If no one objects, Khessa would like to continue exploring with the next locked door... Did Ozus locate it, if I remember correctly? Which one was it? This one?
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"Agreed, we should free the next victim, if we have found one."
Larry will move towards the door and lock, ready to test his skill against this padlock. As he moves forward, he keeps his head on a swivel, watching the unexplored pathways for interlopers. Assuming he reaches the door without anything interrupting him, he'll stop and give the frame a quick once over, and then the door itself, all using only his eyes, before he kneels before the door to examine the padlock in greater detail.
Once he's satisfied this padlock is no more likely to explode in his face than the previous one did, Larry will take his picks and see if this padlock was as cheap as the first.
Investigation (checking for traps): 16
Sleight of Hand (disarm if required, unlock if not): 29
Sleight of Hand (unlock if second roll is required): 19
Thinking back over the lack of professionalism displayed in this enterprise so far, Larry infers that there will be another prisoner behind the door, with nothing to stop their release, or even warn the captors that they've lost the prisoner. He flips the padlock off of the clasp, tossing it to the ground on his left side, and then throws the door open, loudly proclaiming "Ta-Da! Another freed, I think. Are you ready to come with us while we find the others?"
Khessa smiles at Larry's enthusiasm, but as a precaution she moves to his side, ready to place herself between him and any potential danger, should some threat lurk behind the door.
Cat-ero follows along behind Larry as the plated fighter cracks another cheap nasty lock. He points his small whiskered nose at the door, ready to launch inside the moment the door is cracked. After all, who can resist patting a stray cat.
The door flies open, and inside, this old crypt holds a single open coffin containing a few tattered blankets. A pouf of wild black hair sprouts from the end of one of the blankets. At Larry's pronouncement, the hair shoots up, revealing the face of a young woman.Wha-who's there? She looks mildly bewildered, slightly confused, and more than a little frightened.
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Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
"Khessa, Khessa Cabbagefield!" the blonde arcane warrior enters, with a bright reassuring smile, holding out her hand to the woman "Pleasure to meet you! Apparently, someone has locked you in this room... well, if that's the case, it must be your lucky day, since we came here to free you! And to make sure that what happened to you never happens to anyone else! Are you coming with us?"
Bewildered, she looks around at the party before answering. Sarcelle...Sarcelle Malinosh. I was taken by this group days ago...are you really here to rescue me?!
Tristan, this person is very much alive, and you sense no ill intent, only a cautious sense of relief.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
(Eldon Keyword was the first to disappear...a highly respected, and highly knowledgeable, scholar who specializes in the Outer Planes. Indrina Lamsensettle is an actor, she moves in some of our highest social circles. Very influential, and she missed a very important rehearsal. Sarcelle Malinosh is a sorcerer who also delves into the Outer Planes, more tangibly than Eldon. He hasn't been seen in almost a week. Umberto Noblin is one of our historians, he has written many books on various deities. He was supposed to be in the libraries yesterday, but has disappeared as well.)
"Ah, Sarcelle Malinosh, sorceress with expertise in the Outer Planes. You are one of the four Lord Nevermeber sent us to rescue. See, we have Umberto Noblin already freed and with us," says Tristan, gesturing back at the gnome. "So, we are indeed here to rescue you. Please tell us of your ordeal with the cultists in detail, especially if you have seen any of the other kidnapped people -- anything you remember or observed might be key in helping us defeat them," he requests.
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Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
While Tristan tries to find out useful information, Khessa gives Sarcelle the same attention she gave Umberto... she checks if she is injured and uses - several times if necessary - a fragment of her own magic to clean the prisoner and her clothes, so that she already begins to feel more at ease.
"Dagult will be happy to see you again, Sarcelle!" the blonde arcane warrior smiles encouragingly at the sorceress. "You just tell us what you know... so we can take care of the rest!"
Sarcelle climbs out of the coffin, and looks gratefully at Khessa for the cleaning. She doesn't appear to be injured.
These foul villains...I would not have been taken if I had my access to the weave. You see, I lost it traveling to a distant plane not too long ago. I believe it will be back soon, but will need some help getting out of here until then. She shakes her head. I've seen many troubling things recently...but did not see this coming at all. These men...I don't know what exactly it is they want, or who exactly they work for, but I fear it will have dire consequences.
Tristan, you can tell that she looks quite troubled about something
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Khessa, who, always ready to grant a poor freed prisoner her trust, does not notice at all that the other is hiding something, smiles at the sorceress: "Of course we will defend you, Sarcelle! But there is one thing I would like to understand..." she now frowns "did your captors take measures against the magic you were supposed to have... or did they seem to know that you could not have access to it? Because you know, if they knew, they must have had some way of gathering information about you..."
"And anyway..." the blonde arcane warrior adds "didn't they say what they wanted from you? Up until now, they've just kept you here, without asking or doing anything to you? Mind you, it's not just curiosity, Sarcelle... understanding something about your kidnappers could help us a lot to stop them or counter whatever they are planning".
”Indeed, anything you can tell us about the situation here would be most useful—especially something that may be troubling you,” says Tristan incisively, looking at her meaningfully.
”This is especially true if it coincides with the matter troubling Umberto here,” he adds.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Khessa is taken aback by Tristan's suggestion that the prisoners have undisclosed concerns... but she decides not to object and awaits their response, encouraging them: "If you really have something troubling you, please tell us... Whatever it is, we will help you. Why would we have come all this way if not to help you? Dagult sent us, who cares about you... Tell us everything, don't be afraid".
Sarcelle looks into Tristan's eyes for a moment, and then nods, sensing you are indeed trustworthy. My abilities...they give me glimpses of the future sometimes. Usually nothing too drastic, I know when to avoid rain and I've dodged quite a few cutpurses. But sometimes I'll have glimpses of something more-and this last one terrifed me. I saw a...man I suppose you would call him, but he was dessicated, undead. She closes her eyes, her hand drifting up as she recalls the memory. He was levitating off the ground, and dark, evil energy gathered around him in glowing wisps. He gathers more and more and then...Sarcelle's hand starts shaking, and her eyes clench tighter shut as her whole body seems taut. He screams...a terrible, inhuman scream, and the energy explodes outward, and...and then, something...terrible happens. Her eyes pop open, tears running down her face now. She's visibly shaking, and seems exhausted now. I-I don't know what happens when it explodes, but I know that none of us will survive it.
All of you feel like something very important has just happened...the story she told sits heavily on you. (You've just learned a secret, and more information about secrets will be given to you soon.)
Anyone that has a passive perception of 16 or more notices that Umberto has overheard the story, his skin has paled and he's started sweating with a worried look on his face.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Khessa instinctively hugs Sarcelle, trying to console her with her closeness and a few caresses on the head as one would do with a frightened child: "You did well to tell us about it, Sarcelle... you took the first step to prevent your vision from coming true! Don't worry, we'll take care of it... Mr Exploding Bones won't have any chance to explode - we'll stop them, whoever he is".
If the sorceress calms down, the blonde arcane warrior now moves her sympathetic blue eyes to the other prisoner. She can't read his body language as easily as Tristan, but she believes that if her friend was right in one case, there's a good chance he'll be right in the other! And then, she speaks, in a calm but heartfelt voice: "Umberto... If you too have something that you are not telling us and that scares you... do as Sarcelle did, please... tell us everything! Don't you understand? Only in this way will you increase our chances of stopping whatever it is that scares you so much".
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Shanzezim gestures farewell to you, and returns to his work.
Where to now?
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
If no one objects, Khessa would like to continue exploring with the next locked door... Did Ozus locate it, if I remember correctly? Which one was it? This one?
"Agreed, we should free the next victim, if we have found one."
Larry will move towards the door and lock, ready to test his skill against this padlock. As he moves forward, he keeps his head on a swivel, watching the unexplored pathways for interlopers. Assuming he reaches the door without anything interrupting him, he'll stop and give the frame a quick once over, and then the door itself, all using only his eyes, before he kneels before the door to examine the padlock in greater detail.
Once he's satisfied this padlock is no more likely to explode in his face than the previous one did, Larry will take his picks and see if this padlock was as cheap as the first.
Investigation (checking for traps): 16
Sleight of Hand (disarm if required, unlock if not): 29
Sleight of Hand (unlock if second roll is required): 19
After a cursory glance where Larry kind of assumed this one wouldn't be trapped, the lock is easily picked, surely enough not exploding even a little.
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Thinking back over the lack of professionalism displayed in this enterprise so far, Larry infers that there will be another prisoner behind the door, with nothing to stop their release, or even warn the captors that they've lost the prisoner. He flips the padlock off of the clasp, tossing it to the ground on his left side, and then throws the door open, loudly proclaiming "Ta-Da! Another freed, I think. Are you ready to come with us while we find the others?"
Khessa smiles at Larry's enthusiasm, but as a precaution she moves to his side, ready to place herself between him and any potential danger, should some threat lurk behind the door.
Cat-ero follows along behind Larry as the plated fighter cracks another cheap nasty lock. He points his small whiskered nose at the door, ready to launch inside the moment the door is cracked. After all, who can resist patting a stray cat.
The door flies open, and inside, this old crypt holds a single open coffin containing a few tattered blankets. A pouf of wild black hair sprouts from the end of one of the blankets. At Larry's pronouncement, the hair shoots up, revealing the face of a young woman. Wha-who's there? She looks mildly bewildered, slightly confused, and more than a little frightened.
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
"Khessa, Khessa Cabbagefield!" the blonde arcane warrior enters, with a bright reassuring smile, holding out her hand to the woman "Pleasure to meet you! Apparently, someone has locked you in this room... well, if that's the case, it must be your lucky day, since we came here to free you! And to make sure that what happened to you never happens to anyone else! Are you coming with us?"
”And who might you be?” asks Tristan, always wary of a being rising from a coffin, no matter their supposed innocence.
Insight for ill intent: 21
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Bewildered, she looks around at the party before answering. Sarcelle...Sarcelle Malinosh. I was taken by this group days ago...are you really here to rescue me?!
Tristan, this person is very much alive, and you sense no ill intent, only a cautious sense of relief.
