“Dunkin’ you said you had some spells up your sleeve, do they include any healing type or are you more of a fireflinger? I just see that you and Vasha both were hit as well as meself and John, if you don’t mind my askin, we could use a bit afore facing more a these mangy goblins.”
(in case we want to quickly start tracking…)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
"Agreed, Chase. Unfortunately, me spells and cantrips are the forces of nature kind. I can move earth, entangle enemies, and belt out one hell of a thunderclap." He winces. "Didn't get much chance to use 'em this time. If'n we're to follow these buggers, I was thinking about a short rest before continuing."
'and to follow the lead of his other diminutive companions next time, and use his brains not brawn', he thought.
While following the path of the fleeing goblin a short way, John notices tracks of at least a dozen more goblins going in both directions. Dunkin, starting from the location of the horses, sees signs of two medium-sized bodies being dragged in the direction of the same path.
Vasha finds on Goblin 2's body a wormy apple, half-eaten. On Goblin 3, however, he finds a steel drinking flask, still shiny and (mostly) clean. Some liquid sloshes around inside. If the flask is opened, the odor of alcohol emanates from within.
Doldek finds only the empty saddlebags and map case near the horses, but tucked into Goblin 4’s loincloth he finds a silk handkerchief embroidered with the letters SH, wrapped around three slimy, raw fish.
Chase, you successfully tie up Goblin 1, but wake it up in the process. It looks at Chase, then at Nyli, then at Nyli’s dagger. Its eyes follow the blade as it gets sharper and sharper. It tries to raise its arms, only to find them tied up. “Don’t hurt me!” it cries in a very heavily accented Common as it tries to squirm and wiggle away from you.
Goblin 1’s grasp of the Common language is very poor. Anyone who tries to make a Charisma (Persuasion or Intimidation) check on Goblin 1 would have disadvantage unless they speak in Goblin. Nyli would have advantage on a Charisma (Intimidation) check because of her dagger.
Each of the four goblins has a scimitar and shortbow. These are in very poor condition and, though functional, can be sold for only 1/4 the price listed in the PHB. The goblins collectively have 13 black-feathered arrows which you may collect.
@H20_Keeper, Dunkin seems to have only one leveled spell prepared, so you can retroactively have him prepare two more if you want.
Nyli smiles at the goblin "Saa'atcha, taat. Braeunk vhos trolkh?"*
She continues to slowly move the blade along the whetstone, whilst smiling at the goblin.She continues in goblin "Why would we want to hurt you? Other than the fact that you have taken our friends, and tried to kill us. I'm sure we can come to some arrangement where you continue to breathe for a little while longer."
"Perhaps you could start by telling us where our friends are, and how many more of you there are."
Intimidation 21 (Nat 20)
*It is an honour to meet you, worthless one. Would you like to die slowly?
Vasha takes a swig from his new flask before pouring the remaining alcohol on his wound. Stashing the empty flask in his pack, he rotates his arm a few times then he reports, “I’ll be okay, just a flesh wound. No need to rest on my account. I would like to hear what the runt has to say though.” he adds, scrutinizing the goblin’s response (Insight 7).
Goblin 1 freezes and starts talking very quickly, this time in Common, hoping one of Nyli's companions will step in and save it from this terrifying, otherworldly gnome. “Bree-Yark! I surrender! Your friend is in the eating cave with Klarg. Take you to him I can. Yes, very far, very dangerous; need a guide you will. I, Big-Sneeze, can show you, but not if you kill me!”
With a 21 Intimidation by Nyli, Big-Sneeze (she/her), formerly known as Goblin 1, will answer your questions to the best of her ability, and it’ll be the truth, too, but with a 7 insight roll, Vasha may suspect otherwise.
Desperate to prove herself useful to the party, Big-Sneeze reveals that that she is/was the leader of one of five goblin squads serving a bugbear named Klarg, so you can expect to see about 20 goblins in Klarg’s cave, which is located 5 miles up the hidden path. But even Klarg has a boss, King Grol, chief of the Cragmaw tribe, who lives in a castle in Neverwinter Wood, about 25 miles northeast of your current location. King Grol, having been hired by someone named Black Spider, was the one who ordered Klarg to capture a dwarf named Gundren and take his map, which is exactly what Klarg did.
