It is wise not to distract Jordgubb from him snacks. Seeing, and hearing, the scrambling Goblin, the Dragonborn launches into pursuit, magicking himself up a good old whack-stick on the go, and smacks that gobbo upside the head! Down goes Goblin C...
Goblin D realizes his life is forfeit so he too starts screaming a semi-coherant warning about invaders and enemies and prepare!! All while just flat out trying to book it west... Nefire & Dabbert both get Opportunity Attacks on the fleeing Goblin D, the yellow dash path and D is the path he is trying to take and where he'll end if not taken down.
White ringed Goblin is unconscious and eventually will die if not tended to... May be missing a couple phalanges thanks to Jordgubb. Red ringed Goblins are dead. Oppo Attacks by Nefire & Dabbert are on deck, then RBA is most likely just rejoining group and we shall likely be out of combat... We'll see. :)
1) Krumar 2) Nefire 3) Dabbert 4) Goblin B 5) Goblin C 6) Jordgubb 7) Goblin D 8) Goblin A 9) Red Branch Aspirant
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Krumar has enough sense to not let a fleeing goblin warn the others....he moves 30 feet after the goblin giving himself a clean shot with his trusty bow aiming for any part of the goblin.
As the last Goblin attempts to book it west, Dabbert strikes out with his spear and Nefire with her Great Axe. Between the two of them they turn the poor Goblin into a weird green kebab ready to be grilled up over fire... Krumar, whose lightning quick reflexes and tactical thinking already had him ready to run a parallel course and cut the Goblin down from afar instead just kind of shifts to the left awkwardly and have no target at all by the time he regains his composure.
Krumar and the Red Branch Aspirant then trot back up to the rest of the group... and combat is over, at least for the moment.
Jordgubb grabs the arm of the dead goblin whose head he just smashed in. He drags the corpse on over the the unconscious goblin and brings out several small vials from his pouch and a mortar and pestle, "do we want this one to wake? Do you have questionsss? I can wake him easily if needsss be." Jordgubb makes a quick liquid with a couple herbs, vile smelling something from the vials and wafts it under the unconscious goblins nose. (Medicine check 17 to stabilise only)
Krumar skips over to the other with a big grin on his face "So did you see that shot? Eh? What's that? You aren't as useless as I thought Krumar...Why thank you Nef and Dabbert you're too kind. So kind that I want to sing you all a song..."And with that he pulls out a tambourine, playing it and dancing around the others.
"In a village small, beneath the mountain tall, Lived a dwarf named Nef, proud and strong, though small. With a heart so bold, and a will of steel, She faced the goblins, making them kneel. Oh Nef, you rose above it all, Standing proud, though you were small. With courage bright and spirits keen, You conquered foes, a warrior queen.
Then there was Dabbert, a giant of a man, With dreams so big, he had a grand plan. But when the goblins came, he faltered in the fray, Letting them escape, while Nef saved the day. Oh Nef, you rose above it all, Standing proud, though you were small. With courage bright and spirits keen, You conquered foes, a warrior queen.
In the shadow of the mountain, where the stories are told, It's not the size that matters, but the heart and soul. Nef, she proved it with every stride, While Dabbert’s dreams faded, hers never died.
Nef led the charge, where the goblins hide, With every battle won, she turned the tide. And though Dabbert tried, his heart was not as true, He learned from Nef what he never knew. Oh Nef, you rose above it all, Standing proud, though you were small. With courage bright and spirits keen, You conquered foes, a warrior queen.
So here’s to Nef, the dwarf so brave and strong, In the halls of legends, her name belongs. And to Dabbert, who tried but couldn’t see, The strength within, where true success should be.
Then there's Jordgubb, with his stinky breath, Nastily devouring goblins 'til their death. Quite the swinger of his quarterstaff, He'd clear a path, making goblins gasp....How was that for off the top of my head....Impressive isn't it"
Nefire stands there. Dumbfounded as she listens to Krumar's song.
She opens her mouth to respond a couple of times, then resigns to wiping the goblin guts off her axe and puts it away. Eventually her face breaks into a big grin. "Damn right I'm a warrior queen." and she nods to this like it is a decision that has been made.
Getting ready to head west she then turns back to Krumar, "But I'm not a dwarf. I'm a halfling. Best to get that right if you're going to be our bard."
Krumar bends down and looks at Nef a little more closely "Ah Shit you're right....You don't have facial hair...Better fix that in my notes" As he stands back up, Krumar begins crossing out all the references of dwarf but not any reference to small, tiny, etc. etc.
"not to rush you guysss, but thiss one ain't dying anymore, if you wanna question him then do it fast... they're much tastier when their heartssss are still beating hehehe" Jordgubb states, making his claim on the sleeping goblin, should everyone refuse to wake it.
