks to ground level.
Initiative Order: Critters A, G and L, Krumar and Nefire , Critters B, C, F, J and K, Jordgubb and Raevyn, Critters D, E, H and I...
Coming out of the darkness about twenty-five feet above the ground, you see the first of the creatures. They appear to be a kind of flying lizard about the size of a small dog. Behind the closest three that just approached, there's a bit of a swarm also ready to swoop in towards you... (A,G and L have taken their turns at this point.)
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Krumar is not meant for this type of situation. He likes the comforts of warm homes, good food and drink, and ladies....oh the ladies.....He is not meant to be wandering the woods fighting winged creatures...Maybe if he plays them a song they would become docile, he thinks to himself. He decides to attack by casting Starry Wisp
He panics and quickly lights up winged creature A with sparkly lights all different shades of neon. He moves a few paces into the trees and woods to get out of these winged creatures way.
Nefire shakes her head as several of her group run and hide. "Oh c'mon they are just little winged beasties. We got this!" And she charges into the first group of three. She focuses first on A, using her charger feat to add to the damage..
Attack: 17, Damage: 17+ 5
Then with her ability to cleave at one next to it, she steps a foot forward to hit at G.
Attack: 13, and if that hits - Damage: 11+ 3from her new septum ring.
Krumar slings a spell of light and fury... Well, of light... And then backs up into the woods doing his best Homer impression. Critter A is illuminated but not very much bothered.
Nefire feels the heat of battle rising inside of her and is eager to have some bird stew for dinner this evening, alas these strange lizard birds are "about twenty-five feet above the ground" and she is but a halfling... So she rushes towards them and then makes an incredible barbarian leap into the air, greataxe circling above her head like a propeller, and somehow manages to cleave two of the critters into puffs of blood and wings and talons and skin before she tumbles down to the ground and falls prone from the effort. ((A compromise in my own head. I did say they were still high up but didn't really highlight unreachable so *shrug* I'm allowing Charger feet to give you this one time mighty leap but saying you fall prone because of it.))
Critters B,C,F,J and K were all flying the same path as A & G but upon seeing their two flock members exploded to death by the short one's shiny thing they alter course to swoop further down and attack. B, C, F and J are all able to get in an attack (with adv) since Nefire is prone but in swooping so low they land on the ground shortly after the attack. The first two attack by flying close by and attempting to cut Nefire with the knife-sharp wing edges, the second two go for bite attacks...
Critter B Attack: 21 to hit for 3 slashing damage... Critter C Attack: 15 to hit ((a miss)) Critter F Attack: 15 to hit ((another miss)) Critter J Attack: 14 to hit ((apparently advantage due to prone isn't helping. Likely since Nefire is such a small target?))
So Nefire, prone, has a half dozen of these Knifewings surrounding her at the moment. Four of them are effectively on the ground at this point (B,C,F and J) and the other two (K and L) still at about the 25 feet up in the air level...
Panther Jordgubb lets out a caterwauling scream as panthers are want to do, notifying the knifewings of another predator close by. Whilst hiding in the tree Jordgubb ready themselves to leap at one of the flying ones should they come close enough. Attacking with a diving pounce attack attempting to bring one knifewing low
(22 to hit, 7 slashing damage when appropriate)
Once the attack has been triggered Jordgubb will stealth low into the underbrush and attempt to hide near the knifewings on the ground once more (if allowed the specifics of prowl action within a readied attack are confusing to me here)
Raevyn takes a moment to adjust her cloak, feeling the warmth of the sleeping wolf pup tucked securely against her chest. Its small, rhythmic breathing is a comforting presence as she makes sure it's snug within the folds of her gear. With a brief glance around, she hikes up the fabric of her cloak, ensuring it won’t get caught on anything as she moves. Her boots crunch softly on the earth as she strides forward, unbothered by the coward(s) hiding in the bushes.
