Cointainers are now available in your inventory!!!

Containers now can hold coins!
This is currently now available to everyone.

If you navigate to your coins in the upper right of your inventory and click open the side bar you will now see a settings cog right of the Manage Coin title. If you click into the settings cog there is now  a selection to 'PUT COINS IN CONTAINERS' (Track individual coin totals for different containers in your inventory.) Turning this on will now 'afford' you the ability to place coinage into any inventory item that is a container.

  • Manage Inventory > Coin Count
  • Manage Coin (sidebar) > Settings Cog > Put Coins in Containers > Select ON

This is manual management only, so if you want to spread your wealth around, you will have to divvy up you coin to your chosen containers and then subtract it from where you got it.



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