In summary, Sildar is in the nearby "eating cave" with Klarg and 20 goblins; Gundren was transported to Cragmaw Castle in Neverwinter Wood.
Edit: Big-Sneeze rolled a 1 for Deception, so you all know she's telling the truth, or at least truth in the light most favorable to her not being killed.
Dunkin, in exasperation laments, "Klarg! King Grol! Black Spider! Sounds like too many enemies to count. I say we follow this one to Sildar, and trust that Grunden can hang on. We may need Sildar's arm a'fore this is through. Plus, we can't leave a friend in anything called 'the eating cave!'"
Dunkin's injury continues to bleed, and he knows that goblin weapons are notorious for causing infection. Foreseeing that either path will be wrought with danger, Dunkin knows he needs to be at full strength and takes a minute to cast Cure Wounds on himself.
‘Big Sneeze’ Chase can’t help but get a big smile hearing this goblin’s name. “Yer boss treat you nice Big Sneeze? Stick with us an you could have a better life, what do you think of that? Just led us and don’t get in the way, no tricks and you’re free.” Chase listens carefully to her response.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Doldek grimaces at the touch and smell of the greasy fish. "If they're raiding caravans they should have access to salt...S.H...sigh...Sildar...Hallwinter." His shoulders sink and he methodically folds and tucks the cloth beneath a crate on the cart. Returning to the group: "On the subject of a brief respite...It is not imperative, but I would be able to recover some of the arcane energy used .to incapacitate our "Big-Sneeze" associate."
I saw a tracks in the woods leading deeper. I guess there could be up to 20 more. So what this one says checks out. Their path was clear as day. Should be too hard to follow if needed.
Vasha sighs, glancing over at Doldek. “If we’re seriously thinking about taking on a whole cave full of goblins, we need to be at full strength,” he says, his tone steady but laced with concern. He nods toward Doldek, acknowledging the need for preparation. Then, turning his attention to the captive goblin, his voice hardens. “Hey, you,” he barks, stepping closer to the prisoner. “Can you draw a map of this eating cave? I’m not looking to stumble into any traps.” His gaze is intense, making it clear that the goblin’s cooperation isn’t optional.
“A very reasonable dwarf you are, very nice man,” says Big-Sneeze to Chase, “not like Klarg. Very evil bugbear he is. He lets us keep one treasure from each job; takes the rest he does. You should kill him; help you I will.”
She turns to Vasha. “Show you where the traps are, and the treasure, yes? Draw a map I can, very easily,” she pauses and waves her bound arms to the extent she can, “if you loosen the ropes.”
If someone frees Big-Sneeze’s arms but does not give her paper, she would draw a map of her cave in the dirt with a stick. Though lacking a north arrow, scale bar, and text, it is, to the best of my Big-Sneeze's artistic ability, a true and accurate representation of the cave with markings for a guard post out front, an underground steam, some wolves, Sildar, and Klarg.
She also mentions that there are two traps on the path to the cave, but she cannot describe where exactly they are located beyond, “just a little ways, and a little ways more, they be.”
Big-Sneeze's map, if you enable her to make it, is actually slightly better than this:
I do not want to punish you (beyond subjecting you to the sight of my scribbles) for my unwillingness to draw a better map. If you get this map from her, my description of the cave when you enter it will include additional information Big-Sneeze has shared with you.
First, is anyone actually going to untie Big-Sneeze (or leave her untied)? A DC 8 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that while she is not lying about anything, she is doing her best Eddie Haskell impression right now and will almost certainly flee into the woods if given the opportunity. If you've rolled Insight for her already, you can keep the result or roll again.
Second, whenever you choose to proceed down the goblin path, if ever, you discover that John is correct: the path is clear as day once you are on it. However, it is too narrow for the wagon and, in some parts, you will have to go single-file. If you choose to proceed down the path, what equipment will you take with vs. leave in the wagon, and what will the party’s marching order be?
“I agree with Nyli, as this rascal will flee at the first chance.” Chase however undoes her arms to let her draw the map. “I think a cavern called the eating cave sounds pretty bad I’m inclined to go quickly but will stick with everyone if we need to rest first, what do ya think Vasha?” Chase would stick close to the lead 2nd or 3rd. As for Big Sneeze well I’ll retie her up.
