Chase is hit the arrow in his side is shocking proof but he grins through the pain, “Oh that’s it now! So yer the boss eh?” as he hauls back for another swing.
Healing word on John, ”John hit that one (goblin 2) for me would ya!”. Voice of Authority
Voice of Authority
1st-level Order Domain feature
You can invoke the power of law to embolden an ally to attack. If you cast a spell with a spell slot of 1st level or higher and target an ally with the spell, that ally can use their reaction immediately after the spell to make one weapon attack against a creature of your choice that you can see.
If the spell targets more than one ally, you choose the ally who can make the attack.
Free action threatening speech. Bonus action Healing Word 7hp on John. Special Voice of Authority John may attack goblin 2. Action attack 14 for 5 bludgeoning.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
The yell and sudden rush of the goblin out of hiding surprised Dunkin. Thoughts about why he was here flashed through his head, at least until the goblin's scimitar slashed his exposed shoulder. Then pain. Then anger. 'You son of a ..." he screamed, then slashed viciously at the passing beast. 'Don't faint', he thought and strained his eyes, "where's the other one?"
Reaction/opportunity attack on disengaging Goblin 4 with scimitar: 18 to hit, 6 damage
Main action active perception check (Wisdom) for Goblin 5: 11
Dunkin knows the creature is still out there, but can't see (or smell) it. He moves along the ridge scimitar at the ready.
Vasha grunts as the arrow strikes his shoulder, the sudden pain sharp and hot. Before he can react, a bolt from John's crossbow whistles across the field, taking down the goblin archer in a heartbeat. Vasha barely registers the fall of his attacker as his gaze locks onto a rustling in the nearby bushes—another goblin trying to hide (Passive 12). The pain threatens to send a familiar surge of rage boiling up inside him, a wild, untamed force that he struggles to keep in check.
But with a determined breath, Vasha suppresses the fury, focusing instead on the task at hand. He charges toward the second goblin (Goblin 3) leaping up the bank with surprising agility for someone wielding such a heavy blade. His greatsword arcs through the air as he swings it with practiced precision, his voice a growl as he shouts, “Get outta there, critter!” (Intimidation 7). The command doesn’t carry much weight, but the blade does as it sinks into the goblin’s body, coming out of the bushes stained crimson.
Momentarily overwhelmed by the chaos of the melee, Doldek recalls his apprenticeship. He hums and whispers an unusually soothing incantation as he pulls a pinch of sand from his component pouch, releasing it through a complex set of gestures. His eyes dart around for a target and, finding none, he strains to withhold the arcane energy. ""Two to the right, two to the left" That's what Chase saw..."
Readied Sleep (concentrating) Triggered by sight of a goblin.
Nyli's shot takes the goblin in the throat killing it outright. Knowing that goblin 5 is close she fights the urge to yell, limiting herself to thinking 'Yes!'
Doldek's spell activates; Goblin 1 falls unconscious in front of Chase with a thump. Goblin 5 pokes it head out of the bushes, sees three allies dead and its leader lying still on the ground, and makes a very prudent decision: it runs for its life. It leaps out of the bushes, sprints away from all of you who were much stronger than it anticipated, and, passing Dunkin, makes a quick left down a narrow path into the woods, out of sight to all except perhaps John, whose sharp eyes and experience hunting in forests would let him track down the goblin if he wishes.
John would have to move to a position where it is possible to see Goblin 5 if he wants to use his Passive Perception to see it. Anyone who uses their action to make a DC 15 perception check can see Goblin 5 too if they move to where they could see it.
You have 1 round before Goblin 5 escapes completely. As such, if you choose not to pursue it, you do not need to act in initiative order any longer.
Goblin 1 (Goblin): 3/10 HP (Unconscious) Goblin 2 (Goblin): DEAD Goblin 3 (Goblin): DEAD Goblin 4 (Goblin): DEAD Goblin 5 (Goblin): 10/10 HP --> Dash; Hide (Stealth 15)
Edit: Oops, I forgot to move Vasha and Dunkin. Vasha's actually up on the right escarpment and Dunkin is in a position to make an attack of opportunity on Goblin 5 before it makes its left turn towards the wooded path.
Chase stands over the unconscious goblin, tossing its weapons away, trying not to awaken it yet. ‘I really shoulda brought some rope.’
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Nyli breaks from cover hoping to shoot or follow the last goblin, but can't immediately spot it.
Perception 11.
Torn between trying to track it, and waiting for backup, she decides to wait. She has a rough idea of the direction it went, so hopefully they can track it.
She moves over to where the injured goblin lies and hears Chase's comment. "I have rope in my pack" She looks at the creature and shudders "Goblins" she spits, "I hate goblins, can't trust the little bastards and I'd prefer not to contaminate my rope, unless I have to; I mean would it hurt them to wash occasionally?"
Vasha grips the crude goblin arrow lodged in his shoulder, his jaw tightening as he pulls it free with a grunt of pain. Blood seeps through his tunic, but he barely acknowledges it. Dropping the bloodied arrow to the ground, he crouches beside the two fallen goblins, his sharp eyes scanning their small, twisted bodies for anything of use. He searches them quickly and methodically, turning out pockets and rifling through their crude belongings, the familiar scent of dirt and death hanging in the air.