Indeed, Goblin B, aka Bob the Gob... lin, is in bad shape. His head is dented from Nefire's axe, a few fingers are missing from some unknown cause and some snot is drizzling down into his crooked, open mouth. He's not dead but he's not far from it.
The woods themselves are quiet, the innate sounds of bugs and birds and such not yet resuming after the brief clash and the random shouts by a couple of the dispatched. The Goblins that tried to flee, shouting about protecting the king and such, had headed west and looking that way from where you stand now you can see about sixty or seventy feet before your vision is blocked again by trees and other foliage. So far the coast looks clear but who knows when that may change...
If you want to interrogate Bob then by all means interrogate away and someone make a persuasion or intimidation check, depending on which you wish to use. I'd think perhaps intimidation may work better since you have dead goblins to show him and such but you do you! I will say you can have advantage on intimidation since one of you could easily help the other...
If / When you travel from this spot please give a general sort of direction, a marching order and anything else relevant...
Jordgubb takes the one dead goblins who's head he bashed in and gnaws on its shoulder, pulling at the arm until it gives with a sickening squelch. With his newly acquired and dismembered gobbo arm he tickles the unconscious one to a state of waking, and stand there waving at him and then asks in goblish
"You may yet live to see another day, but we have some questionsss.
How do we get to the king from here, to the 'under the hill, through the stones and down the stepsss' yess? where is the girl you guys took from the caravan? And why her? Answer these and we will let you go" Jordgubb looks to Dabbert specifically knowing that the soldier understands these creatures too for some reason. He gestures as if asking whether dab has any more questions, before stripping the flesh off the goblin arm with his teeth.
Bob the Gob awakens with a start and a shriek, digging into the dirt with his arms and legs (as much as he can) and trying to shove himself away from the scary-ass lot of you all. Specially the lizard one! Unfortunately, behind him, is the stone rockface and he has nowhere to go... Still with snot and drool both dribbling out of him, he screams "That way, that way, that way!" and points vigorously with his right arm westward.
"The girl! The girl too! That way!" he shouts when prodded more.
“Are you sure there’s nothing else you could tell us…Jordy here is pretty hungry and he likes his food alive….” Krumar says while playing his fiddle leaning up against a tree
"this is true" Jordgubb muses. "Be sure that there'sss nothing more, him? Definitely this way yesss?" He asks pointing in the same direction as the goblin, but with his own dismembered goblin hand, in a gory mirror mimicry.
Bob the Gob begins rattling off everything he knows... The closest stream for water but how you should skip that stream 'cause half the others think it is funny to pee in it, where the closest berries are but also where the best berries are, how Holgum has fleas because he skips the monthly bathes and how Modda spits in the chowder when it is his time to cook because he doesn't think the men should have to cook...
When Jordgubb adds to the interrogation using the severed arm Bob screams so loud your ears threaten to quit. "Yes, yes! That way!!" You're pretty sure the goblin soiled himself...
Nefire rolls her eyes as the others continue to interrogate the goblin, she is more than ready to go. "C'mon ya'll. If that girl wasn't dead before, she might be after all the playing around with that goblin you're doing!" And she starts heading west, with or without the group.
Jordgubb claps his hand together with the severed arms hand giddily, "see that wasn't so hard now wasss it?, you've earned your freedom, hmm? Now go on. Up! You make your way away from the kingdom."
And with that Jordgubb stands up, but doesn't leave the goblins side as he points the severed arm in the direction he wishes the goblin to begin running.
The moment the goblin turns his back and begins to move away, Jordgubb snaps his jaw over back of the little green man's neck with a sickening crunch as he begins slurping out the liquids inside. (AoO 22 to hit, 4 bludgeoning unarmed, I believe being awoken the gobbo should have had 1hp)
As he smacks his lips and finishes his green juice pouch, Jordgubb turns to the others and says, "hope... Also makesss them taste better too. Besidesss, I don't like looking them in the eyesss" then he follows Nefire.
Nefire takes the lead in exploring west and, thankfully for her, is spared the rather unsettling sight of Jordgubb killing a defeated foe in cold blood... By digestion. The Red Branch Aspirant gasps audibly and quickly brings a hand up to cover his mouth and help prevent regurgitation...
"You... you just..." the Aspirant offers but then looks away and doesn't complete their thought. Instead they too start heading west after Nefire and Jordgubb, pausing to ensure that the dragonborn is well ahead of them. RBA does not want the dragonborn behind them. Ever.
Movement besides Nefire's not yet reflected on map. She's them short halfling legs, everyone can catch up easily... Is Nefire taking and keeping the lead? We'll need a marching order? Just hiking down along the path besides the stone wall or is anyone doing anything special? Prep spells? Anything? Or should I just continue on once I have a marching order?