Chase keeps his stuff with him, except his foraged rations in the wagon.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Whoever has the goblin's leash should lead to start, but once we get near to the cave Nyli will take point, as she's the stealthiest. The goblin should be kept away from the cave, and probably gagged.
She will take her weapons, but leave her backpack on the wagon.
Whoever has the goblin's leash should lead to start, but once we get near to the cave Nyli will take point, as she's the stealthiest. The goblin should be kept away from the cave, and probably gagged.
She will take her weapons, but leave her backpack on the wagon.
Agree fully. Vasha will take the leash / lead initially but he’s also pretty stealthy if we go that route once we get to the cave.
He will leave his backpack and just strap various weapons to his body.
Dunkin speaks up. "Ok. It sounds like our order to start is Vasha, Nyli, and Chase. I probably can't control the leash if Big-Sneeze decides to make a big to-do anyway. I'll follow Chase, and perhaps Doldek and I can be prepared to use our magic if things get dicey. John, are you ok covering our flank?"
Dunkin hesitates. "Aah ... If'n we're to leave this wagon is there anytin' in it that might help us? We should probably pull it off the road and hide it too, but I'm not the best hider. Maybe one of you can help me disguise it? Will the mounts find their way home, or should we take 'em? If'n we take 'em, and you ride, will it help you rest, Doldek?"
Investigation check on the contents of the wagon 14
"It sounds like the cave isn't too far, so I suggest we hide the cart in the trees. We should unhitch the oxen and hobble them so they can graze a bit without wandering off."
“Okay I’ll walk Big Sneeze after Vasha, and letting Doldek ride an ox as we follow this trail might give him a chance to refocus (rest) good idea Dunkin.”
Chase helps hide the wagon and tether one ox while adding a lead to the other.
Perception 9 with guidance to hide the cart…. Animal Handling 8 to guide the ox if Doldek rides.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
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“Dunkin’ you said you had some spells up your sleeve, do they include any healing type or are you more of a fireflinger? I just see that you and Vasha both were hit as well as meself and John, if you don’t mind my askin, we could use a bit afore facing more a these mangy goblins.”
(in case we want to quickly start tracking…)
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
"Agreed, Chase. Unfortunately, me spells and cantrips are the forces of nature kind. I can move earth, entangle enemies, and belt out one hell of a thunderclap." He winces. "Didn't get much chance to use 'em this time. If'n we're to follow these buggers, I was thinking about a short rest before continuing."
'and to follow the lead of his other diminutive companions next time, and use his brains not brawn', he thought.
"But I'll also go on now if the party's ready."
While following the path of the fleeing goblin a short way, John notices tracks of at least a dozen more goblins going in both directions. Dunkin, starting from the location of the horses, sees signs of two medium-sized bodies being dragged in the direction of the same path.
Vasha finds on Goblin 2's body a wormy apple, half-eaten. On Goblin 3, however, he finds a steel drinking flask, still shiny and (mostly) clean. Some liquid sloshes around inside. If the flask is opened, the odor of alcohol emanates from within.
Doldek finds only the empty saddlebags and map case near the horses, but tucked into Goblin 4’s loincloth he finds a silk handkerchief embroidered with the letters SH, wrapped around three slimy, raw fish.
Chase, you successfully tie up Goblin 1, but wake it up in the process. It looks at Chase, then at Nyli, then at Nyli’s dagger. Its eyes follow the blade as it gets sharper and sharper. It tries to raise its arms, only to find them tied up. “Don’t hurt me!” it cries in a very heavily accented Common as it tries to squirm and wiggle away from you.
Goblin 1’s grasp of the Common language is very poor. Anyone who tries to make a Charisma (Persuasion or Intimidation) check on Goblin 1 would have disadvantage unless they speak in Goblin. Nyli would have advantage on a Charisma (Intimidation) check because of her dagger.
Each of the four goblins has a scimitar and shortbow. These are in very poor condition and, though functional, can be sold for only 1/4 the price listed in the PHB. The goblins collectively have 13 black-feathered arrows which you may collect.
@H20_Keeper, Dunkin seems to have only one leveled spell prepared, so you can retroactively have him prepare two more if you want.
