Containers now can hold coins!
This is currently now available to everyone.
If you navigate to your coins in the upper right of your inventory and click open the side bar you will now see a settings cog right of the Manage Coin title. If you click into the settings cog there is now a selection to 'PUT COINS IN CONTAINERS' (Track individual coin totals for different containers in your inventory.) Turning this on will now 'afford' you the ability to place coinage into any inventory item that is a container.
- Manage Inventory > Coin Count
- Manage Coin (sidebar) > Settings Cog > Put Coins in Containers > Select ON
This is manual management only, so if you want to spread your wealth around, you will have to divvy up you coin to your chosen containers and then subtract it from where you got it.
That is awesome. Now DM’s will know what containers to steal. Lol
Simple but effective, this is a pretty cool feature, has your team considered developing a bit of the Artificer stat sheets? It says how many infusions you’re allowed to have at once and it says a basic run down of what infusions are but doesn’t say on either the app or website what infusions you know until you go to manage your character stats and levels.
Edit: the stat sheet also doesn’t show a lot for the Artificer specialist abilities, or at least for battle smith, it doesn’t show a lot of what they can do on the app, including the steel defender’s stats.
Awesome! :)
One step closer to a Party Inventory (bag of holding) that visible to everyone in the campain. One day dnd gods, one day.
It appears that Heward's Hireling Armor is not functioning as a container. Unfortunately, I gave the armor to one of my players before I realized it was broken on here. I tried to work around the bug by creating homebrew magic item armor using the bag of holding as a template, but that new magic item did not function as a container either. For now, I just gave their character a bag of holding and renamed it to stand in for the hireling armor's pockets until the armor works properly, adding a disclaimer note for the player to disregard the item's description. It would be great if you fixed Heward's Hireling Armor to work properly, but also it would be great to designate any homebrew item to be a container, if that's possible. Thanks!
Thank you for cointainers! 😺
I've been enjoying the various updates to the website & to the app for both containers & cointainers. (BTW, I'm assuming the map/scroll case isn't treated as a container to allow people to put it into a backpack, etc?)
Thanks also for the recent update to the iOS app. 😺 I'm posting this here as an FYI for consistency (but it's an accessibility issue if the info is there & VoiceOver just isn't reading it...). So, the additional container info on the website also includes info on any coins in the container (& I think it's a recent update, but the totals up top now also include coins in containers other than "equipment"). However, the coins in the container aren't shown in the newly added container info in the iOS app & aren't included in the total up top...
Thanks, again! 😺 --SFL
I love it!
thats cool
Love the party inventory idea. I guess programmatically this would be linked to a "campaign" for any assigned characters? Might be difficult if you're having to deal with multiple party members trying to interact with the inventory at sametime? Maybe the party inventory gets assigned to the campaign DM?
Recommend putting this issue into the Bugs section of the forums, if you haven't already. :)