The doctor's stride comes to a stop behind the three of the flying lizards that had attacked Nephire, a fierce warrior who had found herself surrounded by six of the beasts. Raevyn raises her voice, speaking a holy word in Celestial. In an instant, radiant energy erupts from her.
(Movement: behind B) (Action: Word of Radiance Con DC15: 5Radiance Damage)
Jordgubb awaits up in the trees for a foe to swing by close enough to attack...
Raevyn steps up into the battle and calls forth the radiance of her worship to aid Nefire in her predicament, the light falling on a trio of the knifewings... Two of them are obviously affected and falter in their flight, crashing to the ground. (They take no additional damage or fall prone as it's mostly just flavor their falling, and they'd glided low enough to attack Nefire anyway...)
Knifewing i alters their flight and trajectory to fly downward and attack Nefire, the only target within reach. Knifewing H has the angle to move straight on and get an attack in on the new one to join in the attack upon the flock (Raevyn.). The other two (D&E) left this round move forward but not quite into melee...
Knifewing i Bite Attack vs Nefire: 15 to hit - misses Knifewing H slashing attack vs Raevyn: 12to hit, which also misses...
End of Round 1... Round 2 Initiative Order: Critters A, G and L, Krumar and Nefire , Critters B, C, F, J and K, Jordgubb and Raevyn, Critters D, E, H and I...
Knifewing L takes a slashing attack vs Nefire and then flies towards the more densely packed trees with the rest of it's flight. Hitting the ground before they get there and scutting along the forest floor to the nearest tree and scurry-clibs about fifteen feet up it with the last of it's movement. Nefire does NOT get an opportunity attack as, in flight, they are too agile and are able to flyby without provoking an opportunity...
Knifewing L attack vs Nefire: 24to hit (Crit!) for 11slashing damage upon Nefire...
...But after the hit on Nefire and the scurrying to the tree it DOES put itself into Jordgubb's range triggering his held action. Panthergubb pounces upon the lizard bird and slashes at it with his vicious claws, hitting it and doing nearly fatal damage to it. Nearly. The knifewing turns and hisses, after it's fashion, at it's attacker and halts it's movement there. Panthergubb can either also stay there at the base of the tree in melee with the knifewing OR they can prowl more towards melee and try to hide but that would provoke opportunity attack from Knifewing L.
NEXT UP: (Jordgubb decision on continued readied action & OppAttack against him or staying at the location with L) and Krumar & Nefire...
Krumar sees all the winged things swopping down and picking at the others. He's glad to be in the trees sheltered from them for the moment. He sees one get pounced on by Jordy the panther and sees an opportunity to defeat it so Jordy can go help the others.
Staying put he plays a chord on his birdpipes to sound like angelic birds flittering about. Streams of twinkling bursts of light Starry Wisp streak out from the trees
Hit 22 Dam 5
Bonus Action: Healing Word Krumar watches Nef get slashed and slashed again. He covers his mouth to prevent a small yelp from getting out, not out of concern for Nef of course, but out of concern for himself if she were to die. He plays a more melodic bird song on his birdpipes healing Nef for 9HPs
As she lays on the ground staring up at so many knifewings, Nefire hears a panther in the trees and then Raevyn approach. Happy she isn't alone, she feels the deep cut of one of the creatures attacking her side as she lays there.
Suddenly she feels magic upon her and the wound upon her side almost heals up completely. Ready to go again, she jumps to her feet and with the amount surrounding her, she starts raging, her greataxe starts swinging around her head again, and she lets out her battle cry!
Turning towards her dark friend, she attacks the one that is on the ground between them using flanking to her advantage and swinging her axe down upon it.
Attack: 14, Damage: 12
And with her cleave feat, she turns to J and attacks him - but totally misses.
Krumar Starry Wisps Knifewing L to death to the mellow sounds of some muzak he plays on his bagpipes... Errr, birdpipes. Bagpipes made out of birds? What exactly does he blow into?? (L removed from the board.)