Nyli smiles at the goblin "Saa'atcha, taat. Braeunk vhos trolkh?"*
She continues to slowly move the blade along the whetstone, whilst smiling at the goblin.She continues in goblin "Why would we want to hurt you? Other than the fact that you have taken our friends, and tried to kill us. I'm sure we can come to some arrangement where you continue to breathe for a little while longer."
"Perhaps you could start by telling us where our friends are, and how many more of you there are."
Intimidation 21 (Nat 20)
*It is an honour to meet you, worthless one. Would you like to die slowly?
Nyli Bemblade - Gnome Arcane Trickster
Vasha takes a swig from his new flask before pouring the remaining alcohol on his wound. Stashing the empty flask in his pack, he rotates his arm a few times then he reports, “I’ll be okay, just a flesh wound. No need to rest on my account. I would like to hear what the runt has to say though.” he adds, scrutinizing the goblin’s response (Insight 7).
Goblin 1 freezes and starts talking very quickly, this time in Common, hoping one of Nyli's companions will step in and save it from this terrifying, otherworldly gnome. “Bree-Yark! I surrender! Your friend is in the eating cave with Klarg. Take you to him I can. Yes, very far, very dangerous; need a guide you will. I, Big-Sneeze, can show you, but not if you kill me!”
With a 21 Intimidation by Nyli, Big-Sneeze (she/her), formerly known as Goblin 1, will answer your questions to the best of her ability, and it’ll be the truth, too,
but with a 7 insight roll, Vasha may suspect otherwise.Desperate to prove herself useful to the party, Big-Sneeze reveals that that she is/was the leader of one of five goblin squads serving a bugbear named Klarg, so you can expect to see about 20 goblins in Klarg’s cave, which is located 5 miles up the hidden path. But even Klarg has a boss, King Grol, chief of the Cragmaw tribe, who lives in a castle in Neverwinter Wood, about 25 miles northeast of your current location. King Grol, having been hired by someone named Black Spider, was the one who ordered Klarg to capture a dwarf named Gundren and take his map, which is exactly what Klarg did.
In summary, Sildar is in the nearby "eating cave" with Klarg and 20 goblins; Gundren was transported to Cragmaw Castle in Neverwinter Wood.
Edit: Big-Sneeze rolled a 1 for Deception, so you all know she's telling the truth, or at least truth in the light most favorable to her not being killed.
Nyli sighs, looks at her blade before sheathing it "All that sharpening for nothing."
"I guess we let it lead us then, but try and keep it up-wind if you can."
She looks at the goblin again "If you try to run or trick us, you WILL regret it."
Nyli Bemblade - Gnome Arcane Trickster
Dunkin, in exasperation laments, "Klarg! King Grol! Black Spider! Sounds like too many enemies to count. I say we follow this one to Sildar, and trust that Grunden can hang on. We may need Sildar's arm a'fore this is through. Plus, we can't leave a friend in anything called 'the eating cave!'"
Dunkin's injury continues to bleed, and he knows that goblin weapons are notorious for causing infection. Foreseeing that either path will be wrought with danger, Dunkin knows he needs to be at full strength and takes a minute to cast Cure Wounds on himself.
Cure wounds to restore 5 hit points
‘Big Sneeze’ Chase can’t help but get a big smile hearing this goblin’s name. “Yer boss treat you nice Big Sneeze? Stick with us an you could have a better life, what do you think of that? Just led us and don’t get in the way, no tricks and you’re free.” Chase listens carefully to her response.
insight 19
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Doldek grimaces at the touch and smell of the greasy fish. "If they're raiding caravans they should have access to salt...S.H...sigh...Sildar...Hallwinter." His shoulders sink and he methodically folds and tucks the cloth beneath a crate on the cart. Returning to the group: "On the subject of a brief respite...It is not imperative, but I would be able to recover some of the arcane energy used .to incapacitate our "Big-Sneeze" associate."
I saw a tracks in the woods leading deeper. I guess there could be up to 20 more. So what this one says checks out. Their path was clear as day. Should be too hard to follow if needed.
Vasha sighs, glancing over at Doldek. “If we’re seriously thinking about taking on a whole cave full of goblins, we need to be at full strength,” he says, his tone steady but laced with concern. He nods toward Doldek, acknowledging the need for preparation. Then, turning his attention to the captive goblin, his voice hardens. “Hey, you,” he barks, stepping closer to the prisoner. “Can you draw a map of this eating cave? I’m not looking to stumble into any traps.” His gaze is intense, making it clear that the goblin’s cooperation isn’t optional.