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It is wise not to distract Jordgubb from him snacks. Seeing, and hearing, the scrambling Goblin, the Dragonborn launches into pursuit, magicking himself up a good old whack-stick on the go, and smacks that gobbo upside the head! Down goes Goblin C...
Goblin D realizes his life is forfeit so he too starts screaming a semi-coherant warning about invaders and enemies and prepare!! All while just flat out trying to book it west...
Nefire & Dabbert both get Opportunity Attacks on the fleeing Goblin D, the yellow dash path and D is the path he is trying to take and where he'll end if not taken down.
White ringed Goblin is unconscious and eventually will die if not tended to... May be missing a couple phalanges thanks to Jordgubb.
Red ringed Goblins are dead.
Oppo Attacks by Nefire & Dabbert are on deck, then RBA is most likely just rejoining group and we shall likely be out of combat... We'll see. :)
1) Krumar
2) Nefire
3) Dabbert
Goblin B5)
Goblin C6) Jordgubb
7) Goblin D
Goblin A9) Red Branch Aspirant
Krumar has enough sense to not let a fleeing goblin warn the others....he moves 30 feet after the goblin giving himself a clean shot with his trusty bow aiming for any part of the goblin.
Attack: 18 Damage: 9
As the goblin attempts to flee, Nefire quickly slashes at his retreating hindquarters..
Attack: 18, Damage: 8
As the last Goblin attempts to book it west, Dabbert strikes out with his spear and Nefire with her Great Axe. Between the two of them they turn the poor Goblin into a weird green kebab ready to be grilled up over fire... Krumar, whose lightning quick reflexes and tactical thinking already had him ready to run a parallel course and cut the Goblin down from afar instead just kind of shifts to the left awkwardly and have no target at all by the time he regains his composure.
Krumar and the Red Branch Aspirant then trot back up to the rest of the group... and combat is over, at least for the moment.
Jordgubb grabs the arm of the dead goblin whose head he just smashed in. He drags the corpse on over the the unconscious goblin and brings out several small vials from his pouch and a mortar and pestle, "do we want this one to wake? Do you have questionsss? I can wake him easily if needsss be." Jordgubb makes a quick liquid with a couple herbs, vile smelling something from the vials and wafts it under the unconscious goblins nose. (Medicine check 17 to stabilise only)
Krumar skips over to the other with a big grin on his face "So did you see that shot? Eh? What's that? You aren't as useless as I thought Krumar...Why thank you Nef and Dabbert you're too kind. So kind that I want to sing you all a song..." And with that he pulls out a tambourine, playing it and dancing around the others.
"In a village small, beneath the mountain tall, Lived a dwarf named Nef, proud and strong, though small. With a heart so bold, and a will of steel, She faced the goblins, making them kneel. Oh Nef, you rose above it all, Standing proud, though you were small. With courage bright and spirits keen, You conquered foes, a warrior queen.
Then there was Dabbert, a giant of a man, With dreams so big, he had a grand plan. But when the goblins came, he faltered in the fray, Letting them escape, while Nef saved the day. Oh Nef, you rose above it all, Standing proud, though you were small. With courage bright and spirits keen, You conquered foes, a warrior queen.
In the shadow of the mountain, where the stories are told, It's not the size that matters, but the heart and soul. Nef, she proved it with every stride, While Dabbert’s dreams faded, hers never died.
Nef led the charge, where the goblins hide, With every battle won, she turned the tide. And though Dabbert tried, his heart was not as true, He learned from Nef what he never knew. Oh Nef, you rose above it all, Standing proud, though you were small. With courage bright and spirits keen, You conquered foes, a warrior queen.
So here’s to Nef, the dwarf so brave and strong, In the halls of legends, her name belongs. And to Dabbert, who tried but couldn’t see, The strength within, where true success should be.
Then there's Jordgubb, with his stinky breath, Nastily devouring goblins 'til their death. Quite the swinger of his quarterstaff, He'd clear a path, making goblins gasp....How was that for off the top of my head....Impressive isn't it"
((Krumar gets Inspiration for the song... As does Nefire. Unless she's too upset at being called a dwarf to be inspired by it...))
"I liked the part where I wasn't in it much" Jordgubb snickers at the embarrassment both Nefire and Dabbert must be feeling.
Nefire stands there. Dumbfounded as she listens to Krumar's song.
She opens her mouth to respond a couple of times, then resigns to wiping the goblin guts off her axe and puts it away. Eventually her face breaks into a big grin. "Damn right I'm a warrior queen." and she nods to this like it is a decision that has been made.