Chase Kragen takes Nyli’s offered rope and ties up the sleeping goblin.
Not sure what roll, so… sleight of hand 14
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Doldek hops off the wagon with a sigh. "Goblins are good at retreating, I can't deny them that...Perhaps this is part of a larger operation? I would like to take some time to search the bodies...including the horses." He looks up. "But perhaps tracking the escapee is time sensitive?"
"It depends on how many there are. They're cowards on their own so he may have just run away, but there may be more of them." She grins, and it's not her usual playful smile "I say we go hunting."
She looks at the tied captive. "We can leave this one here, he's not going anywhere. Maybe somebody could stay and keep watch over it."
After searching the two goblins on the right bank (Investigation 16), Vasha regroups with the others. “That’s Gundren’s horse,” he points out, gesturing at one of the arrow-ridden corpses. “If the goblins have him… if he’s still alive I mean… we should probably try to help.” he suggests.
The saddlebags have been looted. Nearby, a leather map case lies empty.
Chase will add those to the wagon… “Anyone speak goblin? This one can answer some questions and led us where we need to go. We best tend our wounds (short rest) before facing more.” With that Chase will remove the arrow in his side and gauze the hole…
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Dunkin comes sliding down the embankment, clutching his injured side. "Not my best performance, friends. Glad you all were more sure with your shots and blades." He stands gazing around at the forest. Thinking this may have been a crime of opportunity, but maybe not.
"Gundren and Sildar didn't leave here without a fight. While they may be captured, perhaps they simply escaped and continued on to Phandalin. Gundren was single-minded about his discovery. While I agree we should ask this stinky mess a few questions, lets also do a thorough search for tracks and sign our employer may have left. Lots of goblin boot prints, though ..."
Survival check to find sign/tracks of Gundren and Sildar: 23
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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Chase is hit the arrow in his side is shocking proof but he grins through the pain, “Oh that’s it now! So yer the boss eh?” as he hauls back for another swing.
Healing word on John, ”John hit that one (goblin 2) for me would ya!”.
Voice of Authority
Voice of Authority
1st-level Order Domain feature
You can invoke the power of law to embolden an ally to attack. If you cast a spell with a spell slot of 1st level or higher and target an ally with the spell, that ally can use their reaction immediately after the spell to make one weapon attack against a creature of your choice that you can see.
If the spell targets more than one ally, you choose the ally who can make the attack.
Free action threatening speech.
Bonus action Healing Word 7hp on John.
Special Voice of Authority John may attack goblin 2.
Action attack 14 for 5 bludgeoning.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
John feels the healing energy wash over him.
Thanks mate
He sees goblin (#2) called out lines up his shot and fires
16 to hit 11 damage.
The bolt slams into the goblin center mass killing it outright.
The yell and sudden rush of the goblin out of hiding surprised Dunkin. Thoughts about why he was here flashed through his head, at least until the goblin's scimitar slashed his exposed shoulder. Then pain. Then anger. 'You son of a ..." he screamed, then slashed viciously at the passing beast. 'Don't faint', he thought and strained his eyes, "where's the other one?"
Reaction/opportunity attack on disengaging Goblin 4 with scimitar: 18 to hit, 6 damageMain action active perception check (Wisdom) for Goblin 5: 11
Dunkin knows the creature is still out there, but can't see (or smell) it. He moves along the ridge scimitar at the ready.
Vasha grunts as the arrow strikes his shoulder, the sudden pain sharp and hot. Before he can react, a bolt from John's crossbow whistles across the field, taking down the goblin archer in a heartbeat. Vasha barely registers the fall of his attacker as his gaze locks onto a rustling in the nearby bushes—another goblin trying to hide (Passive 12). The pain threatens to send a familiar surge of rage boiling up inside him, a wild, untamed force that he struggles to keep in check.
But with a determined breath, Vasha suppresses the fury, focusing instead on the task at hand. He charges toward the second goblin (Goblin 3) leaping up the bank with surprising agility for someone wielding such a heavy blade. His greatsword arcs through the air as he swings it with practiced precision, his voice a growl as he shouts, “Get outta there, critter!” (Intimidation 7). The command doesn’t carry much weight, but the blade does as it sinks into the goblin’s body, coming out of the bushes stained crimson.
(Attack (with Dis) 16 for 8 damage = dead)
Momentarily overwhelmed by the chaos of the melee, Doldek recalls his apprenticeship. He hums and whispers an unusually soothing incantation as he pulls a pinch of sand from his component pouch, releasing it through a complex set of gestures. His eyes dart around for a target and, finding none, he strains to withhold the arcane energy. ""Two to the right, two to the left" That's what Chase saw..."
Readied Sleep (concentrating)
Triggered by sight of a goblin.
Nyli's shot takes the goblin in the throat killing it outright. Knowing that goblin 5 is close she fights the urge to yell, limiting herself to thinking 'Yes!'