“A very reasonable dwarf you are, very nice man,” says Big-Sneeze to Chase, “not like Klarg. Very evil bugbear he is. He lets us keep one treasure from each job; takes the rest he does. You should kill him; help you I will.”
She turns to Vasha. “Show you where the traps are, and the treasure, yes? Draw a map I can, very easily,” she pauses and waves her bound arms to the extent she can, “if you loosen the ropes.”
If someone frees Big-Sneeze’s arms but does not give her paper, she would draw a map of her cave in the dirt with a stick. Though lacking a north arrow, scale bar, and text, it is, to the best of
myBig-Sneeze's artistic ability, a true and accurate representation of the cave with markings for a guard post out front, an underground steam, some wolves, Sildar, and Klarg.She also mentions that there are two traps on the path to the cave, but she cannot describe where exactly they are located beyond, “just a little ways, and a little ways more, they be.”
Big-Sneeze's map, if you enable her to make it, is actually slightly better than this:
I do not want to punish you (beyond subjecting you to the sight of my scribbles) for my unwillingness to draw a better map. If you get this map from her, my description of the cave when you enter it will include additional information Big-Sneeze has shared with you.
First, is anyone actually going to untie Big-Sneeze (or leave her untied)? A DC 8 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that while she is not lying about anything, she is doing her best Eddie Haskell impression right now and will almost certainly flee into the woods if given the opportunity. If you've rolled Insight for her already, you can keep the result or roll again.
Second, whenever you choose to proceed down the goblin path, if ever, you discover that John is correct: the path is clear as day once you are on it. However, it is too narrow for the wagon and, in some parts, you will have to go single-file. If you choose to proceed down the path, what equipment will you take with vs. leave in the wagon, and what will the party’s marching order be?
Nyli steps in before anybody can do anything "IF you let it draw a map, I suggest tying it's legs together and keeping it on a leash."
Nyli Bemblade - Gnome Arcane Trickster
“I agree with Nyli, as this rascal will flee at the first chance.” Chase however undoes her arms to let her draw the map. “I think a cavern called the eating cave sounds pretty bad I’m inclined to go quickly but will stick with everyone if we need to rest first, what do ya think Vasha?” Chase would stick close to the lead 2nd or 3rd. As for Big Sneeze well I’ll retie her up.
Chase keeps his stuff with him, except his foraged rations in the wagon.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Whoever has the goblin's leash should lead to start, but once we get near to the cave Nyli will take point, as she's the stealthiest. The goblin should be kept away from the cave, and probably gagged.
She will take her weapons, but leave her backpack on the wagon.
Nyli Bemblade - Gnome Arcane Trickster
Agree fully. Vasha will take the leash / lead initially but he’s also pretty stealthy if we go that route once we get to the cave.
He will leave his backpack and just strap various weapons to his body.
Dunkin speaks up. "Ok. It sounds like our order to start is Vasha, Nyli, and Chase. I probably can't control the leash if Big-Sneeze decides to make a big to-do anyway. I'll follow Chase, and perhaps Doldek and I can be prepared to use our magic if things get dicey. John, are you ok covering our flank?"
Dunkin hesitates. "Aah ... If'n we're to leave this wagon is there anytin' in it that might help us? We should probably pull it off the road and hide it too, but I'm not the best hider. Maybe one of you can help me disguise it? Will the mounts find their way home, or should we take 'em? If'n we take 'em, and you ride, will it help you rest, Doldek?"
Investigation check on the contents of the wagon 14
Deception check for hiding the wagon 5
"It sounds like the cave isn't too far, so I suggest we hide the cart in the trees. We should unhitch the oxen and hobble them so they can graze a bit without wandering off."
Also, don't let Nyli hide the cart....
Nature 6
Survival 0 😨
Nyli Bemblade - Gnome Arcane Trickster
“Okay I’ll walk Big Sneeze after Vasha, and letting Doldek ride an ox as we follow this trail might give him a chance to refocus (rest) good idea Dunkin.”
Chase helps hide the wagon and tether one ox while adding a lead to the other.
Perception 9 with guidance to hide the cart….
Animal Handling 8 to guide the ox if Doldek rides.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament