Character Builder Races: Subraces & Variants

We've revised how Racial traits are presented in the Character Builder for Subraces and Variant races.

Previously whenever you selected a Subrace or Variant Race, in the Character Builder, you would be shown the traits of the main race in the selection dialog and wouldn't see the traits of the Subrace/Variant until you'd completed that selection.

Let's take a look at how this change affects any Race with Subraces (we'll specifically look at the Fire Genasi here):

Before, only the general details for the Genasi race was displayed, rather than showing you the specifics for your Fire Genasi. Now whenever you select a Subrace in the Character Builder, you no longer have to guess what unique racial traits your character will have available to them (as you can see with the new image). 

How will this affect Variant Races (with only a few racial traits being replaced)? It'll still provide you all of the traits that you retain from the original Race, but it'll also provide the unique traits for your Variant race as well! Here's a comparison of the Draconblood Dragonborn:

As you can see, the Draconblood now correctly shows that while it no longer has access to its Damage Resistance, it now has access to both Darkvision and Forceful Presence.

This change is automatic within the Character Builder and won't affect your character sheets in any fashion - but we did feel it was important to help make your character building process a lot smoother. Let us know how you feel!



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