New or Updated Forum Threads

Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Swimming and heavy armor 174 86,187
Pinned Display Name Change Request Thread v2 (1 Viewing) 18,059 117,483
Culuril's Strixhaven Adventure 1,438 9,824
Master of Manipulation Build 18 145
NIGHT RAVENS: Black Orchids for Biscotti 66 551
The Department of Anomalous Operatives (DAO) 16,841 22,014
Just a support thread 1,056 1,847
Being Smart vs. Having Fun 3 28
A D100 non-combat random encounter table 55 422,721
All banana members head my call! 27 96
To Hit Bonus for Custom Actions 72 12,013
Descent into the Misty Vale 895 3,741
Painted's He'll be the father of my child 2,575 13,149
Dex vs Con + enchanter and charisma question. 5 42
The Wild Beyond the Witchlight 4,330 24,321