Nyli Bemblade - Gnome Arcane Trickster
Monsters Turn 2:
Doldek's spell activates; Goblin 1 falls unconscious in front of Chase with a thump. Goblin 5 pokes it head out of the bushes, sees three allies dead and its leader lying still on the ground, and makes a very prudent decision: it runs for its life. It leaps out of the bushes, sprints away from all of you who were much stronger than it anticipated, and, passing Dunkin, makes a quick left down a narrow path into the woods, out of sight to all except perhaps John, whose sharp eyes and experience hunting in forests would let him track down the goblin if he wishes.
John would have to move to a position where it is possible to see Goblin 5 if he wants to use his Passive Perception to see it. Anyone who uses their action to make a DC 15 perception check can see Goblin 5 too if they move to where they could see it.
You have 1 round before Goblin 5 escapes completely. As such, if you choose not to pursue it, you do not need to act in initiative order any longer.
Goblin 1 (Goblin): 3/10 HP (Unconscious)
Goblin 2 (Goblin): DEADGoblin 3 (Goblin): DEADGoblin 4 (Goblin): DEADGoblin 5 (Goblin): 10/10 HP --> Dash; Hide (Stealth 15)
Edit: Oops, I forgot to move Vasha and Dunkin. Vasha's actually up on the right escarpment and Dunkin is in a position to make an attack of opportunity on Goblin 5 before it makes its left turn towards the wooded path.
Chase stands over the unconscious goblin, tossing its weapons away, trying not to awaken it yet. ‘I really shoulda brought some rope.’
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Goblin 5 bursts out of the bushes, passing Dunkin at a trot. Dunkin makes an attempt to hit with his scimitar in passing, but its armor is too strong.
”John! Nyli! It’s getting away!”
Opportunity attack 8 to hit 6 damage
Nyli breaks from cover hoping to shoot or follow the last goblin, but can't immediately spot it.
Perception 11.
Torn between trying to track it, and waiting for backup, she decides to wait. She has a rough idea of the direction it went, so hopefully they can track it.
She moves over to where the injured goblin lies and hears Chase's comment. "I have rope in my pack" She looks at the creature and shudders "Goblins" she spits, "I hate goblins, can't trust the little bastards and I'd prefer not to contaminate my rope, unless I have to; I mean would it hurt them to wash occasionally?"
Nyli Bemblade - Gnome Arcane Trickster
John watches the goblin run towards the woods. Seeing it's tracts he spots the goblin.
Perception 17
Lining up a shot he fires. He here's the this of a hit but it's followed by the sounds of the goblin running off.
Shuging he heads back to the others gathering a bolt and searching the dead goblins for anything useful as he does
Vasha grips the crude goblin arrow lodged in his shoulder, his jaw tightening as he pulls it free with a grunt of pain. Blood seeps through his tunic, but he barely acknowledges it. Dropping the bloodied arrow to the ground, he crouches beside the two fallen goblins, his sharp eyes scanning their small, twisted bodies for anything of use. He searches them quickly and methodically, turning out pockets and rifling through their crude belongings, the familiar scent of dirt and death hanging in the air.
Chase Kragen takes Nyli’s offered rope and ties up the sleeping goblin.
Not sure what roll, so… sleight of hand 14
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Doldek hops off the wagon with a sigh. "Goblins are good at retreating, I can't deny them that...Perhaps this is part of a larger operation? I would like to take some time to search the bodies...including the horses." He looks up. "But perhaps tracking the escapee is time sensitive?"
Investigation if he does the search:
"It depends on how many there are. They're cowards on their own so he may have just run away, but there may be more of them." She grins, and it's not her usual playful smile "I say we go hunting."
She looks at the tied captive. "We can leave this one here, he's not going anywhere. Maybe somebody could stay and keep watch over it."
Nyli Bemblade - Gnome Arcane Trickster
After searching the two goblins on the right bank (Investigation 16), Vasha regroups with the others. “That’s Gundren’s horse,” he points out, gesturing at one of the arrow-ridden corpses. “If the goblins have him… if he’s still alive I mean… we should probably try to help.” he suggests.
Chase will add those to the wagon… “Anyone speak goblin? This one can answer some questions and led us where we need to go. We best tend our wounds (short rest) before facing more.” With that Chase will remove the arrow in his side and gauze the hole…
medicine 24
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
"I can talk to it if need be"
Nyli takes out a whetstone and begins to sharpen the edge of an already sharp dagger.
Nyli Bemblade - Gnome Arcane Trickster
I speak goblin as well though I'd rather just kill it and avoid it's lies. The one that ran left a trail that will be easy to follow.
Dunkin comes sliding down the embankment, clutching his injured side. "Not my best performance, friends. Glad you all were more sure with your shots and blades." He stands gazing around at the forest. Thinking this may have been a crime of opportunity, but maybe not.
"Gundren and Sildar didn't leave here without a fight. While they may be captured, perhaps they simply escaped and continued on to Phandalin. Gundren was single-minded about his discovery. While I agree we should ask this stinky mess a few questions, lets also do a thorough search for tracks and sign our employer may have left. Lots of goblin boot prints, though ..."
Survival check to find sign/tracks of Gundren and Sildar: 23