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
(Eldon Keyword was the first to disappear...a highly respected, and highly knowledgeable, scholar who specializes in the Outer Planes. Indrina Lamsensettle is an actor, she moves in some of our highest social circles. Very influential, and she missed a very important rehearsal. Sarcelle Malinosh is a sorcerer who also delves into the Outer Planes, more tangibly than Eldon. He hasn't been seen in almost a week. Umberto Noblin is one of our historians, he has written many books on various deities. He was supposed to be in the libraries yesterday, but has disappeared as well.)
"Ah, Sarcelle Malinosh, sorceress with expertise in the Outer Planes. You are one of the four Lord Nevermeber sent us to rescue. See, we have Umberto Noblin already freed and with us," says Tristan, gesturing back at the gnome. "So, we are indeed here to rescue you. Please tell us of your ordeal with the cultists in detail, especially if you have seen any of the other kidnapped people -- anything you remember or observed might be key in helping us defeat them," he requests.
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
While Tristan tries to find out useful information, Khessa gives Sarcelle the same attention she gave Umberto... she checks if she is injured and uses - several times if necessary - a fragment of her own magic to clean the prisoner and her clothes, so that she already begins to feel more at ease.
"Dagult will be happy to see you again, Sarcelle!" the blonde arcane warrior smiles encouragingly at the sorceress. "You just tell us what you know... so we can take care of the rest!"
Sarcelle climbs out of the coffin, and looks gratefully at Khessa for the cleaning. She doesn't appear to be injured.
These foul villains...I would not have been taken if I had my access to the weave. You see, I lost it traveling to a distant plane not too long ago. I believe it will be back soon, but will need some help getting out of here until then. She shakes her head. I've seen many troubling things recently...but did not see this coming at all. These men...I don't know what exactly it is they want, or who exactly they work for, but I fear it will have dire consequences.
Tristan, you can tell that she looks quite troubled about something
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Khessa, who, always ready to grant a poor freed prisoner her trust, does not notice at all that the other is hiding something, smiles at the sorceress: "Of course we will defend you, Sarcelle! But there is one thing I would like to understand..." she now frowns "did your captors take measures against the magic you were supposed to have... or did they seem to know that you could not have access to it? Because you know, if they knew, they must have had some way of gathering information about you..."
"And anyway..." the blonde arcane warrior adds "didn't they say what they wanted from you? Up until now, they've just kept you here, without asking or doing anything to you? Mind you, it's not just curiosity, Sarcelle... understanding something about your kidnappers could help us a lot to stop them or counter whatever they are planning".
”Indeed, anything you can tell us about the situation here would be most useful—especially something that may be troubling you,” says Tristan incisively, looking at her meaningfully.
”This is especially true if it coincides with the matter troubling Umberto here,” he adds.
Gerrard Feldren - Human Noble in Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Kerric Brightblade - Elven Warrior in "Apocalypse"
Khessa is taken aback by Tristan's suggestion that the prisoners have undisclosed concerns... but she decides not to object and awaits their response, encouraging them: "If you really have something troubling you, please tell us... Whatever it is, we will help you. Why would we have come all this way if not to help you? Dagult sent us, who cares about you... Tell us everything, don't be afraid".
Sarcelle looks into Tristan's eyes for a moment, and then nods, sensing you are indeed trustworthy. My abilities...they give me glimpses of the future sometimes. Usually nothing too drastic, I know when to avoid rain and I've dodged quite a few cutpurses. But sometimes I'll have glimpses of something more-and this last one terrifed me. I saw a...man I suppose you would call him, but he was dessicated, undead. She closes her eyes, her hand drifting up as she recalls the memory. He was levitating off the ground, and dark, evil energy gathered around him in glowing wisps. He gathers more and more and then...Sarcelle's hand starts shaking, and her eyes clench tighter shut as her whole body seems taut. He screams...a terrible, inhuman scream, and the energy explodes outward, and...and then, something...terrible happens. Her eyes pop open, tears running down her face now. She's visibly shaking, and seems exhausted now. I-I don't know what happens when it explodes, but I know that none of us will survive it.
All of you feel like something very important has just happened...the story she told sits heavily on you. (You've just learned a secret, and more information about secrets will be given to you soon.)
Anyone that has a passive perception of 16 or more notices that Umberto has overheard the story, his skin has paled and he's started sweating with a worried look on his face.
Back and ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Khessa instinctively hugs Sarcelle, trying to console her with her closeness and a few caresses on the head as one would do with a frightened child: "You did well to tell us about it, Sarcelle... you took the first step to prevent your vision from coming true! Don't worry, we'll take care of it... Mr Exploding Bones won't have any chance to explode - we'll stop them, whoever he is".
If the sorceress calms down, the blonde arcane warrior now moves her sympathetic blue eyes to the other prisoner. She can't read his body language as easily as Tristan, but she believes that if her friend was right in one case, there's a good chance he'll be right in the other! And then, she speaks, in a calm but heartfelt voice: "Umberto... If you too have something that you are not telling us and that scares you... do as Sarcelle did, please... tell us everything! Don't you understand? Only in this way will you increase our chances of stopping whatever it is that scares you so much".