Getting ready to head west she then turns back to Krumar, "But I'm not a dwarf. I'm a halfling. Best to get that right if you're going to be our bard."
Krumar bends down and looks at Nef a little more closely "Ah Shit you're right....You don't have facial hair...Better fix that in my notes" As he stands back up, Krumar begins crossing out all the references of dwarf but not any reference to small, tiny, etc. etc.
"not to rush you guysss, but thiss one ain't dying anymore, if you wanna question him then do it fast... they're much tastier when their heartssss are still beating hehehe" Jordgubb states, making his claim on the sleeping goblin, should everyone refuse to wake it.
Indeed, Goblin B, aka Bob the Gob... lin, is in bad shape. His head is dented from Nefire's axe, a few fingers are missing from some unknown cause and some snot is drizzling down into his crooked, open mouth. He's not dead but he's not far from it.
The woods themselves are quiet, the innate sounds of bugs and birds and such not yet resuming after the brief clash and the random shouts by a couple of the dispatched. The Goblins that tried to flee, shouting about protecting the king and such, had headed west and looking that way from where you stand now you can see about sixty or seventy feet before your vision is blocked again by trees and other foliage. So far the coast looks clear but who knows when that may change...
Jordgubb takes the one dead goblins who's head he bashed in and gnaws on its shoulder, pulling at the arm until it gives with a sickening squelch. With his newly acquired and dismembered gobbo arm he tickles the unconscious one to a state of waking, and stand there waving at him and then asks in goblish
"You may yet live to see another day, but we have some questionsss.
How do we get to the king from here, to the 'under the hill, through the stones and down the stepsss' yess? where is the girl you guys took from the caravan? And why her? Answer these and we will let you go" Jordgubb looks to Dabbert specifically knowing that the soldier understands these creatures too for some reason. He gestures as if asking whether dab has any more questions, before stripping the flesh off the goblin arm with his teeth.
Bob the Gob awakens with a start and a shriek, digging into the dirt with his arms and legs (as much as he can) and trying to shove himself away from the scary-ass lot of you all. Specially the lizard one! Unfortunately, behind him, is the stone rockface and he has nowhere to go... Still with snot and drool both dribbling out of him, he screams "That way, that way, that way!" and points vigorously with his right arm westward.
"The girl! The girl too! That way!" he shouts when prodded more.
“Are you sure there’s nothing else you could tell us…Jordy here is pretty hungry and he likes his food alive….” Krumar says while playing his fiddle leaning up against a tree
"this is true" Jordgubb muses. "Be sure that there'sss nothing more, him? Definitely this way yesss?" He asks pointing in the same direction as the goblin, but with his own dismembered goblin hand, in a gory mirror mimicry.
Bob the Gob begins rattling off everything he knows... The closest stream for water but how you should skip that stream 'cause half the others think it is funny to pee in it, where the closest berries are but also where the best berries are, how Holgum has fleas because he skips the monthly bathes and how Modda spits in the chowder when it is his time to cook because he doesn't think the men should have to cook...
When Jordgubb adds to the interrogation using the severed arm Bob screams so loud your ears threaten to quit. "Yes, yes! That way!!" You're pretty sure the goblin soiled himself...
Nefire rolls her eyes as the others continue to interrogate the goblin, she is more than ready to go. "C'mon ya'll. If that girl wasn't dead before, she might be after all the playing around with that goblin you're doing!" And she starts heading west, with or without the group.
Jordgubb claps his hand together with the severed arms hand giddily, "see that wasn't so hard now wasss it?, you've earned your freedom, hmm? Now go on. Up! You make your way away from the kingdom."
And with that Jordgubb stands up, but doesn't leave the goblins side as he points the severed arm in the direction he wishes the goblin to begin running.
The moment the goblin turns his back and begins to move away, Jordgubb snaps his jaw over back of the little green man's neck with a sickening crunch as he begins slurping out the liquids inside. (AoO 22 to hit, 4 bludgeoning unarmed, I believe being awoken the gobbo should have had 1hp)
As he smacks his lips and finishes his green juice pouch, Jordgubb turns to the others and says, "hope... Also makesss them taste better too. Besidesss, I don't like looking them in the eyesss" then he follows Nefire.
Nefire takes the lead in exploring west and, thankfully for her, is spared the rather unsettling sight of Jordgubb killing a defeated foe in cold blood... By digestion. The Red Branch Aspirant gasps audibly and quickly brings a hand up to cover his mouth and help prevent regurgitation...
"You... you just..." the Aspirant offers but then looks away and doesn't complete their thought. Instead they too start heading west after Nefire and Jordgubb, pausing to ensure that the dragonborn is well ahead of them. RBA does not want the dragonborn behind them. Ever.