Krumar also calls out some encouraging words which seem to have healthful benefits for Nefire...
Speaking of Nefire... She lets out a Halfling Yawp, mighty but tiny, and starts axe-swinging! Knifewing B basically looks like it's been sliced and diced at a Benihahas... ((One of those Japanese Restaurant chain places where the cook makes a whole performance of meal prep right at your table, for those who don't get the reference. They say if you have to explain it that it's not funny. Well we all KNOW I am not funny so I may as well explain myself?)) (Knifewing B taken off the map as it is dead, dead, dead.)
Knifewing's Turn! Or at least C, F, J and K's...
C, F and J are all already in combat with Nefire and she seems to be the hostile in the scenario, as such they each attack her and then use rest of their movement to scatter to the closest tree and start climbing... (Giving them all benefit of flyby and thus no oppo attack since I honestly forget which I may have said landed and am too lazy to go back and look it up. But you all are cutting through them like butter anyway... I'm also not giving them flanking so *shrug*)
C takes a Bite Attack vs Nefire: 13 to hit... misses F takes a Slashing Attack vs Nefire: 21 to hit for 4 slashing damage... Which I believe get's rage-halved to 2. J takes a Biting attack vs Nefire: 13 to hit... misses
K is still at a decent height with plenty of glide left to them so they have to decide between Nefire (Evens) and Raevyn (Odds). Rolled Odds on Discord so they are attacking Raevyn. K changes their angle a bit a descends quickly towards Raevyn and tries to slash her with their wing as they swoop past!
K takes Slashing Attack vs Raevyn: 6 to hit which fails miserably...
K, like the others, glides to the ground and then scrambles to the nearest tree and uses rest of their movement to climb up. ((Jordgubb, familiar with nature and animals and all, and possibly Raevyn with her studies and attention to detail, would notice these creatures don't so much fly as glide. There is very little upward movement to them once in flight and it is probably safe to assume they need a height to jump from to get any good distance of flight. Probably not very helpful in combat but does explain the scrambling for the trees...))
Jordgubb already hidden stalks forward and pounces on Knifewing i (13 to hit, 8 slashing) whether or not the atttack hits or the knifewing is left alive PantherGubb prowls back behind nefire, positioning himself right between the hostiles H & D obfuscating his form in the natural brush (nat 20 for 26 on the stealth check, trying to go for an AoO if those provoke on their turn)
Jordgubb successfully pounces Knifewing i to death and then prances on to their next prey with the lifeless lizard-bird limp in their teeth like some horror-kitten.
Next Up: Raevyn
Map still mostly correct, just no more Knifewing i and Jordgubb is basically SW of Raevyn...
With Jordgubb slipping in between H and D, Raevyn side steps the other way, placing herself between K and H. Once more raises her voice, speaking a holy word in Celestial and in an instant, radiant energy erupts from her again.
Jordgubb is effectively hidden so he draws none of their attention. H & D, having seen something shiny from her, will both attack Raevyn and then head for the trees. E attacks Nefire as they too head for the heavier trees.
D Slashing attack vs Raevyn: 11 - missed H bite attack vs Raevyn: 22to hit for 3piercing damage
E Slashing Attack vs Nefire: 6 - missed
H & D, as all Knifewing do, have the flyby feature to not provoke attacks of opportunity... However since Jordgubb was lying in wait and effectively hidden I'm allow him one anyway. ((Go ahead and roll against D as they would have been first to pass you...))
H, D and E all, if able, proceed to the trees after their attacks and start scrambling up the trunks. At this point all the Knifewings are on treetrunks scrambling up much like squirrels - I'm giving them Half Cover since they are intrinsically partially covered by branches and dodging and such. ((Shouldn't be much of a problem for you all anyway...))
Next Up: (Jordgubb's OppAtt) then Krumar and Nefire!
Krumar is a little freaked out that these flying lizard things are near him. Thankfully he's covered by trees as these lizards look to swoop down on the others. Krumar peaks up one of the trees and insults one of the lizards into hopefully leaving him alone vicious mockery. Wisdom save 14
Oh, flying lizards, what a sight to see, Flapping like they’re drunk on stale sweet tea. Scales for brains and a tail that’s bent, Ground’s where you belong—your wings are spent!
As Knifewing D flutters/scutters towards the thick trees in or just above the ground floor of the forest, Jordpanther pounces out of hiding and chomps down as if it was Second Breakfast! Alas, Knifewing do not make for nourishing meals or full bellies and Knifewing D manages to barely slip out of the druids jaws and make it to the tree... Blood and stumbling, but technically still alive.
Krumar, less pouncy and more flouncy, recites poetry at the creatures! We'll assume Knifewing F since it is the most wounded of the ones near him and Krumar is definitely a pick on the weakest type... The Knifewing lets out it's critique of the poem in the form of a kawing like roar... but it soon starts to sputter and couch and perhaps even choke on it's own criticism. (Wis Save: 2. Damage: 1 - You should have rolled it yourself! Nevermind, he did roll damage and a 5 was 1 more than he needed to choke that bird right outta that tree... lol). The lizard bird dies and falls from the tree landing squarely atop Krumar's head, bonking him for 1/4 pt of damage! Just because...
Jordgubb cannot identify the species by the sound (doesn't recognize that screech at all) but it sounded alarmed and defensive. He suspects they are more likely to attack than scatter.
Jordgubb lowers his voice to a a low growl as to not have his voice echo too far around this clearing sparsely populated by trees, "we just stepped into something'sss territory, prepare for a fight." And without much fanfare at all he drops to all fours and transforms into a sickly looking panther, prowling off 10ft north east I to the trees and climbs up as high as he can (max 40ft without going over movement) where he attempts to hide.
Krumar takes cover behind a tree trying to hide from whatever it is prowling after them
It takes Jordgubb about fifteen feet of movement to get to trees sturdy and think enough for him to climb and hide in, leaving him enough movement to get about twenty-five feet up. (Blue ring to indicate he climbed...) Krumar also seeks some cover, though he sticks to ground level.
Initiative Order: Critters A, G and L, Krumar and Nefire , Critters B, C, F, J and K, Jordgubb and Raevyn, Critters D, E, H and I...
Coming out of the darkness about twenty-five feet above the ground, you see the first of the creatures. They appear to be a kind of flying lizard about the size of a small dog. Behind the closest three that just approached, there's a bit of a swarm also ready to swoop in towards you... (A,G and L have taken their turns at this point.)
Next up: Krumar and Nefire!

Krumar is not meant for this type of situation. He likes the comforts of warm homes, good food and drink, and ladies....oh the ladies.....He is not meant to be wandering the woods fighting winged creatures...Maybe if he plays them a song they would become docile, he thinks to himself. He decides to attack by casting Starry Wisp
Attack: 16 Damage: 7
He panics and quickly lights up winged creature A with sparkly lights all different shades of neon. He moves a few paces into the trees and woods to get out of these winged creatures way.
Nefire shakes her head as several of her group run and hide. "Oh c'mon they are just little winged beasties. We got this!" And she charges into the first group of three. She focuses first on A, using her charger feat to add to the damage..
Attack: 17, Damage: 17 + 5
Then with her ability to cleave at one next to it, she steps a foot forward to hit at G.
Attack: 13, and if that hits - Damage: 11 + 3 from her new septum ring.
Krumar slings a spell of light and fury... Well, of light... And then backs up into the woods doing his best Homer impression. Critter A is illuminated but not very much bothered.
Nefire feels the heat of battle rising inside of her and is eager to have some bird stew for dinner this evening, alas these strange lizard birds are "about twenty-five feet above the ground" and she is but a halfling... So she rushes towards them and then makes an incredible barbarian leap into the air, greataxe circling above her head like a propeller, and somehow manages to cleave two of the critters into puffs of blood and wings and talons and skin before she tumbles down to the ground and falls prone from the effort.
((A compromise in my own head. I did say they were still high up but didn't really highlight unreachable so *shrug* I'm allowing Charger feet to give you this one time mighty leap but saying you fall prone because of it.))
Critters B,C,F,J and K were all flying the same path as A & G but upon seeing their two flock members exploded to death by the short one's shiny thing they alter course to swoop further down and attack. B, C, F and J are all able to get in an attack (with adv) since Nefire is prone but in swooping so low they land on the ground shortly after the attack. The first two attack by flying close by and attempting to cut Nefire with the knife-sharp wing edges, the second two go for bite attacks...
Critter B Attack: 21 to hit for 3 slashing damage...
Critter C Attack: 15 to hit ((a miss))
Critter F Attack: 15 to hit ((another miss))
Critter J Attack: 14 to hit ((apparently advantage due to prone isn't helping. Likely since Nefire is such a small target?))
So Nefire, prone, has a half dozen of these Knifewings surrounding her at the moment. Four of them are effectively on the ground at this point (B,C,F and J) and the other two (K and L) still at about the 25 feet up in the air level...
Next Up: Jordgubb and Raevyn!!
Current Map:
Panther Jordgubb lets out a caterwauling scream as panthers are want to do, notifying the knifewings of another predator close by. Whilst hiding in the tree Jordgubb ready themselves to leap at one of the flying ones should they come close enough. Attacking with a diving pounce attack attempting to bring one knifewing low
(22 to hit, 7 slashing damage when appropriate)
Once the attack has been triggered Jordgubb will stealth low into the underbrush and attempt to hide near the knifewings on the ground once more (if allowed the specifics of prowl action within a readied attack are confusing to me here)
Raevyn takes a moment to adjust her cloak, feeling the warmth of the sleeping wolf pup tucked securely against her chest. Its small, rhythmic breathing is a comforting presence as she makes sure it's snug within the folds of her gear. With a brief glance around, she hikes up the fabric of her cloak, ensuring it won’t get caught on anything as she moves. Her boots crunch softly on the earth as she strides forward, unbothered by the coward(s) hiding in the bushes.
The doctor's stride comes to a stop behind the three of the flying lizards that had attacked Nephire, a fierce warrior who had found herself surrounded by six of the beasts. Raevyn raises her voice, speaking a holy word in Celestial. In an instant, radiant energy erupts from her.
(Movement: behind B)
(Action: Word of Radiance Con DC15: 5 Radiance Damage)
just an unstable unicorn.
Jordgubb awaits up in the trees for a foe to swing by close enough to attack...
Raevyn steps up into the battle and calls forth the radiance of her worship to aid Nefire in her predicament, the light falling on a trio of the knifewings... Two of them are obviously affected and falter in their flight, crashing to the ground. (They take no additional damage or fall prone as it's mostly just flavor their falling, and they'd glided low enough to attack Nefire anyway...)
Knifewing i alters their flight and trajectory to fly downward and attack Nefire, the only target within reach. Knifewing H has the angle to move straight on and get an attack in on the new one to join in the attack upon the flock (Raevyn.). The other two (D&E) left this round move forward but not quite into melee...
Knifewing i Bite Attack vs Nefire: 15 to hit - misses
Knifewing H slashing attack vs Raevyn: 12 to hit, which also misses...
End of Round 1...
Round 2 Initiative Order: Critters
A, Gand L, Krumar and Nefire , Critters B, C, F, J and K, Jordgubb and Raevyn, Critters D, E, H and I...Knifewing L takes a slashing attack vs Nefire and then flies towards the more densely packed trees with the rest of it's flight. Hitting the ground before they get there and scutting along the forest floor to the nearest tree and scurry-clibs about fifteen feet up it with the last of it's movement. Nefire does NOT get an opportunity attack as, in flight, they are too agile and are able to flyby without provoking an opportunity...
Knifewing L attack vs Nefire: 24 to hit (Crit!) for 11 slashing damage upon Nefire...
...But after the hit on Nefire and the scurrying to the tree it DOES put itself into Jordgubb's range triggering his held action. Panthergubb pounces upon the lizard bird and slashes at it with his vicious claws, hitting it and doing nearly fatal damage to it. Nearly. The knifewing turns and hisses, after it's fashion, at it's attacker and halts it's movement there. Panthergubb can either also stay there at the base of the tree in melee with the knifewing OR they can prowl more towards melee and try to hide but that would provoke opportunity attack from Knifewing L.
NEXT UP: (Jordgubb decision on continued readied action & OppAttack against him or staying at the location with L) and Krumar & Nefire...
Krumar sees all the winged things swopping down and picking at the others. He's glad to be in the trees sheltered from them for the moment. He sees one get pounced on by Jordy the panther and sees an opportunity to defeat it so Jordy can go help the others.
Staying put he plays a chord on his birdpipes to sound like angelic birds flittering about. Streams of twinkling bursts of light Starry Wisp streak out from the trees
Hit 22 Dam 5
Bonus Action: Healing Word Krumar watches Nef get slashed and slashed again. He covers his mouth to prevent a small yelp from getting out, not out of concern for Nef of course, but out of concern for himself if she were to die. He plays a more melodic bird song on his birdpipes healing Nef for 9HPs
As she lays on the ground staring up at so many knifewings, Nefire hears a panther in the trees and then Raevyn approach. Happy she isn't alone, she feels the deep cut of one of the creatures attacking her side as she lays there.
Suddenly she feels magic upon her and the wound upon her side almost heals up completely. Ready to go again, she jumps to her feet and with the amount surrounding her, she starts raging, her greataxe starts swinging around her head again, and she lets out her battle cry!
Turning towards her dark friend, she attacks the one that is on the ground between them using flanking to her advantage and swinging her axe down upon it.
Attack: 14, Damage: 12
And with her cleave feat, she turns to J and attacks him - but totally misses.
Krumar Starry Wisps Knifewing L to death to the mellow sounds of some muzak he plays on his bagpipes... Errr, birdpipes. Bagpipes made out of birds? What exactly does he blow into?? (L removed from the board.)
Krumar also calls out some encouraging words which seem to have healthful benefits for Nefire...
Speaking of Nefire... She lets out a Halfling Yawp, mighty but tiny, and starts axe-swinging! Knifewing B basically looks like it's been sliced and diced at a Benihahas... ((One of those Japanese Restaurant chain places where the cook makes a whole performance of meal prep right at your table, for those who don't get the reference. They say if you have to explain it that it's not funny. Well we all KNOW I am not funny so I may as well explain myself?)) (Knifewing B taken off the map as it is dead, dead, dead.)
Knifewing's Turn! Or at least C, F, J and K's...
C, F and J are all already in combat with Nefire and she seems to be the hostile in the scenario, as such they each attack her and then use rest of their movement to scatter to the closest tree and start climbing... (Giving them all benefit of flyby and thus no oppo attack since I honestly forget which I may have said landed and am too lazy to go back and look it up. But you all are cutting through them like butter anyway... I'm also not giving them flanking so *shrug*)
C takes a Bite Attack vs Nefire: 13 to hit... misses
F takes a Slashing Attack vs Nefire: 21 to hit for 4 slashing damage... Which I believe get's rage-halved to 2.
J takes a Biting attack vs Nefire: 13 to hit... misses
K is still at a decent height with plenty of glide left to them so they have to decide between Nefire (Evens) and Raevyn (Odds). Rolled Odds on Discord so they are attacking Raevyn. K changes their angle a bit a descends quickly towards Raevyn and tries to slash her with their wing as they swoop past!
K takes Slashing Attack vs Raevyn: 6 to hit which fails miserably...
K, like the others, glides to the ground and then scrambles to the nearest tree and uses rest of their movement to climb up. ((Jordgubb, familiar with nature and animals and all, and possibly Raevyn with her studies and attention to detail, would notice these creatures don't so much fly as glide. There is very little upward movement to them once in flight and it is probably safe to assume they need a height to jump from to get any good distance of flight. Probably not very helpful in combat but does explain the scrambling for the trees...))
Next Up: Jordgubb and Raevyn again!
Jordgubb already hidden stalks forward and pounces on Knifewing i (13 to hit, 8 slashing) whether or not the atttack hits or the knifewing is left alive PantherGubb prowls back behind nefire, positioning himself right between the hostiles H & D obfuscating his form in the natural brush (nat 20 for 26 on the stealth check, trying to go for an AoO if those provoke on their turn)
Jordgubb successfully pounces Knifewing i to death and then prances on to their next prey with the lifeless lizard-bird limp in their teeth like some horror-kitten.
Next Up: Raevyn
Map still mostly correct, just no more Knifewing i and Jordgubb is basically SW of Raevyn...
With Jordgubb slipping in between H and D, Raevyn side steps the other way, placing herself between K and H. Once more raises her voice, speaking a holy word in Celestial and in an instant, radiant energy erupts from her again.
Radiant Word: 3
just an unstable unicorn.
K fails the save, H succeeds...
D, E, and H are all up...
Jordgubb is effectively hidden so he draws none of their attention. H & D, having seen something shiny from her, will both attack Raevyn and then head for the trees. E attacks Nefire as they too head for the heavier trees.
D Slashing attack vs Raevyn: 11 - missed
H bite attack vs Raevyn: 22 to hit for 3 piercing damage
E Slashing Attack vs Nefire: 6 - missed
H & D, as all Knifewing do, have the flyby feature to not provoke attacks of opportunity... However since Jordgubb was lying in wait and effectively hidden I'm allow him one anyway. ((Go ahead and roll against D as they would have been first to pass you...))
H, D and E all, if able, proceed to the trees after their attacks and start scrambling up the trunks. At this point all the Knifewings are on treetrunks scrambling up much like squirrels - I'm giving them Half Cover since they are intrinsically partially covered by branches and dodging and such. ((Shouldn't be much of a problem for you all anyway...))
Next Up: (Jordgubb's OppAtt) then Krumar and Nefire!
Krumar is a little freaked out that these flying lizard things are near him. Thankfully he's covered by trees as these lizards look to swoop down on the others. Krumar peaks up one of the trees and insults one of the lizards into hopefully leaving him alone vicious mockery. Wisdom save 14
Oh, flying lizards, what a sight to see,
Flapping like they’re drunk on stale sweet tea.
Scales for brains and a tail that’s bent,
Ground’s where you belong—your wings are spent!
As Knifewing D flutters/scutters towards the thick trees in or just above the ground floor of the forest, Jordpanther pounces out of hiding and chomps down as if it was Second Breakfast! Alas, Knifewing do not make for nourishing meals or full bellies and Knifewing D manages to barely slip out of the druids jaws and make it to the tree... Blood and stumbling, but technically still alive.
Krumar, less pouncy and more flouncy, recites poetry at the creatures! We'll assume Knifewing F since it is the most wounded of the ones near him and Krumar is definitely a pick on the weakest type... The Knifewing lets out it's critique of the poem in the form of a kawing like roar... but it soon starts to sputter and couch and perhaps even choke on it's own criticism. (Wis Save: 2.
Damage: 1 - You should have rolled it yourself!Nevermind, he did roll damage and a 5 was 1 more than he needed to choke that bird right outta that tree... lol). The lizard bird dies and falls from the tree landing squarely atop Krumar's head, bonking him for 1/4 pt of damage! Just because...No changes to map, Nefire is still up...