General Discussion

For discussion of everything to do with D&D or DDB that doesn't fit into other forums
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
How do I make a subclass? >>
by Pokeknight2610_
3 33
What is the purpose of Party Mode and how do I get the little icons that flash when it's turned on? >>
by RG_Shaggy
7 4,535
Fall Sale >> (1 Viewing)
by qrter
13 525
Is there any 'Full Map' of the world of DND? >> (1 Viewing)
by Raiketsu
18 67,320
I Don't Like Unnecessary Changes >>
by Darkaiser
45 689
Using 2024 True Strike >> (1 Viewing)
by JadeMarmoset
12 730
How would you build a sand theme caster? >>
by Skfma
5 64
Wouldn't it be cool if we could get printable spell cards with our characters? >>
by Metamongoose
4 67
Can’t find fairy as a playable race >>
by amnoreika
7 4,761
Dual Wielder and Two-Weapon Fighting >>
by Rendrick27
8 90
How to access Digital Player’s Handbook (2024)? >>
by Levalsac
3 163
Update on encounters? >>
by Dwayne
0 22
Why is it that all the Homebrew Nephilim races on here are thought to be the offspring of Celestials and FIends?? >>
by Shocklord
8 2,455
Homebrew item Action save dc >>
by TheBlastedBruiser
0 4
pre-gen characters in Uni and the Hunt for the Lost Horn >>
by TieflingLew
0 22
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